Certificate of delivery of goods that do not meet the requirements for completeness

In practice, there are situations when, upon receiving a product, the buyer may discover a shortage. It is necessary to capitalize the actual quantity of goods, but how to do this if the quantity does not match the accompanying documents? In this case, it is necessary to draw up a statement of shortage of goods.

This document will help in further resolving issues with the seller or transport company, since the shortage can be caused either by a seller’s error when packaging the goods, or by the loss of part of the goods during transportation. Let's take a closer look at how to correctly compose this document.

Act TORG-2: sample filling

Let's look at when you need to fill out the TORG-2 form. First specify:

  • Information about the company that accepts the goods: name, address, details, type of activity.
  • Act number and date of preparation.
  • Place of acceptance: address of receipt of goods, date of delivery. Here you must indicate how to call the supplier’s representative.
  • Information about the documents on the basis of which the goods were brought: information about the contract, invoice number, etc.
  • Delivery method.
  • Departure date.

See our sample of filling out TORG-2, which is current in 2021 - you can’t go wrong when filling it out. Next, we’ll look at how to fill out the second part of the document—the table. Please indicate in it:

  • Information about the cargo: imprint, number of pieces.
  • Type of packaging: box, container, etc.
  • Product Name.
  • Data on the weight of inventory items: unit of measurement, gross / net.

If you have additional information about the product, write it in the last column.

Next, in the unified TORG-2 form, there is another table in which information about the discrepancy is noted. Here you need to list the actual characteristics of the product and those indicated in the accompanying documents.

Then there is a table in which you need to describe the product in detail:

  • Name,
  • seat number in the vehicle,
  • unit of measurement
  • variety, quantity, article,
  • unit price and total amount.

On the third page of the document indicate:

  • information about storage and transport conditions, for example, temperature, humidity, etc.,
  • data on the condition of the packaging,
  • the date on which the package was opened,
  • information about the verification: selective or complete.

See our example of filling out the TORG-2 act: all the necessary data is included in the invoice.

And you can use TORG-2 (excel) for free. The invoice can be supplemented: read the instructions and add data if necessary.

Sample of filling out TORG-2 in case of defect

If you find a defect, information about it must be entered in a special table. It also contains information about the broken product. It is necessary to note the article, quantity, price of goods and materials. Carefully look at the sample of filling out TORG-2 in case of a defect - you cannot make mistakes in this table.

In the same table, shortages or surpluses are indicated: the quantity and amount of the difference.

On the fourth page of the TORG-2 form, you should note:

  • what discrepancies were found: underweight, defects, poor quality, etc.,
  • how the goods were checked: recalculation, weighing, etc.,
  • other information that will be important for describing the defects.

The document must be signed by all members of the commission who conducted the inspection, as well as the supplier’s representative.

At the end of the document, the chief accountant must sign, and the manager must write a decision on the product. For example, he may order it to be returned or file a claim with the supplier. Check out our current 2021 sample of filling out TORG-2 - we have highlighted in color everything that needs to be filled out.

Filling out the form is quite difficult, so below we have discussed frequently asked questions about completing the TORG-2 form.

How many copies of TORG-2 must be filled out?

Four copies are required:

  • one is transferred to the accounting department,
  • the second must be given to the specialists who will file the claim,
  • the third - to the supplier's representative,
  • the fourth remains with the transport company.

TORG-2 forms (xls) are available.

The sample act in form TORG-2 lists only those inventory items for which there are discrepancies. What about the rest? Do they need to be indicated in the document?

No. Products for which there are no complaints do not need to be included in the document. Make a note at the end: “There are no discrepancies regarding other inventory items.” See our TORG-2 act - the sample form contains all the necessary information.

They brought us a shipment of refrigerators, but they are missing two pieces. We need to document this. Can we take TORG-2 as a sample report of shortage of goods upon acceptance?

Yes, the TORG-2 invoice is suitable for this. Enter information about the quantity discrepancy on the third page of the document.

We bought imported goods, and upon receipt we found a discrepancy with the order. What document should I use to document this?

You need to draw up an act in the form TORG-3. It is used specifically for imported goods, if upon acceptance the consignee found discrepancies in quantity or quality. If you are dealing with Russian suppliers, you will need a TORG-2 invoice. You can use it for free (excel).


Appoint a commission that will inspect the delivered cargo. At least one representative of the recipient organization must be present on the commission. It is also possible for a third party expert to be present.

Call in writing a representative of the opposing party to whom you are going to file a claim (shipper, supplier or manufacturer). The details of the document on calling a representative, as well as his name and powers, are entered in the corresponding columns of the act. In the absence of a representative of the opposing party, a competent representative of a disinterested organization must be present when accepting the goods and drawing up the act.

Fill out the first page of the TORG-2 form: the name of your organization and structural unit, details of accompanying documents for the goods, the date of drawing up the act, the time of unloading of the goods and other items specified in the form.

Indicate on the second page of the form information about the condition of the transport and packaging units involved, as well as seals, if any, according to documents and in fact. Also indicate the quantity of cargo according to the sender’s documents and actually received, and discrepancies, if any.

On the third page of TORG-2, provide data on the storage conditions of the goods before unloading (comply or do not comply with storage rules), information on the condition of the container and the form of actually checking the availability and condition of the goods (full or random check), as well as other items specified in the act , if they are relevant to your case. At the end of the third page, fill out the table describing the damage found.

On the fourth page, indicate the required details about the inspection being carried out, a detailed description of the defects and the commission’s opinion on the reasons for their formation, as well as the final conclusion of the commission (whether to file a claim, to whom and for what amount). At the end of the page the signatures of the commission and the representative of the other party are affixed. The decision of the commission must be confirmed by the corresponding decision of the head, which is also endorsed in the act.

The drawn up and signed act, together with all accompanying documents, is transferred to the accounting department against a receipt on the same TORG-2 act. The accounting department handles claims.


TORG-2 is drawn up only at the time of acceptance of the goods. Then it's too late.

Helpful advice

An act in the TORG-2 form is drawn up for domestic goods in four copies.

Acts are drawn up separately for each supplier for each consignment of goods received under one transport document.


  • bargaining act form 2

When carrying out financial activities, company managers acquire material assets from third parties. Reception of goods is carried out by a merchandiser, storekeeper or other responsible person. If there are discrepancies in the quality or quantity of goods, an act is drawn up, which has a unified No. TORG-2.


Fill out the table located to your right. Enter OKPO, OKVED, serial number and date of drawing up the form here.

Next, proceed to filling out the main field. Indicate where the goods were received, for example, a warehouse. The deficiency report is drawn up after an inspection by a specially appointed commission. In the form, you must enter the date and name of the accompanying document, that is, the decision of the commission.

In the document, indicate the details of the shipper, manufacturer, supplier and (if the goods were insured). Enter the number, date of the supply agreement, as well as details of all accompanying documents (invoice, delivery note, etc.).

Proceed to completing the next page. Here you must provide delivery information. In the tabular section, include data such as type of packaging, number of pieces, weight of cargo - you must copy all this information from the accompanying documents.

The unified form TORG-2
is an act on discrepancies in the quantity or quality of goods identified during the acceptance of goods and materials received from a Russian supplier. In the article we will tell and show how this document is filled out.

Drawing up a statement of shortage

The deficiency report serves as the basis if the recipient intends to file a claim with the organization or transport company that did not deliver the goods in order to compensate for damage in the form of monetary compensation or additional quality products. If it is drawn up during the audit, and not during the procedure for receiving the cargo, then the information contained in it is taken into account when preparing annual reports. Based on the information provided, the commission can most accurately determine the amount of expenses of a company or organization.

Regulatory documents

To date, there is no single form of report on the identified shortage of goods. Therefore, the law allows you to draw up a document of the type that the company developed on its own specifically for these purposes. The main thing is that it reflects all the necessary details and contains complete information.

When creating your own prototype of a regulatory document, you can rely on existing unified forms. The sample act on the identified shortfall of cargo or goods used in the future must be fixed in the Accounting Policy for the purpose of accounting control. To gain the skills to correctly draw up acts for various purposes, you need to refer to regulatory documents and thoroughly study the rules and procedure for filling out primary documentation. Today, three types of forms are used for different purposes.

  1. TORG-2. This form is used when accepting products from domestic companies. It must be filled out without errors or blots and have at least three copies.
  2. TORG-3. If the receipt of cargo that was delivered by foreign companies is carried out, the receiving employee is required to fill out a report in accordance with this form. Later he must submit the document in five copies.
  3. TORG-12. Missing products or goods to be returned are described in a statement filled out according to the model of this document.

Reception employees are required to know the intricacies of filling out all forms. This will avoid problems with authorities that control document flow.

Creation of an inspection commission

Since during the acceptance of commercial cargo, an insufficient quantity of goods is discovered, the law requires the drawing up of an act. To comply with legal standards, management is obliged to create a special commission from among the employees who accept products (or other employees). The main thing is that it must include at least three people.

It is important to know! The exception is individual entrepreneurs who do not have a staff of workers. They can identify the fact of a shortage and draw up the document themselves.

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The composition of the commission is approved by the relevant order of the management. Based on the concluded agreement, they undergo special training. The report must be drawn up with the participation of a representative of the supplier or shipper. For this purpose, the contract prescribes the procedure for notifying the seller of the need to send an authorized person to accept the goods and record shortfalls, specifying the time frame for its arrival, as well as actions in case of its absence. In practice, if the cargo arrives unaccompanied, the document is endorsed only by the recipient. A copy is sent to the supplier by registered mail or email.

Compilation procedure

In order to avoid various misunderstandings during an inspection by special authorities or during court proceedings, the deficiency report must be drawn up as correctly as possible. To do this, you need to take into account several basic points.

  1. The legislation allows the use of a unified form or sample developed by a company or organization, but containing all the necessary details.
  2. If a shortage is discovered, the document must be drawn up in the presence of a representative of the supplier. If you don’t have one, you can invite a driver from a carrier company or forwarder. In a situation where it is not possible to attract the above persons, the recipient has the right to use the services of an independent expert.
  3. If the recipient simultaneously accepts cargo from several suppliers and in each case a shortage is detected, it is recommended to draw up as many reports as the number of incomplete shipments arrived. In order to provide an evidence base, all violations must be recorded using photos and videos.
  4. The document drawn up must be signed by members of the commission, a representative of the supplier, or instead an independent expert.
  5. After registration, a lawyer or accountant is obliged to draw up a claim as soon as possible and submit it to the seller against signature. The timing of this procedure is clearly defined by Federal legislation. If they are violated, the supplier has the right to refuse to fulfill it.
  6. If there is a shortage of fuel, the commission is obliged to draw up a report on the write-off of fuel and lubricants, indicating the reason for the overconsumption.

During the preparation of the act, you need to enter all the necessary details, and after completion, indicate the date of execution.

Contents of the shortage report

A sample report on identifying a shortage of goods, which can be viewed, is presented at the end of the article. For a document to have legal force, it must be filled out correctly.

A cap. Here you should indicate the details of the company or organization that received the goods. They contain: name, location address, structural unit, telephone numbers. On the other hand, you need to enter the document number and the date of its preparation.

Main part. This section fully displays all important information.

  1. Details of the sender of the cargo or goods (name of organization, address, telephone number).
  2. The location where the shipment was received.
  3. Information about the product manufacturer, supplier, insurance company (if necessary).
  4. Basic documents (contract, invoice, invoice, act), and their data (number and date of preparation).
  5. The date the item was shipped and the method of transportation.
  6. Day, date and time of shipment from the warehouse or departure station

List of goods. Here, for clarity, it makes sense to insert a table in which the fact of the shortage and basic information will be recorded. Units of change are indicated according to OKEI.

  1. Name, quantity, article, grade, price, amount of goods or cargo specified in the invoice and available in fact.
  2. The condition of the seals of the container, wagon, boxes (to detect unauthorized opening and internal shortages).
  3. List of defective and broken products (quantity, amount).
  4. Deviation from the data specified in the accompanying document, that is, a shortage or surplus.

The next section should show how the quantity or weight of the goods was counted and measured, describe the nature of the damage and an opinion about the reasons for its occurrence. At the end, the actions of the recipient are indicated, namely, that the goods were unloaded and sent to the warehouse for further storage. In this case, you must enter its name. What follows is the opinion of the commission members and their conclusion.

Attention! The fully completed document is endorsed by members of the commission. It indicates the place of work and position of each of them, as well as the decryption of the signature. Similar information about the supplier’s representative, transport company, or independent expert is also entered here.

Form of the unified form TORG-2

Since 01/01/2013, organizations have the right to choose which forms of documents they will use to document the facts of economic life - unified or developed independently.

Read more about this in the article
“Primary document: requirements for the form and the consequences of its violation .
If the first option is more familiar to you, then the report on discrepancies in the quantity and quality of goods and materials received is drawn up on the form of the unified TORG-2 form, which was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1998 No. 132 (you can download the form on our website).

Report of shortage upon acceptance of goods: form

There is no single, mandatory form for a report on identified shortages of goods. Therefore, an organization can develop such an act independently, taking as a basis, for example, form No. TORG-2 “Act on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality when accepting inventory items” (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1998 No. 132). Whatever version of the act the organization chooses, it is important to ensure that such primary information contains the required details (Part 2, Article 9 of Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011):

  • Title of the document;
  • date of document preparation;
  • name of the economic entity that compiled the document;
  • content of the fact of economic life;
  • the value of the natural and (or) monetary measurement of a fact of economic life, indicating the units of measurement;

— the name of the position of the person (persons) who completed the transaction, operation and the person(s) responsible for its execution;

  • signatures of persons indicating their surnames and initials.

As a rule, the act will be signed by the purchasing organization and representatives of the transport organization. Of course, it would be better to involve a representative of the seller in signing the act, if possible, and also to include a representative of an independent organization among the persons who drew up the act. Accordingly, the number of copies required is equal to the number of parties involved. Typically, such an act is drawn up in 3 copies - for the buyer, the seller and the transport organization.

The form of the act on the identified shortage of goods used by the organization must be fixed in the Accounting Policy for accounting purposes.

An example of a form for a statement of shortage of goods upon acceptance can be downloaded from the link below.

Report of shortage of goods upon acceptance (Word): .

We also provide a sample of how to fill it out for a statement of shortage of goods upon acceptance:

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When and why is an act drawn up in the TORG-2 form?

At the stage of acceptance of goods, the buyer must inspect them, check their quantity and quality. He must immediately notify the supplier in writing of any inconsistencies or defects in goods identified during acceptance (Clause 2 of Article 513 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The fact of discrepancies and acceptance of goods with defects is recorded by drawing up a report. For domestic goods, this act can be drawn up using the unified form TORG-2. This act is the legal basis for submitting a claim to the supplier.

The procedure for drawing up the act

An act in the TORG-2 form is drawn up by a commission created in the organization and an expert of the organization entrusted with carrying out the examination. When drawing up this document, representatives of both the supplier and the recipient must be present. Sometimes the act is drawn up by a representative of the recipient organization with the participation of a competent representative of a disinterested organization.

The act is drawn up:

  • by quantity - in accordance with the actual availability of goods and data contained in transport, accompanying or payment documents;
  • in terms of quality and completeness - in accordance with the quality requirements stipulated by the agreement or contract.

For each shipment received from one supplier with one transport document, a separate act is drawn up. Inventory items for which there are no discrepancies are not listed in the act (at the same time, at the end there is a note “There are no discrepancies for other inventory items”).

Draw up 4 copies of the act:

  • the first copy with attached documents (invoices, delivery notes, etc.) is transferred to the buyer’s accounting department;
  • the second - to specialists who will write a letter of claim to the supplier or transport organization;
  • the third - to the supplier's representative;
  • the fourth - the transport organization.

A sample of filling out the unified TORG-2 form can be downloaded from our website.

(Approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132)

An example of filling out Act No. TORG-2 on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality when accepting inventory items.

If the quantity or quality of goods received does not coincide with the data in the supplier’s accompanying documents, then in addition to the act in Form N TORG-1, it is necessary to draw up an act on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality when accepting inventory items. is provided for this act .

Its form was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 N 132.

The act is drawn up in 2 copies: the first copy remains in the organization; the second copy is sent to the supplier.

In practice, there is often a situation when different goods are received under one transport document, and a shortage is detected only in one of them. In this case, goods that fully comply with the delivery conditions are not listed in the act. At the end of the act they simply do o. The act is signed by the members of the commission who accepted the goods, the chief accountant, the representative of the supplier (if he was present at the acceptance of the goods) and approved by the head of the organization. Based on the act, a letter of claim is drawn up to the supplier or transport organization (depending on whose fault the shortage occurred and who is responsible for its consequences according to the contract) with a demand to compensate for losses. The completed act, together with shipping documents, is submitted to the accounting department. Based on the act, the accountant must make the following entries: debit 41 credit 60 goods received from the supplier are capitalized; debit 19 credit 60 VAT on goods received is taken into account; debit 94 credit 60 reflects the cost of damaged or missing goods within the limits provided for in the agreement with the supplier; debit 76-2 credit 60 reflects the cost of damaged or missing goods in excess of the norms provided for in the agreement with the supplier. The period of storage of the act in the archive of the organization is 5 years.


Under supply agreement No. 24 dated November 15, 2007, Aktiv CJSC purchased 50 tables from Passiv LLC at a price of 1,652 rubles/piece. (including VAT - 252 rubles). The total cost of the batch of tables was 82,600 rubles. (including VAT - 12,600 rubles). “Active” received the following shipping documents: delivery note dated December 5, 2007 No. 37; invoice dated December 5, 2007 No. 132. On December 5, 2007, the tables were delivered to Aktiva warehouse No. 1. When unloading the goods, a shortage of 10 tables was discovered. The act will be drawn up as follows:

If the goods were received without accompanying documents, then they draw up an act of acceptance of the goods received without the supplier’s invoice (Form N TORG-4). The same act is drawn up if the goods were purchased from an individual.

When conducting commercial activities, managers always rely on legislative acts. To correctly draw up a report, you need to know the specifics of preparing specialized documentation.

As a rule, the entire process with the subject of trade (purchase and sale transactions, etc.) is recorded in documents. This applies to unloading as well as loading. When officials accept goods from a warehouse, the document indicates the quantity of this product, but it will still be necessary to carry out a mandatory procedure for checking the volume of supplied products.

If during the initiated inspection the actual quantity upon acceptance of the goods does not correspond to the documentation, a discrepancy report upon acceptance of the goods is drawn up (as in the case of insurance payments after damage to the insurance object).

Report of shortage of goods

If the responsible representative of the supplier does not appear or if his presence is not necessary, acceptance of the goods may occur with the participation of:

- a responsible representative of another organization, designated by the head of this organization;

- a representative of the public of the organization receiving the cargo (goods), who is appointed by the head from among the employees approved by the official decision of the trade union committee.

With the consent of the manufacturer (sender), goods can be accepted unilaterally by the recipient enterprise.

The representative who is allocated to participate in the process of acceptance of goods must have in his hands the appropriate certificate issued to him for each separate (one-time) acceptance separately.

Upon completion of acceptance of goods, an act is drawn up, which should indicate:

— its number and date of compilation;

— place of acceptance of goods (cargo) and, accordingly, place of drawing up the act;

— start and end times of acceptance;

— full name of the consignee and his address (legal, actual);

— Full names of persons taking part in the acceptance process, their place of work and their positions;

— number and date of the power of attorney (certificate) for the right to participate in the acceptance;

— information that all persons involved in the acceptance of goods (cargo) are familiar with the established rules for the acceptance of goods (cargo) by their quantity.

The act indicates the name and address of the sending enterprise (manufacturer, manufacturer, intermediary), the number and date of the official telegraph call, the number and date of the transport document, invoices, as well as the time of delivery of goods (cargo) to the warehouse. If a commercial report was drawn up upon receipt of the cargo, then in the drafted report on the fact of shortage of goods, its number and date of preparation must be written.

Information about:

- what exact weight or under whose specific seals the goods (cargo) were shipped;

- about the total actual weight and about the weight that appears according to the transport documentation;

- about the mass of each individual place in which a shortage was identified;

- in what way or method the number of missing goods was determined;

— the exact number of missing goods (cargo), their total cost.

An important point in the act is the conclusion about the location and causes of the shortage.

If, during the process of acceptance of goods (cargo), their surplus is identified, then the act must reflect detailed information about them (according to the same scheme and in the same order).

The act of acceptance of goods according to their quantity is signed by all responsible persons who took part in the acceptance, it is approved by the head of the organization receiving the goods (cargo) no later than the next day from the moment of its preparation.

It is mandatory to attach copies of shipping documentation, packaging labels and tags, seals of containers during inspection of which the shortage was identified, copies of the certificate of the representative of the sending organization, which was allocated to it to participate in the process of acceptance of goods, to the report on the shortage of goods or their surplus. (cargo), a unilateral act, a commercial act, as well as copies of other documents that directly indicate the fact of a shortage.

Let's consider the procedure for employees to act in case of short delivery or short delivery of goods from the supplier.

According to the legal supply contract, a certain number of days are allotted for the acceptance of an incoming shipment of goods from the supplier; accordingly, the deadline for filing a claim for short delivery or defective goods is also determined. When concluding a contract, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of exactly what period should be specified in the contract. The acceptance period is determined by the specifics of the goods; as a rule, 2-3 days are enough to receive and subsequently process the goods. Thus, a period of 7 banking days is sufficient to file a claim for shortfalls when accepting delivery “on site”, in boxes.

However, we can talk about this period as sufficient when working with goods, the quantity of which can actually be checked upon receipt, but it is worth understanding that when receiving goods in boxes it is impossible to check the contents of each package. Therefore, when concluding a contract, it is worth insisting that the supplier accept claims for internal shortages, shortages and defective goods throughout the entire sales period.

Design rules

Rules for drawing up a discrepancy report upon acceptance of goods:
if discrepancies arise during the acceptance of goods, the report must be drawn up without fail.
It will be very problematic to protect your own rights and identify claims. There are two types of acts - TORG-2 and TORG-3. The second form is drawn up if there are discrepancies in the supply of a domestic trade item. And document number 3 is drawn up in the case of a discrepancy in imported goods.

TORG-2 necessarily includes the following:

  • Full title of the document. On the initial page it is also necessary to refer to the legislative norms on the basis of which the act is created;
  • OKPO and OKUD form;
  • Company name, legal address and contact telephone number;
  • The structural unit is designated;
  • The reason on which the document is drawn up is indicated;
  • Date and order number;
  • The type of operation is indicated;
  • The date and number of the act are indicated;
  • The place of acceptance of the goods itself is indicated;
  • The act is drawn up by a special commission, where certain information is indicated in detail;
  • Information about certain participants in the transaction is indicated - manufacturer, shipper, supplier, insurance organization;
  • Invoice;
  • Information on the contract for the supply of goods.

In addition, a table is compiled indicating all the facts regarding the discrepancy in the form:

  • Lack of filling;
  • Type of packaging;
  • The name of the product itself;
  • Unit of measurement;
  • Other marks.

The document reflects the relevant information, which must be indicated in the form of a discrepancy in the quantity of goods stated in the accompanying documents.

Sample act

The act of discrepancy upon acceptance of goods is drawn up in any form. But when drawing it up, it is necessary to comply with legal regulations that will help to avoid mistakes.

  • name and legal details of the parties;
  • the grounds on which the document is drawn up;
  • place of acceptance of the item of trade;
  • Full name of the head of the enterprise;
  • commission data;
  • calculation table.


For the supplier to be liable, it is necessary to document the fact of incomplete delivery of goods. For this purpose, an act of non-delivery of goods is drawn up. If underdelivery is established directly upon acceptance of goods from the supplier or carrier, the parties must fill out a special act form - TORG-2. This document states:

  • Data about the buyer: name, address, contact information, type of activity, administrative document on the basis of which the act was drawn up;
  • Supplier information;
  • Data on the cargo: place and date of acceptance, details of shipping documents, delivery method indicating the place of shipment, as well as data on the supply agreement indicating the invoice under which this consignment of cargo was delivered;
  • Condition of transport and cargo: presence of seals on transport and cargo, type of packaging and its condition, number of packages, name of the product and its quantity;
  • Information about discrepancies - filled in in the form of a table, which indicates data from shipping documents and actual acceptance indicators, the difference, positive or negative, is indicated in a separate column;
  • Information about the product: name, article, unit of measurement, quantity, price and amount;
  • Information about transportation and acceptance: conditions of transportation, condition of packaging, date of opening of packaging, inspection procedure;
  • Information on methods for identifying shortages of goods: the procedure for determining the quantity of goods, data on the verification of measuring instruments used during acceptance, the nature of the identified discrepancies.

The act indicates the conclusion of the commission, which must contain an indication of the need to submit a claim indicating the amount of shortfall. The act is signed by all members of the commission.

The act of short delivery of goods, a sample of which is presented below, is applicable only if short delivery is detected directly upon acceptance of the cargo from the supplier. But in practice, there are often situations when the fact of incomplete delivery is revealed after some time, for example, after opening the shipping container, the absence of several units of goods is established. In such cases, the buyer must also draw up a deed. This document is drawn up in any form, but its content must take into account all the information on the identified discrepancies in the shipped goods. To draw up such an act, it is also advisable to invite a representative of the supplier, or to ensure documentary recording of the acceptance process, for example, by video recording.

Registration of the act in 1C

When drawing up an act, you can use a standard Excel spreadsheet or use the fully automated 1C accounting program (as, for example,). The document is compiled in a few clicks.

Algorithm of actions for drawing up a discrepancy report when accepting goods in 1C:

  1. Select the parameter - filling state.
  2. Click on the fill button.
  3. In the open menu, click - refill upon acceptance.
  4. Click on the button - close.

The program will request the required amount of information about the supplier. To do this you will need to click - yes. This will avoid various complications, as well as standard errors.

If errors are detected, drawing up a report is a prerequisite. Its presence will help avoid a number of complications and disputes.

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