The first 10 minutes: your main mistakes at the beginning of the working day

Who else, if not an HR specialist, needs to always be in a good mood in order to set employees up in a positive mood, motivate them and monitor their engagement? The secret to feeling good throughout the day lies in starting it right.

Our editors have prepared a new article for you, in which you will learn how to start and plan your working day.

Algorithm for the perfect start to the day

The morning hours from 9:00 to 11:00 are the times when people are most productive and efficient as their mental alertness is at its peak. Therefore, it is important not to waste productive time, but to use it wisely.

Step #1. Go to bed on time

Quality sleep is the key to a productive working day. American studies have shown that decreased employee productivity due to lack of sleep and insomnia costs companies $63.2 billion a year. If a person does not get enough sleep, he feels lethargic, distracted and irritable.

Step #2. Spend a little time in bed

One of the most proven and effective ways to productively break into a new day. Give yourself the opportunity to lie down for a while, think about your plans, and collect all your thoughts together. It won't take much time, but it will be easier to get out from under the blanket.

Step #3. Don't draw the curtains

Sunlight is the best way to wake up the body naturally, so don't hide from it. Bringing sunlight into the room will make getting up in the morning easier.

Step #4. Stretch

This is one of the most obvious ways to wake up quickly, but many people ignore it. But in vain. You have been lying and sleeping for several hours, your body is not ready to suddenly get out of bed. Lie down, stretch, stretch your arms and legs and you will see that getting up will become much easier.

Step #5. Meditation

Morning meditation helps reduce anxiety, improve concentration, get rid of unnecessary thoughts and set yourself up for productive work. Therefore, you should not neglect it.

Step #6. Drink a glass of water

If you feel sluggish and tired in the morning, it may be due to dehydration after a night's sleep. A glass of water in the morning will help you feel fresher and more energetic.

You can also add a little lemon to a glass of water. It has a lot of potassium, vitamin C and antioxidants. Lemon water gives energy and improves the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract.

Step #7. Don't check your email first thing in the morning

Leading American time management expert Julia Morgensternt gives an important recommendation in her book: never check incoming emails in the morning.

Why? Because mail and a large number of incoming letters are delayed and a person spends a lot of time on answers and subsequent correspondence. Instead of checking email, Julia recommends doing something else that will help you start your day productively.

Step #8. Don't forget to have breakfast

A tasty and hearty breakfast saturates the body with energy, improves short-term memory and helps to concentrate. In addition, if you have breakfast, your growling stomach will not interfere with your work.

Step #9. Clean up your workplace

A mess on the desktop distracts a person's attention from work, reduces his concentration and productivity.

Step #10. Plan your day

Planning your day helps you get ready for work. Make a list of important things and prioritize – there are many methods and tools for this. Using them, you will spend less time planning and be able to work more efficiently.

How long should a working day be according to the Labor Code 2021?

For students aged 14 to 16 years - only 2.5 hours, and for students aged 16 to adulthood - 4 hours.
Length of working day for disabled people For disabled people Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibits working in excess of the daily norm, but does not establish the norm itself. This is due to the fact that each disease is individual, some disabled people can work without restrictions, and some do not have the opportunity to work at all.

Every disabled person, before employment or after receiving a disability, must go to a clinic, which issues a medical report in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 02.05.

2012 No. 441n, which approved the Procedure for issuing medical certificates and opinions (Procedure). The conclusion contains an assessment of the health status of a particular disabled person based on an examination. According to clause

Length of the working day according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in 2018

Important Length of working hours before weekends and holidays Before weekends and holidays (non-working hours), the working hours should be reduced by 1 hour. This is an imperative requirement of Art. 95 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, the article also provides for an exception to the rule.

So, if it is impossible for an organization to establish a shortened day on the eve of weekends or holidays, since the activity is continuous, it is permissible to transfer this rest time to another time or provide monetary compensation to employees (overtime payment rules apply).

If the organization has a six-day working day, the working time on a pre-holiday day or the day before a weekend cannot be more than 5 hours.

How long should a working day be according to the 2018 Labor Code?

Preparatory steps include:

  • development of constituent documents and all types of documentation;
  • preparation, bringing the workplace into proper condition;
  • delivery and report on manufactured products.

Additional information Some other periods with preparation functions are included in the work schedule for individual employees.

How long should a person work according to the labor code? In this case, the lunch break must be included in working hours and must certainly be paid. All features of the lunch break must be prescribed in the employment contract.

Thus, the legislation determines all the features of the working day. Among other things, the need to provide employees with a lunch break is determined.

Attention If work hours are overworked, there must be appropriate compensation.

Working hours in 2021

Attention N 90-FZ) For workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, where reduced working hours are established, the maximum permissible duration of daily work (shift) cannot exceed: for a 36-hour work week - 8 hours ; with a 30-hour work week or less - 6 hours. A collective agreement may provide for an increase in the duration of daily work (shift) compared to the duration of daily work (shift) established by part two of this article for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, subject to the maximum weekly working hours time (part one of Article 92 of this Code) and hygienic standards for working conditions established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Features of working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

With a five-day work week, workers work 8 hours a day. Many personnel officers consider this mode of work to be the most rational, since it has been proven that in this case maximum labor productivity is achieved.

In addition, employees working under this scheme always have 2 days off, which most often fall on Saturday and Sunday, which has a beneficial effect on the efficiency of the organization. A different distribution of working days in a week is also possible, for example, during shift work.

In this case, weekends often do not fall on Saturday and Sunday and are not tied to these days. With a part-time work week, a worker can work 1 day a week - it all depends on the number of his weekly working hours. For example, if there are only 5 of them per week, there is no point in stretching these hours over 5 working days, although this is not prohibited by law.

Chapter 15. working hours. general provisions

How to fix the working hours for all employees of an organization or for a specific employee? The procedure for fixing the length of daily working hours in an organization depends on whether it is established for one worker or for the entire team.

The operating mode common to all is fixed in the PVTR. IMPORTANT! If all workers work in the same mode, then the number of working days and weekends, working hours per day can be fixed exclusively in the PVTR, without duplicating information in employment contracts, since there is no practical sense in this.

In this case, contracts can make a standard reference to the PVTR that determine the operating mode. A different situation arises when some workers are assigned a different daily working time than everyone else.

In this case, this information should be indicated in the employment contract with a specific employee (Part 1 of Art.

How long should a working day be by law?

In other cases, involvement in overtime work is permitted with the written consent of the employee and taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization.

Pregnant women, workers under the age of eighteen, and other categories of workers are not allowed to work overtime in accordance with this Code and other federal laws.

Involvement of disabled people and women with children under three years of age in overtime work is allowed only with their written consent and provided that this is not prohibited for them due to health reasons in accordance with a medical report issued in the manner established by federal laws and other regulations legal acts of the Russian Federation. At the same time, disabled people and women with children under three years of age must be informed of their right to refuse overtime work upon signature.

Working hours 2021, according to the labor code in hours

  • Daily work periods are not equal in time. In this case, hours worked for the entire accounting period are taken into account. They must comply with the norm.
  • Fixed daily routine. As the hours in a shift increase, the number of days for weekly rest increases.
  • Summarized accounting for monitoring hours worked is carried out for different accounting periods. Preparatory activities In addition to the main ones, the taken into account working time includes activities of a preparatory nature. Preparatory steps include:
  • development of constituent documents and all types of documentation;
  • preparation, bringing the workplace into proper condition;
  • delivery and report on manufactured products.

Additional information Some other periods with preparation functions are included in the work schedule for individual employees.

Duration of work on the eve of non-working holidays and weekends The duration of the working day or shift immediately preceding a non-working holiday is reduced by one hour. In continuously operating organizations and in certain types of work, where it is impossible to reduce the duration of work (shift) on a pre-holiday day, overtime is compensated by providing the employee with additional rest time or, with the employee’s consent, payment according to the standards established for overtime work.

On the eve of the weekend, the duration of work in a six-day work week cannot exceed five hours. Article 96. Work at night Night time is the time from 22:00 to 6:00.

The duration of work (shift) at night is reduced by one hour without further work. (edited)

The employer is obliged to establish a part-time working day (shift) or part-time working week at the request of a pregnant woman, one of the parents (guardian, trustee) with a child under the age of fourteen years (a disabled child under the age of eighteen years), as well as a person carrying out caring for a sick family member in accordance with a medical certificate issued in the manner established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. (as amended by Federal Law No. 90-FZ of June 30, 2006) When working part-time, the employee’s wages are paid in proportion to the time he worked or depending on the amount of work he performed.


Working day planning: what is it and why?

The modern rhythm of life leads to constant overwork, fatigue from tasks and professional burnout. Time management and planning are tools that will help you not only use your working time effectively, but also reduce it. But don’t confuse planning with a regular daily to-do list.

Let's look at the difference using two to-do lists as an example.

Vasya's To-do ListSerezha's To-do List
1. Discuss the new content plan with the team1. Spend 2 hours writing my first book
2. Send a work report to the manager2. Spend 30 minutes on a writing course.
3. Reply to all customer inquiries received via email3. Spend 30 minutes reading a self-improvement book.
4. Book tickets for a business trip4. Create a vision board to track progress towards long-term goals
5. Buy chicken and cucumber5. Talk to Vasya about the new employee
6. Prepare business notes about yesterday's meeting6. Send updated account number to finance department
7. Send the new job description for the vacancy to the hiring team7. Spend 30 minutes solving an intermittent website problem
8. Find a way to fix the error in the code before tomorrow

At first glance, these two lists are compiled correctly and show what Vasya and Seryozha will do. But Vasya’s list contains only a few urgent tasks and none of them will help him achieve progress or any long-term goal.

Serezha's list is focused on achieving one global goal - to become a writer. But at the same time, he manages to devote time to solving work issues and urgent tasks.

When planning, it is very important to be able to correctly prioritize tasks and understand which task is best to start work with and which one to finish.

Only 20% of the working day is spent productively completing important tasks. The remaining 80% of the time is spent on things that have the least value to the company and the employee.

Rules for ending the working day

1. Finish what hasn't been done.
Try to complete all small tasks you have started (viewing correspondence, dictating letters and notes) within one day. Delay in their implementation can lead to additional labor costs when you have to remove the “blockage”. 2. Monitoring results and self-control. Without control and self-control, labor organization is unthinkable. We will talk about control in more detail in one of the following articles. For now, I’ll limit myself to saying: comparing what was planned with what was accomplished and analyzing deviations from plans is an indispensable condition for normal work.

3. Plan for the next day. It's best to make a plan for the next day the night before. It goes without saying that this does not negate his mandatory recheck in the morning.

Time planning methods

GTD (Getting Things Done)

Methodology of time management expert David Allen. Its essence lies in the fact that you need to complete all tasks without dividing them into urgent, important and others.

The expert claims that absolutely all tasks need to be recorded on the list and clearly described. For example, as in Seryozha’s list. The more detailed the task and the nuances of its implementation are described, the more clear the action plan will be to the person. In addition, for each task you need to set a deadline.

Pomodoro method

It was named after a small kitchen timer shaped like a tomato. The essence of the method is to set the time to complete a specific task. For example, you can set a timer for 30 minutes and during this time you do only work, without being distracted by email, phone, etc.

After this time, you can take a break for 5-10 minutes. This way you alternate work with rest, change activities and avoid overwork.

Salami method

It is also called the packet of seeds or chips method. The analogy is that you eat small portions and pieces, and then it turns out that the entire stick of sausage has been eaten. The essence of the method is to divide one large and complex task into several small tasks, performing them systematically.

Eisenhower Matrix

It involves dividing matters into 4 squares – A, B, C, D. Urgent and important matters are written in square “A”. Ideally, this square should remain empty, since with proper planning such things are carried out in square “B”. It should describe important and non-urgent matters.

Square “C” contains urgent and unimportant tasks that can be delegated to someone else. And square “D” is intended for non-urgent and unimportant matters, in other words, useless. They do not bring you closer to your goal, do not give you positive emotions and do not affect your work in any way.

Time management tools

Writing things down in a notebook or planner is a method that has been proven over the years, but it is already becoming a thing of the past. It is much more convenient to enjoy the benefits of digitalization and plan things on your smartphones. This can be done in a regular Google calendar or using other applications.


Convenient software that can be used on any device. You can set deadlines, prioritize tasks, and attach various files. The application's interface is minimalistic and user-friendly; all tasks are structured and distributed by date.


In this application you can create any tasks, to-do lists or even shopping lists. You can plan for a day, week or month, setting reminders for important events. In addition, you can create a task by voice typing.

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