How to properly introduce an employee to a new position

Reasons for introducing a new position into the staffing table

The staffing table is understood as a specialized regulatory document for local purposes, which contains information about the structure of the company, as well as the number of workers and their salaries. The specified information must be reflected in the schedule based on Letter of Rostrud No. 428/6/1 dated March 22, 2012.

Labor legislation does not fix the definition of this document; moreover, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also does not provide for the obligation for employers to maintain a staffing table.

The main legislative document that should be relied upon regarding the maintenance and execution of the staffing table is Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of 01/05/2004. “On approval of forms of primary documents.”

Russian legislation stipulates that company managers have the right to independently determine how many subordinates they need for a stable production process. In addition, based on the manager’s order, additional positions, specialties and employees can also be introduced, adjustments can be made to the staffing table, and existing vacancies can be renamed. However, for such actions, serious reasons and justification must be provided.

In particular, the inclusion of a new position in the regulatory document under consideration occurs due to:

  • increasing the volume of work performed at the enterprise;
  • introduction of new technological equipment or a separate line of activity;
  • the employment of a specialist in the newly introduced position will lead to an increase in the productivity of the entire department or even the company as a whole.

Thus, the above list is not exhaustive; a manager may need a new employee and position under the influence of various internal factors. The main condition for introducing a new specialty into the staffing table, however, is the validity of the reason.

Initial information

In simple, non-official language, the staffing table (SH) is a list of positions of each functioning enterprise.
The reality is that with a minimum number of employees, managers do not care about its availability. Employees rely only on an employment contract signed by both parties. New and old employees sometimes don’t even realize that the lack of a document can lead to disputes that can only be resolved in court. In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 57, the schedule of positions is mentioned only once, supposedly to determine the functions of each of the enterprise’s employees. In fact, without a staffing table, it is impossible to determine what amounts are needed to pay employees. Each specific position always implies that:

  • The person occupying it is familiar with his “front” of work.
  • The employee agrees with the salary amount.
  • The employee is aware of all the privileges, advances, bonuses and payments due to him at a particular workplace.

Procedure for introducing a new position into the staffing table

Inclusion of a new position in the staffing table takes place in the following stages:

  1. The emergence and determination of the need for additional staffing. It is considered the most problematic stage in the entire process. To do this, it is necessary to analyze all available vacancies for a particular sector of work in order to determine the standard of responsibilities of the position being introduced. So, the manager will need statistical data about the new vacancy (qualification requirements, functions assigned to the person, etc.). If the enterprise does not have a work standardization system, it is recommended to use the standards of the Ministry of Labor.

  2. Formation of job description for the new position. Based on the calculation of labor costs, the necessary functions to be performed by the new subordinate are adjusted. Then a draft instruction is drawn up.
  3. Preparation of a report. Such a note should be drawn up by the head of the department in which the new vacancy is being introduced. This document must reflect information proving the need for a new employee. In fact, such a note is the primary justification for the introduction of a new position. A draft instruction must also be attached to it.
  4. Publication of the manager's order. The text of the document should contain information about the department where the new position is being introduced, and the amount of the subject’s salary. In this case, the date of the order may not correspond to the date of introduction of the new specialty.

In the procedure for subsequent adjustment of the staffing table, subordinates are not required to familiarize themselves with the changes with a signature.

The introduction of a new position into the staffing table of a budgetary institution coincides with the specified procedure. However, budget structures need to rely not only on the decision of the head, but also on the provisions of professional standards. It is understood that the introduced positions must meet not only the qualification requirements of the standards, but the names of the professions given in the professional standards.

For commercial organizations, professional standards are mostly advisory in nature, but this does not mean that managers of commercial companies cannot use the provisions of the standards to introduce a new position in their company.

What documents should I fill out if not only the job title changes, but also the job responsibilities?

To do this you need to carry out the following procedure:

  • add a position with a different name to the staff;
  • conclude an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract on transfer to a new position. This can only be done with the consent of the employee;
  • make the necessary entry in the work book;
  • remove the previous position from the staff list.

It must be taken into account that a position cannot be excluded from the staff as long as it is occupied. When job functions change with a change in job title, a transfer is carried out. The previous staffing position is being excluded.

From the article you will learn how to enter all the information without errors. Is it necessary to indicate the positions of temporary or seasonal employees in the staffing table? Is it necessary to include home-based workers in the organization’s staff and staffing schedule?


The procedure for renaming a position in the staffing table depends on the basis on which it was required; the reasons may be different. For example, in order to change the title of a position, the terms of the employment contract are adjusted by agreement of the parties or taking into account Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When a job function changes, a transfer to a new position is formalized, with the exclusion of the previous one and the addition of a new name to the staff.

The staffing table is formed simultaneously with the creation of the company in accordance with the scope of work and the size of the authorized capital.

However, in the course of business activities, an enterprise may need additional staffing units, which leads to an increase in the number of employees and automatic changes to the staff schedule in the manner prescribed by law.

Order to make adjustments to the staffing table

The main justification for introducing a new position into the staffing table is an order from the head of the company. Thus, the full name of the document is “Order to amend the company’s staffing table.” The legislator does not establish a regulated form for such paper. Thus, the employer has the right to independently develop a template for the Order.

Such an order is drawn up on the basis of a memo submitted in advance by the head of a specific unit.

Approval of the order to make adjustments to the staffing table is carried out directly by the director of the company or an authorized representative. Changes that are subject to mandatory approval by the manager and require the publication of a corresponding order may affect the following positions of the staffing table:

  • elimination of one or more vacancies, as well as entire departments due to major organizational changes (company relocation or adjustment of the company’s activities);

  • the introduction of new positions due to expansion of activities or significant improvements in company productivity;
  • staff reduction in the institution;
  • adjustments in the amount of wages paid to employees;
  • changing the names of specific positions or departments.

The manager is obliged to provide monthly information to the employment service about the availability of vacancies. This obligation is fixed in Art. 25, clause 3 of Federal Law No. 1032/1 as amended on 03/07/2018.

The order in question must be drawn up in accordance with the recommendations of GOST R 6.30-2003 dated 03/03/2003. In particular:

  1. The following information should be indicated at the top of the paper: full name of the enterprise, number and date of the order.
  2. When drawing up an order due to the introduction of a new position, the title of the document must reflect the relevant information.
  3. The very beginning of the main text should contain information about the person responsible for executing the order. In particular, the full name of the responsible entity and his position are indicated.
  4. The main text reflects the reasons for the changes being implemented, and also indicates the number and date of the corresponding memo. Then the department where the new vacancy will be introduced is registered. Important information is the job title. In budgetary institutions, the names must match the list of professions in professional standards. For commercial organizations, such a need is advisory in nature, unless a specific position is associated with receiving benefits from the state or the presence of restrictions. The amount of the subject’s salary and, if any, allowances are also specified.
  5. At the conclusion of the order, it is endorsed by the head of the company or a person authorized by him. Practice shows that often the chief accountant or the head of the personnel department becomes a trusted person. In particular, a signature and seal are affixed.

How to rename positions: procedure

First of all, it is necessary to determine the procedure for changing the names of positions on staff.
Employees are hired for positions specified in the staffing table with established salaries. Unlike other local regulations, the staffing regulations do not relate to job responsibilities, so there is no need to familiarize employees with them on receipt. The organization has the right to use the unified form No. T-3 or develop the document form independently. Regardless of the form, the names of positions and structural divisions must be included in the content of the document.

Attention! A discrepancy between the job title in the staffing table and in the employment contract concluded with an employee is regarded as a violation of Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This may entail administrative liability (5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Changing positions in the staffing table is carried out in compliance with certain features. The order of the procedure directly depends on the legal qualification of the current situation. Sometimes it is worth following the procedure for reducing a position on staff. Choosing the wrong option will result in a violation of current labor laws.

★ System Personnel expert will tell you how to make changes to the staffing table

From the article you will learn how often changes can be made, in what sequence, what to do if the changes are widespread, what documents need to be drawn up along with making changes to the staff.

Changing the name of a position in the staffing table

Renaming a position in the staffing table: the procedure depends on the basis on which it was required, the reasons may be different, these include:

  • correction of technical errors or discrepancies in the name specified in the employment contract with the employee;
  • changing only the job title without making changes to the content of the work performed;
  • change of name by decision of the company’s management in connection with substantive and/or organizational changes that are being carried out in the division, and so on.

In order to make the right adjustments, it is necessary to determine the legal qualification of the relevant changes in terms of the impact on the legal relationship with the employee; to do this, you need to determine what situation is taking place:

  1. There is no legal significance for labor relations, for example, the position is vacant.
  2. It is necessary to change the terms of the current employment contract without making adjustments to the labor function.
  3. Provide translation.

Making changes to the staffing table is within the authority of the employer (letter of Rostrud dated March 22, 2012 No. 428-6-1). In the first version, this is implemented in its pure form. In other options, changing the position in the staffing table, the procedure includes the issuance of orders for personnel, preparation and execution of a number of documents. Next, we will consider the procedure for making changes and the employer’s options in each specific situation.

★ The HR System expert will tell you how to indicate the names of positions and professions when drawing up the staffing table

From the article you will learn how to enter the name of a position in the staff, how to determine the name of the position, and what documents to use for this.

Memo on the introduction of a new position in the organization’s staffing table

A request from the head of a certain department to introduce a new position into practical activities is expressed in the preparation of a memo addressed to the employer. Moreover, such a note contains not only a corresponding request, but also serves as a justification for such a decision.

Justification is necessary to confirm the company's expenses, since the introduction of a new position is inevitably associated with costs. Therefore, the head of the department must describe all the reasons for such an action, in particular, provide a calculation that will prove that all the costs incurred to introduce a new position will pay off and will also bring profit in the near future.

In addition to the memo, appendices to it must also be drawn up:

  • calculation of the volume of existing total responsibilities, as evidence of the excess of production requirements over the number of workers;
  • designation of labor cost standards for a specific profession;
  • calculation proving the receipt of additional economic benefits from the introduction of a new employee.

Practice shows that one of the most common formulations of economic benefits is the unloading of already working specialists, which will subsequently increase output and also provide additional time for employees to develop ideas for improving production activities.

Normative base

The staffing schedule is one of the mandatory documents that is drawn up in all institutions, regardless of the form of ownership, because the agreed document not only records the number of employees, but also determines the structure of the team, subordination and the legality of providing a workplace. After all, in accordance with the law, an employee can only be hired for a regular position fixed in the same schedule, and can also be transferred to a vacant position.

The T-3 staff schedule form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 back in 2004, but since 2013 the specified form has been of a recommendatory nature, which implies permission to make some changes to the form itself in accordance with the specifics of the company, but does not give the right to cancel the maintenance of the specified form T-3.

Indeed, in accordance with Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the worker’s profession in the mutual cooperation agreement is indicated in full accordance with the title of the position reflected in the staffing table. And in accordance with Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor relations arise on the basis of an agreement indicating the labor function, again in full accordance with the staff schedule.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Staffing form T-3

That is, the agreed document is one of the most important local acts, which reflects the real organizational structure of the staff with mandatory changes in the event of personnel changes or staff optimization by introducing or removing vacancies, not to mention renaming positions.

How the document changes

There are no established uniform rules for maintaining the staffing table, because it is not a mandatory document for non-budgetary organizations. In practice, most enterprises maintain this type of documentation as a staffing table, since it allows you to systematize information about positions, employees and their salaries, working conditions and additional features.

This makes it possible, if necessary, to quickly analyze the necessary information. The enterprise has the right to maintain this document on the basis of local regulations.

The staffing table is drawn up for a period of 1 year and is changed at the end of each year. And in practice, there is no need to do anything with this document if there are no tangible changes in the operation of the enterprise.

The procedure for changing the staffing table is mandatory when introducing new positions, changing the number of employees or the conditions of payment for their labor; there are established regulations for its implementation.

The introduction of a new position may be due to the following reasons:

  • production is expanding, which requires attracting new workers and new positions;
  • a reorganization is being carried out, as a result of which specialists of a different profile are required;
  • the load on some employees who had to combine several positions is reduced.

Changes in the staffing table when a new position is introduced are possible only with an order from the manager. Before introducing a new position, the following conditions must be met:

  • data on the need to expand staff is summarized and analyzed;
  • the necessary documentation is collected;
  • an order is drawn up;
  • staffing changes.

Making amendments without proof that they are actually necessary will be impossible and the new position will not be considered legal. The collection of evidence of the need for a new position is carried out by a person authorized to do so.

Staffing when introducing a new position


Of course, an organization cannot work in the same mode and with the same number all the time, because economic processes are changing, therefore, the types of activities of the company, as well as the responsibilities and positions of employees, are subject to changes.

The grounds for making changes to the titles of positions, and, consequently, to the schedule may be:

  • renaming the position due to an increase in the range of responsibilities in accordance with the norms enshrined in Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • renaming a structural unit in connection with a change in the type of activity or expansion of the service sector, in accordance with Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • bringing the names of vacancies in accordance with the ETKS, if there are harmful conditions at the enterprise that give the right to early retirement, in accordance with Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • changing the name of the profession, in accordance with the requirements of professional standards, namely Article 195.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • renaming of professions in anticipation of certification in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of Federal Law No. 426.

There may also be other reasons for changing the job title:

  • changing the job title to a more prestigious one in order to motivate workers;
  • renaming the vacancy to specify the assigned responsibilities.

You will find the difference between staffing and staffing in our article.

Sample order to change salary in the staffing table -.

On what grounds can a position be entered?

The main reason for introducing a new position into the staff is the situation when the conditions currently existing at the enterprise do not provide a full-fledged production process without violating the legally established work deadlines per week. Therefore, each employee has to significantly exceed the maximum permissible working hours to ensure a full-fledged production process.

To establish such a situation, you need to use a formula for calculating the optimal length of the working week and summarize statistical information. By the way, using this formula you can also prove the need to remove a position from the staffing table. If the enterprise does not have its own production standards for each specific position, you can use the standards of the Ministry of Labor.

When introducing a new position, it is necessary to develop a complete legislative concept of working conditions, namely: working hours, work schedule, amount of earnings and payment methods and scheme, the need for additional training, its methods and time. The salary may be set higher or lower than that of other employees.

All these actions to justify the need for a new staff position can be performed by the head of a separate division of the enterprise. He writes a report addressed to the general director with a request for the introduction of a new unit.

Despite the fact that the memo refers to official documentation, it can be written in free form, but it is necessary to describe in detail all the circumstances, justifications and evidence.

After review, the director makes his decision. If a decision is made to satisfy the appeal, an order is issued for the enterprise.

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