Letter of gratitude for the 50th anniversary of the employee. From whom does gratitude come? Letter of gratitude from the organization

How to compose the text of a thank you letter to an employee, avoiding outdated cliches and expressing sincere gratitude for his work? Among all the ways to reward employees for good work and professionalism, letters of gratitude are considered the simplest, most formal option. A certificate can truly motivate an employee to continue to perform his duties efficiently if it is prepared in a modern and informal manner. Let's look at tips for writing thank you letters and samples for different situations.

What is a thank you letter

A letter of gratitude is a form of official recognition of an employee’s achievements and professionalism, an assessment of his contribution to the development of the organization.

This form of expressing gratitude is one of the effective methods of motivating staff, which can affect:

  • increasing employee loyalty to the organization;
  • desire to work efficiently and achieve new results;
  • increasing internal professional status among colleagues and subordinates;
  • growth of personal self-esteem.

If the letter is presented in the presence of colleagues, in an atmosphere of special solemnity, its value in the eyes of the employee increases.

It is incorrect to believe that the most effective way to stimulate the work of an organization’s personnel is solely financial motivation.

If this were so, then there would be no cases of specialists being dismissed from companies due to the fact that their work results were not recognized or were not appreciated by their immediate supervisor.

Employees often listen to criticism, comments about the quality or speed of work, and when tasks are performed perfectly, they only hear a meager “Thank you.”

By receiving gratitude, formalized in the form of an official document, the specialist’s need for recognition of professionalism is satisfied, increasing his loyalty to the employer.

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Farewell words from a retiring employee

What can I tell you, colleagues? What do you want before you leave? Demand more privileges and receive a higher salary. Don't burn out at work like candles, have time to enjoy life, and don't wait for evening to come so you can crawl to bed as soon as possible!

Well, colleagues, you still have to work hard, work tirelessly here, hunch your back and puff for days on end, not noticing anything around you. And now I’m heading towards all the winds, I’m flying to freedom with a fired arrow - I’m now in charge of myself, a hero ready for adventure!

When to Write Thank You Letters

Letters of gratitude to employees can be created for various reasons.

Most often they are compiled in the following cases:

  1. Reward for special achievements at work.
  2. An anniversary or birthday of the company, where the best employees and personnel who have worked in the company for a long time are rewarded.
  3. Specialist's birthday.
  4. Professional holidays.
  5. Completion of an employee’s professional career due to reaching retirement age.
  6. Dismissal of a specialist from the company at his own request.

Important! Encouraging staff with a thank you letter should be used on significant occasions. Using this form of incentive too often will quickly become worthless, since it will be easy to receive gratitude.

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Formulation of gratitude to an employee

Please accept my warmest and heartfelt words of gratitude for your responsiveness and attention to rural workers.

Issuing or sending a letter of gratitude to a partner company will contribute to further mutually beneficial relationships.

Are you a partner of a dozen companies on the market? Write that working together has a beneficial effect on the progress of business, contributes to increased profits or increased customer flow. Send a printed copy by mail or courier, write and email, or deliver in person.

The work book contains not only personal data about the employee and his professional activities, but also information about awards.

Who should write thank you notes?

In each organization, the issue of choosing an author to write letters is decided differently, taking into account the size of the company and the characteristics of the corporate culture.

As a rule, the following are involved in writing the text:

  • heads of services and departments;
  • HR specialists;
  • staff of the protocol service, if there is one in the organization.

In some cases, the top officials of the organization or the CEO may write words of gratitude to the best employees, but this is a rather rare occurrence.

The text may contain a link to employees or services thanking the specialist.

For example, if an employee is thanked by the team of the entire company, then the following options are used: “On behalf of our organization..”, “On behalf of the entire team...”.

If gratitude is expressed by management, you can use the following language: “The management of the company Name of the Company LLC thanks you/expresses gratitude...”

If the manager thanks the specialist, then in this case the following phrases are applicable: “Thank you...”, “I bring you my gratitude...”, “I express my gratitude to you...”

But whoever creates the thank you letter, it is usually signed by the CEO.

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Do you want to reward an employee? Formalize your gratitude correctly

You can get a free telephone consultation right now. We work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are waiting for your call!

This can be done with such beautiful words: Kind words of gratitude to the director in poetry and prose Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues Beautiful words of gratitude to colleagues Every person spends a lot of time with colleagues. All people who work together try to help and support each other.

Special merits should be rewarded to stimulate workers to improve their work performance. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for various types of incentives.

There is no need to thank “for everything.” We need specifics. And this specificity depends on the reason for the letter and the addressee.

After this, the letter indicates the person or team to whom gratitude is addressed. If we are talking about a specific employee, the compiler must display this by indicating his full name. This approach will help highlight the specialist’s successes.

Online magazine for accountants We are ready to dedicate songs and poems to our boss. You will always listen and help solve any problem. A person spends most of his life at work, so I want to feel comfortable here. You help us with this, and we want to thank you for this. We wish you that your cherished dream comes true and that luck always accompanies you through life.

Article 191 states that employees who conscientiously perform their duties have the right to receive incentives, which can be material or intangible. The latter can be reflected in the labor contract.

Also see Examples of texts of a letter of gratitude to an employee We are very glad that you are working with us, all our employees express only positive feedback to you and with sincere respect.

They deserve gratitude, That's for sure, no doubt about it. I wish you to leave a bright mark in the work of life. Words of gratitude to the manager, colleagues in poetry, prose, SMS Especially for Datki. Your professionalism is visible in everything: both in your approach to work and in the fruits of your labor. It's just a pleasure to collaborate with you! Let your work bring joy and impressive results! The thank you letter must include an indication of who is thanking the employee. This is the entire company or the management of the organization or its division: “OJSC “Name of the Company”” thanks” or “Management”, and gratitude on behalf of the management is given specifically in the case of an employee, and on behalf of the company - if the gratitude goes “beyond the walls” of the company.

I sincerely wish you success, prosperity, an active team of like-minded people, health, love of your loved ones. Let our fruitful cooperation continue to strengthen and develop.

The Department of State Fire Supervision of Lipetsk expresses its deep gratitude to you for your cooperation and many years of conscientious work in preventing fires in our city.

How to write a thank you letter

There is no single approved form for creating a thank you letter.

But since this is an official business document, during its preparation and execution one should take into account the general rules established for business documentation.

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Rules for writing a letter

To format a letter, you can choose either a special ready-made printed form designed for these purposes, or a standard form of the organization.

The company can also independently develop its own form to express gratitude to its employees.

Ready-made letterheads produced by printing can be made in different styles. Let us give an example of a strict and solemn form of the form.

In terms of writing and formatting the text, you should adhere to several classic rules used for drawing up a business document.

  1. The letter must fit on one A4 page.
  2. The style of writing the text is formal and businesslike.
  3. The inclusion of vernacular language in the text is not permitted.
  4. Spelling and punctuation errors are unacceptable.

As a rule, the form with the text is printed on a computer. But in some cases, handwritten thanks are used.

If a specialist is given a letter written in his own hand by the director of the company, this will emphasize the manager’s special attention to the person of the subordinate.

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Letter structure

The structure of a thank you letter to an employee includes several main sections.

Some of them have less stringent requirements than other forms of business letters.

  1. A header indicating the addressee, the section is optional and can be skipped completely.
  2. Address to the employee to whom words of gratitude are addressed.
  3. Main section.
  4. Conclusion with the title of the position, full name and signature of the manager, and the seal of the organization.

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Content of the letter

The title of the document and the address to the employee are placed before the main text.

As a rule, a standard address formula is used, for example: “Dear Tatyana Alexandrovna.”

The following addresses are not welcome: “Dear...”, “Incomparable” and other similar options that are inappropriate for preparing official business papers.

The main text most often includes two main parts:

  • actual words of gratitude;
  • wishes to the specialist.

Despite the fact that an official business style is chosen for this type of message, it is in this document that deviations are allowed, since words of praise that have an emotional positive connotation are used.

To make the text more emotional, adjectives are used that emphasize the high level of achievement or the quality of the results obtained: “effective solution”, “successful result”, “fruitful cooperation”, “best example”.

In order for gratitude to be truly pleasant, you must:

  • abandon the standard hackneyed stereotypical phrases;
  • try to avoid pretentious eulogies;
  • write about those achievements and advantages of a specialist that exist in reality and are not common to any employee of the company;
  • be sincere.

Important! When creating the text for a thank you letter to an employee, you need to focus on the reason for which it is being created, since depending on it, the content of the main part of the message may change.

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Online magazine for accountants

Here you can see the number of bus passengers per day and the number of those who got off the bus. Here you can find out how many processors, computers and televisions are produced per day.

The earth also becomes covered with gold, this gold is fallen leaves rustling underfoot. And even what is created by human hands still consists of what is created by nature.

And over the last year and a half, I, a lover of flour, have gained cellulite and cannot remove it. And then the result is not one to one and not approximately one to one, but just what is needed.

Issues instructions and orders, gives instructions on issues within his competence. Automated production control systems engineer Job responsibilities.

Information about an object contains not only text, but also photographs, video and sound files. He is efficient and diligent, works out the details of any task in detail, and brings everything to the end.

Features of the text of a thank you letter to the best employee

Such letters are created if the employee:

  • achieved high professional results;
  • organized or held an event that is important for the development of the enterprise;
  • is an innovator who improves the performance of a department or the entire organization as a whole;
  • developed or implemented a project that allowed the company to significantly improve its position in the market or gain additional profit.

The body of the letter should contain a link to the specific result for which gratitude is provided.

Let us give examples of possible wording of the main part of the text.

“Thank you for organizing our company’s participation in the exhibition. Thanks to your efforts, the results obtained from participation in the exhibition exceeded all expectations. The stand you created allowed us to attract the attention of potential corporate clients that are interesting and important to us.”

“Thanks to your suggestions and expert assessment, we were able to improve production processes and increase overall productivity by 20%.”

“Your proposals for the reorganization of production processes and changes in technological maps made it possible to improve the quality of the product produced and increase production volume by 15%.”

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We express gratitude to the employee

Articles on the topic

The beginning of the year is the time to sum up the results of the past year. As a rule, not only the implementation of the plan by employees is assessed, but also other achievements. We will tell you in this article how to express gratitude to a distinguished employee.

Labor legislation allows rewarding employees who conscientiously fulfill their duties, both materially and intangibly (Part 1 of Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Non-material recognition of employee merits

In our pragmatic age, employers rarely use such a simple but effective option for stimulating an employee as public recognition of his merits. Of course, it is very nice to receive the monetary equivalent of your efforts, but wouldn’t the manager’s approving words in the presence of the entire team give the employee a few pleasant minutes? This is an equally effective way to motivate an employee to new achievements. For an employee whose merits are recognized by the team and management, great opportunities open up in the future: bonuses, expansion of the social package, career growth, advantages in obtaining a loan, etc.

Let's consider the most popular ways of moral encouragement of employees: – announcement of gratitude; – presentation of a certificate (cup, pennant, medal); – recognition as the best employee of a department (the entire company) for a certain period of time (week, month, year); – recognition as the best in the profession.

As for the last item on the list, as a rule, this type of public recognition of an employee’s merits extends beyond the boundaries of one organization. Most often, the title of best in the profession is awarded to a specialist who wins a competition of municipal, city, district, regional or republican significance. However, you can choose the best in the profession at the level of one enterprise.

We will focus on the most popular type of reward - an announcement of gratitude.

Promotion Regulations

The procedure for incentives should be specified in local regulations. The document can be separate, covering only non-material incentives, or it can be general and regulate the procedure for applying all types of incentives to employees. It is not prohibited to prescribe the possibility of rewarding employees in labor or collective agreements. Since gratitude is declared for specific actions of an employee, it is necessary to specify in the local regulatory act of the organization exactly for what successes it can be declared.

First of all, the employer needs to determine for what achievements it is worth declaring gratitude to the employee. As a rule, this is: – improvement in production indicators compared to the same period last year; – significant overfulfillment of the plan; – successful participation in events of great importance for the organization; – successful implementation of large projects; – rationalization proposals; – improvement of labor organization; – active mentoring activities for young professionals.

You can draw up a separate local regulatory act as shown in the example.

Sample Regulations

Petition for declaration of gratitude

So, one or more employees of the organization particularly distinguished themselves in their work. In this case, their immediate supervisor draws up a petition to nominate them for promotion. If the employees who have proven themselves are themselves heads of departments, it is not necessary to file an application; an order from the head of the organization is sufficient.

The petition is drawn up in any form. It should reflect the following data: – last name, first name, patronymic of the employee; - position held; - structural subdivision; – the basis for presentation for encouragement (achievement).

In some cases, if necessary, additional information is indicated, such as length of service, date of birth (if the announcement of gratitude is timed, for example, to coincide with an anniversary), education, etc.

In a number of organizations, it is customary to attach documents confirming the employees’ achievements to the application. These can be reports, statements, graphs, diagrams that reflect the numerical indicators of a specialist’s work activity. If it is impossible to express labor efficiency in digital terms, a description of the employee’s success by his immediate supervisor is sufficient. In addition, the document can be supplemented with employee characteristics if desired.

The petition can be completed as shown in the example.

Sample application

Order of gratitude

After the application is approved by the head of the organization, it is usually transferred to the personnel department, where a draft order on promotion is prepared. In this case, you can use order forms No. T-11 or T-11a, which are approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 (see sample). The employee being encouraged must be familiarized with the order against signature.

Order (instruction) to encourage an employee

Entry into the work book

Based on the order, a corresponding entry is made in the work book of the awarded employee. The procedure for recording a record of rewarding an employee, including declaring gratitude to him, is regulated by paragraph 4 of the Instructions for filling out work books, which was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

The step-by-step procedure for making an entry about declaring gratitude in the work book in the “Information about awards” section looks like this (see sample): – in column 3 (as a heading) we enter the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any); – column 1 – serial number of the record (numbering increasing throughout the entire period of the employee’s work activity); – column 2 – date of award; – column 3 – by whom the employee was awarded, for what achievements and with what award; – Column 4 – name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

Sample of filling out a work book

Recognition of the employee's services to the company will most likely be expressed in writing. There is no established form of the document; it is developed by the enterprise independently, so the appearance of the form depends only on the imagination of the employer. This can be the organization’s letterhead, a special “Thank You” form printed in a printing house, a postcard, or a framed letter.

The text is compiled depending on the circumstances and in relation to a specific employee. The form indicates to whom gratitude is being expressed and for what. The document must be signed by the head of the organization. Additionally, members of the board of directors or honored employees of the company, for example veterans, mentors (see sample), can add their signatures.

Sample Thank You Letter

Most often, gratitude is expressed to an employee in the presence of the entire company team or employees of a structural unit. Often he is given a gift or monetary reward. It all depends on what is specified in the employee incentive regulations. We will talk about financial incentives for employees on the pages of the upcoming issues of the magazine “Salary”.


Letter of gratitude to an employee for many years of work

This type of thank you message is very important because it emphasizes the importance for the company of specialists who show their loyalty to the company not in words, but in deeds.

In this regard, the text should focus on the employee’s commitment to the goals of the organization and the results achieved over a long period of work.

As a rule, the letter is addressed to specialists who have worked in the organization for more than 5 years.

For such a letter the following wording can be used:

“Thank you for your many years of work in our organization. Thanks to your knowledge and skills, we were able to solve more than one complex problem related to the organization of production. Over the years of working together with you, we have managed to assemble a team of like-minded people, in which you are the undisputed leader and an example for other employees.”

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Thank you letter upon dismissal of an employee

A letter of gratitude to another company, written for a retiring employee, is an important document for the resigning employee.

Having gratitude from the employer will help him confirm his performance in his previous job.

When preparing this type of letter, it is important to focus on the results achieved by the employee over the entire period of work, and, if possible, point out the specialist’s special achievements in completing the assigned tasks.

For example, this could be done like this:

“Thank you for our productive cooperation over the past 3 years. During your work, a sales department was created that fulfills the required planned indicators. Thanks to your professionalism and your ideas, we have a strong base of regular customers and high quality of their service. Even though you are leaving our company, I sincerely look forward to maintaining professional contacts with you."

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Thank you letter upon employee retirement

A special feature of the situation of expressing gratitude to a specialist retiring is that for him, working in an organization is the final stage of an active professional career.

He may no longer have the opportunity to obtain such a document from his employer. It is necessary to thank the employee for his achievements in a particular workplace and note his personal qualities.

For example, in the case of termination of an employment contract with an employee retiring, this can be done as follows.

“We express our gratitude to you for working together for more than five years. Your enthusiasm and ability to create a favorable working atmosphere in a team is an example for many managers of our company. Thanks to your professionalism and ability to fulfill the tasks of a mentor, young specialists quickly adapted to their first job and received invaluable recommendations and guidance from you. Thank you for your contribution to the development of our company!”

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Wording of the final block of the main body of the letter

The final part of the main body of the letter usually states:

  • wishes to the employee, both professional and personal;
  • proposal for continued cooperation.

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When they make a decision

A prerequisite for the execution of the document in question is the conscientious performance of duties in accordance with:

  • with job description;
  • labor protection requirements;
  • internal regulations;
  • qualification characteristics of the work;
  • other documents.
  • The main reason for declaring gratitude for an employee’s work may be:

  • improvement of labor indicators;
  • participation in a significant event;
  • proposals for improving the organization's work;
  • significant overfulfillment of the work plan;
  • implementation of a serious project;
  • improvement of enterprise technologies, etc.
  • Specific merits must be recorded in the company’s internal regulatory documents.

    Examples of thank you letters

    To help you compose thank-you notes, we provide sample letters written on regular organization letterhead.

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    Sample thank you letter to employee for good work

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    Sample letter of gratitude to an employee upon dismissal

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    4 Letter of thanks

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