Are maternity benefits taken into account when calculating the cost of living?

Living wage while on maternity leave

9. I’m going on maternity leave in June, I will have 2 children, but since we have loans and I won’t work, can I apply for benefits from financial capital, my husband earns 30,000 rubles, and how is 1.5 calculated? living wage from dirty salary or including VAT?

5.2. Hello! You have the right to go to court in accordance with the norms of the Family Code of the Russian Federation with a statement of claim for payment of alimony for your maintenance until the child reaches the age of 3 years, if you are not currently working. Please ask for alimony to be collected in a fixed amount based on the cost of living established in your region. The debtor has the right to file a claim with the magistrates' court for a reduction in the collected alimony, but he will need to prove that his financial and family situation has changed, which does not allow him to pay alimony in the same amount, and this is not easy to do.

Maternity leave below the subsistence level

will I survive?, which of course will remain, in our country in general there are big problems with housing conditions, for example, we live in the 7th in a 2-room apartment (me, my husband, my parents, my daughter, my brother and my brother’s wife), we If they gave me a 2nd apartment, I would be there. It’s better not to expect anything from the state, but to earn money for the second, tenth and third apartment yourself, and then the family will become even stronger. I think those who want to get a divorce will get a divorce without an apartment. You will give an apartment to one, and not to her FAMILY.

go to the social address for security with documents, subsistence allowance

the minimum should
20,000 per family. Have you applied for alimony? all Income is taken into account. How will a poor person receive pennies? You need to have documents indicating family income.

How is maternity leave paid in Belarus? Maternity benefit

The global economic crisis is forcing the governments of many countries to plug holes in the state budget and look for funds to replenish it. Unfortunately, this process primarily has a painful impact on the wallets of ordinary citizens. This problem has not spared the Republic of Belarus either. A tax on parasitism has already been introduced here, and utility tariffs have been increased. And now on the agenda is the question of whether maternity leave will be reduced in Belarus.

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The second “pro” is the reduction of discrimination against women, which is currently very important in the labor market. Employers are afraid of such a length of maternity leave, during which a woman can lose her professional skills, so representatives of the fairer sex of childbearing age are reluctant to hire. This negatively affects the labor force, creates an obstacle to career and professional growth, and causes low wages for women.

Payments during maternity leave below the subsistence level: does this comply with the law?

Hello. The subsistence level indicator is of a social nature and is used to assess the standard of living of the population, and is also an important guideline in establishing the minimum wage. There are no norms in the current legislation that require its use when establishing the amount of benefits.

Based on Part 1 of Art. 11.2 of Law N 255-FZ, a monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years is paid in the amount of 40% of the employee’s average earnings, but not less than the minimum amount of this benefit established by Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ “On State Benefits to Citizens” having children."

Duration of vacation according to BiR

The duration of maternity leave is established in Art. Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ. The number of days for which a certificate of incapacity for work is issued is:

  • 194 days if several babies are expected to be born at once;
  • 156 days if complications arise during childbirth;
  • 140 days in other cases.

Accordingly, the minimum maternity payments in 2021 with fully used maternity leave will be:

  • RUB 77,365.26 with multiple pregnancies (398.79 x 194);
  • RUB 62,211.24 with complicated childbirth (398.79 x 156);
  • RUB 55,830.60 during normal pregnancy (398.79 x 140).

A woman may not immediately take advantage of the right to rest and continue to work without going on vacation according to the BiR in due time. But the vacation itself will not be extended - maternity sick leave in this case is paid minus unused vacation days, and for the days of work the woman will receive the required salary. Then the minimum B&R benefit is calculated based on the actual duration of the vacation.

If the salary is less than the subsistence level, what will be the maternity benefits?

  • assess the level of well-being of citizens when forecasting, before developing and implementing certain social programs;
  • justify the establishment of the minimum wage (minimum wage) and the amount of social benefits;
  • form the state budget.

To obtain the status of a low-income family, and therefore the opportunity to receive assistance from the state, you must first contact the social welfare department at your place of registration and submit a package of documents:

Calculation of maternity pay according to the subsistence minimum if the length of service is six months

However, there is one important nuance here.
The formula for calculating maternity leave requires first calculating the average daily income, and therefore the payment is already calculated by multiplying the daily indicator by the number of vacation days. The law establishes minimum maternity payments in 2021. As a general rule, they are determined by the employee’s average daily earnings over the previous 2 calendar years. However, if the resulting value is less than the minimum wage, then the maternity benefit will be calculated based on the minimum wage. In this case, earnings for the last 2 years will be equal to 24 minimum wages, and it is based on this amount that the benefit amount will be calculated. The minimum wage indicator is taken at the time the employee goes on maternity leave, that is, at the time of the occurrence of the insured event. From January 1, 2021, this value amounted to 9,489 rubles, and from May – 11,163 rubles.

Is it possible to receive benefits from the state if the subsistence level does not meet?

Good evening, please tell me, I’m a single mother, I have two children, in addition to benefits for children, i.e. up to 1.5 years, and child benefit, I don’t receive anything; the minimum subsistence level doesn’t work out for us, am I supposed to receive anything else? The first child is 7 years old, the second child is 8 months old. I can’t work yet and have no one to leave the baby with. I learned from my previous job that I was pregnant and was fired without paying anything. if there is an opportunity for some other help from the state, if the cost of living does not work out, I generally receive only 8,000 thousand

Hello! If your family is already recognized as low-income and you receive benefits for children as a low-income family, then you can try contacting the social protection authorities, they will tell you what other benefits are available, etc., as well as the conditions for receiving them. There are additional support measures in different regions low-income families, except for child benefits.

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Maternity payments in 2021: what benefits are provided

Russian law encourages pregnant women to register with antenatal clinics as early as possible, so that medical specialists can constantly monitor them during pregnancy.

In addition to the fact that the amount of the benefit in this case is tied to the mother’s income, lower and higher limits for payments have been established. On the one hand, a woman will receive a guaranteed minimum even if she had very little income or worked for less than six months before giving birth; on the other hand, if a woman is a top manager of a large corporation, the social insurance fund will not pay her multimillion-dollar compensation for maternity leave and childbirth.

How to calculate the amount of maternity benefits according to BiR?

The minimum maternity benefit is calculated using the following formula:

Pos.min. = Avg.Day.Zar.min. * Days of maternity leave according to BiR , where

  • Avg.Day.Zar.min . = minimum wage * 24 months. / 730;
  • Maternity days - 140 in general, 156 for difficult births, 194 for multiple pregnancies;
  • Minimum wage = 11,280 rubles. from January 1, 2021 (RUB 11,163 from May 1 to December 31, 2021).

When calculating the minimum maternity leave payable to a woman going on maternity leave in 2021, you need to take the minimum wage that is established for the current year.

Working size in 2021

The minimum B&R benefit in 2021 depends on the duration of maternity leave and the established minimum wage. The latter value remains unchanged throughout the year.

For standard births and singleton pregnancies, the duration of leave for labor and labor = 140 cal days. and maternity pay is calculated as follows:

Pos.min. = 370.85 * 140 = 51919 rub. - the amount of maternity leave for 140 days.

If the birth is complex, then another 16 days are added to the standard 140 days for additional sick leave, then the total duration of maternity leave = 156 cal days, and maternity leave at a minimum value is calculated as follows:

Pos.min. = 370.85 * 156 = 57852.60 rub. — in 156 days. during difficult births.

During a multiple pregnancy, a woman is entitled to 194 calendar days, and the minimum maternity days are calculated as follows:

Pos.min. = 370.85 * 194 = 71944.90 rub. — in 194 days. during multiple pregnancy.

How to calculate the cost of living for child benefits in 2021

  1. standard application form;
  2. passports as the main identification documents and birth certificates of children;
  3. information about family composition and place of registration;
  4. information about income, also, if the family has been assigned low-income status - a corresponding certificate.

Employed citizens also have the right to submit an application at their place of employment to receive funds, since the payment of benefits for minor children of employees is the responsibility of the employer, enshrined in regulations.

Are maternity benefits taken into account when calculating the cost of living?

  • child's birth certificate;
  • documentary evidence of marriage or divorce;
  • a certificate showing the income of both spouses received by them over the last year (12 months);
  • document confirming your place of registration.
  • monthly minimum wage of a federal nature - from January 1, 2021, 9,489 rubles, from May 1, 2021 - 11,163 rubles;
  • regional wages, which are set independently in the constituent entities, are always greater than or equal to the federal amount;
  • average daily minimum earnings - from January 1, 311.97 rubles, from May 1, 2021 - 367 rubles.

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Maternity leave below the subsistence level

In 2021, I received a one-time payment of about 40,000 rubles. and monthly up to 1.5 years 1,500 rub. It was also possible to apply for 750 rubles as a low-income person. Moscow. I was paid 2 thousand rubles for 50 one-time payments for 1.5 to 1.5 years. per month and 11 one-time payments. and don’t deny yourself anything. I can’t decide whether to buy a yacht, or a dacha in the Mediterranean)) at that time the monthly rent was 1800 rubles per month when we.

Yes its true. you can try to get benefits from the social service if your income is below
the subsistence level
, yes, it’s true. Child care benefits - yes, I received 50 rubles at work at the expense of social security. northern bonuses We have 80...up to 3 years...and also benefits up to 16 years - 250 rubles. The employer pays. True, but not direct ones, but a benefit.

Are maternity benefits taken into account when calculating the cost of living?

Reply on the website within 15 minutes Answers from lawyers (1) 1. When calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a citizen living alone, for the provision of state social assistance to them, all types of income received by each family member or citizen living alone in cash and in kind are taken into account, including including:...temporary disability benefits, maternity benefits, as well as a one-time benefit for women registered in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy; monthly child benefit; monthly benefit for the period of parental leave until the child reaches age 1.5 years and monthly compensation payments to citizens who are in labor relations under the terms of an employment contract and who are on parental leave until the child reaches 3 years of age; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2003 N 512 (ed.

But monthly payments during maternity leave, provided directly for caring for a child up to one and a half years old, will be realized only at one (main) place of work. Minimum and maximum amount of accruals Maternity payments made by the employer are calculated on the basis of the approved Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ. It states that the amount of the indicated accruals is paid based on the average daily earnings of the employee for the previous two years before going on leave. If, when calculating, the amount of maternity payments turns out to be less than the minimum wage, then they will be paid in the amount of 24 minimum wages, and such an accrual is considered minimal. If a woman works only part-time, then maternity benefits can be paid significantly less than the approved amount of the indicated payments.

Living wage and maternity payments up to 1.5 years

If you don’t have enough, then from this year you will be able to write an application to the pension fund and you will be paid a monthly subsistence minimum for a child from financial capital for up to 1.5 years. provided that your family has less than 1.5 living minutes. per person. New law for those born in January 2021

The cost of living does not depend. It depends on what the minimum amount is paid in your region for 2 children. If you get less than this amount, then you will pay an amount equal to it. If it is more, then you will receive what comes out of your salary.

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Rules for calculating average per capita family income in 2021

In order to determine whether citizens need additional support from the state or can qualify for a reduction in certain categories of mandatory expenses, it is necessary to determine the average per capita income for a certain period of time.

  1. Details of the person who applied for the payment;
  2. Number of people living in the family;
  3. Their level of earnings;
  4. The cost of living in the person’s territory of residence;
  5. Date, signature of the employee issuing the document.

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Is it worth going back from maternity leave to work before the second maternity leave?

To calculate maternity leave, as well as to calculate leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years, the wage fund for the previous 2 years is used. That is, if you go on maternity leave in 6 months, the sick leave will be calculated from the 2021-2021 wages. You will go on parental leave for a child up to 1.5 years old in 2021 and will take the salary for 2021-2021. Accordingly, the higher the salary, the greater the benefit.

I am on maternity leave for up to 3 years. Until the next maternity leave is about six months. I think I’ll work for these six months. How will this affect the calculation of maternity and monthly care benefits for up to 1.5 years?

Minimum amount of maternity payments in 2021

In general, to calculate maternity benefits, add up payments from the previous 2 years (subject to Social Insurance contributions) and divide them by 730 days, or 731 if there was a leap year (Article 14 of Law 255-FZ).

When going on maternity leave in 2021, the taxable income of 2021 and 2021 is summed up. In this case, the calculated benefit is compared with the benefit calculated from the minimum wage valid on the day the employee goes on leave under the BiR. (from January 1, 2020, the minimum wage is 12,130 rubles per month - law dated December 27, 2019 No. 463-FZ).

Thus, the minimum amount of maternity pay in 2021 for 1 day of leave according to the BiR will be:

12 130 x 24 months. : 730 = 398.79 rub.

If the actual daily allowance is higher than the allowance from the minimum wage, vacation pay under the BiR is calculated based on the woman’s actual earnings; if it is lower, it is calculated according to the minimum wage.


The employee is going on financial and economic leave in January 2021. Her salary accepted for calculation for 2021 is 98,370 rubles, for 2021 - 96,540 rubles.

The accountant first calculated the employee’s average daily earnings (actual) for the billing period:

(98,370 + 96540) : 730 = 267.00 rub.

Then he compared it with the minimum daily allowance:

RUB 267.00 < RUB 398.79

Since the minimum amount of maternity benefits turned out to be greater than the allowance from the actual salary, the amount of payments will be calculated by an accountant from the minimum wage - 398.79 rubles each. for each day of vacation according to BiR.

In order to accrue maternity benefits in full, it is necessary to take into account the duration of leave according to the BiR: multiply the daily amount of the benefit by the number of days the employee is absent.

Amounts and types of financial assistance from social security in 2021

The amount of money per family member is calculated based on data on the income of all able-bodied adults in it. It is necessary to submit certificates for the last three months to the social security authorities. The income amounts are added together and then divided among all family members. If the amount received is below the minimum subsistence level established in the region, then the family receives a special status. She becomes poor.

Regional payments are more varied. First of all, for the 3rd or 4th child, regional maternity capital is assigned (about 100,000 rubles, which can be used for the same needs as the federal one). There are a number of payments that compensate for the cost of purchasing goods for newborns, food and clothing.

Are maternity benefits taken into account when calculating the cost of living?

Many families in the Altai Territory who took out a mortgage find themselves in a difficult situation after the birth of a child. Today, May 21, Glavaltaysotszashchita gave clarification on the question of interest to them about whether mortgage costs are taken into account when assigning a subsidy for housing and communal services.

Each region has its own cost of living. Very often people have the question: “What is included in the living wage. Show calculations for all products and services.” Therefore, in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Living Wage in the Russian Federation,” the Government of the Russian Federation decides: To approve the attached Rules for calculating the cost of living per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population in the Russian Federation as a whole.

Benefits, payments, assistance - a Labor Committee specialist answers your questions

  • a woman registered with a health care organization before 12 weeks of pregnancy (in the amount of 100 percent of the highest budget of the subsistence minimum valid on the date of birth of the child;
  • in connection with the birth of a child (in the amount of ten times the highest amount of the subsistence minimum budget in effect on the date of birth of the child);
  • for child care under 3 years of age (in the amount of 35 percent of the average monthly wage of workers in the republic used to calculate such benefits).

Answer: According to current legislation, in particular, children of a deceased breadwinner have the right to a survivor's pension if they have been disabled since childhood. If they are granted parental leave before the child reaches the age of 3 years, the payment of the assigned survivor's pension is not suspended.

Algorithm for calculating benefits based on the minimum wage in 2021

If a woman works part-time at an enterprise, the minimum wage must be recalculated:

Working conditionsMinimum wage (rub.)
Three quarters of the bet (0.75)7500 · 0,75 = 5625
Part-time (0.5)7500 : 2 = 3750
Quarter bet (0.25)7500 : 4 = 1875

Example No. 2. Marketer Koltsova I.R. I was going on maternity leave. She worked in the organization for six months at three-quarters of the salary. In total, she earned 158 thousand rubles.


  • Amount of actual average daily earnings:

158 000/730 = 216,44.

  • Let's calculate the average daily minimum earnings taking into account part-time work:

5625 · 24 = 135 thousand rubles.

135,000/730 days. = 184.93 rub.

  • The average daily salary can be calculated (SD) using the formula:

SD = minimum wage · 24. ÷ 730 · Number of hours actually worked per day/Length of working day

SD = 7500.00 · 24 8÷ 730 · 6/8 = 184.93 rub.

This is less than the actual income. Therefore, the amount of maternity leave will be:

216.44 · 140 = 30,301.60 rubles.

The average daily earnings, actual and recalculated according to the minimum wage, are determined. Choose a larger size.

It happens that a woman has just started working. Therefore, when it’s time for maternity leave, the employee’s length of service may not be six months. She will receive the funds, and it should be calculated using the minimum salary as a basis. It must be taken into account that the amount of the benefit cannot be more than 1 minimum wage (per calendar month). This is the maximum limit and basis for comparison. The payment amount may be lower, but not higher than the minimum wage.

Example No. 4. Employee of Karpova R.F. goes on maternity leave. Work experience – five months.

  • Maternity leave period: December 12, 2021 to April 29, 2021.
  • The average daily salary for the minimum wage is 246.58 rubles.

In months lasting 31 days, it is not used, since then the payout will exceed 7500.00:

246.58 · 31 days = 7643.98.

Monthly allowance taking into account the number of days according to the calendar (rub.):

  • December 7500: 31 · 20 = 4835.71 (average daily salary 241.94 rubles)
  • February 246.58 · 28 = 6904.24
  • April 246.58 · 29 = 7150.82

Total benefit amount:

4835,71+7500+6904,24+7500+7150,82 = 33 890,77

Important! The B&R benefit is paid in full (100%) regardless of length of service.

The legislation establishes payment to women who visited the appropriate medical institution and registered when their pregnancy did not exceed 12 weeks. It is done once.

When determining the amount of benefits, 300 rubles are taken as the basis. It increases by the percentage of price increases, that is, it is indexed to the inflation rate. In the current year 2021, the monthly amount of money paid to expectant mothers is 581 rubles 73 kopecks. Indexation of benefits has been suspended until the beginning of 2021.

The largest amount of payments is calculated for the previous two years. The maximum size of the base for charging insurance premiums to the Social Insurance Fund is taken into account:

YearsAmount, thousand rubles
Total1 388

The following are not taken into account:

  • period of temporary incapacity for work, previously granted leave for employment and child care;
  • vacation without pay.

Depending on the complexity of the birth, the benefit amounts are (rub.):

Genera (species)Allowance, rub.
Regular34 520,55266 191,78
Complex38 465,75296 613,70
Multiple births47 835,62368 865,75

Regional coefficients do not affect the amount of benefits, with the exception of calculations based on the minimum wage.

The amount of the minimum wage for employees who have worked a monthly standard of working time depends on a number of factors.

Description of the situation Minimum salary in 2021
There is no regional minimum wage agreement for 2021 RUB 12,792
The regional agreement establishes a minimum salary of less than RUB 12,792. RUB 12,792
There is a regional agreement, which provides for a “minimum wage” of 12,792 rubles. and more, the organization did not refuse to participate in the agreement According to regional agreement
There is a regional agreement, which provides for a minimum salary of more than 12,792 rubles, but the organization refused to participate in it RUB 12,792 (with mandatory subsequent increase)

It is possible to raise wages to the established minimum level not only by increasing salaries, but also through other payments (for example, a special additional payment for wages below the minimum wage). However, some payments cannot be taken into account when calculating the “minimum wage”:

  • bonuses for holidays and anniversaries;
  • payment for overtime, night work, work on weekends and holidays;
  • “northern” premiums and regional coefficients;
  • salary of internal part-time workers;
  • additional payment for combining positions;
  • payments prohibited from being included in the minimum wage in a particular region.

Since direct payments have been in effect in all regions since 2021, the Social Insurance Fund calculates most of the benefits. But the employer remains obligated to calculate and pay the amount for the first three days of illness.

In a situation where an employee opened sick leave in 2021 and was discharged in 2021, the increased minimum wage is taken into account when calculating benefits if:

  • on the date of opening of sick leave, the insurance period is less than 6 months. If the illness lasted several months, the payment amount is calculated separately for each of them;
  • on the certificate of incapacity for work there is a note about violation of the treatment regimen, dated 2021;
  • the benefit for a full calendar month turned out to be less than the minimum wage.

In these situations, the minimum benefit for a day of illness in January 2021 is 412.65 rubles. (RUB 12,792 / 31 days).

In similar cases, the new minimum wage is taken into account when calculating payments for sick leave opened in 2021. The minimum wage indicator is used to determine average earnings for calculating benefits. If sick leave is open in 2021 and the employee’s average monthly earnings are less than 12,792 rubles, then the average daily earnings of 420.56 rubles are taken to calculate the benefit. (RUB 12,792 x 24/730). Payment for 1 day of illness in 2021 = 420.56 rubles. x% of sick pay, which depends on length of service.

Recalculation of vacation and business trip pay due to an increase in the minimum wage is necessary only if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  • the employee’s actual average earnings for the billing period are less than RUB 12,792;
  • the vacation or business trip began before January 1 of the current year.

Federal Law of December 29, 2020 N 473-FZ
The methodology for calculating maternity pay for officially employed women in 2021 has not changed. The size of the BiR payment for each day of maternity leave will be equal to 100% of the average daily earnings (ADE). When calculating the benefit amount, the following are taken into account:

  • average income level for the 2 years preceding maternity leave;
  • minimum payment amount - calculated from the minimum wage;
  • the maximum possible benefit amount is determined from the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund.

The amount of payment is determined by a special formula. If a woman lives in the Far North or in a region equivalent to it, the amount of the benefit when calculated is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient .

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