Renaming a position in the staffing table - procedure, notification, order

How to rename a position in the staffing table

The staffing table refers to certain regulatory documentation of an organization, which contains information about the number of personnel of the enterprise, the wages received by employees, taking into account their positions.
The form of this document was approved on January 5, 2004 by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1.

Over time, the organization may need to attract additional staff, or the need to rename the position of an existing employee for one reason or another.

In accordance with the legislative framework, such changes must be automatically reflected in the staffing table. How a position is renamed in the staffing table, what is the procedure and a sample order - this is discussed in this article.

Notification of job title change

A detailed algorithm of actions when renaming a position is not specified in labor legislation, and therefore raises a number of questions among personnel service workers.

In accordance with the content of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, information about the employee’s functions must be included in the employment contract and any change in the conditions established by this agreement is permissible only by mutual agreement of the parties in writing, in accordance with Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An agreement will not be required if this is a vacant position.

For its part, the employer just needs to make adjustments to the current staffing table after issuing the accompanying order.

But if the designated position is not vacant, the whole situation will look different. Before entering into an agreement, the employer must complete the following steps:

  1. Determine justified reasons for requiring changes in the organization's staff. Such reasons may be changes in the company’s technological process, its reorganization and other circumstances that may be considered necessary, according to Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  2. Send notice to the employee no later than 2 months prior to the upcoming changes. The notice may be sent by registered mail to the employee’s place of residence, or delivered to him personally;
  3. If the employee gives a positive answer, an additional agreement to the current employment contract is concluded. If an employee refuses, he is dismissed on the basis of clause 7, part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Example of an additional agreement on a change of position

A job description is understood as an internal distribution document of an organization of a normative nature, which describes the job responsibilities of an employee, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise.

If necessary, such as renaming an employee’s position, changes are made to the job description, since the main purpose of this document is to determine the employee’s responsibilities, his powers and responsibilities.

Based on the fact that the procedure for making changes to the job description is not regulated by current legislation in the field of labor relations, the manager himself makes the decision on how to draw it up and how to make changes to the documentation. This largely depends on what form was initially chosen for this document:

  • If the job description is an annex to the concluded employment contract, changes are made to the contract itself by concluding an additional agreement;
  • If the job description form is a separate document, it is more expedient to approve a new document, produced in two copies, one of which can be provided to the employee at his request.

Order on changes in staffing

Based on Resolution No. 1 of 01/05/04, the approval of the organization’s staffing table occurs on the basis of the issued order. In the same way, that is, by issuing an order to amend the staffing table, new data is entered into this document.

The order is issued directly by the manager, or by a person whose competence includes this function. The changes made to the staffing table must be made known to the employee affected by the changes.

Sample order to transfer an employee to another position

The actual transfer of an employee to another position within the organization, after consent has been received from the employee himself, occurs on the basis of a transfer order.

This document can be either a standard form or a relatively free form. The unified form is called form No. T-5. The HR employee prepares the document, after which the order is certified by the head of the organization with a personal signature and seal.

The main requirements that are put forward for the form of an order to transfer an employee to another job:

  • Drawed up on company letterhead;
  • The text begins with the word “transfer”, then the full name of the transferred citizen and his position are indicated in the text;
  • Write down the new position, the name of the unit, branch where the transfer is being made;
  • Information is entered about the date from which the citizen will begin to perform new assigned duties, general conditions of work, including wages due;
  • The reasons on which the transfer is made must be indicated.

Changing the job title in the work book

After changes have been made, new information must be entered into the employee’s work book. By analogy, a similar entry is made in the employee’s personal card. The information you enter looks like this:

  • In column No. 1, relating to the “Information about work” section, enter the serial number of the entry made;
  • Column No. 2 indicates the date corresponding to the transfer to a new position;
  • In column No. 3 it is written that the employee has been transferred to a position (indicating the new position);
  • In the fourth column the number of the order on the basis of which the transfer was made is entered.

The employee is introduced to the changes made to the work book with a personal signature. The same data that was entered into the work book of the transferred person is also displayed in the employee’s personal file.

Sometimes the owners of an enterprise decide to close it or repurpose it, as a result of which it is necessary to reduce the number of personnel. At the same time, all actions to reduce the number of staff are strictly regulated and controlled by the state.

The employer's actions must strictly comply with the law so that at any time it is possible to prove the validity of the dismissal.

In this case, the step-by-step algorithm of actions looks like this:

  • drawing up an order on the upcoming reduction in the number of vacancies;
  • drawing up a new staffing table that takes into account all necessary changes;
  • notification to staff that events will take place in the organization according to which a certain number or certain categories of employees will be excluded;
  • offering available vacancies to employees who need to be laid off;
  • payment of salary and all due benefits;
  • documentary provision of information to the employment service;
  • compliance with all necessary rules regarding the priority of personnel who can be retained.

According to the Labor Code, some personnel, due to life circumstances, are an exception to dismissal. Such people must remain at their workplace or find a new job.

An order to reduce the number of employees must be written two months before the proposed changes.

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The document does not have a standard form approved by law, but must comply with general office work standards. It is mandatory to write in it:

  • name of the institution;
  • name of the act-document and its number;
  • day of registration of the order;
  • grounds for reduction;
  • reason for staff reduction;
  • all steps necessary to execute the document;
  • all actions that need to be performed by the HR department.

The manager’s signature must be at the end of the document. An order to remove a position from the staffing table can be written using the sample below.

A mandatory legal requirement for a reduction order is that it be in writing.

In this case, the order may consist of the following sections:

  • preamble;
  • administrative part;
  • execution control;
  • signatures of responsible persons.

The document on the reduction of personnel belongs to the main activity of the institution and must be kept until its liquidation.

If, due to certain circumstances, the employer wishes to cancel the layoff order, it is necessary to fill out documents and issue a new order to cancel all planned actions.

Situations often arise in which the employer needs to change the position of one or more employees who have an employment relationship with him.

In such cases, there is a certain procedure established in accordance with the current legislation, which consists in drawing up documentation, as well as making appropriate entries in the employee’s work book and other documents containing similar information.

Normative base

The presence of a schedule that reflects information about the available number of employees is a mandatory requirement.

This provision applies to all institutions, regardless of what form of ownership they belong to. The staffing table performs the following tasks and functions:

  1. Contains information about the current number of jobs in the organization.
  2. Determines the structure of the entire team as a whole and gives an idea of ​​which job titles are managerial and which employees are directly subordinate.
  3. Establishes a legal basis for providing a certain employee with a job in an organization.
  4. Provides the opportunity to transfer employees to existing vacancies.

At the moment, the previously mandatory T-3 staffing form is purely advisory in nature - the organization has the right to develop its own form, the main requirement in this case is only its presence.

Completing an order and reflecting changes

In fact, the changes come into force after the order is issued and signed. The document is created by the official responsible for personnel, signed by the manager and registered in a special journal.

The employee should be familiarized with it, provided with a second copy, and the procedure is completed.

Documents related to personnel changes are stored for 75 years in accordance with Part 1 of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 125 “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation.”

In the organization’s document flow, these changes are made to the following documents:

  • in the employee’s personal file;
  • in the work book;
  • in the job description.

The employee must be familiarized with each of these changes on record.


Order to change the name of an employee's position.doc

Notice of renaming a position (sample)

All changes in labor functions must be reflected in the employment contract. Job responsibilities are specified in the job description of the cooperation agreement, which may be in the form of an additional agreement.

When changing job functions, adjustments must be made to job responsibilities, since these are interrelated concepts, despite the fact that they have differences. It is enough to write down all changes in professional instructions and put a resolution with the date of changes.

If the information is reflected in the contract itself, then it should be rewritten. This procedure is possible without transfer to another position. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Written notification to the employee about upcoming changes.
  2. Confirmation of the employee's consent.
  3. Amendments to the additional agreement.
  4. Signature of both parties confirming agreement of the adjustments made.

The head of a legal entity can change the title of an employee’s position without changing the job function if this procedure is carried out correctly.

Along with changing the employee’s labor function, renaming the organization in which he works, changing the size of his salary, changing the name of an employee’s position means changing the terms of the employment contract. Transformations such as renaming a position may occur due to a change in certain working conditions, for a more modern sound, etc.

Before adding a new name to the staffing table, the employee must be notified of the upcoming changes. Notice of renaming a position must be sent to the employee no later than two months in advance.

This must be done both if the changes occur by agreement of both parties, and if the initiative to make changes belongs to the employer.

So, we correctly formalize the change in the name of the position: before issuing an order that the position will be renamed and making changes to the staffing table, it is necessary to notify the employee about the upcoming changes (in person or by letter of notification). Let's look at how to properly compose a notification.

Since there is no approved form for the notification, the employer draws up this document independently. In the header of the document it is necessary to indicate the full name of the employee for whom it is intended and the date the document was drawn up.

The notice of change of position (see sample notice below) in the main part of the document contains the following information:

  • Previous job title, new title;
  • The reason that caused the need for changes;
  • Effective date of the changes;
  • Information that other working conditions of the employee remain unchanged;
  • Signature of the manager or an authorized person (for example, the head of the human resources department).

In the main part of the document, it is advisable to provide a line to express the employee’s agreement or disagreement with the upcoming innovations.

The notification to the employee about the renaming of the position is drawn up in two copies, one each for the employee and the employer. The employer's copy must bear the employee's signature indicating that he has received the second copy of the document.

After notifying the employee of the new name of his position, the employer must rename the position in the staffing table. The order is issued by the employer with mandatory justification for the renaming.

If the employee does not agree to another position

If the employee is not satisfied with the proposed conditions, he may refuse to sign the notice . The refusal must be documented.

The refusal is issued in the form of a written statement from the employee himself or using a certificate of refusal. The act is drawn up according to all the rules, with the involvement of a commission of disinterested persons.

These actions will help to avoid in the future that the dismissed employee may go to court with a request to declare the dismissal illegal. The employer will have to try to convincingly prove the validity of the changes, otherwise, if the employee does not agree to this, the court may consider the employer’s actions unlawful. The former employee will be reinstated, and the employer will suffer losses in the form of compensation to the employee for lost earnings and payment of legal costs.

Reduction of a position in the staffing table: procedure documents - Accounting


The procedure for the HR department when renaming a position without changing the job function.

Mandatory conditions of an employment contract include the name of the employee’s position (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the position must be provided for in the organization’s staffing table. Renaming a position is possible when nothing changes for an employee performing certain duties that would entail a change in his job function.

The employee must be notified in writing of the renaming of the position no later than two months in advance.

An order is issued to rename the position.


As in any other case, the order to rename a position must contain a justification (for example, “In order to bring the names of positions in accordance with the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees”) and an administrative part in which the previous and new names must be indicated positions. It is important that in this case we are talking specifically about renaming, and not about changing the content of the labor function.

In case of renaming a position, in addition to making changes to the staffing table by issuing an order, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the employee. If the employee does not agree, the employer should act in the manner provided for in Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological conditions, at the initiative of the employer, it is allowed to change the terms of the employment contract with the employee in compliance with the mandatory requirement: as a result of such changes, the employee’s labor function must remain unchanged.

The order to rename the employee’s position must be familiarized with signature and an additional agreement must be concluded with him. After this, you can make appropriate adjustments to your personal card (unified form N T-2) and work book.

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Thus, the employer’s procedure will be as follows:

  1. Notify employees in writing about upcoming changes to the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, as well as the reasons that necessitated such changes, no later than two months before the upcoming changes
  2. If the employee refuses to work under the new conditions, offer him in writing another job available to the employer (a vacant position or a job corresponding to the employee’s qualifications, a vacant lower position or a lower paid job), which he can perform taking into account his state of health.
  3. If you refuse the offered work or the absence of the specified work, terminate the employment contract with the employee on the basis provided for in paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and pay the employee upon dismissal a severance pay in the amount of two weeks’ average earnings (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If the employee has agreed, you make adjustments to the personal card, work book and staffing table; to do this, you must issue an order to amend the staffing table signed by the manager or other authorized person.

Normative base

If the employer plans to change the name of the workplace in the staffing table when a certain employee occupies the position, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established procedure.

The following may be grounds for renaming, as well as introducing new information into the existing staffing table:

  1. Some change in the responsibilities of a specific employee or group of employees. Most often, such an action consists of expanding the range of responsibilities or powers. In particular, it can be carried out on the basis of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. Changing the name of an entire structural unit, which may be associated with a change in the type of activity or expansion of the organization’s area of ​​authority.
  3. The need to bring existing positions into line with a single classifier. Such action may be required if an employee retires due to harmful working conditions.
  4. Inconsistency of the current profession with the type of occupation performed.
  5. The upcoming certification, in connection with which there is a need to bring all positions to the standard established by current legislation.
  6. Changing the current name to a more “prestigious” one in order to motivate the organization’s employees.
  7. The need to clarify and specify the responsibilities for a specific position.

The renaming procedure is as follows:

  1. Drawing up an explanatory note, which must contain the reasons or grounds for changing the names. Such justification is necessary to maintain the legality of all actions, as well as to exclude possible claims from both the employee and regulatory authorities.
  2. Drawing up an administrative act. It must contain information about the change in the job title. Such an administrative act must be endorsed by the head and on its basis an order, necessary in such cases, can be created to rename or remove existing vacancies from the staff.
  3. Making changes directly to the staffing table based on an order signed by the director of the organization. After such an action, a separate order is issued approving the already changed schedule.

This scheme is standard and may look slightly different depending on whether the position is vacant at the time of renaming or not and whether there is employee consent to such an action.

According to Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if employees are currently working at the changed workplaces, they must be notified of such actions.

In addition, the employer, represented by the head of the company or the head of the department, must offer the employee not only to agree or not with the changes, but also to choose any of the vacant positions that he could occupy in accordance with his level of qualifications or for medical reasons in connection with a specific health condition.

As for the timing, you should inform about upcoming changes no later than 2 months before the proposed event. Such an action must be carried out while simultaneously providing the opportunity to transfer to another position.

An order to amend the staffing table may concern the following actions:

  1. Creation of a new staffing table. This action is carried out if adjustments will be made for several positions, and making changes to the current one is impractical.
  2. Making some adjustments to the current schedule. Such an order is issued if the names of one or two positions are changed.

Documents for download (free)

  • Unified form T-3
  • Sample order to change the staffing table

In addition, after issuing an order and making changes to the current schedule, you will also need to make the following adjustments:

  1. In the employee’s personal card, which is stored in the personnel department.
  2. Draw up an additional agreement to the current employment contract.
  3. Change job description.

After all the actions performed, when changing the wording of the employee’s position, the following information is entered into the work book:

  • indicate the serial number of the entry being made;
  • reflect the date of changes;
  • a new name is prescribed;
  • enter the number of the order, which became the basis for all such actions.

Since the main document defining the responsibilities and functions required to perform is the DI, a change in position in most cases is reflected in it:

  1. If the document is an addition to the employment contract, then it will be sufficient to issue an additional document. agreements to it.
  2. If the DI is drawn up as a separate document (which happens most often), a new one is created and confirmed, which is provided to the employee for review and signature. Only in this case the employer has the right to demand the fulfillment of all duties assigned to the employee.

In fact, a change in position can be carried out in two ways - either by renaming it, or by transferring the employee to another and then abolishing the previously occupied one.

Most employers prefer to formalize such actions by transfer, and the procedure in this case will be as follows:

  1. Preliminary preparation of an order by an OK employee, endorsement by its supervisor and affixing a seal, if available.
  2. The wording of such an order must contain clear information relating specifically to the transfer to a position, and not allow for double interpretation of the meaning.
  3. The new position of the employee, the name of the department or division is indicated.
  4. The date from which the employee will already occupy a new position is reflected.
  5. The reasons on the basis of which such personnel changes are made are indicated.

In the event that a registered employee does not give his consent to rename the position he occupies, the employer may have two options for action:

  1. Offer (necessarily in writing) another job. It must necessarily correspond to the existing qualifications of the employee and be currently vacant. The position may be lower than the one in which the employee worked, and with a lower salary, but in this case it is necessary to obtain the employee’s consent.
  2. Terminate the current contract if the employee refuses to perform another type of work or does not agree to the options proposed by the employer.

A staffing template for a rural clinic is presented in this video instruction.

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How to rename a department step by step?

The importance of renaming It is necessary to indicate in the work book changes in the names of departments in order to avoid problems with future confirmation of experience.

It is also important to indicate information about the renaming of the unit, because this may be associated with the provision of various benefits.

The company's management is obliged to determine the production to which the work performed relates, confirm the employee's employment in a certain department, directorate or division and establish the correspondence of the employee's position title to the profession provided for in special lists of production, work and professions that give the right to preferential benefits. That is why it is so important to correctly make entries in the work book about renaming the unit.


Renaming and reorganization In some cases, a reorganization occurs at an enterprise, but employees still do not move to new divisions, but remain at their jobs and continue to perform their previously defined functions and responsibilities. For example, the company had two plants, but now only one remains, because the second plant was sold (closed, liquidated, etc.).

For example, the “Refining Shop of Plant No. 1” became simply called the “Refining Shop”, the “Mechanical Workshops of Plant No. 1” became simply “Mechanical Workshops”, and so on.

Various changes may occur in the structure of the enterprise, which must be reflected in the staffing table, employment agreement and work book. Therefore, you need to know how to make an entry in the work book about renaming a unit.

The names of departments, branches, divisions, services, directorates, faculties, departments and so on often change.

For example, the “Legal and Documentation Department” could be renamed to the “Legal and Contracting Department.” Departments can be called directorates or directorates and vice versa.

In these cases, it is necessary to make the necessary entries in the work book based on the requirements of the law, that is, the Labor Code, Instructions and Rules.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, according to part four of Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, information about the employee and the work he performs is entered into the employee’s work book.

The procedure for filling out work books is established by the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 N 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions). Clause 3.

1 of the Instructions stipulates that in column 3 of the section “Information about work” of the work book, the structural unit of the organization is indicated, indicating its specific name (if the condition of working in a specific structural unit is included in the employment contract as an essential one), the name of the position (job), specialty , professions indicating qualifications in accordance with the organization’s staffing table.

Based on this order, make entries in the employee’s work book and T-2 card. Details in the materials of the Personnel System: 1. Answer: How to formalize the renaming of the position of I.I.

Shklovets Changing the name of a position without changing the labor function is not a transfer (Part 1, Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, such a rename can be carried out either by agreement of the parties, when both parties agree to the change, or unilaterally at the initiative of the employer (Articles 72, 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If the renaming of a position occurs by agreement of the parties, then it must be formalized according to the general rules for changing the employment contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, prepare an additional agreement to the employment contract of the employee whose position you plan to rename.

And any change in the essential terms of the contract (it does not matter what kind of work the person performs) is traditionally considered a transfer among old personnel officers and is formalized in this way in the work book due to the fact that the Instructions have not developed a clear definition on this matter.

Indeed, in the Instructions there are no indications of such entries as “department ... renamed.” Therefore, a change in the name of a department, department, directorate or division is often formalized as a transfer. However, it is more reasonable to write in the employment document not “Transferred to the Radiation Safety Department,” but as indicated above.

Although the Instructions do not clearly state the entry in the work book due to a change in the name of the department, it is necessary to distinguish between a change in the department itself and a change in the name of the department in which the employee works. A change in the department itself (its composition, functions, etc.) will entail a transfer record.

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What will happen in this case: transfer of the employee or renaming of the position? We believe that this is still more of a renaming of the position. Changing the name of a position without changing the labor function is not a transfer (Part 1, Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The renaming of a position must be formalized according to the general rules for changing an employment contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, prepare an additional agreement to the employment contract of the employee whose position you plan to rename.

Labor Code): - notify employees of upcoming changes at least 2 months in advance; - with those who agreed to sign the add.

agreement to the employment contract and issue an order for their transfer to another department for a similar position; on the basis of the transfer order, make an entry in the employee’s work book and T-2 card; - the employment contract with those who disagree should be terminated after 2 months, if it is impossible to offer them a transfer, according to clause 7 of part 1 of Art.

77 of the Labor Code with payment of two-week severance pay (Article 178 of the Labor Code). 2. in connection with the bringing in accordance with the nomenclature (clause 5) of the positions of medical workers, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2012.

No. 1183 and the name of the employee’s position has been changed: the head of the department-physiotherapist is now called the head of the physiotherapy department, respectively, without changing the job function.


Companies change their activities from time to time and reorganize the enterprise. This often impacts employee commitment. In such cases, it is recommended to change the employee’s job function. By and large, this is a formality. The following situations are possible.

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If the worker does not agree to the new conditions, the director gives him the choice of a similar vacant position in the organization. It all depends on the professional obligations of the vacancy.

If the subordinate refused this offer, then the dismissal can be made unilaterally.

In a serious and difficult situation at an enterprise, when the boss is forced to resort to staff reduction, such decisions are made only with the approval of the bodies of the trade union, if there is one. One of the options for preserving jobs is adjustments to the staffing table. For example, reducing working hours.

Example. If the amended employment contract specifies a new workplace (office, workshop, equipment), then this is also considered a change in the labor function. This information is governed by Art. 72.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This type is carried out either at the request of the employee or with his consent. When registering, you should be guided by Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, where all steps, rights and obligations of the parties are clearly stated. On the T-8 application form filled out by the employee, the director of the company from which the person is leaving puts his signature and date.

Considering that each enterprise has its own Charter and its own accounting policies, the work obligations of the same position may differ slightly. Therefore, there is a change in work functions in the new contract for the new boss.

Such changes in labor functions are made when the company’s activities change, when the geographical location of the organization changes, as well as in connection with organizational and technical changes in the field of activity. Thus, the job responsibilities that are prescribed in the cooperation agreement change. Accordingly, labor functions also change.

Temporary job

Work obligations may change if an employee is temporarily transferred to another location. When replacing a colleague, job functions, even for a similar position, may change.

Example. Seller 1 had to sell potted and cut flowers, change water, and also make bouquets. And seller 2 was simply selling. If the first one goes on vacation, the second one, replacing him, takes on additional responsibilities. This lasts for the period of time for which seller 1 is on vacation.

If an employee has health problems and, according to a medical opinion, he cannot perform the relevant work functions, then the boss has the right to transfer him to another position or reduce his duties. Most often, the employee is demoted. But in any case, the employer is obliged to coordinate this point with the subordinate.

If the worker refuses a new activity, or there is no vacancy, the employment contract may be terminated. If medical conditions are temporary and a person can continue activities after a certain period of time, then leave without pay may be granted.

Wages may be paid if such conditions are specified in the additional agreement. These indications are regulated by Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Example. A pregnant woman cannot work in a paint shop due to harmful activities. In such a case, to avoid a transfer, the employer may limit her responsibilities. Now, instead of working with equipment, she can control it. In this case, her position will be renamed with a change in labor functions, but without transfer to another workplace.

A change in an employee’s job function also implies a change in job responsibilities. But these concepts are somewhat different, so the title of the position is possible without changes in work activity.

However, work obligations differ from job responsibilities in that they are a broader concept. If functions are the main obligations of the profession, then official duties are an additional range of responsibilities. Since the position does not always correspond to the profession.

For example, a profession such as an accountant involves bookkeeping. This is a labor function. But the job responsibilities include:

  • reception and preparation of primary documents;
  • conducting financial activities of the enterprise;
  • reflection of debits and credits on accounting accounts;
  • prepares various accounting reports;
  • calculates wages for employees.

But this applies to general accounting, since this profession is carried out in different directions. The same applies to other professions.

Making changes to the Unified State Register when changing the position of a manager

We enter the old code in Sheet N page. If you need to leave the old code of the main activity, enter it as an additional code in Sheet N page. There can only be one code for the main activity. The codes are filled in line by line from left to right.

R withdrawal of a participant from the LLC and distribution of his share. Form P is used when a participant leaves the LLC and distributes his share transferred to the company among the remaining participants in proportion to their shares in the authorized capital. When exiting through distribution, the page is filled in. The applicant in this case is the head of the company. When submitting changes to the tax office for state registration with Form P, certified by a notary, an application for the withdrawal of a participant from the company, certified by a notary, and a decision protocol on the distribution of the share transferred to the company are submitted.

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How do I change my job title?

Changing the title of a position without changing the job function is possible for various reasons:

  • change of staffing;
  • company reorganization;
  • new professional standards;
  • changes in the qualification directory.

If the duties and main function of the subordinate remain the same, then renaming the position is legal.

Example. The man works as a salesman. But changes took place in the company: the reorganization of the sales department. And now this position is called sales manager, but the employee’s duties have remained the same. Then it is not necessary to transfer a person to such a workplace. First of all, it sounds more profitable. Secondly, the director strictly followed the instructions when changing the name due to the increase in the department.

Changing job responsibilities without changing the position is possible if the employer has reasons and grounds for such a process. In this case, it will be necessary to change and bring into compliance the job description and local regulations of the company that relate to that position.


So, the position has been renamed. Should an entry be made in the work record or not? There is no separate procedure for making such an entry, so you can proceed by analogy with the entry on the renaming of an organization.

Renaming a position without changing the job function, example:

“The position “marketing specialist” has been renamed “marketing manager” since 08/01/2018.”

To avoid problems with the labor inspectorate, the employer must follow the procedure for renaming a position. After receiving notice, the employee may refuse to work under the new conditions. Then the employer is obliged to offer him another job (Article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If there are no vacancies or the employee refuses another job, the employer formalizes dismissal (clause 7, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 2021 - 2021 - step-by-step instructions

  1. By a general decision of the company's participants or the sole decision of its sole founder, amend the current charter of the organization.
  2. Prepare the documents necessary for state registration of changes made to the charter (their list is given below) and submit them to the tax authority. This can be done in the following ways:
  • by personally contacting the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service where the enterprise is registered;
  • by sending a postal item to his address with notification of delivery to the recipient;
  • by transmitting an electronic transport container encrypted with a digital signature through telecommunications channels.
  1. Receive a Unified State Register of Legal Entities sheet containing updated information about the company.

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The amount of the mandatory payment collected from legal entities when they make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities that are not related to the statutory documents is not established by law. This means that changes of this kind can be made to the registry absolutely free of charge.

Making changes to the Unified State Register when changing the head

In the process of preparing for the general meeting, it is advisable to check the applicant for the position of the new manager. The check can be carried out using the electronic register on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. You can also request a corresponding extract or certificate stating that there is no data on the candidate of interest.

If the organization cannot immediately appoint a new one after the removal of the previous manager, then it can appoint an acting manager. To vest him with powers, it is necessary to provide information about him to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. However, in this case there may be problems with the job title. Indicating the position of the general director will not reflect the temporary nature of the performance of duties, and if you indicate the executive director, there will be no correspondence with the title of the position, which is indicated in the organization’s charter.

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