Passing periodic medical examinations at the enterprise

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code, regularly sending employees for medical examinations is not only the right, but also the obligation of employers. Employee health examinations are carried out to identify diseases dangerous to the team and clients, as well as the citizen’s ability to carry out specific work activities.

Mandatory medical examination of employees is financed at the expense of the enterprise. At the same time, the salary and workplace of the subordinate is preserved for the period of his absence.

Who is required to undergo medical examinations?

Undertaking preventive medical examinations can be either an obligation of employees of enterprises and organizations, or a voluntary event.

Typically, mandatory examinations must be carried out:

  • employees of medical and educational institutions;
  • those who work with food (regardless of whether in production, trade or catering);
  • employees of organizations involved in the maintenance of water supply networks and communications.

There are other categories of hired personnel for whom passing medical examinations is the main condition for admission to work - all of them are specified in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In some cases, enterprise management insists on a medical examination of employees, even if this obligation in relation to this group of specialists is not prescribed by law. This practice is especially common in large companies where medical care for staff is provided under voluntary health insurance policies.

Features of issuing an order to undergo a medical examination

There is no sample order for undergoing a periodic medical examination and rules for filling it out at the legislative level, so the document is drawn up in free form.

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The order must contain the following information:

  • full name of the organization;
  • number, date and name of the order;
  • date of the medical examination;
  • name and address of the medical institution;
  • Full name and position of the employee responsible for conducting the medical examination;
  • name list of employees of the organization;
  • instructions on issuing referrals to subordinates for a medical examination;
  • Full name and position of the employee responsible for carrying out the order.

ADVICE! It is convenient to prepare voluminous lists with additional appendices to the order.

The preparation of the document is carried out by representatives of the accounting department or human resources department at the direction of management.

What is the order for?

An order for a medical examination is required to inform employees of the enterprise and streamline the progress of the medical examination. The order is a justification for the respectful absence of workers from the workplace, which will avoid disruption of the production process.

Sample order

A sample order for undergoing a medical examination at an enterprise for review and further use can be downloaded from the link.

How often to get medical checkups

The frequency of medical examinations may vary. Surveys can be divided into several main types:

  • preliminary (when a medical examination is necessary for a person to be allowed to perform his work duties);
  • periodic (when medical examinations are carried out with a certain regularity to confirm the health of workers);
  • unscheduled;
  • all the remaining ones.

It should be noted that if the company has a system of periodic medical examinations, then a schedule must be developed and all employees must follow it.

The frequency of medical examination by the organization’s personnel is determined by the field of activity and the specifics of the organization.

Sample medical examination report

Upon completion of the examination, the final report of the medical commission is sent to the enterprise. The act contains information on the number of people subject to medical examination. Of these, the number of people working in hazardous conditions is highlighted. Attached is a list of names of those who did not pass the commission, as well as summary results of the examination. Appendix No. 9 to Order No. 302n dated April 12, 2011 contains a recommended sample of a medical examination report. An example of the final act form is given here.

Who draws up the order

As a rule, the direct task of forming an order is assigned to an employee of the secretariat or a specialist from the human resources department, but sometimes this responsibility is performed by a legal adviser or the director of the enterprise himself. In any case, this should be a person who has a clear idea of ​​how to write administrative documents and is familiar with the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation first-hand.

How responsibly and attentively the executor will react to drawing up the order depends on future possible claims (or lack thereof) from supervisory authorities (the same labor inspectorate, for example).

After the order is issued, it must be submitted to the head of the company for signature, since without his autograph the document will not gain legal force.

New order of the Russian Ministry of Health

The new order approved:

  1. The procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees (Appendix No. 1);
  2. Appendix to the procedure “Frequency and scope of mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees”;
  3. Appendix No. 2 “List of medical contraindications for work with harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, as well as work during which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out.”

The new rules will come into force on April 1, 2021 and will apply until April 1, 2027.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations has not changed much.

Features of creating an order to undergo a medical examination at an enterprise

If you are entrusted with the function of forming an order for a medical examination, and you do not know how to approach it, read the recommendations below and look at the sample document.

The order to undergo a medical examination does not have a standard, mandatory form. Company employees have the opportunity to draw it up in any form or, if they have a sample document that is valid in the organization, using its template.

In this case, the document must include some necessary information, such as:

  • name of company;
  • date, number and place (locality) of drawing up the order;
  • rationale and basis for it.

The descriptive part includes:

  • date or period of the medical examination;
  • the medical organization that conducts it;
  • conditions – place, time (hours, minutes) and other parameters;
  • positions and full names of employees (this data can also be prepared in a separate list attached to the order);
  • sanctions for refusal to undergo a medical examination.

You can supplement the order with any other information, depending on the specific characteristics of the enterprise.

Frequency of medical examination at the enterprise

Depending on the time and interval of the medical examination, there are:

  • Preliminary – required upon admission to the enterprise in order to identify the health status and determine the professional suitability of the employee.
  • Planned - carried out regularly, once for a certain period of time, depending on the specifics of the work of subordinates. Based on the results of the examination, the medical commission gives a conclusion on the need for treatment or further examination.
  • Unscheduled - in the presence of medical recommendations: for example, cases of tuberculosis were discovered at the enterprise. An unscheduled examination can be ordered at the employee’s initiative: for example, if the development of occupational diseases is suspected.

ATTENTION! The employee must notify the manager about the need for an unscheduled medical examination to ensure its financing at the expense of the enterprise and to confirm a valid reason for absence from the workplace.

How to draw up a document, what to pay attention to

The design of the order, as well as its text, can be absolutely anything: handwritten or printed. An order can be drawn up either on a regular sheet of any suitable format (but preferably A4), or on company letterhead.

Only one requirement must be met: the order must be certified by an authentic autograph of the director of the company or a person authorized to sign such papers on his behalf.

Also, the order must be signed by employees who are responsible for its implementation and by those who are directly affected by this order. If necessary, representatives of the trade union organization (if there is one, of course) must first be familiarized with the contents of the order against signature.

All orders (and this one is no exception) are drawn up in one original copy and throughout the entire period of validity lie in a special folder along with other valid administrative acts. After losing their relevance, they are transferred for storage to the archive of the enterprise, where they are kept for a period determined by law or the accounting policy of the company.

Preliminary medical examinations

Preliminary examinations are carried out upon entry to work.

In this case, the employer must issue a referral for a medical examination.

The employer is obliged to organize a record of issued referrals, including in electronic form.

In the referral for a preliminary medical examination, you must indicate:

  • employer's name, email, contact phone number;
  • form of ownership and type of economic activity of the employer according to OKVED;
  • name of the medical organization, actual address of its location and OGRN code, email, contact phone number;
  • type of medical examination;
  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, gender of the employee;
  • name of the employer's structural unit (if any);
  • name of position (profession) or type of work;
  • harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, types of work, in accordance with the list of contingents;
  • number of the medical insurance policy of compulsory and (or) voluntary medical insurance.

The new thing is in order: in the direction you now need to indicate the numbers of the compulsory medical insurance and voluntary medical insurance policy, if available.

In addition, a list of employees is compiled for medical examinations. The list of persons for medical examination indicates:

  • name of the employee’s profession (position) according to the staffing table;
  • names of harmful production factors, work in accordance with the appendix to the Procedure, as well as harmful production factors established as a result of a special assessment of working conditions.

The medical examination is considered completed when the employee has passed all the stated medical specialists, laboratory and instrumental tests, or provided an up-to-date medical report. If the inspection is not completely completed, the employer is notified accordingly. Such an employee should not be allowed to work.

New things are in order: the medical organization must now request information about the medical examination itself via electronic exchange, if necessary, before the employee appears for a medical examination.

Upon completion of the preliminary examination, the employee is issued a conclusion in triplicate:

  • one - no later than 5 working days is issued to the person applying for work,
  • the second - is attached to the medical record drawn up in the medical organization where the preliminary examination was carried out;
  • the third is sent to the employer.

Previously on the topic:

The rules for conducting mandatory medical examinations will change from April 1

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