How is certification of teaching staff carried out for compliance with the position they occupy?

How will certification be carried out under the new rules?

If everything goes according to plan, then teachers’ qualifications will be assessed in three blocks:

  1. Written work on the subject.
    This will not only test the teacher’s knowledge in the subject he teaches, he will also be asked to find an error in the student’s solution, help correct it, adequately evaluate the work, and draw up a lesson plan. So far, 2 hours have been allocated for this block.
  2. Analysis of a sample of a teacher's professional activity.
    At first it was assumed that this would be a video recording of the lesson, which would be assessed by independent experts. But this path was abandoned. They planned to add a lesson plan and samples of student test work to the video. Perhaps they will be the only ones left.
  3. Solution of a pedagogical case.
    This is a solution to a complex real-life situation that will require the teacher to apply all of his or her skills. You may need to take this part using a computer.

But that's not all. EFOM, that is, the designated three blocks, can give a maximum of 60 points out of a possible 100. The new certification will also evaluate other factors, including individual achievements (15 points) and professional conditions (5 points). Student achievement should have been included, but this criterion has been abandoned for now.

Who may not undergo mandatory certification of teachers?

By law, all teachers must undergo mandatory certification to prove that they are qualified for the position. This must be done two years after starting work in the specialty, and then repeated every five years. Let us repeat once again that this is mandatory, unlike certification for a category, which is voluntary.

But there are those who do not pass the mandatory certification (and nothing will happen to them for this):

  • Pregnant women.
  • Workers on maternity leave. They undergo certification no earlier than two years after returning to work.
  • Teachers on sick leave for more than four months. Teachers on long-term sick leave undergo certification no earlier than a year after returning to work.

In fact, the certification procedure may differ from region to region, at least until the new rules come into force.
Most often, teachers have to collect a portfolio - awards, commendations and other incentives, collect testimonials, etc. What documents are needed for mandatory certification?

  1. Published.
  2. Published. A trade union representative must be present on the commission.
  3. The deputy director for educational or methodological work prepares those participating in the certification.
  4. The employer must familiarize the employee with the submission 30 days before certification. If the employee refuses to study the submission, the employer is obliged to draw up a statement, which is signed by the employer and the persons (at least two) in whose presence the act was drawn up.
  5. .

Certification takes place 30 days after the teacher has familiarized himself with the presentation. At this point, he already knows the certification date and is more or less familiar with the procedure.

Procedure and mandatory certification

Assessment of the qualifications of educational workers is carried out once every five years. An important role is played by certification commissions formed from among the management staff of the institution. Commissions are formed by administrative document. The activities of these commissions are regulated by local regulations.

The commission usually includes: a chairman, a secretary, several deputies, as well as a representative from the trade union, if there is a trade union organization.

According to the issued order of the manager, the qualifications of employees are assessed. All employees who need to undergo certification must familiarize themselves with their signature about the upcoming certification date. The main document in preparation is the presentation.

Not all employees must undergo certification; there are also categories who should not do this.

These include:

  • qualified specialists;
  • employees who have worked for less than two years;
  • women expecting a baby and people on maternity leave;
  • if employees were on sick leave for more than 4 months.

Certification of the listed categories of employees is established at the legislative level. If you need to improve your qualifications, you can voluntarily come for certification.

How can a teacher get certified?

The teacher comes to the committee meeting and answers questions. The employer reads out the presentation, then the teacher provides additional information about his work, then the commission members ask substantive questions. A common form of written testing is preparing lesson notes and solving pedagogical situations.

After the entire presentation has been read and questions asked, the committee votes. For each employee, the commission decides whether he is suitable for the position or not.

If an employee does not come to his certification for a good reason, the certification is postponed. If there is no good reason, the certification is carried out without the employee. You cannot simply refuse certification. Early retirement does not relieve the obligation to retire.

After the procedure, the commission members sign the protocol. Two days later, the secretary prepares an extract, gives a copy to the employee and attaches another one to his personal file.

Procedure for obtaining the first category

The specifics of its establishment and implementation are specified in paragraph 36 of part 3 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 No. 276.

Requirements for the applicant

High professionalism is confirmed by the following requirements for the applicant:

  • the schoolchildren he teaches show consistently positive results in the subject;
  • the schoolchildren he teaches show a high degree of development of intellectual, creative, physical education and sports abilities;
  • The teacher has made a personal contribution to improving the quality of education, actively participates in the work of his school, and shares his experience with the school staff.

Submitting an application

The first step is to apply. Paragraphs 27, 28 of Order No. 276 dated April 7, 2014 state how to obtain the first qualification category of a teacher based on an application:

  • submit an application to the certification commission in person, by mail with acknowledgment of receipt, by e-mail or through the State Services portal;
  • in the application, indicate the category and position for which they want to have their professional skills confirmed;
  • the application is considered within no more than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt;
  • set the deadline for the certification and notify the teacher in writing about the date and place of its conduct;
  • No more than 60 calendar days are allotted for certification from the beginning of its implementation until the commission’s decision.

The application form is issued at the regional department of education or downloaded on the website of the regional department of education (organizations are required to post such documents in the public domain).

This is what the application form looks like when submitting it remotely through the State Services portal of St. Petersburg:


It is recommended to submit documents no less than 3 months before the expiration date of the previously obtained qualification.

The teacher submits the following documents to the certification commission:

  • statement;
  • self-analysis of the results of professional activities (portfolio of professional achievements), which is certified with the seal and signature of the school director.

Who conducts it and how

Certification is carried out by the certification commission of the regional education department. The teacher is certified in his presence or without him (the teacher notes his desire in the application).

The commission makes decisions without a teacher by open voting, by majority vote. In case of equality of votes, the commission makes a decision in favor of the teacher. According to the law, the qualification category of teaching staff is established at a meeting of the commission if at least two-thirds of the total number of its members are present.

The decision of the commission is recorded in the minutes of the meeting and written down on the teacher’s certification sheet. After this, the decision is submitted to the regional education authority for signature and seal. Then the certification sheet and an extract from the educational authority’s act are sent to the director of the school where the teacher works.

If a teacher has passed certification, his high professionalism is considered confirmed from the day the commission makes a decision. From this day on, the teacher is awarded an increased salary, taking into account the confirmation of his professional skills.

If a teacher has not passed certification, he is not entitled to any benefits. In this case, he is required to undergo certification for suitability for the position held.

If a teacher does not pass the certification, then he is fired?

If a teacher is not suitable for his position, the manager can fire him. But he is not obliged to do this: sometimes an employee is asked to pass and then undergo certification again.

Whom does the employer not have the right to dismiss, even if the certification has not been passed?

  • Women with children under 3 years old
  • Single mothers with children under 14 years old
  • Single mothers with disabled children under 18 years of age
  • Those who raise children without the participation of their mother

How can a teacher get a category?

This type of certification refers to the establishment of a qualification category (first or highest) - any teacher can take it at will, but there are some restrictions.

Firstly, to establish the highest qualification category, a teaching worker must have the first qualification category (for this position). Secondly, an application for certification to establish the highest category can be submitted no earlier than two years after the establishment of the first qualification category.

The procedure itself takes place in three stages:

  1. The teacher submits an application in free form, in which he indicates the qualification category and characterizes his professional activities (at this stage it is possible without supporting materials). The application is considered within 30 days, this procedure is completely free. A certification commission is also formed here, which includes competent specialists, as well as a trade union representative.
  2. At a meeting of the certification commission, the teacher’s performance is assessed, usually in the form of an interview and testing. All supporting materials are needed here.
  3. The decision to establish or refuse to establish the first (highest) qualification category is made in accordance with the criteria for assessing the employee’s results. The results are recorded in the protocol and then entered into the employee’s work book.

general information

The purpose of assigning a category is to stimulate the growth of the teacher’s qualifications and the effectiveness of his work. This is both moral stimulation (confirms the quality of his work) and material (the salary of employees with a higher category than that of ordinary employees).

The procedure for establishing the qualification category for teaching staff is prescribed in the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 No. 276 “On approval of the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities.”

Types of categories

According to the level of professional knowledge, teachers are assigned the following statuses:

  • young specialist;
  • suitability for the position held (SZD);
  • first qualification category;
  • highest qualification category.

Young teachers who get a job after defending their diploma are given the status of a young specialist. Both the period that has passed since graduation from a pedagogical university and the age of the teacher are taken into account. The status of a young specialist is maintained for up to three years. It is extended:

  • if the teacher went on parental leave;
  • if he was called up for military service;
  • if he is a full-time graduate student or undergoing a part-time internship.

After the status of a young specialist expires, the teacher optionally undergoes certification as a “teacher of the first qualification category” in his subject.

If he does not do this, the school management certifies him with the status of “Fitness for the Position Occupied (SPA)”. The commission decides whether the teacher has enough knowledge and skills or not. If a specialist does not correspond to the position held, the school management has the right to dismiss him under Article Part 3 of Art. 82 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Depending on the level of professional skills, the teacher is certified for the first and highest qualification categories. Before the adoption of Order No. 276 of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014, there was a second qualification category of teaching staff, but now it has been removed and certification is not carried out for it.

What is the difference between certification for a category and confirmation of suitability for a position?

Confirmation of suitability for the position held by teachers is mandatory. The verification procedure is prescribed by the school management to ensure that the specialist has a minimum set of professional qualities to work with children. The procedure takes place within the walls of the school. It is required to be carried out every five years.

Who doesn't pass it:

  • young specialists (have worked in a position for less than two years at the school where certification is carried out);
  • pregnant women and employees on maternity leave or parental leave;
  • employees who were absent from work for more than 4 months due to illness;
  • those teachers who have a confirmed qualification category.

Receiving a category for the first time or re-confirming it is at the request of the teacher. It is not necessary to go through this procedure. The teacher has the right to apply for confirmation of the high level of his professional competence or not to do so. This procedure has nothing to do with the school principal. The date and location are determined by the commission at the district education department.

What advantages do categories provide?

First of all, this is recognition of the quality of teacher training. Both parents pay attention to the category indicator (first, highest) when they send their children to study, and school management when they decide to hire a new teacher.

Other benefits:

  • in contrast to compliance with the position held, the first or highest qualification category of a teacher gives an increase in the teacher’s salary (the amount depends on the specific region);
  • it remains the same when moving to another organization;
  • status is entered in the work book.

Is it necessary to receive

It is not necessary to obtain a first or higher qualification. This is done at will and upon request from the teacher. If he doesn’t want to spend time and energy on it, no one will force him.

But the teacher will nevertheless have to undergo mandatory certification regularly (once every 5 years) to confirm his position.

How long do they last?

According to Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 No. 276, qualification categories for teaching staff are assigned for a period of 5 years. After 5 years have passed from the date of certification, it is canceled. The teacher is re-certified every 5 years.

If you do not agree with the results of the certification, what can you do?

First, you have the right to reasonably challenge any irregularities if you believe there were any irregularities in the procedure. Secondly, there are at least two ways to appeal the certification results:

  1. Application to the labor dispute commission, which is created and operates under your employer. Members of this commission must consider your application no later than 10 days from the date of submission of the application.
  2. Application to court. That is, if you do not agree with the decision of the labor dispute commission, then you can challenge it in court within 10 days. Moreover, the teacher has the right to immediately go to court. But it is better to do this as soon as you learn of a violation of your rights. And definitely no later than three months from now.

Regulatory framework

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