Memo on promotion (sample)

Why do you need a memo?

Increases in wages in Russian budgetary organizations are carried out quite rarely. For the most part, the growth is associated with changes in legislation, for example with an increase in the minimum wage. Employers rarely decide to pay more on their own. But that doesn't mean employees can't ask for it.

You can make a request for an increase in remuneration for work either orally or in writing. However, the first option is considered less reliable, since the manager may simply forget about this promise.

So, you can submit a sample application for a salary increase from an employee in the following cases:

  • the employee’s job responsibilities have been significantly increased;
  • in the presence of special achievements and merits to the institution;
  • professional qualifications were improved, specialized higher education was received, additional specialized courses and trainings were completed;
  • the probationary period of work in the institution has been successfully completed and the employee has been transferred to the main staff;
  • official salary (tariff rate) has not been increased for a long time.

In the latter case, your request will have to be justified economically. Let’s say how to justify a salary increase, example: “The accounting department employees of the State Budget Educational Institution DoD YouSSHOR “ALLUR” are asking to increase official salaries by 20%. The appeal is justified by the rapid growth of inflation and the increase in the cost of goods included in the food basket, and the increase in prices for utilities and other household services.”

What's next

After reading the document, the employer puts his resolution with a mark on the satisfaction or rejection of the request for an increase in remuneration. If the director agreed to increase the employee’s salary, the subsequent course of action is as follows:

  • the employee with the boss’s visa is transferred to the personnel department;
  • the personnel officer prepares and sends to the director for signature an order to increase the employee’s salary;
  • the signed document is transferred to the accounting department for salary calculation and payment.

As a rule, after these actions, the employee will receive an increased amount of his next salary.

Basic writing rules

Let’s immediately make a reservation that a sample letter of notice for a salary increase should be drawn up by the employee himself who is applying for an increase in his official salary or tariff rate. The document can be written by hand or printed on a computer. The applicant's signature must be affixed by hand.

The specialist’s immediate supervisor, for example, the head of a department, can draw up a memo. In this case, the employee’s boss indicates his personal opinion regarding the increase in wages and lists specific merits and achievements.

Collective appeals are also acceptable. For example, ask for a salary increase for all specialists in a specific structural unit or the entire department.

Increasing your salary and your employee’s, what’s the difference?

The issue of increasing an employee’s salary can be initiated by the immediate supervisor, who is authorized to evaluate the effectiveness of his work. In this case, the job description regarding the salary increase is drawn up by the head of the department (manager). In an official letter, he appeals to a superior manager with a petition.

A personal request for a salary increase is also an adequate element of work culture, since every employee has the right to expect an increase in pay for effective professional performance. You can ask for a salary increase for yourself:

  • by contacting your superior in person and supporting your visit with a corresponding official letter;
  • leaving a memo request with the secretary of the head or office;
  • by sending a letter about a salary increase via mail to the company’s address.

It should be noted that the employer can increase the monthly payments to the employee if the company has such opportunities, but he is not obliged to do this, especially if the request or demand was groundless or unconvincing.

Important! You can get the desired increase if you provide “iron” arguments in your memo regarding the applicant’s personal contribution to the company’s work, with which the employer agrees.

How to write a memo for a salary increase

Officials did not provide a unified form for the memo regarding salary increases. The application will have to be drawn up in any form, according to generally accepted rules of business correspondence.

Please note the following important recommendations:

  1. Fill out the header of the memo. In the upper right corner we write down information about the recipient of the application, that is, the employer. We indicate the position, name of the organization and full name. superiors. Then we write down information about the applicant: full name, position.
  2. We fix the title and title. In the middle of the new line we indicate “Internal memo”, below we write “On the increase in wages”.
  3. We write down the contents of the memo. In this case, it is not necessary to describe in detail all the achievements and positive qualities of the specialist. It is enough to briefly outline the essence of the matter. It is advisable to indicate the specific size of the expected increase. For example, “increase the official salary by 25%” or “increase the tariff rate to 25,000 rubles per month.”

Now a sample of how to write a request for a salary increase, you need to sign, indicate your position and full name, and put a date.

It is advisable to hand over the memo to the manager personally or through a secretary. Make sure that the request is recorded in the incoming documentation log. You can also send a letter by regular mail or email.

The manager will review the received document and decide what to do next: increase the amount of remuneration for work or refuse an increase. This decision is formalized by a resolution - a special mark on the memo itself.

Drawing up a service letter

There are no uniform requirements for writing such a document, but it is advisable to adhere to a certain structure for writing it. The document must contain:

  1. The name of the organization or division is indicated.
  2. It is written who the note is intended for (full name of the responsible person).
  3. It is clear who is the author of this official paper.
  4. The name of the document and its intended purpose are indicated (in our case, an increase in salary).
  5. The text of the official letter is given, reflecting the essence of the issue.
  6. A request, demand, proposal is formulated.
  7. The signature of the originator is available (if necessary, the resolution of officials).

An official memo about a salary increase, written in any form, is legally valid if all the necessary components are present.

Memo regarding salary increase

One of the ways to motivate employees is a memo about increasing wages. An employee's remuneration consists of more than just salary. These include bonuses, regional coefficient, allowances and other incentive payments. Therefore, the employer can use memos about employee bonuses, applications for financial assistance, etc. And a memo about a salary increase is always about an increase in official salary.

Memo regarding salary increase

Writing example

To the General Director of Panda LLC, Dmitry Petrovich Veselov, Head of the department for the production of soft stuffed toys, Alexey Fedorovich Sherstyuk 03/01/2018 No. 54.

An official memo about an increase in the official salary of Lyudmila Nikolaevna Tsvetkova, an employee of the machine embroidery workshop.

Tsvetkova L.N. hired on December 1, 2017 for the position of embroiderer in a machine embroidery workshop with a probationary period of 3 months.

The employee successfully passed the test and shows excellent productivity. Tsvetkova L.N. conscientiously fulfills orders in accordance with the requirements of designers. In addition, this employee is distinguished by her creativity, independently developing and proposing new creative ideas for product design. Thanks to her initiatives and work, in February 2021, our company received two additional orders for large quantities of toys “Iago Parrot” and “Pumbaa Pig”.

During her work, the embroiderer had no official penalties.

In connection with the above, I ask you to increase the salary of L.N. Tsvetkova. from 12,000 to 20,000 rubles from March 2021 and make appropriate changes to the staffing table.

Head of the department for the production of soft stuffed toys (personal signature) Sherstyuk A.F.

You can find out about the rules by which a memo is drawn up, as well as see a sample document, here.

In order for your appeal to be considered, you must correctly draft the memo. Read our articles on how to correctly write this document for dismissal, write-off of material assets, fixed assets, promotion of an employee, issuance of funds, combining positions, time off, purchase of goods, and hiring.

Why do you need a memo about a salary increase?

The remuneration system and its size may change due to legal requirements. Or by order of the employer himself. When the minimum wage has changed, statutory salaries have increased (civil servants), etc., in theory, the employer must change the salary amount independently. But the employee is not prohibited from paying attention to the changes. For this purpose, a memorandum on salary increases is used. It will become the basis for issuing orders and amending the employment contract. For example, by concluding an additional agreement to an employment contract.

But sometimes the working conditions themselves push the employee to write such a document. Or his boss, for example. Some may intend to quit if pay does not change. After all, during work, an employee can significantly improve his skills. Or make a significant contribution to increasing profits. But under such circumstances, the author of the memo must justify his request. Not only the high level of inflation (although such justification is allowed).

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How to write a justification for a request?

An official letter about a salary increase, like other official memos, whether about the payment of money or a delay, consists of three main parts, coming sequentially one after another: “head”, “body” and conclusion. In the header it says:

  1. The position of the responsible person in the company to whom the document is addressed (in the dative case), last name, first name, patronymic of the addressee. For example: “To the director of the “Fantiki” confectionery factory, V.I. Sakharov.”
  2. The position of the responsible person or employee who draws up the document, the surname, first name, patronymic of the compiler (in the genitive case). For example: “Head of the sales department Tsukerman Ya.M.”

The “body” of the document is its main part (the title and text of the official paper).

The title includes the heading “Memorandum” and the subheading “on a salary increase” or “on an increase in official salary.” Further in the text, enter the last name, first name, patronymic, and position of the applicant for a salary supplement.

The text of the document must indicate:

  1. Necessary information for a positive decision on this issue, which should relate to the business qualities and achievements of the employee.
    This may include brief information about what position the employee was hired for, how long he worked, how well he copes with his duties, what the effectiveness of his work is, how it affected the production efficiency of the enterprise. You can pay attention to personal characteristics related to work.
  2. Justifications for a salary increase (increase in job responsibilities, overtime, advanced training, service to the company, end of the probationary period, possible inflation and price increases).
  3. A proposal (request) for a salary increase (increase in official salary) indicating a specific amount in comparison with the actual salary (comparison with salaries for similar positions in other enterprises is possible).
  4. Desired timing of payment increases.
  5. Indication of the need to make changes to the staffing table.

Note! At the conclusion of the document, the position and full name of the compiler are written down with a transcript, and his personal signature is affixed.

The document must have the date and serial number under which it is registered. This data can be entered after the title, for example, “Official memo” dated March 12, 2018 No. 57, or placed to the left of the “header” in the free field. If the letter was drawn up “for yourself,” before submitting it to higher management for consideration, it is advisable to enlist the support of your immediate supervisor by asking him to endorse the document.

How to compose and format a memo

Information on how to write a memo is used to increase wages. If it is compiled by the boss, you can use the information from the publication “Memo for an employee.” As for the execution of the document, you need to look at the internal documents of the organization. If they are not there – free form, taking into account the following nuances:

  • wages are an essential condition of an employment contract. Therefore, the head of the organization changes her. The addressee of the memo is, accordingly, the main manager. But an employee can write a document to the head of his department. However, it is unknown whether such a document will reach the manager.
  • the writer of the note indicates his position, surname and initials. The boss also writes on his own behalf, but in the interests of the subordinate. If the document is drawn up by the employee himself, it is advisable to coordinate the document with the head of the department.
  • name of the document, date (can be found below), place (if you are contacting the director of the branch)
  • the main text contains the rationale for increasing wages (indicators, law, efficiency, etc.), the amount of salary before the increase, the desired salary level.
  • signature with transcript.

If this is the custom in the organization, the memo about the salary increase is entered into the memo log, and then the manager makes a decision and puts down his resolution.

Legal basis

Labor legislation practically does not directly regulate the issue of when a memo regarding a salary increase can or should be issued.

Both the employee himself and his immediate superior can initiate a memo for a salary increase. However, ideally it should come with the signature of the latter. Then there will be a greater chance of achieving a salary increase.

Simply put, the phrase “I ask you to increase my salary” in a memo is usually perceived by management as an unfounded request, not supported by the opinion of the immediate superior.

When to use

You can give a lot of examples of memos justifying salary increases of various kinds. For example, the reasons could be:

  • combination of positions;
  • receiving additional responsibilities;
  • rising consumer prices (inflation);
  • awarding an academic degree;
  • wages have never been increased or this happened a very long time ago;
  • advanced training, retraining, completion of additional courses;
  • professional and personal qualities, absence of labor violations;
  • drawing an analogy with the size of salaries for similar positions, with the same qualifications and scope of responsibilities in other organizations in the same field, etc.

An example of a memo for a salary increase

A mandatory or recommended sample of a memo on a salary increase is not fixed by law, as well as by-laws. Therefore, a sample memo about a salary increase is drawn up in accordance with the document flow rules adopted in a particular organization.

In practice, it is unlikely that a sample memo about a salary increase is approved by a local act. However, this is not prohibited.

Below is an example of a salary increase memo:

To CEO ______________________

REPRESENTATION/MEDICAL NOTE regarding an increase in salary for an employee

Please consider the possibility of increasing wages from “_____” __________20___ in relation to

__________________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic) __________________________________________ _________________________ (job title) (department name)

Working hours: __________________________________________________________ (standardized/irregular working hours/shortened working hours/week/flexible hours, etc.)

Current salary: ________________________ Bonus by order: ____________________ Bonus by contract: _____________________

Salary that it is desirable to set: ____________________________ Bonus by order: ____________________ Bonus by contract: _____________________

Justification for the need to increase the salary: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Head of department _________________ ____________________ (signature) (last name, initials)

“_____” ___________20___ (date)


___________________________ ____________________ ___ _____________ 20___ (position) (signature) (date)

Economist/Financial Director _________________ ____________________ (signature) (surname, initials) “____” ___________20___ (date)

Thus, the law has not established any special rules for a sample memo on wage indexation. Format them as you would regular business letters addressed to the organization's senior management.

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How not to ask for a raise

Let's list the main mistakes that employees make when they want to talk to their manager about a salary increase.

  • They don’t prepare for the conversation, they start it casually, they speak in a hurry.
  • They start the conversation “on emotions”, using formulations like “I’m working here like a slave in the galleys” or “I’m working without sleep or rest, I haven’t seen my family for a week, and I don’t have enough for bread and caviar.” By the way, the second formulation characterizes you as an ineffective employee who does not know how to manage time wisely - and is unlikely to deserve a promotion or salary.
  • They justify the request by their own interests, and not by the interests of the company.
  • They press for pity - they talk about difficulties with a mortgage, about an unemployed spouse, sick relatives, high expenses for small children.
  • They cite rumors and gossip as an argument: “Why did Petrov’s salary increase, but not mine?”
  • They accuse colleagues of not working hard (this may happen unconsciously, but it will greatly damage the reputation of the employee who thus “puts on a white coat”).
  • They do not digitize their results and therefore cannot show how their work affects the overall result of the company.
  • They ask for a raise in a low-skilled job (it will be easier and cheaper for the employer to hire a new employee).
  • They start a conversation in a state of excitement or fear - and because of this they use “begging” intonations, with which the words sound uncertain and unconvincing.
  • They go to the manager with a proposal without first assessing the relevance of their competencies and the situation on the labor market, without comparing their salary with the market one (and the company always compares!).
  • They start talking about raising salaries without having any noticeable achievements up their sleeves, working “from bell to bell,” or worse, after any professional failures or failed projects.
  • They give ultimatums, threaten dismissal and hint that they will take away clients.

If suddenly, in the process of preparing for a conversation about a salary increase, you discover that your competencies are outdated, and your salary for the market already looks good, don’t be surprised: this happens quite often. For you, this is a sign that you urgently need to “upgrade”, master new technologies and update your skills. And you need to do this before talking about raising wages. You definitely don’t want your manager to be the first to find out that he can hire a more qualified professional with your current salary.

Natalya Khozitskaya, consultant on choice of profession and career planning

Wage increases from a legal point of view

In the Labor Code, Article 129 clearly defines general concepts in the field of remuneration, that is, what is salary, tariff rate, and other allowances that make up wages. The provisions of the article also provide for the opportunity for the employer to increase wages through incentive bonuses, bonuses and compensation.

Article 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the employer’s obligation to annually index the wages of each employee, due to rising prices for consumer goods. An increase in pay may be provided for by a collective agreement, local acts of the company, or regional agreements. An increase in pay may concern both an individual employee and the entire team or a separate structural unit.

Based on the above, the employer has the right not only to increase the tariff rate or base salary, but also, based on the internal documents of the enterprise, to award bonuses to employees, pay bonuses, and make additional payments.

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Reasons for increasing wages

Employees have many reasons to contact their employer regarding a salary increase, but each of them will have to be justified and proven that the wage level is indeed subject to an increase.

The most common reasons:

  • serious increases in prices for basic necessities and food;
  • actually combining two positions or performing additional tasks;
  • expanding the range of responsibilities on one’s own initiative;
  • long period of work in the company;
  • if salaries have not been revised for several years, and they no longer correspond to those in other organizations;
  • acquiring additional skills on your own initiative.

The memo contains a list of goods that have increased in price based on analysis of past periods

Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the employer’s obligation to index wages every year, but everyone knows that such an increase does not cover price increases. Therefore, you will have to justify your appeal in the memo. In addition to the official data from RosStat, it is better to provide a specific list of goods for which prices have increased, with an analysis of past periods. But these should not be luxury items, but vital products.

If your immediate manager constantly asks you to do additional work, then you shouldn’t expect him to decide to increase your salary. It is better to write a memo that clearly states the duties performed in addition to the main functions specified in the employment contract.

You can increase your salary by asking management to increase your workload. The ability to perform additional functions can be confirmed by completed courses and trainings.

A long period of work at an enterprise is not the best argument. As a rule, “old-timers” are paid extra anyway, without initiative on the part of the employee. If the company's management does not do this, then perhaps the employee is not considered as a valuable personnel.

In cases where the company has not revised salaries for a long time, this is a reason to write a memo asking for an increase. Moreover, this must be done if the approach to different employees is not the same; in a similar position, but in a different department, the salary is higher.

Personal characteristics and additional education that help increase the company’s profits are a reason to contact management for a personal bonus.

For example, a construction engineer completed courses and mastered working in AutoCAD. Now the company does not need to contact a third-party company to obtain services for small design and calculation of the volume of construction work. A sales manager can use personal connections in his work, bringing greater profit to the company.

We arrange salary increases competently

It is recommended to submit a memo, regardless of who its author is, directly to the manager or through the office of the enterprise. The secretary must register the document in the incoming documentation journal.

The document consists of the following mandatory parts:

  1. Company name;
  2. position and full name recipient and author;
  3. document's name;
  4. the content part, with the rationale for the appeal and the direct request;
  5. list of attached documents, if available;
  6. date and signature of the author.

The document can be drawn up on a computer or by hand. The recipient of the note must then review and make their decision whether to reject or grant.

You should not expect a quick decision; the head of the enterprise can review such documents within 30 days. If a positive decision is made, then an order is issued by personnel service employees who receive a memo with the director’s resolution.

The order displays the amount of the increased salary, bonus or other payments, and the date the changes come into force. The order must be presented under the signature of the employee or several employees in relation to whom the administrative document is issued.

An example of a memo for a group of employees

A sample statement regarding an increase in income for employees of a separate structural unit may look like this:

(from) the head of the structural unit, full name.

Due to the increase in sales volumes over the last 2 months by 25%, I ask you to consider the possibility of increasing salaries for department 15%.

The proposed salary is... rubles.

Head of department, full name, signature, date.

The increased salary usually comes into effect from the new calendar month.

Example of registration for an individual employee

A sample memo from a manager regarding an increase in income for an individual employee can be drawn up as follows:

(from) the head of the structural unit, full name.

FULL NAME. the position has been working in the position...the specialist successfully completed the probationary period, has no disciplinary sanctions or reprimands, and has proven himself to be an efficient employee. In connection with the above, I ask you to increase your full name. position salary from ... rubles to ... rubles.

Signature and its transcript, date of compilation, position and full name.

Increase in wages at the initiative of the employee. Action plan.

First of all, if an employee wants to increase his income, then he must take the initiative and evaluate his achievements in his work life.

Next you need to proceed as follows:

  • draw up a memo;
  • send it to an authorized person who resolves such issues;
  • transfer the document through the office or human resources department, with a receipt stamp on the second copy (personal delivery to the manager is allowed);
  • The reply is in process;
  • receiving the results of reviewing the note.

You should not expect an immediate response; the company’s management has 30 days to consider the request. You should be prepared that you may receive a refusal. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for this decision.

According to the provisions of the current legislation, the manager’s refusal can even be appealed to the labor commission. But you can count on a positive decision only if the procedure for increasing wages, enshrined in the company’s local documents, is violated.

What laws should I refer to? Justification of requirements

It is imperative to review industry agreements. Such documents often spell out the nuances of payroll and indexation. For example, the Federal Industry Agreements on construction and the building materials industry provide for indexation of at least 1.2 times the subsistence level. The document also regulates other allowances and additional payments, depending on the rank and length of service.

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You should definitely study the collective agreement, regulations on bonuses and other local acts providing for salary increases. If one of the points is suitable for a particular situation, then it should be referred to.

How to write a memo? Sample

If local documents do not provide a sample document, then it can be compiled as follows:

Head of the enterprise, full name

(from) Full name, position, structural unit, branch

Please consider the possibility of increasing your salary a new production line was launched, and as a result, an additional 5 people were hired, production volumes increased by 50%. These circumstances entailed an increase in work and increased responsibility, and the number of people under his command doubled. Based on the above, I ask you to increase my salary by 10% or express your wishes in monetary terms.

Current salary... rubles.

Allowances by order or by agreement (if any).

Position, full name and the author's signature. Date of preparation.

It is recommended to submit the document through the office so that the secretary can mark receipt if the company does not have electronic document management.

Basic writing mistakes

The most common mistake is sending a document to the wrong manager. It is possible that the immediate superior does not resolve these issues. If the hierarchical structure of the company does not allow an employee to contact the CEO, then it is better to write a statement to the immediate manager with a request to contact higher management. Such a memo also recommends justifying the need to increase wages.

The second common mistake is weak argumentation. Any ups and downs of life and financial problems of a particular employee are not a reason for increasing wages. If you need to repay a loan, but there is no money, you should not contact management to increase your salary, it is better to look for another way out.

The third mistake is trying to arouse sympathy from the manager by complaining about your problems. An experienced boss will never give in; perhaps he will only provide temporary help. After all, having increased the salary only out of pity for one employee, the rest will come the next day.

Therefore, before drawing up an application, you need to soberly assess your chances and analyze your achievements in your work life. Don't be greedy and refer to other employees who have higher salaries. It is better to ask for a small increase, but more often, than to immediately request a 2-fold increase.

There is no need to refer to the fact that you have to sit until the night at your workplace. Most likely, the boss will evaluate this differently; he will consider that during the day the employee plays computer games or communicates for a long time with colleagues, and does his work after the office is empty.

What should you include in the note to increase your chances of getting a salary increase?

In order for the manager to satisfy the request, it is recommended to supplement the substantiating part of the document with real achievements in work activity. For any manager, the main thing is not adjectives like “executive” or “I’ve been working in the company for a long time,” but numbers and facts.

It can be formulated as follows:

  • I carry out an individual sales plan on an ongoing basis, which leads to a stable increase in the company’s profit by ...% or express the figure in rubles;
  • Thanks to the creation and implementation of order-taking software by me, the company saved on call center staff in the amount of ... rubles;
  • Thanks to the program I developed to attract new clients, the department managed to increase the company’s profit in the last quarter by ...%.

The main emphasis should be on increasing profits.

What salary increase is reasonable to ask for?

There is no point in starting a conversation about raising your salary without understanding how much you want to earn, because sooner or later the question about this will come up. If you hesitate, show uncertainty, then you will receive in response “I’ll think about it.”

Within the company where you already work, it would be too optimistic to expect a big increase.

A one-time increase in salary can be 10–20%, depending on the convincingness of your arguments and the regulations adopted by the company. It is not the salary that may change, but the bonus system, especially if you are involved in sales and working with clients. This also depends on the norms adopted in the company, but agreeing on such an increase is usually easier, since it directly depends on your results and the company’s profit; the risk for the employer in this option is less.

Natalya Khozitskaya, consultant on choice of profession and career planning

Analyze the market and your own value. Figure out how much a specialist of your level costs, based on his area of ​​responsibility, job responsibilities, qualifications and experience. You should also have at least an approximate idea of ​​how the company is doing and what the wage fund for your department is.

Boris Sysoev, specialist in personnel selection and development, founder of IT startups and

Collect, evaluate and describe the results of your work. Turn them into numbers if possible and tie them to interests is not suitable, since it is about your personal interests, not interests - this is a good result. Not to mention the results that directly lead to increased sales, customer acquisition, and increased profits.

Natalya Khozitskaya, consultant on choice of profession and career planning

You need to talk about a salary increase from the perspective of benefit for the company, personally for the manager. If a person declares that he needs car repairs, a trip to a sanatorium for his wife, or money for the treatment of a child, then it is better to ask for a lump sum payment. To get a raise, you need to demonstrate your worth. Tell us about a new scheme you came up with (!) to attract clients or encourage them, outline a plan for reducing costs when conducting a PR campaign, tell us that after your competent mailings, the company’s profit increased by 10%. Demonstrate loyalty to the company and willingness to continue working for its benefit.

Natalya Storozheva, General Director of the Perspective Business and Career Development Center

Relax: asking for a pay rise is normal. But sitting in one place and with the same income is not a good idea. Your manager will appreciate your desire to grow.

Anastasia Galkova, HR manager of the communications agency PR Partner

What's the worst thing that can happen after talking about a salary increase? Your salary will not be raised. Well, many have gone through this and managed it. But a pessimistic outcome has beneficial side effects:

  • you receive feedback on your work from your manager;
  • train empathy, effective communication and negotiation skills;
  • find out, independently and/or with the help of your manager, in what directions you could develop, what skills and knowledge you are objectively lacking;
  • listen to yourself and your feelings of rejection - maybe it’s time to move on, not resign yourself, but get ready to change jobs?
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