Examples of designing a corner on labor protection at an enterprise

HomeClientsPublicationsOccupational safety stand: what should be on it?

One of the key conditions for maintaining high performance and health of workers in any company or institution is the correct organization and regular implementation of special labor protection measures. These include the requirement to create special information stands.

According to current legislation, enterprises with more than 50 employees must have a corner, and if there are more than 100 employees, then a separate occupational safety room. With a smaller number of personnel, an office (corner) is equipped when the specifics of technological processes provide for the need to carry out large volumes of methodological activities to ensure safety. In any case, regardless of the number of employees, it is advisable to install labor protection stands at all enterprises. The lack of visual information may be a reason for the State Inspectorate to issue an order. Let us consider in detail what these structures are and what information should be reflected on them.

Purpose and features of occupational safety stands

An occupational safety stand (OHS) is an information board in the form of a display case, screen or thin board made of wood, plastic, or other material with a soft coating, special fastenings, pocket files that provide recording of instructions, memos, announcements, and other documents. The key task of its installation is to provide accessible and visual information to the company’s employees about all the points that directly affect or ensure the safety of the personnel’s work activities:

  • requirements of regulatory documents on the organization of work and rest at work;
  • instructions, safety instructions when performing technological operations provided for by official duties;
  • preventive measures to prevent incidents and accidents;
  • work and rest schedules taking into account a specific specialty;
  • actions of victims and the administration of the enterprise (employer) in the event of incidents;
  • procedure for using protective equipment, special clothing, etc.

The purpose of registering a COT is to ensure the motivation of employees of a company or organization to comply with regulatory requirements. The decision on its creation, determining the structure and volume of information, as well as the appointment of a responsible specialist, is made by the head of the enterprise.

I. General provisions

1. These Recommendations are developed to assist organizations in the formation of a labor safety office and a labor safety corner and define the purpose, the main directions of work of the labor safety office and a labor safety corner, and general requirements for the process of organizing their work.

2. The labor protection office and the labor protection corner are created in order to ensure labor protection requirements, disseminate legal knowledge, and carry out preventive work to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases.

3. It is recommended to allocate a special room for the labor protection office in the organization, consisting of one or several rooms (offices), which is equipped with technical means, training aids and samples, illustrative and information materials on labor protection.

The occupational safety corner is designed depending on the area allocated for its placement. For example, it can be presented in the form of a stand, a showcase or screen, or a computer program.

4. The decision to create a labor safety office or a labor safety corner is made by the head of the organization (his representative).

5. In organizations carrying out production activities with 100 or more employees, as well as in organizations whose specific activities require a large amount of work with staff to ensure occupational safety, it is recommended to create an occupational safety office; in organizations with less than 100 employees and in structural divisions of organizations - the labor protection corner.

6. The content of the work of the labor protection office and the labor protection corner, the distribution of responsibilities for ensuring their activities between the services and specialists of the organization (including information about this in the relevant regulations and job descriptions) are approved by the head of the organization, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s activities, recommendations of federal executive authorities , executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection.

The organization and management of the work of the labor protection office and the labor protection corner, including control functions, are usually assigned to the labor protection service of the organization (labor safety specialist) or another person performing the duties of a labor protection specialist.

7. Federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection are recommended to work on the formation of basic labor protection offices. They can be created at scientific research institutes, labor protection centers and should be focused on providing methodological assistance in the management of labor protection offices operating in organizations in the relevant fields of activity and regions.

II. The main activities of the labor protection office and the labor protection corner

8. The main activities of the labor protection office and the labor protection corner are:

a) providing effective assistance in solving labor safety problems;

b) creation of a system for informing workers about their rights and responsibilities in the field of labor protection, about the state of conditions and labor protection in the organization, at specific workplaces, about adopted regulatory legal acts on labor safety and health;

c) propaganda of labor issues.

9. The labor protection office ensures the implementation of labor protection measures, including those organized by joint actions of the head and other officials of the organization, the labor protection committee (commission), the labor protection service, authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions or other authorized persons employees of representative bodies:

— holding seminars, lectures, conversations and consultations on labor protection issues;

— training in labor protection, including safe methods and techniques for performing work, the use of collective and individual protective equipment, and issues of first aid;

— conducting labor safety briefings, thematic classes with employees who are required to have special knowledge of labor protection and sanitary standards, and testing knowledge of workers’ labor protection requirements;

— organization of exhibitions, expositions, stands, models and other forms of visual propaganda and promotion of best practices in creating healthy and safe working conditions;

— conducting analytical studies of the state of working conditions in the organization (workplaces) and assessing their impact on the safety of work.

10. The organization’s labor protection corner ensures the implementation of the same activities as the labor protection office.

11. The labor protection corner of a structural unit (site) of the organization provides workers with information about: plans for the work of the labor protection office (if it is created in the organization); schedules of briefings and training schedules on labor protection; orders and regulations relating to the organization’s labor protection issues, plans to improve working conditions and labor protection; harmful and dangerous production factors and protective equipment at workplaces of a structural unit (site); violations of labor protection legislation; cases of industrial injuries and occupational diseases in the organization and measures taken to eliminate their causes; new receipts in the labor protection office of documents, educational and methodological literature, educational videos on labor protection, etc.

III. Thematic structure and equipment of the labor protection office and labor protection corner

12. The thematic structure of the occupational safety cabinet and the occupational safety corner involves the inclusion of general and special sections.

The general section contains laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection adopted at the federal level and the level of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local regulations of the organization, information on the management of labor protection in the organization, as well as general information on ensuring safe working conditions, including about dangerous and harmful production factors, means of collective and individual protection, human actions in the event of emergencies and accidents.

The list of special sections and their contents (information including the distinctive features of main and auxiliary technological processes, a specific list of harmful production factors, corresponding means of collective and individual protection and precautionary measures, safety signs adopted at production, etc.) are determined taking into account the conditions labor in the organization. It is recommended that educational and reference sections be compiled separately, reflecting the specifics of all types of production of the organization.

13. The equipment of the occupational safety office and the occupational safety corner is dictated by the selected composition of the general and special sections and is formed based on the information media used and planned for use, which can be printed materials, film and video products, computer products, radio broadcasting programs, full-scale samples, simulators , mannequins and mock-ups.

14. It is advisable to equip the labor protection office on the basis of a project previously developed in the organization, in a specially designated room or rooms.

For new and reconstructed production facilities, the location of the occupational safety cabinet is determined at the design stage.

15. The room for the occupational safety cabinet must comply with the requirements of building codes and regulations; its area is recommended to be determined based on the number of employees in the organization: up to 1000 people - 24 square meters. m, over 1000 people - add 6 sq. m for every additional thousand people. An assessment of the required area for an occupational safety cabinet can be made based on calculating the need for occupational safety training for the calendar year.

16. A separate room can be allocated for the occupational safety corner, or part of a general-purpose room can be equipped.

IV. Organization of work of the occupational safety office and occupational safety corner

17. The process of organizing the work of the occupational safety office and the occupational safety corner provides for:

— compliance with the requirements (in a set of goals, content and forms of work), which each organization determines taking into account its characteristics and priorities in terms of labor protection;

— making it possible for employees of the organization to visit the labor protection office or labor protection corner and obtaining reliable information on labor protection issues;

— work planning (in accordance with long-term and current work plans);

— implementation of control.

18. The occupational safety service or the person responsible for the work of the occupational safety office (occupational safety corner) in the organization:

— draws up a work plan for the labor safety office (labor safety corner), including the development of specific activities for a certain period, indicating the persons responsible for their implementation;

— organizes the equipment, equipment and design of the labor protection office (labour safety corner);

— organizes planned events.

19. In order to coordinate and improve the efficiency of the work of occupational safety cabinets and occupational safety corners, federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of occupational safety, labor safety services of organizations are recommended to develop proposals for establishing additional requirements for labor safety offices (safety corners) labor) and organizational forms of their work, equipment and methodological support of labor protection rooms and labor protection corners of subordinate organizations and their structural divisions.

20. To carry out the activities implemented by the labor protection office, it is necessary to interact and participate in its work of structural divisions and services of the organization, as well as the involvement of specialists from federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection, state supervision and control bodies compliance with labor protection requirements, trade union associations and employers' associations, labor protection centers, educational institutions and organizations specializing in the field of labor protection services.

Source: magazine “Occupational Safety and Fire Safety in Educational Institutions” No. 11/2018.
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What should be on the HSE: standard layout of occupational safety stands

A typical stand layout is an information field consisting of two sections united by common objectives:

General section:

  • standards and laws regulating the organization of labor protection: Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 125-FZ, No. 426-FZ, other regulations;
  • general information about the features of labor protection at this enterprise;
  • general safety instructions;
  • detailed instructions on labor protection taking into account specific specialties (jobs);
  • information about harmful and dangerous risks of specific technological processes;
  • information about protective equipment, the procedure for obtaining, using, and caring for them;
  • actions of workers and administration in emergency situations.

Special section

  • specifications of basic and additional technological operations and processes;
  • operating instructions for machines, machines, installations;
  • risks - detailed lists of harmful and dangerous factors taking into account specific technological processes;
  • a list of personal and general personnel protection equipment, indicating their location, order of receipt, and use;
  • safety instructions when performing specific technological operations;
  • schedules of briefings and training sessions, including first aid;
  • fire evacuation plans;
  • emergency procedures, etc.

What regulatory documents are we guided by when creating it?

Their activities should be focused on providing methodological assistance in the management of labor protection offices operating in organizations in the relevant fields of activity and regions.

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Federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection are recommended to work on the formation of basic labor protection offices. Review of new laws, reporting forms, tax calculation rules, changes in patent and other taxation systems. Relevant for most organizations - you need to know this!

Installation location and number of stands at the enterprise

A stand with information on labor protection is installed in areas of maximum traffic, in special corners or separate rooms. Screens, display cases or boards are mounted at checkpoints, in foyers, corridors, workshops, workshops, and other places most often visited by employees of an enterprise, institution or organization. They are mounted on separate supports, walls, and other structures that attract attention.

The number of stands is determined taking into account the specifics of a particular company or production. If an enterprise has many departments, shops, workshops, laboratories or other structures, then there may be several SOT. The main thing is to ensure maximum information content for employees of all departments, without exception.

Advertising and production provides services for the production of signs, stands and other advertising products with installation. We offer low prices, strict compliance with regulatory requirements and flawless execution with short turnaround times. We have a wide selection of materials, ready-made templates of various sizes and configurations. Call the manager to find out more information and place an order.

A wide range of

The topics of our stands are very diverse - from environmental protection to computer safety.
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Requirements for the contents of the safety corner

Occupational Safety and Health Law

To begin with, it should be said that there is no unified form or type of safety corner. As a rule, it is a large thematic stand with constant content and space for posting updated information (memos, statistical data, historical information, etc.). There may be more than one security corner in an institution. The main thing in this case is not to combine two or three topics at once. For example, rules of behavior in case of fire with an algorithm of actions in case of flood. Present information in doses, without unnecessary “water”.

Very often, in educational institutions, periodic instruction on behavior on the roads reinforces the road safety aspect.

The algorithm for certain actions in a dangerous situation should be presented in simple and accessible language; use words directly in their direct meaning, without complex speech patterns. The main material can be supplemented with statistics, historical data, and questions from the “How to do it right?” series. The basic principles of designing a safety corner for children are simplicity, brevity and brightness. The third point is especially relevant for younger children. Thematic booklets are more suitable for senior and middle managers.

Instructions for working at height

One of the most dangerous activities is working at heights. By definition, this includes any professional activity at a height of more than 5 meters from the ground, ceilings or work floor.

Additional Information! Work at height can only be carried out by persons who have reached the age of 18, have no health problems, have completed introductory and initial briefings, training and have passed the TB knowledge exam. If the employee meets these requirements, a permit is issued for him.

For this type of work, separate instructions are provided, taking into account the specifics of the work performed. The current list contains the following basic requirements:

  • the employee must annually confirm admission by retaking the TB exam;
  • refresher training is conducted every three months;
  • in the absence of work experience, newcomers undergo a 2-day internship to consolidate the theory;
  • Only the work and only the tools specified in the instructions are allowed to be performed. If it is necessary to perform unusual work, additional instructions are provided;
  • during work, weather conditions must be taken into account, in particular wind speed and lightning strikes, the possibility of the tool falling and physical overexertion, in case of prolonged work in an uncomfortable position;

Poster on working at height rules

  • mandatory special clothing, including a helmet, gloves, eye and respiratory protection;
  • before starting work, a mandatory inspection of the equipment is carried out for damage to the roller, frayed ropes, cracked belts, etc.;
  • mandatory compliance with industrial safety, labor discipline and statutory relations;
  • depending on the nature of the work, holding, positioning and safety systems must be used and the technological process must be observed during their installation and dismantling.

Each time, before permission to work, the place of work, be it construction of a facility or washing a facade, must be inspected by the immediate supervisor. Proactive measures must be taken, and the employee must be issued a work permit, which is issued every day.

Important! When working at height, the expected radius of falling of tools, materials and other things on the ground must be protected

How stands and corners are made

The decision to design a corner or office is made by the head of the organization. He issues a corresponding order about this. There is no unified form for this document. Therefore, when compiling it, you need to adhere to general rules. The main thing is that it contains:

  • information about the working hours of the office;
  • instructions for further functioning;
  • requirement to amend internal regulations regarding the arrangement of a corner or office;
  • list of persons responsible for implementation;
  • deadlines for execution of orders.

Also see “Primary document: indicate the required details”.

Ice safety rules

I remember that as a child, the teacher, releasing the class for the winter holidays, spent class time on the rules of being on the ice, which the students then signed in a special notebook. And we signed that we had learned and adopted the following rules:

  • do not walk on ice for no apparent reason;
  • do not gather several people in one place;
  • what actions to take if the ice cracks under you (sliding steps, feet shoulder-width apart);
  • what to take with you on the ice (rope with a load, phone, etc.);
  • what to do if you fall through the ice (rolling technique).

First aid posters

While not everyone had the opportunity to visit production facilities, everyone passed through municipal buildings. The first acquaintance with posters and leaflets on the provision of primary medical care for many occurs in the corridor in front of a doctor’s waiting room in a hospital, a medical office in a kindergarten or school.

These posters and wall newspapers are of the educational type. Although medicine will never become a specialized subject for many, doctors claim that the study of illustrated material by ordinary people has more than once saved human lives and saved many from many years of recovery in the physical laboratory.

Organizations that want to display posters for the provision of primary medical care can easily download ready-made versions from the Internet, since creating them yourself without a medical education will be at least unethical.

Typically, each poster is designed for a specific type of injury. The following options are available:

  • on resuscitation techniques;
  • to provide assistance in case of electric shock;
  • to stop bleeding;
  • dedicated to preparing the victim for transportation;
  • for assistance with burns and poisoning.

Examples of primary care posters

Information and materials at the stand

The stand is necessary for demonstrative provision of material for working personnel. The information allows you to solve problems related to the maximum elimination of hazard risks during the implementation of labor processes, therefore the corners contain information:

  • opening hours of the relevant office, where you can get everything you need to study the material on protecting your job duties and performing them;
  • schedule of training sessions and safety-related lectures;
  • decisions made by persons holding a leadership position;
  • harmful production factors and means protecting against their effects;
  • situations and possible consequences of violation of legal norms;
  • injuries at the enterprise, occupational diseases and measures to prevent their occurrence;
  • new legislative rules and internal documents of the organization regarding the protection and safe performance of work activities.

The stand should consist of instructions for the safe performance of activities and an evacuation plan in case of fire. You should add regulatory information, team news, photos from production and employees who showed themselves in their work, according to the results of the accounting period, congratulatory texts on anniversaries or holidays.

Flip devices for displaying posters

For the convenience of studying and displaying posters, we have developed modular flip systems - standard A4, A3 and A2 formats for 10, 20, 30 or 40 posters - and to order - for any number of posters. Changeover systems can be floor, table and wall - the choice is yours
Wall-mounted flip system A4 book for 15 frames

2346 rub.

Number of frames:15
Wall-mounted flip system A3 landscape for 10 frames

4416 rub.

Number of frames:10
Wall-mounted flip system A2 book for 5 frames

4692 rub.

Number of frames:5
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