How to calculate average earnings if salaries have increased

Who among us does not dream of an increase in salary? But dreams are one thing, reality is another. No one will give you a raise as a gift by February 23 or March 8, because even fair material rewards sometimes need to not only be earned, but also achieved. Here are some tips that will allow you to influence your salary on your own.

1. First, learn to look at yourself through the eyes of your employer. No one will increase your salary simply out of pity. It's simple: you bring benefit to the company, the company rewards you for it. Think about what you have changed in your work recently, how this has affected the quality and efficiency of your work (learned to use a new task management system, mastered and applied particularly clever time management techniques in your work, etc.). And this is what you should tell your boss about in order to justify your demands.

2. Show the numbers. Measure the increase in your workload or the volume of tasks assigned to you. For example, if you are responsible for working with the company's clients, the number of which has increased several times over the past year, you have a clear explanation of the reasons why the employer should increase your salary.

3. Probe the soil. If you cannot independently assess the situation in the company (for example, if you have been working there for a short time), carefully ask your colleagues exactly how internal processes regarding salary increases are organized. It is possible that no requests or justifications will affect your salary if the company’s increase depends on the results of regularly conducted certification of each employee. In this case, you have no choice but to clarify by what parameters the assessment will be carried out and try to meet the requirements.


The hierarchy of these documents in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is not defined, so let’s turn to logic.

The staffing table is a local act that builds the structure of the organization, fixes the economically calculated number of staff units, the amount of salaries and allowances.

When drawing up an employment contract, it is from the staffing table that the salary amount is transferred to the contract, and not vice versa. Therefore, we can conclude that with any changes, including an increase in salaries, first the new salaries are calculated taking into account the capabilities of the organization, a staffing table is drawn up with these salaries, and only then the new salaries are agreed upon with the employees.

If the employee agrees with the new payment terms, an agreement to the employment contract is drawn up confirming this change. If you do not agree, the employer acts according to the algorithm prescribed in Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Registration of salary changes for all employees or several

It often happens that management decides to change salaries for all employees or for a certain group. If the salary increases, then no prior agreements will be required.

You just need to formalize an agreement that the working conditions are changing. For example, that wages are increasing. The document sets out the reasons for such grounds along with the period during which the changes will apply.

But employees have the right to refuse such adjustments. For example, when a salary increase contributes to the loss of the right to one of the benefits.

If one of the subordinates refuses, but the others do not, then for the first one it will be necessary to provide for a reduction in job responsibilities. Otherwise, the situation will look like discrimination to inspectors.


STEP 1: Change staffing

There are two ways to make changes to the approved staffing table:

1. Re-draft the document and approve it. The advantage of this method is that the new staffing table will show the real picture, you will not get confused when understanding old and new indicators. The disadvantage is that it was not recorded how and when the staffing table was changed in order to analyze the effect of the changes.

2. Issue an order for changes (see example). This method is preferable in cases where there are few changes or there is a complex procedure for agreeing on a new staffing table. In this case, the staffing table remains the same: its number, date of compilation and other details do not change.

In such an order it is necessary to indicate:

a list of positions for which the size of salaries (or allowances, or tariff rates) changes;

new salary levels;

the date from which the changes take effect.

Employees responsible for documenting changes must be familiarized with the order against signature. There is no need to familiarize all employees with this order. But if they are familiar with it, this does not mean that the employees agree to change the terms of the employment contract. Consent is recorded in the agreement to the employment contract.

How to get a salary increase

4. Ask about your future salary growth rate and factors influencing it in advance. When applying for a job, ask not only the amount of material compensation, but also all the features of its changes in the future. Perhaps you are being hired for a job that does not imply career growth and a change in workload.

5. Try to understand the balance of power and answer the question of who makes the decision to increase your salary specifically (your immediate superior, senior management, personnel department employee, HR director). If the decision depends on several of your colleagues at once, think about which of them will most likely support your idea, who won’t care, and who will definitely be against it. Bet on the first and second.

But: if your boss is in the third category, do not try to ask for a salary increase bypassing him. There is a high probability that after this he will be even more negative, and his opinion will in any case influence the decision on the amount of your salary.

6. The threat “if you don’t give me a raise, I’ll quit,” as a rule, works once, and even then not always. Next time, it will be easier for the manager to let the employee go than to allow arm-twisting. Moreover, there are companies that perceive such employee behavior as a sign of blatant disloyalty and, even if they agree to increase the specialist’s salary, they immediately begin to look for a replacement. Although, let’s be honest, there are a number of companies where it is, in principle, impossible to increase your salary by any other method. In any case, when going to your manager with an ultimatum demand, be prepared for refusal. Therefore, it is better to set conditions to your home company only when you already have a counter-offer in hand with a larger salary from another employer.

How to make a salary change in 1C: Accounting?

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This material will focus on the issue of changing the salary amount in 1C Accounting 8. Changing the employee’s salary can only be done by agreement of the parties. More often, as a rule, there is a salary increase. The reasons for this may be different - high productivity of the employee, additional motivation, etc. The head of the structural unit draws up a corresponding memo, which will serve as the basis for an order to change the salary.

The opposite situation is also possible, when there is a salary reduction. The reasons for this can also be different - inefficiency of the employee, financial difficulties of the organization, etc. In this case, agreement of the parties is not required. More details on this issue can be found in Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The change in salary must be justified.

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It should be immediately noted that in the configuration under consideration there is no staffing table, so another tool will be used to change the tariff rate.

And so, let's look at the design of operations in a program using a specific example. Employee Kovalkov N.F. has been working at Konfetpromm LLC as a production line operator since April 1, 2011. The employee's salary is 35 thousand rubles. For high labor efficiency, his salary was increased to 40 thousand rubles from February 8, 2021.

Let's go to the employee card. To do this, select the “Salaries and Personnel” section and then the “Employees” item. Let's look at the current salary, the date of acceptance and other necessary information.

The salary amount will be changed in the program using the “Personnel Transfer” document. To do this, go to the “Salaries and Personnel” section and select the “Personnel Documents” item. Next, click “Create” and select “Personnel transfer”. In this way, you will have to fill out the document manually from scratch. Let's use the “Edit” link in the employee card. An already completed document will be created. All we have to do is set the transfer date and indicate the amount of the new salary in the table. parts. Next, by clicking on the link “Reason/reason for transfer”, indicate the reason and basis for the salary change.

After filling out the document, click “Submit”. The document will make a new entry in the “Planned accruals” information register. We will print the order in form T-5.

The last step is to accrue and calculate salaries for February. To do this, go to the “Salaries and Personnel” section and then select the “All accruals” item. Click on the “Create” button and select “Payroll”. Fill out the header details and indicate the month – February. Then click “Fill”. In tab. parts we will see the calculation based on the new salary.

But the employee worked the first half of the month with a salary of 35 thousand rubles? Accordingly, we will need to adjust the result manually, having previously calculated it. In February there were 20 working days, 9 of which the employee worked at the original salary.

Result with initial salary: 35,000/20*9 = 15,750 thousand rubles.

Result with increased salary: 40,000/20*11= 22,000 thousand rubles.

Accordingly, in the document we need to indicate the total result of 37,750 thousand rubles. Click on the result in the “Accrued” column and fill in the data in the window that opens. Then click “OK”.

Personal income tax and contributions will also be recalculated automatically. All that remains is to process the document and make the payment.

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Salary reduction: legality, permissible reasons

In most cases, salary reduction is a legal action that does not violate applicable regulations. The main thing is that the employer himself complies with all the rules specified above. It is permissible to reduce wages both for one employee and for all at once.

A downward change in salary is permissible if the following conditions are met:

  1. Reorganization of an enterprise when the technical and organizational conditions for performing work change.
  2. Demotion of employees.
  3. A real decrease in the company's income. In this case, the manager reduces salaries to avoid a complete shutdown of production.

Without the reasons described above, employers have no right to reduce wages.

Do I need to change the document?

The staffing table is a document that records:

  • enterprise structure;

  • staffing and numbers;
  • the amount of remuneration for each category of positions.

The last circumstance is especially important. In the event that the previously established salary amount has been changed throughout the entire organization, in some of its divisions, or for only one position, the previously established schedule must therefore be changed.

What other documents will be required?

In addition to the orders and notifications mentioned above, to formalize changes in the staffing table the following may be required :

  1. A memo from the economic service or accounting department justifying the reasons for changing the schedule.
  2. If the salary is reduced, the employee’s written consent to continue working under new conditions. Without this, he can resign in accordance with clause 7, part 1, art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. The consent of the trade union, if it has been created and operates at the enterprise, is also in case of reduction.

Due to the increase

The salary increase procedure occurs at the same moment when an employee is transferred to a new position. And in this case, you cannot do without an additional agreement. It describes the new position along with the amount of remuneration for the work.

Once the parties sign the agreement, a final order is issued. For this, forms T-5 or T-5a are used. It is necessary to indicate the exact size of the bet after the increase. Information on the transfer is entered into the work book.

Watch the seminar on wages, minimum wage, salary and indexation:

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