Order for annual paid leave in form T-6: publication date, procedure and sample of completion

All issues related to the provision of vacations to employees of enterprises and organizations are regulated in Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (LC RF). Leave is issued by the appropriate order of the employer. The unified form T 6a of such an order is an analogue of form T 6, but is presented in the form of a table and is filled out for several employees at once. If, according to your vacation schedule, several people go on vacation at the same time, it is more convenient to fill out this form. This document was assigned code 0301019 according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD). The unified form T 6a was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1. When drawing up an order, it should be taken into account that the employee’s annual basic paid leave is 28 days (Art. 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and can be extended (extended main leave) on the basis of the current legislation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws), and also divided into parts, but not less than with the provision of 2 weeks of leave at a time. Holidays and non-working days are not included and are not taken into account in the total period of main leave.

Also, the employee may be granted additional leave, both paid (Article 115-120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and without pay (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

An order for basic leave for employees is prepared in accordance with a pre-compiled vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The universal form T 6a of the order is filled out in the personnel department of the enterprise or organization by its manager. The form of this document is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the personnel service, and the second is sent to the accounting department for calculating vacation pay.

In order to qualify for the first leave from a new employer, the employee must have worked for him continuously for at least six months after employment. Before this period, leave can be taken out by persons under the age of 18 years, adoptive parents of infants (up to three months), women in the period before and after the birth of a child.

An employee's vacation may be divided into parts by mutual agreement with the employer. It is also possible to recall an employee from vacation (with his consent), provided that another period convenient for the employee is provided for rest or unused time is added to the next vacation.

The order is drawn up at least two weeks before the start of the vacation, which each employee must familiarize with signature.

For which holidays is an order drawn up?

The order is issued for the period of vacations and social guarantees, which are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These include:

  • main or annual (Articles 114-115);
  • additional (Articles 115-119);
  • unpaid , without maintenance (Article 128);
  • family: women, adoptive parents, family members, guardians (Articles 255-257);
  • part-time workers (Article 286);
  • other types of leave: educational, creative, sick leave.

The relevant regulations regulate leaves for various categories of workers, who also act on the basis of a unified order. For example, the laws “On the status of military personnel” 76-FZ dated 05/27/1998 as amended on 02/15/2016 (Article 11), “On State Civil Service” 79-FZ dated 07/27/2004 (Article 46), “On Education” 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (Article 47), etc.

Why is it needed?

To send an employee on another paid vacation to warmer climes, the employer prepares a corresponding order. This local normative act is simultaneously the basis for a person’s absence from his or her workplace for a certain period of time and for the payment of sums of money to the employee, which are called vacation pay. The period an employee is on annual paid leave is included in the insurance period. But vacation pay, which an employee must receive three days before the start of the holidays, is not included in the base for calculating the average salary and is subject to exclusion from the calculation period (see subparagraph “a” of paragraph 5 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2007 No. 922 ).

In addition to the basic annual paid vacation, there are:

  • additional paid, for example, for work in harmful or dangerous working conditions;
  • educational;
  • without pay.

The total duration of holidays guaranteed by law is 28 calendar days, but extended periods are provided for some categories of working citizens, in particular for teachers.

Preparation of relevant documentation is the function of a HR specialist.

Unified forms of orders can be used in work: in form T-6 (for one employee) or T-6a (for several employees). It is acceptable to order vacation 2021 or use your own document templates. It is important that they contain the necessary details of the primary accounting documents:

  • serial number and date of compilation;
  • name of the employing institution;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, position and department where he works;
  • type of exemption used (more than one may be indicated);
  • period of work for which annual paid days off are due.

The order sometimes indicates other information, such as a personnel number, the person who will be assigned responsibilities, etc., if necessary.


(order) on granting leave to employees

Provide leave:

Full Name Personnel Number Structural subdivision Position (specialty, profession) Vacation The employee is familiar with the order (instruction). Personal signature of the employee. date
view during the period of work total calendar days date
annual basic paid leave, calendar days annual additional paid leave, educational leave, without pay and others (specify), calendar days With By started graduation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Supervisor ____________________________ (job title) _______________ (personal signature) ___________________________________ (full name)

Print with reverse. Signature printed on the back.

Download the document “Order (instruction) on granting leave to employees. Form N T-6a"

How long before vacation is the order issued?

The deadline for issuing an order is not regulated by law. However, according to Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee must be notified of the vacation no later than 14 days before its start in accordance with the vacation schedule.

The employee puts a mark on familiarization with the beginning of the vacation time on a separate application, confirming it with his signature.

Within two weeks, the order can be issued at any time, but it should be remembered that the calculation of monetary compensation for paid vacations is made on its basis.

According to Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee must receive vacation pay no later than three days before going on vacation. Consequently, accounting and personnel department employees have one and a half weeks to complete the document and make payments from the moment the review is recorded. The document can also be issued in advance (two weeks), where the employee will sign on the bottom line or back.

Under the same conditions, an order is drawn up in accordance with the employee’s written application. The law does not regulate the deadline for filing an application. However, for calculating monetary compensation and the corresponding registration, an interval from 3 days to two weeks is considered acceptable. Optimally, the application must be submitted one week before the start date of the period specified in it.

How to fill out a vacation order on form T-6

The unified form T-6 is regulated by Roskomstat Resolution No. 1. At the same time, the law allows you to create your own template or form, guided by internal policy. However, the order must always contain all the main points and sections that are recommended by the Government. To be filled out in the following order:

  1. The top line indicates the abbreviated or full name of the legal entity , LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  2. On the right in the table above the name of the document its serial number with a letter addition is indicated in accordance with local standards for conducting personnel records.
  3. The second column of the table contains the date of compilation.
  4. In the middle is the name of the document “Order (instruction) on granting leave to an employee.”
  5. Below is the employee’s last name, first name and patronymic..
  6. To the right, in the column called “Personnel number”, a unique numeric identifier is indicated , under which the employee appears in the organizational documents of the company.
  7. Below is the structural unit, position, profession . For example, a sales manager.
  8. The time interval for which leave is granted . For example, from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2021, that is, exactly one year for annual leave.
  9. Section A is completed if the employee is granted basic annual paid leave , and its date and end are also indicated.
  10. Section B is filled out for other types of leave , as well as those provided by social guarantees and additional leaves, indicating the duration.
  11. Section B records the total duration of absence , taking into account the information contained in sections A and B.
  12. Below is the position of the head of the organization . For example, director.
  13. Personal signature of the manager and transcript.
  14. Personal signature of the employee on familiarization , as well as the date of actual familiarization.

Form T-6 is suitable for issuing individual leaves for an individual employee. To issue collective leave, for example, if employment is arranged on the basis of a team agreement (collective), it is necessary to use form T-6a.

Sample of filling out the unified form T 6

The unified form T 6a is filled out in a certain sequence. It is enough to follow simple rules. The original order form must be completed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 19 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Having looked at a sample of filling out an order, it will be much easier to understand.

The procedure for issuing an order to grant leave to employees:

  • at the top of the form, in the line with the name of the organization, the full name of the enterprise is indicated;
  • OKPO;
  • number and date of the vacation order being drawn up;
  • Column 1 - employees are entered from top to bottom, indicating their full last name, first name and patronymic;
  • column 2 - personnel numbers of employees are indicated;
  • column 3 - structural unit where the employee works;
  • column 4 - position held by the employee;
  • column 5 - duration of the basic paid leave provided (in calendar days);
  • Column 6 - duration of additional paid leave, educational, without pay or other type of leave (in calendar days);
  • columns 7, 8 - the period of work for which leave is issued, indicating the dates;
  • column 9 - the total total duration of the main and additional leave (in calendar days);
  • columns 10, 11 - start and end dates of vacation in general;
  • column 12 - personal signature of the employee confirming familiarization with the order for the provision of leave.

A sample of filling out an order is an example that will help you understand where and what data needs to be entered.

Key points and design rules

Mandatory requirements for registration are not established by labor legislation, therefore, enterprises and public sector institutions have their own instructions that determine the procedure for processing personnel documents and reporting. In the budget sector, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the document approval process. The decision may fall within the competence of higher-level managers, organizations and executive authorities, in accordance with the structure of the company or institution. These requirements should be taken into account when drawing up.

The document is the basis for making an entry in the employee’s personal card (unified form No. T-2), and is also used to calculate the corresponding payments and is taken into account in the final calculation upon dismissal and taxes of the organization. It is issued in one copy, the shelf life depending on the type is 5 or 75 years (paragraph “b”, paragraph 19 of Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558).

Unified forms and samples

They are contained in Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 05, 2004 No. 1. Although 01/01/2013 the forms contained in the albums are not mandatory, as any lawyer will confirm, forms No. T-6 and No. T6a are widely used: No. T-6 is used for one employee, No. T-6a - for a group of employees.

There have been no innovations in labor legislation regarding the registration of vacations in recent years. To create your own forms, it is recommended to take as a basis a unified sample order for annual paid leave in the T-6 form.

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Unified form No. T-6a Approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1

OKUD form 0301019
according to OKPO

(name of company)

Document Number Date of preparation

Instructions for drawing up a vacation order

We will tell you in more detail how to issue a vacation order, using the T-6 form as an example.

Step 1. Indicate the number of the vacation administrative document and the date of its formation.

Step 2. Indicate the name of the institution that issues the document.

Step 3. After the words “Grant leave,” indicate your full name. employee completely.

Step 4. Record the name of the structural unit and the position of the employee in the appropriate lines.

Step 5. The provided line must indicate the working period for which the employee is granted leave. The working period is the length of a particular person's working year.

Step 6. Complete lines A, B, C depending on what type of leave is being issued.

Step 7. In the required section (A, B, C) you should indicate the number of calendar days of rest, as well as the specific dates of its start and end.


If vacations of different types are issued, in section B of the form you need to enter data on the total duration of all vacations. When applying for a main vacation without an additional one, section B is not filled out. But a sample order for leave without pay requires the completion of this section.

Step 8. Sign the leave document with the head of the institution.

Step 9. Familiarize the employee with the leave document in writing.


If the employee refuses to read the leave paperwork in writing, draw up an act. You can familiarize a remote employee with information on leave through the exchange of documents in electronic form with electronic signatures (Parts 4, 5 of Article 312 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The deadline for preparing and issuing a vacation document is not established by law.

Leave order log

Information about all vacation orders issued at the enterprise can be stored in a special journal for recording vacation orders. There is no unified form for such a journal, so each company has the right to adopt the most convenient format for maintaining this accounting document. The illustration below shows an example of the design of the named magazine.

The journal for registering leave orders can be drawn up in a free format

Keeping such a log is not mandatory.

Differences in the execution of orders for different types of leave

ViewReasonsLegal grounds
Annual regular paid Approved schedule or personal statement of the employeeArt. 114, 115 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Without salaryPersonal statement of the employee, supporting documents (if available)Art. 128 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Maternity leave, childcare leave (up to 1.5, 3, 14 years) who have adopted a childCertificate of incapacity for work in the established form, personal statement and birth certificate of the childArt. 255, 256, 257 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Additional (for irregular working hours, for employees of certain positions, industries)Schedule or personal statement with reference to basisArt. 116-119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, collective agreement, Resolutions of state executive bodies, subjects of the Federation, municipalities, etc.
TrainingHelp-call from the educational institutionArt. 173, 174, 176 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Part-timerCertificate from main place of workArt. 286 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Filling out a vacation order: sample for 2021

If the employee does not have the right to additional days of rest, then to issue an order to send the employee on annual paid leave, the following minimum amount of information will be required:

  • personal information about the potential vacationer (last name, first name, patronymic);
  • professional attributes of the employee (name of structural unit, position, tab. number);
  • data on the temporary period of vacation (duration, start and end dates).

In the header of the order, it is necessary to clarify its title and the name of the employing company, and the signature of the manager will complete the registration. In addition to the indicated data, the order may contain a note indicating that the employee has familiarized himself with this order.

Note! If an employee goes on vacation as scheduled, he does not have to write a statement. An application is needed, for example, when an employee hired this year goes on vacation.

How to arrange leave for an employee? What documents should I fill out if the employee’s vacation has been postponed? What are the possible risks if the procedure for providing an employee with annual basic paid leave is violated? The answers to these and other questions were examined in detail by ConsultantPlus experts. Get trial access to the K+ system and upgrade to the Ready Solution for free.

The deadline for issuing a vacation order is not established by law. The order should be drawn up taking into account the time required for its signing, transmission to the accounting department, etc. The main thing is to have time to pay vacation pay to the employee no later than 3 days before the start of the vacation (Part 9 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Director's leave order: sample

According to the law, the director has an equal right to vacation - just like an ordinary employee. After all, he is an employee of the organization.

Although the director has the status of a sole executive body, he simply does not have the right to send himself on vacation. The organization's charter must contain provisions on who has the right to put the director on vacation. It could be:

  • collegial body - for example, a board or directorate, a meeting of participants/shareholders of a company;
  • in their absence - the leader himself.

Such a decision is formalized in a protocol in which it is decided who takes on the duties of the director during his absence. Based on it, an order is drawn up. It can be filled out in accordance with the unified T-6 form, which is also used to issue an order for employee leave. In addition, you can use a self-composed form of this document - a vacation order for the general director. A sample of this order is attached below and can be downloaded:

It is important to understand that the unified T-6 form requires it to be signed only by the head of the organization. Therefore, the use of this form is convenient in cases where the director is authorized to sign the document himself. When making a decision not by the manager himself, it is more advisable to use his own developed order form, adding, if necessary, details and a column for the signature of an authorized person of the company.

Is it necessary to use these forms?

Starting from 2013, it is not necessary to use unified forms of personnel orders; accordingly, the employer has the right not to use forms T-6 and T-6a when registering vacations. You can develop your own form, or add or shorten the above. The main thing is that the use of the new form and its form must be approved by order of the organization.

But, despite this, most organizations continue to use unified forms as the most convenient and optimal.

Vacation registration

An order for granting leave is drawn up on the basis of one of two documents:

  1. Vacation schedule for the current year;
  2. Employee's application for leave.

As a rule, a leave order is issued by an employee of the HR department. Then a copy is sent to the accounting department for accrual of vacation pay. The original order is filed in the order book.

The period for issuing a vacation order is not defined by law, so when issuing it, you can focus on two periods:

  • 3 days before the start of vacation is the deadline for paying vacation pay to the employee. Accordingly, the order must be issued 1-2 days earlier, that is, 4-5 days before the start of the employee’s vacation, so that the accounting department has time to calculate and transfer funds to the employee;
  • 14 days before the start of vacation - the period within which the employee must be notified that he is going on vacation. In this situation, the order can be used as a written warning to the employee, familiarizing him with signature. This deadline cannot always be met, especially if the employee goes on vacation unscheduled.

This means that each organization can determine the deadline for issuing an order independently, the main thing is to comply with the deadlines established by law, indicated above.

Instructions for filling out form T-6

Form T-6 is used when only one employee needs to be sent on vacation. It is filled out in the following order:

Name of company

It should be included here in full, without abbreviations. This procedure is established by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2003 No. 65-Art. It also clarifies that if the constituent documents contain an abbreviated name of the company, it may be indicated below the full name (or next to it in parentheses).

The above document is valid only until 07/01/2018, and then GOST R 7.0.97-2016 will come into force, but it also contains the same requirement regarding the name as a document requisite.

All the above rules fully apply to individual entrepreneurs.

OKPO code

Next to the name there is a small field reserved for OKPO; the data for filling it out is taken from the list of codes issued by statistical authorities when registering a company. But leaving this field empty will not be a serious mistake.

If personnel records are maintained in specialized programs, then the OKPO code can be entered into the company details, and it will be automatically entered in each order.

Structural unit where the employee works

If the organization does not have such a division, then this line can be left blank.

Employee position

Its name is entered exactly as it is indicated in the staffing table and employment contract.

Line “During the period of work with...”

This line is intended to enter information about for what working period vacation is granted. It can be left empty if the type of leave on which the employee is sent does not depend on periods of work, for example, study leave.

On the other hand, this period must be indicated when a person goes on annual paid leave and all other leaves, the duration of which is regulated for a year, that is, when a certain number of days of rest are due in one working year (main, additional, for irregular working days , for special working conditions).

Letter "A"

This line is intended for entering information about the number of days of annual basic paid leave. The number of days and the period during which this leave is granted is indicated.

Letter "B"

The line is intended to reflect the duration of all other leaves (without pay, additional, educational). The type of leave, number of days and period are indicated.

Letter "B"

The line is intended to reflect the total number of vacation days. All vacation days are summed up, and the period is marked with the start date of the first vacation and the end date of the second vacation. If only line “A” or line “B” is completed, then it will coincide with line “C”.

The final stage of placing an order is signatures. The completed form is signed by the head of the organization, and then the personnel officer introduces it to the employee against signature.

The following features of the T-6 form can be distinguished:

  • With its help, you can only take two vacations. If an employee is granted more vacations in a row, then another form will need to be filled out;
  • If there is at least one working day between the employee’s vacations, then it is necessary to issue two orders, since in this case the final vacation line (line “B”) will reflect incorrect information.

Instructions for filling out form T-6a

Form T-6a is taken when leave is issued for several employees at once.

Basic details of the order: name of the organization, date and number are filled out in the same way as in the previous form. The further part of the order is presented in tabular form:

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic of employees going on vacation;
  2. Personnel number – indicated if available;
  3. Structural unit – indicated if available;
  4. Name of the employee's position;
  5. How many days of basic paid leave did the employee receive;
  6. Number of days of other types of vacation. The days are put, and next to it, in brackets, the type of rest is indicated;
  7. Start date of the working year for which leave is granted;
  8. End date of the work period;
  9. The total amount of calendar days of all vacations;
  10. Vacation start date – set the start date of the first vacation;
  11. Vacation end date – indicates the last day of the last vacation;
  12. The employee’s signature confirms that he has read the order.

After drawing up, the order is signed by the head of the organization.

The main difference in filling out the T-6a form from the previous one is that vacation periods are entered once and immediately cover all vacations, that is, there is no allocation of periods for each of the vacations.

As in the T-6 form, this form can reflect no more than two types of leave per employee, but it is possible to enter it several times in one order. You can also enter one employee several times if he goes on continuous main leave, but it is provided for different periods of work.

Sample of filling out form T-6a


The vacation order, a sample of which we have reviewed, does not require much effort to complete. It contains the minimum necessary information about the vacationer and the duration of the vacation. The unified leave order form for the 2021 model has not changed compared to 2021. You can take the usual form of the order (form T-6), and if you wish, develop your own. The main thing is that it reflects all the information necessary to send an employee on vacation.


  • https://pravo.team/trudovoe/otpusk/obrazets-prikaza.html
  • https://clubtk.ru/forms/otpusk/prikaz-na-ezhegodnyy-oplachivaemyy-otpusk
  • https://gosuchetnik.ru/shablony-i-formy/prikaz-o-predostavlenii-otpuska-rabotniku
  • https://nalog-nalog.ru/otpusk_i_vremya_otdyha/prikaz_na_ezhegodnyj_oplachivaemyj_otpusk_obrazec_i_blank/
  • https://nalog-spravka.ru/prikaz-o-predostavlenii-otpuska-t-6.html
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