Refusal to work at the employment center: how not to lose benefits

Job center functions

The employment center acts as an intermediary between the unemployed and the employer. Its main goal is to promote employment of the working population. If a citizen loses his job, he must contact the Central Work Center. The main areas of activity include:

  1. Registration of citizens who have lost their jobs.
  2. Conducting advisory activities for the unemployed.
  3. Calculation and payment of benefits.
  4. Psychological assistance to a person who finds himself without work.
  5. Training.
  6. Temporary employment of citizens aged 14 to 20 years who are in the status of a student or graduate of an educational institution.
  7. Help in finding vacancies.
  8. Total assistance in employment.

CL promotes a citizen’s adaptation to the labor market after losing a job.
As soon as a person receives unemployed status, he has the right to count on social benefits. Important! Receiving social benefits is possible only if the following conditions are met: the citizen’s ability to work, absence of an official workplace, readiness for work.

Work in Moscow - vacancies and resumes

marking parts (castings, pipes, profiles), drilling, unfolding and locking (locking) parts, chamfering, deburring, filing parts to size, scraping and lapping of parts, cutting internal and external threads (steel, stainless steel, aluminum), drilling holes, working on a drilling machine is a professional employment site in Moscow. We offer you a search for vacancies and resumes using the database of the “Telephone reference for employment in Moscow” and the weekly newspapers “Parade of Vacancies” (Moscow region). The telephone service provides information on employment in Moscow and the region on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00 by phone. +7 (495) 99-555-99 , you can post your resume by sending it to the address, use the “post your resume” section or by phone. +7 . Services are provided free of charge.

Ways to obtain unemployed status

To obtain status, you must register with the labor exchange. This can be done without leaving home, through the State Services portal. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Registration on the State Services portal and filling out an application. A search for the required vacancy will be assigned at your place of registration. If a job search is required at your place of residence, you need to indicate this. However, no benefits will be paid.
  • Submission of documents: passport, education document, certificate of income for 3 months from the central bank.
  • Waiting for proposals from the central planning office for jobs.
  • Registration and assignment of unemployed status with calculation of payments.

Registration occurs 11 days from the date of submission of the application, in the event that suitable work options are not found.

The employment center has the right to refuse registration in the following cases:

  • the applying citizen is under 16 years of age;
  • a citizen receives other social assistance: a long-service pension;
  • providing false information;
  • refusal of 2 vacancies of central lockers within 10 days;
  • refusal of temporary work;
  • finding a person guilty of any crime and imposing punishment on him.

Attention! To re-register with the Central Bank, you must wait 6 months from the date of your last application. The benefit will be assigned only after a year.

As soon as a citizen is recognized as unemployed, he needs to appear at the Central Employment Center for registration twice a month, and also undergo various interviews.

Legislation on the rights of the unemployed

The law establishes the possibility of an unemployed person to refuse an offered vacancy. The Federal Law “On Employment” establishes the provision that you can refuse no more than 2 times. In addition, you need to consider:

  1. The benefit is suspended for a period of 3 months in case of refusal of the vacancy.
  2. The characteristics of a suitable vacancy are determined.
  3. The amount of benefits and training for a person in the central training center is established.

The law defines a vacancy that, in the opinion of the central commission, is suitable for a citizen. It includes the following signs:

  • Professional orientation. Determined in connection with the last place of work.
  • Labor size. It should not be less than the subsistence minimum.
  • Availability of location. The place of work must be accessible by transport and not require relocation.

Jobs that do not have these characteristics are not considered suitable. In this case, the citizen has the full right to refuse without deprivation of benefits.

Attention! The employer also has the right to refuse employment for a number of reasons: failed interview, lack of required knowledge, unethical behavior, etc.

Konstantin Frolov

Lawyer, ready to answer your questions.
Important! For a free consultation on working with the employment center, contact our professional lawyers by phone or through an online consultant.

Reasons for refusing a job

A citizen has valid reasons for refusing a vacancy. However, it is necessary to notify the Central Office in advance that you do not intend to attend an interview for a particular offer.

Valid reasons include:

  1. Insufficient salary - less than the subsistence level. Each region has its own size.
  2. Distance from place of residence.
  3. Inadequate qualifications.
  4. The proposed organization is downsizing its workforce.

A complete list of reasons can be clarified at the labor exchange or by contacting the Federal Law.

Subjective reasons include:

  • the candidate’s doubts that he will join the team;
  • too high requirements for the candidate;
  • not satisfied with the working conditions: lunch time, etc.

To correctly process a refusal, it is necessary to take into account certain nuances. They are associated, first of all, with recording the refusal in the direction from the central control , which must be certified by a signature and seal.

It is necessary to make a decision on whether the vacancy is suitable or not within 3 days, then notify the head of the organization. He, in turn, makes a note in a special direction column indicating the fact of refusal either by the unemployed person or by the manager himself.

Next, the referral document is sent to the Employment Center to search for the next vacancy.

From call to employment: the applicant’s path in the “My Career” center

You can look for a job in different ways: on social networks, through friends, on special websites. Another way is to contact the capital. The job seekers themselves, who recently went through the entire process of searching for a job and successfully found a job, spoke about what services it provides.

Elizaveta Anokhina was looking for a job as a teacher immediately after graduating from pedagogical college. But it turned out to be more difficult than she thought. “I was looking for a long time, registered on employment services on the Internet, but all this did not give the desired result. From friends I learned about the “My Career” center and decided to call and make an appointment. To be honest, I didn't expect anything special. But this is where they finally helped me,” says Elizaveta Anokhina.

A call to the employment center is the first step towards your dream career. At the center, visitors of any age can receive the service: a university graduate, a woman raising children, and an older Muscovite who dreams of dramatic changes. This is not only assistance in employment, but also individual assistance in choosing a field of activity and career development. After all, Muscovites are not always able to navigate the modern labor market and determine “their” direction.

Nikolay Elizariev worked for a long time in small and large companies, including in management positions. But at some point I was left without work. “I learned that there is such a center “My Career” in Moscow when I seriously thought about my future prospects. It was obvious to me that I had reached the ceiling in my specialization, but I did not know where to move next. The center helped me decide on my future career path,” Nikolai shared.

A career consultant will help and guide you

At the first appointment, everyone is greeted by a career consultant. He becomes the applicant's personal assistant until the moment of employment. The consultant suggests vacancies, finds out if there are any difficulties that are preventing you from finding a job, and helps you create an individual career development plan.

Also, in the process of professional self-determination, the applicant can take advantage of the help of a psychologist and eliminate internal barriers that impede a successful search. Coping with fear after a long maternity leave or uncertainty about your qualifications.

“While we were looking for work in the teaching field, I talked with a psychologist, got rid of wrong attitudes and attended group consultations. At the same time, while they were looking for a job in my specialty, I worked part-time at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. This vacancy was also offered to me by a career consultant. And a few months later I was officially registered as a kindergarten teacher. I’m very glad that everything turned out this way!” Elizaveta Anokhina shares her impressions.

It may take several months from the first meeting with a specialist to the moment of employment. During this period, the center can undergo computer testing, which will determine a person’s professional interests, abilities, motivational characteristics, strengths and personal qualities. The test results are later discussed with the expert. Based on this data, the consultant recommends to the applicant consultations and training sessions that take place in, says Nikolai Elizariev.

Classes at the center for everyone

Many applicants worry about their personal qualities, do not know how to write a resume, and get lost during the interview. Most often, this is what prevents them from finding a job. “I won’t be able to fit into a new team, I’m afraid of getting confused in a conflict, I fall into a stupor when several tasks are assigned to me at once,” such confessions from applicants are also not uncommon. Therefore, one of the tasks is to help applicants develop universal skills: personal, social-behavioral, digital competencies. They are the ones who give a competitive advantage and attract the attention of employers.

“My husband and I learned about the existence of the My Career center and began to attend all the classes and trainings, where we learned how to pass an interview, how to write a resume and present yourself to an employer. This gave us a great start and gave us strength for new achievements. Thanks to the knowledge we gained, my husband and I managed to find work. I got a job as a teacher in a kindergarten, and my husband got a job as a foreman at a tire repair company,” said Maria Gruzdeva.

Every day, the center’s experts conduct free trainings, consultations and online classes, thanks to which applicants can become self-confident and in demand specialists in the modern labor market. For example, at a group consultation “My strengths for employment”, everyone will be able to identify their positive aspects and skills, learn to speak about them competently in a resume and confidently talk about their achievements at an interview.

The consultation “How to overcome communication barriers during employment” will teach job seekers to find a common language with different interlocutors. The center's specialists will tell you how to cope with embarrassment when meeting new people and offer a number of exercises to prepare for a successful interview.

And at the “Interview” webinar, “My Career” experts will talk about different formats of modern interviews. Participants in the training will be able to rehearse the upcoming conversation with the employer and work through typical key interview questions.

Finding suitable vacancies

If a person clearly knows where and with whom he wants to work, the employee selects vacancies from the center’s database and other resources, analyzes the resume and helps prepare for the interview. The specialist will provide support even after employment: so that each client can adapt to the new place of work as comfortably as possible.

Anastasia Eliseeva graduated from a service industry college in June 2021 and dreamed of working as a cook. But the search was difficult, and the offers on the market were not satisfactory. “A friend’s mother advised me to contact the My Career center, where one of the first interviews led me to my dream job! When I came for a consultation, I was immediately given a list of suitable vacancies. Within a week, I called everyone, went through a competitive selection process, and ultimately chose the most suitable option for myself. Now I work as a cook at Gazprom. I was lucky, because the company is serious and large. I have confidence in the future,” says Anastasia.

Opening your own business is easy!

If the client’s goal is to open his own business or become self-employed, it will help with this too. The center regularly hosts group and individual consultations for those who are ready to turn their hobby into a source of income. Experts help you understand the specifics of professional income tax, learn about the advantages of obtaining self-employed status and make a choice in favor of legalizing your activities. With the help of modular programs, people of all ages and levels of training can gain basic professional knowledge and skills to start their own business.

For example, the “I am a young copywriter” program helps you start becoming self-employed, teaches you how to write texts and interact with clients. The Instagram for Business course provides the knowledge necessary to promote your business through the channel that is most effective for most areas of self-employment. The Online Self-Employment program provides the necessary knowledge on using the webinar format in business. Creative master classes help you see the possibilities of creative implementation, which can generate income (weaving, decoupage, creating natural candles, creating Christmas tree decorations, etc.). The master class “Searching for ideas for self-employment” is a great success - this is an event for those who are looking for their niche to create a micro-business.

“I have long wanted to open my own business. For several years now, my son and I have been making furniture with our own hands. But I wanted to reach a new level and attract more clients. It was also very important for me to understand the intricacies of the design of my organization. I received answers to all my questions, and within a month after classes and consultations at the “My Career” center, my flow of clients doubled!” said Evgeniy Knysh, a participant in the webinar.

To consult a specialist, select a vacancy or discuss a scenario for building your career, you need to make an appointment by phone. You can find out about upcoming events in the center on the website in the Poster section. This year, applicants also have the opportunity to make an appointment on the website.

Press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

Required documents for refusal

To avoid losing unemployment benefits, you should take the paperwork seriously. The main one is the direction issued at the labor exchange. It should contain information:

  • about who sends the person to this organization;
  • about what position the person is being sent to;
  • legal and actual address of the organization;
  • other information about the company.

In additional columns you must indicate:

  • the reasons for the manager’s refusal of the candidacy;
  • reasons for a candidate’s refusal to work in an organization.

This form is then handed over to the inspector at the exchange. There, the fact of refusal is established and a decision is made on whether to maintain or suspend the accrual of unemployment benefits. Payments may be suspended for 3 months; to prevent this from happening, you must provide valid reasons, which have already been mentioned in this article.

How to get your employer to refuse

It is quite difficult to give unambiguous advice on the question of how to get a refusal from an employer. Each representative of the company, submitting an application to the labor exchange, expects to receive professional services from a worker. If a person comes to an organization with the goal of receiving a written refusal, then the employer is unlikely to easily sign it.

In order to achieve what you want, you will have to be honest and open with the management of the organization. Don’t lie, you need to explain why this vacant position is not suitable for you. An argument could be made such as:

  • long commute to work;
  • not satisfied with the schedule, wages, etc.

Finding a job through employment centers and recruitment agencies

How to find a job? What does it take to finally find your place in life, your calling? Firstly, decide what interests you most, that is, as they say, what your soul is about. Because if you yourself don’t know what exactly you want from your future job, then no one will help you. Imagine this situation: you come to an employment firm, naturally, in the hope of finding a job. But just what kind of job do you want? A salesperson at a tray? No? And at first you assured that you would agree to everything that was offered to you. So now what happened? I don’t want to trade on the street in the cold, but why? Because this is clearly not what you were actually born for. What should fate give you? A director's position in some prestigious organization?

If you are a highly qualified specialist with work experience, make sure that your data (a well-written resume with a photo and attached recommendations) is included in the agency’s data bank. Even if there is currently no vacancy in the agency that might interest you, someday it will probably appear and it is quite possible that the agency will recommend you for this position.

Amount of benefit and ways to maintain it

Every year, the Government of the Russian Federation sets the minimum and maximum amount of unemployment benefits. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Work experience.
  2. Reason for leaving previous job.
  3. Salary amount for the last three months.

The maximum amount in 2021 is 12,130 rubles, the minimum is 1,500 rubles. You can only count on the maximum amount for the first 3 months, then the amount decreases.

Note ! The benefit is accrued for no more than 1 year. There are exceptions that provide for payments for up to 24 months.

In the first 6 months, the following categories of persons can receive the minimum amount of benefits:

  • a citizen who has never been officially employed;
  • the dismissal occurred under the article;
  • the break between application and previous work was more than 1 year;
  • did not work 26 weeks during the year;
  • expulsion of a citizen from training directed by the Central Committee.

When applying again, a citizen can only count on a benefit amount of 1,500 rubles.

Some regions of the Russian Federation provide for other supplements to unemployment benefits. These include the regions of the far north. In addition, bonuses are also provided for persons injured at enterprises during the collection of radioactive waste and other substances.

To accurately calculate unemployment benefits, use the online calculator

• meets your professional suitability - that is, your professional training, skills that are confirmed by an educational document (diploma, certificate), your work experience, level of qualifications (rank, class, category) are taken into account, which will allow you to perform the work correctly and in a timely manner; • meets the conditions of your last place of work (service) (except for paid public works) - that is, you cannot be offered worse working conditions, this particularly applies to wages, which cannot be lower than the average earnings calculated for the last 3 months according to citizens' last place of work. However, if your average monthly earnings exceeded the subsistence level of the working-age population calculated in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a job cannot be considered suitable if the offered earnings are lower than the subsistence minimum calculated in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner; • corresponds to your state of health; • meets the requirements for transport accessibility of the workplace - that is, the maximum distance of the relevant work from the place where you live (transport accessibility is determined by local governments at your place of residence).

If you are disabled and want to use this special status in relations with the employment service), then when registering as unemployed to find a suitable job, in addition to the standard list of documents, you must submit an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person containing a conclusion on the recommended nature and working conditions .

If there is no job that matches your professional qualifications, you can wait for the entire initial period of unemployment to wait for an offer from the employment service regarding a vacancy that suits you, while enjoying the right to receive unemployment benefits.

However, you have the right to agree to perform work that is different in nature from your previous work, as well as work that requires a lower level of qualifications. You can also agree to community service, advanced training, and retraining.

As for the transport accessibility of the workplace, you can find out the requirements for it from the employment service authority at your place of residence, since they are established by the employment service authority based on the maximum distance of a suitable job from the place of residence of the unemployed, taking into account the development of the public transport network in this particular area .

IMPORTANT: Some categories of citizens may be offered as suitable any (!) paid work (both permanent and temporary, including public works), taking into account your age and other characteristics, which may or may not require you to have prior training.

In what cases is this possible?

• You are looking for a job for the first time (you haven’t worked before) and do not have a specialty (profession); • You were fired for violation of labor discipline or other guilty actions provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation more than 1 time during the year that preceded the period of your unemployment; • You have ceased individual entrepreneurial activity (activity as an individual entrepreneur) or left the members of a peasant (farm) enterprise; • You want to resume your work activity after a long (more than 1 year) break; • You were sent by the employment service for training and were expelled for guilty actions; • You refused to improve or restore your existing qualifications in your profession, refused to acquire a related profession or undergo retraining after the end of the established period of time during which you were paid unemployment benefits; • You have been registered with the employment service for more than 12 months or have not worked for more than 3 years; • You contacted the employment service after the end of seasonal work. At the same time, do not forget that “any work” does not mean work that does not comply with the requirements of labor legislation. For those who already have work experience, you will be offered work on a different principle.

When selecting a job for you, employment service specialists will take into account your qualifications. And if you have several professions, then the search is carried out for each of them. Preference will be given to one of your professions or specialties in which you worked immediately before contacting the employment service. When offering you vacancies, the employment service should strive to take into account your wishes.

Please note that the job will not be suitable if:

• the proposed job requires a change of your place of residence, and you do not agree to this; • the working conditions offered to you do not comply with the rules and regulations on labor protection (for example, the requirements of Chapters 34, 36 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); • the salary offered to you is lower than the average salary that you received over the last three months at your last place of work (service).

IMPORTANT: Work cannot be considered unsuitable on the latter basis if your average monthly earnings were above the subsistence level in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where you live. The job offered to you cannot be suitable if the earnings for it are below the subsistence level in your constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The material has been updated as part of the project “Labor Rights for All”: Know and Protect Your Rights in Crisis Situations.” The project is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.

Training at the employment center

The labor exchange offers unemployed citizens to receive free training to improve their skills or acquire a profession. The range is quite wide: over 50 specialties. Economic and blue-collar professions are the highest priority.

The duration of training depends on the chosen specialty and can range from 1 month to 6 months. First you need to write an application and collect a package of documents.

Benefits are not suspended during training. However, in case of expulsion or interruption of studies, payments may cease.

The courses contribute to the mastery of new professions and the opportunity to find employment on favorable terms for the vacancy of interest. In addition, a citizen can gain additional knowledge and skills.

If a person is not interested in training, refusal is possible without loss of benefits. However, refusal is possible in the first 3 months from the date of registration. Later, the benefit is suspended for 3 months. Such conditions apply to citizens who do not have a professional education.

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