Travel certificate: is it mandatory, how to fill it out correctly

What is the document for?

A travel document (travel certificate) is issued to an employee sent on a trip for the purpose of performing official duties.
The certificate is filled out on a unified form according to form T-10 (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 1 of 01/05/2004). At the same time, current legislation allows the employer to draw up a form of travel sheet independently, including the necessary points and provisions. In this case, the developed format must be consolidated in the accounting policies and other local regulations of the organization.

Is it necessary to compile

Previously, this document was required to be completed when employees were leaving on a business trip. According to labor legislation, the purpose and duration of the trip had to be stated in the certificate.

In 2015, the obligation to draw up a travel certificate was removed from institutions (RF RF No. 1595 dated December 29, 2014). Since January 2015, the employer himself decides whether to fill out a special certificate for business trips or not. If the organization accepts its completion, this must also be specified in the internal regulations of the institution.

Cancellation of travel permits

Let us say right away that the official assignment and travel certificate have been cancelled: they do not need to be issued starting from 01/08/2015.

The fact is that by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1595 of December 29, 2014, changes were made to the legislation, which abolished travel certificates and official assignments.

However, many companies continue to use these forms to document business trips for their employees, since these documents are convenient to use and with their help it is easy to provide an economic justification for the expenses incurred.

Until 2015 - when the use of the T-10 form was mandatory - the actual duration of a business trip was determined precisely by the marks on the back of this document. After the cancellation of a travel certificate, the actual duration of the business trip is determined by travel documents , which are provided by the employee along with the advance report. Practice on this issue is ambiguous : sometimes additional documents are needed to determine the dates of the actual business trip. This is where a travel certificate would come in handy.

Front part

Key information must be entered on the title side. Here the details of the organization itself are indicated: its name and OKPO code, as well as the parameters of the certificate itself (number and date).

Next, you need to fill out information about the employee sent on a business trip and the work purpose of the trip. The following information is indicated on the front:

  • Full name, personnel number and passport details (if necessary) of the employee;
  • structural unit and position of the person sent on a business trip;
  • information about the receiving party (city, name of organization);
  • purpose of the trip;
  • duration of the trip, indicating the start and end dates of the trip and the total number of days.

The front side of the sheet is certified by the manager’s signature and seal (if available).

Travel certificate: sample of filling out form T-10

Let's look at an example of how to correctly draw up the form of a travel certificate.

Front side

Entering data begins with recording the full or abbreviated name of the company. After this, in the column on the right you need to enter its digital code according to the OKPO directory.

The next step is to enter the ID number in order, as well as the date on which it was issued. If this is provided for by internal rules, then the document under the specified number must be entered in the business trip log.

Next, the full name is entered into the form. employee, his timesheet number, name of structural unit and position.

Then the document contains columns in which you need to enter information about the receiving organization. As a rule, this part contains the name of the country, city, and also the organization to which the trip is taking place.

Attention! In the case where there is no company name (for example, an employee travels to another city to search for potential clients), then only the city and country can be entered in this column.

Information about the purpose of the business trip, the number of days, as well as its start and end dates is transferred from the business trip order or official assignment.

Another mandatory information that the T-10 form must contain is information about the document that confirms the identity of the traveler. This includes its name, series and number, date of issue.

After the document is fully completed, it must be signed by the head of the company, and it is also necessary to affix a seal (if used).

Reverse side

At the bottom of the form, or on its reverse side, there may be columns where the receiving party puts a mark on the arrival and departure of the posted worker.

At the same time, it must include the name of the city, the date of the event (arrival or departure), position and transcript of the signature. If the receiving organization uses a seal, then the entered information must be certified by it. Moreover, the imprint must be affixed so that it is clearly visible and fully readable.

Attention! If an employee intends to visit several places, then marking should be done in such a way that, thanks to the sequence of marking, the entire order of departures and arrivals can be easily tracked in the future.

Corrections may be made to the document. Most often this can happen due to a change in travel dates. But it must be done carefully.

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Thus, previous information that is considered incorrect is crossed out once, so that the previous entry is easy to read. After this, new data is written above. The changes made are certified by the signature of the person responsible for this and a seal.

Back part

All movements of the employee are recorded on the back. Here the receiving organization puts down the following marks:

  • about the date of actual arrival;
  • about the day of departure.

Thus, the actual number of travel days is displayed on the back. It is also mandatory to indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the employee and the place of business trip (city or other locality).

The turnover of the sheet is certified by the head of the receiving organization, and, when used, the seal of the institution is affixed.

Why do you need a travel permit?

Do I need a travel permit? As was said, the company has the right to apply this document. The receiving party where the employee is sent on a business trip must fill it out.

A travel certificate can help confirm the feasibility and economic justification of a business trip. However, when checking expenses, the tax office will check the connection between travel expenses and activities aimed at generating income. you cannot such expenses even with a completed travel certificate.

Registration of business trips using a travel certificate today is an internal control tool. He confirms that the employee was actually in the organization to which he was sent. For example, I went to a business forum in another city. Stamps on the travel document of the forum organizer and the dates of arrival and departure will confirm the fact of his presence at this event.

The purpose of the business trip and the destination are specified in the order sending the employee on a business trip. Therefore, completing additional documents is no longer necessary .

not required a journal for registering travel certificates, a sample of which they previously always had at hand . This rule is enshrined in the new edition of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2008 No. 749 “On the peculiarities of sending employees on business trips.”

Contents and sample

The T-10 form must be filled out in strict accordance with the established rules. Errors in the document are not allowed. If an inaccuracy was made during registration, the erroneous information must be crossed out with one line, and the correct information must be written on top. Corrections must be certified. The specialist responsible for preparing the document must sign and affix a stamp (if available at the institution).

If an employee must visit several cities or host enterprises as part of one trip, then chronology must be strictly observed when making notes.

Rules for registration and filling

Despite the official cancellation, most managers, accountants and personnel officers continue to use the usual forms because they consider them convenient. If your organization answered yes to the question of whether travel certificates are now needed within a region or country, you will need to record the basic rules for filling out this form.

Form T-10 consists of a front and back side and is filled out in several stages.

When registering a trip, first fill out the front side, where you indicate:

  • name of the employing company;
  • number and date of the order to send the employee on a work trip;
  • information about the employee (full name, personnel number, position, department);
  • the place where the employee is sent (country, region, city and name of the organization);
  • purpose and duration of the trip.

There is space below to indicate:

  • start and end dates of the trip;
  • number of the document confirming the identity of the employee.

The front side is certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the company.

The remaining information is indicated on the reverse side and filled in during the business trip:

  • date of departure from the sending organization and its name;
  • position and signature of the person responsible for registration, certified by the seal of the employing organization;
  • date of arrival at the receiving organization and its name;
  • position and signature of the person responsible for registration, certified by the seal of the receiving organization;
  • date of departure from the receiving organization, certified accordingly;
  • date of arrival at the sending organization, certified accordingly.

Pay attention to the stamps on the travel certificate in 2020: they are not placed if the organization has refused such an attribute.

Example of filling out form T-10

It is up to the manager to decide whether a travel certificate is a financial document, who and how to fill out the form approved in a particular organization. But usually HR, accounting or secretarial employees are appointed responsible for filling it out.

Errors in the document are corrected by crossing out incorrect information and entering correct information. It is enough to certify the change with the signature of an authorized person, and the document is valid.

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