I'm an officer. I wrote a report for retraining in one of the civilian specialties starting in September 2021. | Tver

When you are laid off

Military transfer to the reserve occurs:

  • when the serviceman’s age limit for his category is reached;
  • if the service life expires;
  • for problems with human health;
  • in case of organizational and staffing measures, including staff reductions;
  • due to disciplinary violations;
  • for other reasons.

The first four reasons give the right to budget courses for military personnel being transferred to the reserve. And if the age limit for military service approaches or the contract expires, then training can be completed no earlier than one year before these dates.

If the dismissal occurs for other reasons, then there is no talk of retraining military personnel on a free basis.

Order on professional retraining

An order to retrain a serviceman upon transfer to the reserve is a document for official use. The order form does not have a set template and is developed for each military structure separately. The form of referral for professional retraining was approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 630.

According to statistics, only 3% of military personnel being transferred to the reserve do not plan to work in civilian organizations. For 97%, professional retraining is an excellent chance to start a new career.

In the fall of 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense approved a new procedure for retraining discharged military personnel. Although most of the provisions in it remain the same, let's look at how it works now.

As before, a prerequisite for candidates for professional retraining is the total duration of military service. In order to receive additional education at the expense of the state, a soldier - a citizen of the Russian Federation, performing military service under a contract, must serve 5 or more years , not counting the time of study in military educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.

Why do the military need retraining?

Training for military personnel before leaving the reserve was introduced in order to increase the social security of officers and other categories of military personnel. Retraining is learning a new specialty through courses. Military personnel are given the opportunity to enroll on preferential terms at a specific educational institution that they have chosen for themselves. A big plus is the help of the university in the subsequent search for work after finishing military service.

If a military man wants to retrain, he can be issued a certificate under a special quota. When the desired direction is not within the budget program, the financial difference must be repaid by the military itself.

What does the retraining program for military personnel being transferred to the reserve consist of?

If necessary, a person leaving contract service has the opportunity to undergo training in a civilian specialty. The law provides for free attendance at a university if such a military university is affiliated with the Ministry of Defense.

The basics of the military retraining program are established in Order of the Russian Minister of Defense No. 630 dated October 21, 2015. Admissions to universities take place every six months. Each recruitment is carried out according to group distributions, which relate to various educational institutions of the Moscow Region. The same Order determines the procedure for enrolling military personnel in training groups.

Free courses for reserve officers are offered in various professions. There is an opportunity to master more than 60 areas, such as digital technologies, public administration, etc.


The list of budget-funded specialties for retraining military personnel may vary depending on the educational institution.

Lists of those wishing to retrain must be compiled and sent to the universities closest to the service before the start of the training period. You can retrain through full-time or part-time forms of study. A number of educational institutions also offer remote retraining for military personnel (this serves as a replacement for the remote option).

The standard period for professional retraining of military personnel before transfer to the reserve cannot be more than four months. And the minimum study time is 250 hours. During this period, military personnel have seconded status (during full-time training) and retain their salary and rank. And if at this time for some reason there is a dismissal, then he can continue to study for free. When choosing a correspondence form of retraining, a serviceman serves in his unit and at the same time studies at a university.

Based on the results of the final certification, the military man receives a diploma allowing him to work in a new specialty. And the very fact of retraining is entered into his personal file.

Retraining centers

For the convenience of retraining, you can choose an educational institution throughout Russia, which is located closest to the military unit.

  • The Branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy “Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov” is located in Kaliningrad
  • In St. Petersburg, you can undergo training in a structural unit of the same institute.
  • In Barnaul, retraining is carried out by the military department of the Altai State Technical University. I. I. Polzunova.
  • On the Crimean peninsula, in the city of Sevastopol, the Black Sea Higher Naval School named after P. S. Nakhimov operates.

Who can take retraining courses for military personnel being transferred to the reserve?

The main requirement for candidates for retraining is to have more than five years of experience. Moreover, the period spent in educational institutions is not included in this time.

For men, the age limit before 2014 was 45 years, after that - 50 years and above. As for women, the mark remains the same. That is, before the age of 50, a reserve soldier has the right to receive not only a civilian, but also another military specialty (at training camp).


For the most part, retraining of reserve officers with special military education is in demand. Other categories of military personnel rarely use this opportunity.

Not all military personnel may be eligible for retraining. The reasons for dismissal are important; Order No. 630 of the Ministry of Defense provides a list of such circumstances. However, all other grounds for dismissal will not apply.

What you need for retraining before dismissal

To obtain a new specialty, the desire of the serviceman himself is first necessary. He needs to go through the standard procedure for enrollment:

  1. Write a report addressed to your immediate commander, indicating all the data (existing education, current position, rank, total duration of service in the army, etc.). Attach a copy of the officer's ID (if available), indicate telephone numbers. Submit all these documents to the unit’s personnel department personally or through your commander.
  2. Wait for the resolution of the authorities on this report and the inclusion of the serviceman in the lists.
  3. A package of documents is sent to the university.
  4. Enrollment is in progress.

After completing retraining, a person leaves service with a new civilian specialty.


The prepared package of documents should be sent to the educational institution by the immediate supervisor of people wishing to undergo retraining.

List of documents that must be provided to the educational institution for retraining military personnel:

  • list of those enrolled in the university;
  • copies of their reports;
  • supervisor's resolutions on reports;
  • copies of officer's certificates (if any);
  • copies of diplomas already held by the military.

After sending these documents, a specific form of training will be assigned to each applicant. There are no entrance exams. But there is one nuance - you can undergo retraining free of charge only once and in one specialty.

After completing retraining, state-issued documents are issued indicating the retraining of reserve military personnel.

How does professional retraining happen?

The procedure and conditions for professional retraining are established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 21, 2015 No. 630 “On the procedure and conditions for professional retraining in one of the civilian specialties of certain categories of military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation serving under a contract.”

Obtaining a profession is carried out in any of the military organizations of higher education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Civilian universities that have a military department have the same right. In approved areas, training is carried out at the expense and within the limits of funds allocated to the Ministry of Defense.

There are several nuances when choosing a specialty:

  • If a serviceman expresses a desire to acquire several civilian specialties, then he receives the second and subsequent education at his own expense.
  • If the desired specialty is not fully supported by funding, then the difference in the cost of training is reimbursed by the military itself.

It is possible to obtain a military specialty upon expiration of the period of military service for military personnel serving under conscription. During the period of service, the serviceman submits a report to the commander and expresses a desire to obtain a specialty in a military training organization. At the end of the term, an order is issued to transfer to a new place of service - to an educational institution.

The procedure for organizing and implementing training in additional programs was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499.

Training is conducted full-time, part-time and evening. The duration of training to obtain competent knowledge is no more than four months, but at least 250 hours must be spent on mastering the program.

  • During full-time training, military personnel have the status of those assigned to an educational institution and retain their rank and salary in full.
  • When choosing part-time and evening courses, training takes place simultaneously with service in your unit.

The training process includes the following types of training sessions, determined by the curriculum compiled by the training organization:

  • lectures;
  • away classes;
  • laboratory and control work;
  • various trainings;
  • master classes;
  • performing certification and diploma work.

During the learning process, a university can send a student to an internship in order to study and gain experience, as well as consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired while mastering a new profession. The internship can be individual or group and includes the following types of activities:

  1. independent study of individual material;
  2. studying production technology directly at the workplace;
  3. work with regulatory documents and technical plans;
  4. participation in planning meetings and meetings at the enterprise;
  5. performance of official duties as an acting or understudy.

Expert opinion

Kozlov Andrey Kirillovich

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Specialization: criminal law. More than 3 years of experience in developing legal documentation.

In order to undergo professional training, a serviceman must initially submit a report to the unit commander, in which he must indicate the following information:

  1. FULL NAME.;
  2. date of birth;
  3. assigned military rank;
  4. military position held;
  5. the total duration of military service in calendar terms minus the years spent studying in military higher education organizations;
  6. level of education (secondary, secondary specialized or higher);
  7. existing civilian specialty and qualifications obtained during study;
  8. basis for undergoing professional retraining;
  9. chosen specialty for retraining;
  10. service telephone number of the military unit.

The annex to the report is:

  • a copy of the serviceman's passport;
  • a copy of the education document.
  1. The command of the unit compiles a list of military personnel who have expressed a desire to undergo retraining, and collects information about their number in each selected specialty.
  2. The next step is to send all the specified documents to the selected university.
  3. Based on the notification received from the command or the administration of the educational institution, an order is issued for the unit, which also indicates the place, time and form of retraining. Familiarization with the order is mandatory.
  4. The person is given a referral to an educational institution with a mandatory indication of the dates of arrival at the place of study and departure to the unit.
  5. Upon completion of training, a record of professional retraining, place of training, diploma number and date of issue is made in the soldier’s personal file.
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