An employee is recognized as disabled: how to calculate taxes and calculate benefits?

Benefits for disabled people of the 3rd group in 2021

For disabled people of the 3rd group, there are privileges for rehabilitation and health improvement. Privileges:

  • 50% discount on medicines;
  • free treatment;
  • rehabilitation, treatment in a sanatorium;
  • 50% discount on transport every year;
  • compensation for expenses for the purchase of rehabilitation equipment;
  • purchasing orthopedic shoes with a discount of up to 60%.

Disabled people of the 3rd group are recognized as able-bodied people, but they have restrictions on work. If a citizen is employed, he can count on the following benefits:

  • the workplace must be suitable for the working conditions prescribed by the expert commission;
  • 30 days of vacation are provided every year;
  • it is possible to obtain an additional vacation period of 60 days without compensation;
  • prohibition of overtime work without consent;
  • the employer cannot arrange a shortened week.

Answers to common questions about benefits for working disabled people of group 3

Question No. 1: Can a group 3 disabled person combine basic annual leave and additional rest at his own expense?

Answer: Yes, the law allows this, but the vacation should not last more than six months.

Question No. 2: The son of a group 3 disabled person who uses a wheelchair uses personal transport exclusively to transport his father. Can he qualify for a 50% discount when paying for an MTPL policy?

Answer: No, the conditions for providing a discount on the MTPL policy are the simultaneous ownership and driving of the car in question.

What is due to disabled people of group III in 2021: benefits and payment amounts

A disabled person is a person who has a persistent health disorder, due to which he is limited in everyday life. In Russia there are three disability groups:

  • Group I – in the presence of persistent, significantly pronounced disorders of body functions (90% – 100%);
  • Group II – in the presence of persistent severe impairment of body functions (70% – 80%);
  • Group III – in the presence of persistent moderate impairment of body functions (40% – 60%).

If a child is recognized as disabled, he receives the status of a disabled child, regardless of the degree of health impairment.

A person can be recognized as disabled only after undergoing a medical examination at the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise

. A referral for an examination can be issued by the attending physician of the clinic, the social protection department or the Pension Fund at the request of the applicant or according to indications.

If a group III disabled person is officially employed, then he has the right to:

  • additional leave;
  • refusal of certain types of work.

According to Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a disabled employee of any group has the right to take additional leave of up to 60 calendar days annually

. Such leave is provided without pay. In addition, a disabled employee is entitled to extended annual paid leave - 30 calendar days (standard 28 calendar days).

Disabled workers may refuse to work on weekends and public holidays and from overtime work

. Such rights are also spelled out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

disabled people are entitled to improved housing conditions if standard ones are not suitable for them due to health reasons

. In addition, if a person suffers from severe chronic diseases, then he may be provided with housing of a larger area than is required according to the regional standard for one person. However, the provided housing area cannot be increased more than twice. Such residential premises are registered under a social tenancy agreement.

According to Part 13 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation,” disabled people of group III are provided with compensation for the amount of utility bills in the amount of 50

%. This compensation can be issued only if there is no debt for utility services or if a partial repayment agreement is concluded (subject to the terms of the agreement).

Please note that if a disabled person of group III, for good reasons, did not pay for housing and communal services on time

, for example, underwent long-term treatment in a hospital, then he does not have the right to refuse benefits.

EDV is a monthly cash payment

, which is assigned to certain categories of federal beneficiaries, for example, “Chernobyl” survivors, for the third child and disabled people, among others.

The amount of EDV for disabled people of group III from 02/01/2020 is 2,227.55 rubles, and from February 1, 2021 it will be 2,336.7 rubles

provided that, as planned, the indexation coefficient will be 1.049 (4.9%). This amount can only be received if the disabled person refuses to receive a number of social services in kind. If a disabled person chooses to receive social assistance in the form of a set of services, then his EDV from February 1, 2021 is 1,072.49 rubles, and from February 1, 2021 it will be 1,125.04 rubles if the preliminary indexation coefficient is officially approved.

To the social assistance kit

in the form of social services in kind include:

  • medicines prescribed by doctors;
  • vouchers for preventive sanatorium treatment (for medical reasons);
  • free travel to the place of treatment (railway or bus).

Regardless of age, causes of disability and other criteria, all disabled people are assigned an insurance or social pension

(social – if the disabled person does not have insurance coverage).

If a person officially worked before the onset of disability, then he is assigned a fixed payment to the disability insurance premium in the amount of 3,022.24 rubles from the beginning of 2021.

The exact amount of the disability insurance pension can be found in the Pension Fund.

To determine it, you need to know the length of service, the number of pension points, and more.

Provided that the person has never worked before, the disabled person will be assigned a social disability pension. Its size since 04/01/2020 is 4,765.27 rubles; in 2021 it will also be increased.

Other privileges and benefits for working disabled people of group 3

In addition to the preferences listed above, a disabled person of group 3 has the right to receive the following types of assistance:

  1. One-time financial support in the amount of 5 thousand rubles (valid in 2021). This payment is intended to compensate for the lack of indexation of pension benefits.
  2. 50% discount on utility bills, provided that the apartment belongs to the municipal housing stock.
  3. 50% discount when paying for an MTPL policy. A discount is provided if a disabled person is the owner of the vehicle and the driver at the same time.

What benefits does a group 3 disabled person have in 2021?

If a person has received a Group III disability due to military service and is officially employed, then he has the right to receive a standard personal income tax deduction in the amount of 3,000 rubles monthly

in accordance with Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Disabled people are provided with transport tax

in the amount of 100% in relation to a car specially equipped for disabled people and with an engine power of up to 100 horsepower. Additional benefits for transport, land or property taxes may be provided for by regional legislation.

A separate category of disabled people includes people who became disabled as a result of tests or exercises with nuclear equipment and installations. They are provided with the following benefits:

  • for land tax (the tax base is reduced by the cadastral value of 600 square meters of area);
  • for property tax (for residential premises, the cadastral value of which does not exceed 300 million rubles).

This tax benefit is provided only for one property. A disabled person can independently choose the property to which the benefit will apply. If the corresponding application is not submitted to the Federal Tax Service, then tax authority specialists will independently apply this benefit to the property, but to which the largest amount of tax will be calculated.

Other benefits include the provision of space for the construction of a garage or other place to park a vehicle

. This benefit is provided for by Part 8 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation.” A place for the construction of a garage is given to a disabled person on a priority basis.

In addition, on the basis of Part 16 of Article 17 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation,” disabled people are given priority right to receive land for the construction of a residential building or summer house.

As mentioned earlier, regional authorities have the right to establish additional benefits and payments for people with disabilities

. For example, in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 16, 2020 No. 2260-PP, people who became disabled in group III as a result of a combat wound during the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus since 1995 are provided with a monthly payment in the amount of 2,519 rubles.

Having disability group 3, a person retains the opportunity to work and enjoy social benefits with certain benefits. The category under consideration includes disabled people from labor, childhood, war, and those who received status as a result of the development of an illness.

Be that as it may, Russia has laws that provide specific rights for disabled citizens, including conditions for assigning a group. In particular, we are talking about such legislative acts as:

— Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95, which sets out the procedure and conditions for obtaining the status of “disabled person”;

— Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development No. 17, which sets out the need to carry out a medical examination designed to determine the causes of disability;

— Order of the Ministry of Health No. 317, supplementing Resolution No. 17 and explaining the procedure for conducting a medical examination;

— Explanation of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, giving an idea of ​​the list of medical institutions available for examination;

— Federal law guaranteeing the right of disabled people to social benefits;

— Federal Law on Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities;

— Federal law that allows people with disabilities and senior citizens to get the services they need.

The group in the Russian Federation is determined within the framework of the MSEC (medical and social expert commission). This procedure can be carried out on the direction of the attending physician or on the patient’s personal initiative (he informs his doctor about his intention to undergo MSEC).

The specialist must make the required changes to the card and write out the direction. In addition to the relevant document from the doctor, the potential holder of the disability group prepares a package of documents containing:

- original and copy of passport;

— a certified copy of the work book;

- outpatient card;

— certificate of income (just in case);

- extracts from all hospitals (plus copies) where treatment took place;

— characteristics from the place of study or work (if necessary);

— an act in form N-1 (as evidence of an occupational disease or work-related injury).

It is advisable to have as many documents as possible on hand, since the fact of being assigned a disability with benefits, etc. may depend on the availability of certain data. If assigned to group 3, the disabled person is given two important documents - an individual rehabilitation program and a certificate of disability. To obtain the required preferences, you should contact the Social Protection Fund. Then you need to write a pension application to the Pension Fund.

Persons with disabilities who have received group 3 are provided with a social pension, which is paid to them every month. This payment is fixed at the federal level and the process of receiving it is the same for everyone, but on a larger scale, additional compensation, payments, and increases in amounts by a specific factor are possible. Benefits are calculated based on the factors that led to disability.

The pension payment can be social, insurance or state. To calculate the funds, take into account its type and the root cause of the status. For example, to provide an insurance pension, the recipient’s work experience is important. In addition, the assigned group and the basic rate are taken into account.

Note that the minimum fixed payment (FAP) to the insurance pension for group 3 is equal to 2336.70 rubles, and the social benefit until April 2021 is equivalent to 4491.30 rubles.

Each disabled person is allocated 933.25 rubles per month for medicines. For rehabilitation and treatment in a sanatorium they give 144.37 rubles, and for travel to a place of recovery - 134.04 rubles. All this is included in the set of social services (NSS), which can be abandoned in favor of money, in order to receive on average 1211.66 rubles in addition to the pension (depending on what services will be excluded from the benefit package).

According to the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation,” every citizen with disabilities receives a monthly cash payment from the Pension Fund (PFR), which also includes the NSO. For category 3 in 2021, 2,366.70 rubles are provided, and in large cities an increase is possible depending on the causes of disability.

Their size is related to the reasons for obtaining the status, so it is difficult to identify specific numbers. But it is worth taking into account that group 3, in addition to basic payments, gives the right to insurance payments (if any). As a rule, 1000 rubles are given per month as a pension supplement.

As social assistance from the state, persons with disability group 3 (like other categories) receive various benefits that are valid throughout the country (federal) or at the local level (regional). Next, we will consider the main preferences for those who belong to category 3.

Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2021

The Tax Code provides for the right of a third group disabled person to receive a standard personal income tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles. However, it only applies to a person who is a disabled person or a disabled person.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the exemption of transport for a disabled person from transport tax if it is specially equipped for the needs of this person.

At the regional level, benefits for disabled people of group 3 are most often provided in 2021 according to local taxes:

  • Discount or complete exemption from transport tax;
  • Land tax discount;
  • Exemption from real estate tax (provided that it is not used for business purposes)

Regions also have the right to establish additional benefits for people with disabilities:

  • in the Rostov region - starting from 2021, free travel for disabled people of group 3 on suburban and intercity transport has been abolished. Other benefits for people with disabilities in this region have been preserved.
  • in Moscow - there are various programs for people with disabilities, including reducing the number of floors for wheelchair users, finding a job, improving living conditions, etc.
  • in the Tver region, social cards based on the MIR system are being introduced for beneficiaries, including disabled people of group 3. It will give the right to preferential use of public transport. In addition, during the autumn-winter period, disabled people have the right to purchase intercity tickets with a 50% discount.
  • in the Kemerovo region - disabled people are entitled to free travel in city and suburban transport, as well as a 50% discount on travel in the Kemerovo region.
  • in the Leningrad region - the payment of transport tax was canceled for disabled people of groups 1 and 2. Alas, disabled people of group 3 were not included in the benefit.
  • in the Moscow region - disabled people of group 3 can reduce the tax by 50% for one vehicle at a time.
  • in Bashkortostan, a single social card has been introduced for social groups of the population, which allows them to receive benefits for travel on public transport, identify and record the dispensing of preferential medications, as well as receive pensions and other payments.

Group 3 disability is characterized by the presence of persistent health problems that deprive a person of the opportunity to work and communicate normally.

The first step is to obtain a certificate confirming your disability. A citizen can be recognized as disabled only after examination by a medical and social commission.

Group 3 disabled people receive not only cash benefits, but also benefits that significantly simplify the life of a person with disabilities.

Personal income tax

Disabled people of groups I and II have the right to a standard tax deduction for personal income tax in the amount of 500 rubles. per month (subclause 2, clause 1, article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people due to the Chernobyl disaster and other categories of disabled people listed in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are entitled to a personal income tax deduction in the amount of 3,000 rubles. for each month of the tax period (clause 1, clause 1, article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Standard tax deductions reduce only the income of residents, subject to personal income tax at a rate of 13 percent (clause 3 of Article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Income taxed at other rates does not need to be reduced by the amount of standard deductions (Clause 4, Article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The status of the income recipient (resident or non-resident) should be determined by the number of calendar days that the person was actually in Russia over the next 12 consecutive months. If a citizen has been in the Russian Federation for at least 183 days, he is considered a tax resident. Accordingly, the personal income tax rates established for residents must be applied to his income.

The period of a citizen’s stay in Russia is not interrupted only by periods of his travel abroad for short-term (less than six months) treatment or training (Clause 2 of Article 207 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Disabled employees who are entitled to more than one deduction from the listed standard tax deductions for personal income tax are provided with one deduction - the maximum.

The right to receive standard tax deductions in the amount of RUB 3,000. and 500 rub. is not limited to the amount of income received during the tax period (clause 1 of Article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

What benefits are available at the federal level in 2021?

Disabled people who work may be granted leave for up to two months (60 days).

It is issued if an employee is sent for treatment to a sanatorium or goes to a hospital for a routine examination.

Also, disabled people of group 3, like people without health problems, have the right to work on weekends and holidays.

In addition, disabled people may request recalculation of their pension in accordance with the legislation of the country.

If a disabled person has an income below the state-defined subsistence level, he has the right to services provided at home.

These include assistance in purchasing food and medicine, keeping the house clean, providing medical care and consulting with a lawyer.

The assistance of a paid social worker can also be arranged if there is such a need.

Persons who have had limited opportunities since childhood (childhood disabled people) may qualify for additional benefits.

In granting the status of a disabled person, the commission is guided by the order of Article 2 of the Russian Federation “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as a disabled person.” The list of diseases presented in the article makes it possible to obtain a disabled group.

Federal Decree No. 181 describes social support for the disabled by the state of the Russian Federation.

Chapters 7-8 describe the procedure for medical and social examination, and 4 - improvements and benefits.

The benefit code for group 3 disabled people in 2021 is described in the appendix to letter No. 45-814 dated February 22, 2005 “On codes for certain categories of citizens.”

The 3rd disability group is assigned to a person suffering from physical or mental health problems. A disability group is assigned after a diagnosis is made by a doctor.

Disability limits a person's activities, so the state provides additional payments. A person with the third group of disabilities is limited in the choice of profession and career growth, therefore not only material support is provided, but also social support.

The standard registration process is as follows:

  • the procedure is carried out in a specialized medical institution;
  • a referral for a social medical examination is issued by a local therapist;
  • a package of documents is submitted for social medical examination and a medical examination is carried out;
  • The medical examination report justifies the need for a disabled person.

The government strictly controls this point.

Mosenergosbyt gives disabled citizens of the third group a 50% reduction in rent and utility bills. Concessions for major repairs are not provided. In the absence of centralized heating, a 50% discount applies to the purchase of firewood, coal, peat, and briquettes.

In addition, you have the right to get on the waiting list to improve your living space. Persons with disabilities have the right to take advantage of benefits for the purchase of land for development. The amount of benefits for disabled people of group 3 in Moscow is determined by the region in which the citizen lives.

The state takes care of people with disabilities in the housing issue. They have the right, under relaxed conditions:

  • participate in individual construction;
  • run a private dacha farm;
  • garden.

The right to purchase housing is pre-established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Benefits in 2021 for disabled people of group III

The employer is required to create the necessary conditions at the enterprise described in the labor code.

Group 3 disabled people who are able to work have the right to take advantage of the privilege of a 60-day vacation when traveling to a sanatorium, resort or planned treatment.

The working week is no more than 40 hours, and the maximum lifting weight is 2 kg (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Like other employees, disabled people of group 3 are allowed to work in production on weekends, holidays, and at any time of the day.

The law prohibits the dismissal of an employee at the initiative of the employer.

Until recently, the procedure for the use of parking space by a disabled person in a parking lot was not prescribed in the legislation. Nowhere were they informed about the requirement to have an identification card or that not everyone is allowed to put on the “Disabled” sign. The sign was installed on a car where a disabled citizen was periodically transported. Traffic police officers had the opportunity to fine any car for illegal parking, regardless of whether a disabled person’s license was present. It was not included in the list of documents presented by the driver to the traffic police inspector.

Who has the right to use a free parking space:

  • a guardian (parent, relative, 3rd person) has the right to use it;
  • free parking is provided for only one car;
  • parking spaces are marked with a special sign.

According to the new traffic rules of the Russian Federation, it is provided for attaching a sign to a car if a citizen with a disability is inside. Penalties for violation are provided in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, people with disabilities receive a social deduction from the amount spent on treatment.

All paperwork involving a notary comes with a 50% discount.

Disabled entrepreneurs have the right to receive a monthly tax deduction of 500 rubles. The legislation exempts businessmen from the single social tax, but not from paying value added tax.

The corresponding changes to the legislation will come into force on July 1, 2021. After this, within six months, citizens with disabilities or their official representatives will have to submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to include information about the vehicle in the federal register of disabled people. This can be done at the MFC (multifunctional center) or on the government services portal.

If the register does not contain the relevant information, people with disabilities will still be able to take advantage of the right to free parking by presenting paper documents.

Types of surcharges

In addition to basic pension payments, disabled people of group 3 can receive such allowances as:

  • Monthly allowance in the amount of 1000 rubles - to receive this allowance, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a corresponding application. To receive this benefit, a disabled person must have unemployed status, which is confirmed by submitting a work book to the Fund.
  • Dependents - for one dependent, an additional payment of 32% of the pension amount is made; two dependents – 64; three or more – 100%.
  • EDV - these monthly payments are intended for the following categories: war veterans; concentration camp prisoners; persons affected by radiation. The average amount of EDV is 1900 rubles. To appoint an EDV, you need to provide an application, as well as: a passport; SNILS; disability certificate.
  • Residents of the Far North - the approximate amount of the allowance is 3,000 rubles. Condition: 20 years of experience.
  • Age – when a disabled person is 80 years old, he receives a 100% increase in pension.
  • Monetization - if you refuse benefits, a disabled person receives an allowance in the amount of 995 rubles.

It is important to know! Pension for disabled people of group 1

In addition to basic additional payments, people with disabilities can count on a number of benefits, for example:

  1. No payment of transport and property taxes.
  2. 50% discount on medications.
  3. Discounts on utility bills.
  4. Involvement in overtime work only with the consent of the disabled person.
  5. Preferential travel on public transport.
  6. A trip to the sanatorium-resort complex.
  7. Out of line service.
  8. Providing vacation at any convenient time.
  9. No probationary period for employment.
  10. Receiving free social services (cleaning, purchasing food, legal assistance, etc.).

The list of benefits is established separately in each region of the country.

Benefits for disabled people in 2021

Group III disabled people are paid a monthly disability pension, and additional payments are also provided, the amount of which depends on the official length of service of the citizen and the region in which he lives. So, in 2021, the social pension is 4,280 rubles, and the insurance payment, depending on the length of service, can reach 2,190 rubles.

Also, group III disabled people can receive compensation of 850 rubles for the purchase of medicines and a one-time payment of 135 rubles as partial compensation for travel expenses when traveling to a sanatorium.

The authorities intend to index insurance and social pensions, and this process will take three years. However, adjustments to the financial part of the fixed-term pension, as well as pension savings, are not provided. This decision was made by a special commission and included in the draft budget for the next three years, starting in 2021.

The document was developed by specialists from the Ministry of Labor and it provides the following data:

  • non-working pensioners will be able to count on an increase in insurance pensions by 6.3% and this is only for 21 years, the next year payments will increase by another 5.6%, and then - 5.9%;
  • the fixed value that is used to calculate the insurance pension in this case will be 6044 rubles, while the number of recipients of such payments reaches 40 million people;
  • disabled citizens who can count on an old-age pension for non-working pensioners will receive 17,432 rubles per month in 2021.

Regarding what the size of the pension will be for those not working due to disability of group 3, it is worth saying that social pensions, namely, people with disabilities can count on, will also increase. In 2021, it is planned that their size will increase by one and a half percent, a year later by almost 4%, and in 2023 by 3.7%.

It is worth remembering that although the size of the disability pension for Group 3 workers will increase in 2021, it is definitely not recommended to forget about the allowances. The fact is that, according to the rules of financial legislation, if a disabled person of the third group can work, then he has the right to count on a pension supplement. The amount of the bonus is a little more than 2,000 rubles, but half of it is the monetization of benefits. The current legislation allows you to receive benefits or financial assistance; here everyone decides for themselves what is more profitable for them - a free package of services or money.

If people with disabilities are officially employed, then they have the right to receive compensation payments, the amount of which is 30% of the working salary. If the third group of disability occurs as a result of vaccination, and this happens today, then such people can count on compensation in the amount of 1000 rubles per month.

Discussing the latest news about pensions, one cannot help but say that from February 1, 2021, it is planned to increase social benefits for funerals. It is believed that they will grow by 4% annually in accordance with the level of indexation - the increase in consumer prices. And good news awaits retired guardians and trustees, because pension payments will also be indexed for them.

The corresponding law has already been adopted and signed by President Vladimir Putin. The bill proposes to increase cash subsidies for 30,000 Russian citizens. This applies to elderly people who were forced to become guardians of their grandchildren. Previously, retired guardians were considered supposedly working pensioners, because they received a kind of salary, which was equal to 4,000 rubles.

Labor benefits for disabled people of the third group

A person with a disability of the third group has fewer restrictions in work compared to people belonging to the 1st or 2nd groups. However, everything is individual and depends on the person’s health status. The decision in this matter is made by doctors when a citizen undergoes medical examination.

According to the law, a disabled person of the third group may have a number of restrictions in work. Therefore, a citizen has the right to count on labor benefits. The main ones are:

  • free travel on public transport;
  • the opportunity not to pay state fees when a person opens his own business;
  • the opportunity not to pay income tax (it is thirteen percent);
  • the opportunity to receive free treatment;
  • the opportunity to receive discounts on rail travel or flights, etc.

Disabled people as a preferential category of employees

People with partial disabilities cannot take care of themselves. They also cannot engage in certain activities or have restrictions in their work. As a result, this category of citizens needs care and assistance. For these reasons, the state provides support measures for people with disabilities.

The disability group is determined by a medical and social examination. After this, specialists decide what kind of help the citizen needs.

By law, there are privileges for people with disabilities who can work. These include the following:

  • Discrimination against people with disabilities is prohibited;
  • a person with a disability can work no more than 35 hours a week (for the first and second groups);
  • The salary of a person with disabilities must be retained in full.

However, each case must be considered separately. Thus, a citizen with a disability can work part-time. Then he receives a salary in the amount that should be paid for the time he worked.

Job quotas

By law, in Russia, organizations must provide jobs for people with disabilities if there are more than 30 people on staff. This is a separate type of quota. As a result, people with disabilities can earn money independently, despite their health status.

Sometimes situations arise when an enterprise has a quota, but a person with a disability is denied employment. In this situation, a citizen can go to court and appeal this decision of the employer. If the plaintiff turns out to be right, he will have to be paid compensation. In this case, the employer will have to pay a fine.

The law protects people with disabilities. As a result, they can live a full life, do what they love and provide for themselves. It is important to know about all the benefits that are available to this category of citizens.


In some cases, people with disabilities cannot work full time due to their health condition. By law, they have a reduced working day. As a result, this category of citizens can work without harm to health.

It is important to know about the nuances of this state support measure:

  1. A person with a disability should discuss with the employer the possibility of using this benefit when applying for a job.
  2. A person with disabilities can work no more than 35 hours a week. This is five hours less than people without disabilities. The employer should know about this.

There are also features of night shifts and overtime work. We will discuss this point in more detail below.

Overtime and night work

Depending on the field in which a person is employed, he may be faced with overtime work and night shifts. People can also work on weekends and holidays. Sometimes citizens with disabilities are also involved in such work.

A person with a disability should be aware of his rights in this matter. Thus, people with disabilities can be involved in overtime and night work only with their personal consent. Moreover, it must be formalized, that is, in writing. It is also important that this does not worsen the person’s health condition. The work must not contradict medical indications.


A person with a disability has the right to refuse to work on holidays, weekends, overtime and night shifts. Without the consent of a citizen, they have no right to involve him in it.

Paid and additional leave

An officially employed person with a disability, like other categories of citizens, has the right to count on paid leave. However, an employee with a disability has an advantage: he can also receive additional leave.

There are several things to note about this issue:

  • a person with disabilities can rest for at least 30 days a year;
  • a person with a disability has the right to take leave at his own expense in the amount of at least 60 days per year.

This category of citizens can choose a vacation at their own expense to undergo treatment, for example, in a sanatorium.

What benefits are available to pensioners with disabilities of group 3 in 2021?


- a health condition against which a person finds it difficult to perform certain actions, or they are completely inaccessible. In other words, the citizen is incapacitated due to physical and/or mental problems.


— a discount on a set of services or items provided to persons of a certain category. In particular, disabled people of group 3 can purchase medicines or travel by transport at a reduced price.


- a certain amount of money assigned in case of health restrictions, which allows a disabled person to make necessary purchases, pay for housing and provide for his basic needs.


— medical and social examination (commission), at which specialists establish a group or issue a justified refusal in the form of a document.

If a status is assigned based on a decision, a person is recognized as fully or partially incapable of work, and therefore may qualify for pensions and other benefits with benefits.

In group 3, a disabled person is usually transferred to easier work. Such changes are especially relevant if working conditions were difficult, or health problems prevent the continuation of previous activities. At the same time, in a new place, the employer should not overload the disabled employee by giving him too complex tasks.

Citizens with disabilities need state support and protection, that is, their rights to preferences, benefits and more are regulated by regulations. First of all, it is important to outline the law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” No. 181-FZ.

The concept of “disability” is presented in Article 1 of this law, and the provisions on MSA are contained in Art. 7 and 8.

The timing and algorithm for conducting the examination are set out in Resolution No. 317 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. And the rights to obtain a special status (group) are secured by Order No. 95 of the Government of the Russian Federation. These documents are designed to protect people with disabilities, so if necessary, they can be referred to in court.

The category under consideration includes citizens who are able to:

- navigate in space and time without outside help;

— study at the educational institution and work (as noted earlier);

- communicate independently and freely with people.

The key basis for establishing group 3, as experts note, is associated with disturbances in the body’s functioning. In general, these include:

- heart defects and other organ abnormalities;

— neuromuscular and mental disorders;

— diabetes mellitus and comatose states on its background;

— diseases requiring surgical intervention;

- kidney failure and other kidney problems;

- abnormalities of the nose, ears, eyes or throat, for example, when blindness is detected, etc.;

— organ pathologies, for example, malignant and/or inoperable neoplasms;

— diseases of the central nervous system that cause problems with speech, motor activity and/or vision.

The presented list of ailments can be continued. In any case, the need to assign a group is first determined by the attending physician, focusing on the specific case. Only after consultation and a full examination can they be sent to ITU for examination.

The third group makes it possible to immediately apply for benefits and benefits. For example, you can issue additional payments to the Pension Fund.

In particular, in 2021, persons with disabilities in the category under consideration have the right to receive an additional payment of up to 8,846 rubles in addition to their pension, but only in the absence of additional earnings. Therefore, by the way, if you want to apply for an additional payment, a citizen must attach a work book to the submitted documents.

And if a disabled person of group 3 refuses preferences in the form of free travel, prescription drugs and a trip to a sanatorium, he has the right to claim a monthly cash payment. For citizens with group 3, a payment of up to 2,162 rubles is provided, and it is allowed to submit a request for it to the Pension Fund until October 1, no later.

It is also possible to cancel monetary compensation and return benefits by application.

How much does a group 3 disabled person receive if he receives a social pension?

At the end of each year, the government plans the budget for the next year. In 2021, the government has adopted a number of increases.

From 2% to 6% is the average indexation value for all social payments.

A person with disability group 3, depending on the region of residence in Russia, can count on payment with an increase.

Benefits for working disabled people of group 3 and non-working disabled people of group 3

This year, all disabled people of group 3, without exception, have the right to claim the following federal benefits, which do not depend on the loyalty of regional authorities:

  1. Free trip to sanatorium-resort institutions for the purpose of undergoing a health, rehabilitation or treatment course, subject to the recommendations of the attending physician.
  2. Free use of telephone services (for landline phones only, not mobile phones).
  3. A discount of half the cost of a ticket on public transport of urban, suburban and local importance.
  4. Social services at home, as well as medical services and nurse supervision, subject to an appropriate written report from the attending physician.
  5. Providing free of charge a wheelchair, orthopedic devices, hearing aids, dental or eye prostheses. It is also possible to receive compensation for expenses when independently purchasing rehabilitation means, which are provided to a disabled person free of charge according to the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  6. Free medical devices and medicines with a prescription from a doctor at a state or municipal clinic. This benefit applies only to pensioners whose disability benefits are below the regional subsistence level, and who did not request to replace the social package of services with a supplement to their pension.

2021: what will change for people with disabilities?

  • Has minor deviations in the functioning of the body, leading to decreased ability to work;
  • Has difficulty moving;
  • Has disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • Dependent on a certain category of medications;

Group 3 disabled people can work like everyone else, but with a certain load limit. Depending on the disease (acquired or congenital), the limitation of legal capacity also depends.

Disability (disability group) is given by a special medical commission, which is based on certificates from other doctors and during an actual examination of the patient. This medical examination is usually carried out annually.

The third group of disability means that the damage to the body is significant, but does not carry serious limitations. That is why government support for such patients is minimal.

A third degree disabled person can continue to work. The Labor Code provides special benefits for disabled people of group 3.

  • shortened work week;
  • a ban on involving beneficiaries in night shift work;
  • a disabled person should not work overtime;

Bureau specialists are required to analyze all the factors and circumstances of the life of the applicant for disability. They carry out the following assessments:

  • general condition of the body and its functionality;
  • data on analyzes and surveys;
  • compensatory capabilities of the body;
  • psychological state of the citizen;
  • ability to behave adequately in everyday and working conditions;
  • about rehabilitation measures that have already been carried out to restore the affected function.

Each stage of the examination is carefully recorded. The patient is required to familiarize himself with the text of the document.

Based on the results of the work, the bureau specialists issue an ITU act. It reflects all information about the applicant, the conditions for the analysis and its results. This document is sent to:

  • Pension Fund;
  • Federal Bureau of ITU.

It is the basis for assigning a disability group to a citizen. The applicant receives a certificate indicating the preferential category. Together with the above document, the citizen is issued an individual program for the rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled person.

In order to receive discounts and preferences, you will need to collect documents and contact the relevant department. Namely:

  • local department of social protection of the population (housing and communal services, tickets, etc.);
  • representative office of the Pension Fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund (vouchers);
  • tax authority.

Each organization must prove its right to preferences. This is done by providing documents. Any of the above organizations will require the following:

  • Copies of: passports (birth certificates for minors);
  • SNILS;
  • certificates of disability designation;
  • document on the ownership of housing (for housing and communal services) or a vehicle;
  • originals:
      bank statement with account details;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • income data (2-NDFL or 3-NDFL).
  • Applications for benefits are reviewed as soon as possible. The results are reported to the address specified in the application.

    Registration procedure

    To receive payments, a disabled citizen must:

    Get a full examination

    The first action of a potential disabled person is to visit a clinic, namely, make an appointment with a local therapist. The doctor is obliged to issue a bypass sheet, on the basis of which the citizen goes through all the necessary doctors and takes tests.

    After this, the patient returns to the doctor and submits the results of the examination. Within two weeks, the therapist studies the received documents and then prepares a referral for further commission examination.

    It is important to know! Old pension certificate and new certificate

    Receive the official title of disabled person

    Group assignment is carried out at the ITU office.

    You must submit to this bureau:

    • medical direction;
    • medical card;
    • passport;
    • statement;
    • employment history;
    • income document;
    • examination results;
    • characteristics from work.

    The bureau carries out the following actions:

    • Setting up a group.
    • Checking documentation.
    • Consideration of the cause of disability.
    • Determining the duration of disability.
    • Studying the psychological data of a citizen.
    • Consideration of social and housing conditions.
    • General assessment of the applicant's condition.

    After ITU completes these actions, bureau employees draw up an act recognizing (or not recognizing) the citizen as disabled.

    Prepare documentation

    After assigning a third or another group, the citizen is obliged to prepare documents for the Pension Fund, which include:

    • passport details;
    • ITU act;
    • employment history;
    • application - sample can be downloaded from the link;
    • certificate of average salary;
    • SNILS;
    • documents on change of name;
    • certificate of residence;
    • documentation of dependents.

    Contact the Pension Fund

    The disabled person submits the entire package of documentation to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. If a citizen cannot personally contact the Fund, then an official authorized representative has the right to hand over the documents.

    The period for reviewing documents is 30 days. The time allowed for making corrections is 3 months from the date of filing the application.

    There are the following ways to receive payments:

    1. Mail – with personal delivery or.
    2. Bank card.
    3. Confidant.
    4. Organizations involved in the delivery of pension contributions - a complete list is available on the website

    After the expiration of the ITU act, the disabled person undergoes re-examination to extend payments.

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