Rules for registering time off in the time sheet

Home / Labor Law / Vacation / Administrative


Published: June 26, 2016

Reading time: 6 min



Disputes among HR practitioners and discussions on the topic: “how to correctly reflect the absence time of an employee who has taken time off” are very relevant at the present time. What to do if the term is abolished in labor legislation, and most workers regularly have to “take time off” from work.

The answer is in our article.

  • Who gets time off?
  • Where is time off recorded?
  • How is time off paid?
  • Reflection in unified forms T-12 and T-13

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Remuneration for work on holidays and non-working days is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If a person is forced to work during the required rest, he can count on receiving double payment or payment for 1 calendar day with the provision of 2 as time off. The law allows the use of employees at unspecified times only in case of an emergency. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the grounds for providing rest may be:

  • work overtime, article No. 152;
  • work on holidays or rest days, article No. 153;
  • donation of donor blood article No. 186;
  • overtime during shift work, article No. 301.

Please note:
A person can choose the form of compensation independently. An employer does not have the right to impose his opinion on a citizen. An exception to the rule is employees who work under a fixed-term contract. In this situation, the need to go to work at the wrong time is compensated only by double pay.

How is time off paid?

According to the law, in most cases (except for liquidation of the consequences of accidents and emergencies), workers themselves choose the method of compensation for overtime - double payment or single payment plus an additional day of rest (Article No. 153). This condition is specified at the stage of drawing up an order for overtime. Donor days, medical examination and duty time are paid in a single amount.

If an employee quits without receiving accrued time off, they must either be provided before the date of termination of the employment contract, or compensated for overtime on a new separate application.

Useful information for many mothers on how to get maternity benefits if you don’t work. Important information for pregnant women is, of course, information about the period for payment of benefits. Find out them in our article! You will find out how much pension a former civil servant can expect here!

Time off on working time sheet sample

If a person goes to work on a day off, he must write a statement of consent to such an action. This fact must be reflected in the order. The time an employee works is reflected in the time sheet in accordance with the order of his superiors. Subsequently, the period is paid. The procedure is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 402 of December 6, 2011.

Data must be recorded in documentation in accordance with established rules. To avoid mistakes, it is better to use a sample. It will allow you to clearly understand all the features of filling out the document.

How to write an application?

Most often, a document requesting a free day is not written, since organizations have permission for an oral agreement . The employee works a day off and then gets time off.

In large enterprises, everything will have to be documented , so it’s easier to control and keep records.

An application for time off has a standard form. It should contain the following information:

  1. On whose behalf and to whom the document is written (full name and position).
  2. The name of the document itself is “Application”.
  3. The main text indicates the reason for the required day off, the date, previously worked shifts, and the day on which the day off is required.
  4. Date, as well as the worker’s signature with a full transcript.

Sample how to write a statement:

Time off in the time sheet in 1s

You can display information about time off on your time sheet using a special 1C program. It greatly simplifies entering data on time off. To learn how to use the program, a citizen will need to become familiar with the basic principles of operation. If you need to record work on a weekend or holiday in a time sheet, the data must be entered using the codes “РВ” or “03”. The outer lines record the duration of work activity during this period. If an employee decides to take a day off, this fact is recorded in the document using the codes “NV” or “28”. The bottom line is not filled in.

Holidays provided by the employer are included in the length of service. The period during which the employee was absent from his place is registered in the program with the document “absenteeism in organizations.” It notes the following information:

  • what period of time the employee of the enterprise was absent (full or part-time shift);
  • absence start date;
  • end date of absence.

During the provided vacation, wages are calculated. This fact is also recorded in the time sheet using the 1C program. To carry out the action, the document “payment for holidays and weekends” is used. Features of filling out depend on the amount of accrual. If an employee receives a double payment, two lines are created for him. In the “accrual” column, a record of payment for holidays and weekends and additional payment for work on weekends and holidays is entered. If the second wording is present, this means that the funds are transferred in double amount.

Who gets time off?

An additional day of rest, in addition to the established vacation schedule, according to the law, is provided in the following cases:

  • workers involved in work on their day off or holiday (under Article No. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • persons working overtime on weekdays (Article No. 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • shift workers (Article No. 299 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) during the period of rest between shifts;
  • employees who are required to undergo a mandatory medical examination if it is completed on their day off (Article 185 of the Labor Code);
  • business travelers who spent their personal time traveling to the place of business trip;
  • duty officer at the enterprise (Resolution of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions “On duty at enterprises and institutions” No. 233 of 04/02/1954).

Donors are given a free day on the day of blood collection, and another no-show day is issued at a time convenient for the employee.

Paid and unpaid time off on the timesheet

Today, there are two types of time off: paid and unpaid. In the first situation, the events specified in the law are compensated by providing a paid day off. Information must be recorded in the time sheet. For ease of filling out the document, letter designations are used. If a citizen was given a paid day off, the following mark will be placed on the report card (OB, 27). The letter designation is placed on the document form opposite the employee’s last name.

Additional payment is not always provided. If a person worked on a day off or a general public holiday and chose an additional day of rest as compensation, a single payment is provided. The additional day off itself is not paid. In this situation, it will be recorded on the report card (NV, 28).

Designations may vary. The law does not fix the exact list of symbols that must be used to reflect information about time off in documentation. The company has the right to introduce its own encryption system for recording data in the time sheet. The decision to introduce individual designations must be reflected in the company’s internal documentation.

Where is time off recorded?

There is a practice when HR officers do not record any deviations from the normal work schedule.

In the worst case, the data is remembered by the immediate supervisor, in the best - it is entered into the internal register of the enterprise, an output log or other local document.

The timesheet looks as if no deviations from the schedule occurred. This approach is bad because in the event of non-standard situations (accident, detection of theft, injury), after some time it will be difficult to prove the presence or absence of a person at the workplace on that particular day. Therefore, it is imperative to document your time off!

When a need for processing is identified, an order is drawn up indicating the reasons and method of payment, with which the employee must express his written consent. Absenteeism is issued on the basis of a signed application by the employee.

The document according to which the accounting department will calculate wages (and, after submitting information to the Pension Fund of Russia, pension experience) is the working time sheet.


Changes are periodically made to current legislation. They may also relate to recording information about time off in the time sheet. Thus, a new rule has come into force, which requires that changes made be certified by the manager. At the same time, today it is allowed to keep a continuous time sheet or record any types of rest for employees.

There are other codes that can be used to specify the reason for providing rest. The following designations may be included in the report card:

  1. (I, 01) – normal working hours. The designation is supplemented by the number of hours worked.
  2. (C, 04) – overtime work. The authorized employee is required to record the number of hours worked, for which compensation can subsequently be received.
  3. (G, 23) – the donor did not show up on the day of blood donation.

The rest period must be taken into account and recorded in accordance with the standards established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In order to simplify reporting and payroll, information is reflected in the time sheet. The document allows you to quickly obtain the information you are interested in without additional searching. The form of the paper is fixed by law, but the company has the right to make changes to it. By correctly filling out the document, the employer will simplify control over working hours and the specifics of accruals made in favor of employees.

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Let's find out how such time off is paid.

If the days were previously worked, the employee does not receive money for the time off. He is paid only for the days actually worked.

If an employee worked overtime or worked on holidays, he will be paid at an increased rate, according to the law.

Can they refuse to grant time off for previously worked time? If the employee wrote a statement according to all the rules a few days before the expected day off, then the employer does not have the right to refuse time off .

Even if the agreement was verbal, it is also necessary to discuss the date in advance , although many employees allow themselves to warn the employer directly on the day of the day off.

If there is no evidence of days worked on weekends or overtime, then such behavior may not work in the employee’s favor.

Registration for previously worked time

The procedure for granting time off for previously worked time:

  • The employee writes a statement;
  • The boss signs the petition and issues an order;
  • The employee must familiarize himself with the order of his superiors against his signature;
  • In the working time sheet, time off is o.

There are many abbreviations used in timesheets. Read more about this in this article.

Example of a leave order:

The employee must be given time off if they previously worked weekends or holidays. This is provided for by current labor legislation . It is important to know how to properly prepare documents.

Watch a video about granting time off for overtime work:

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