Extension of a business trip - how to apply, sample order

What does the order to extend travel in 2021 look like? What to write in such an order? What is the deadline for issuing such an order to extend an employee’s business trip in 2021? By decision of the director, an employee may be sent on a business trip for a certain period of time to perform his official duties. However, the procedure for extending the period of a business trip is not established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation (Chapter 24 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 N 749). How to proceed then?

Procedure for extending the duration of a business trip

The presence in the organization of a developed Business Travel Regulation greatly simplifies the procedure for changing travel dates, since it must contain standard instructions that both the employee and the employer must adhere to. As a rule, the algorithm of actions has the following sequence:

  • If the initiator is the worker himself, then he draws up a memo addressed to the employer indicating the reasons for the delay and indicating a new expected date of return;
  • When the employer initiates the procedure, the posted worker is sent a written notice of a change in travel dates indicating the circumstances of this measure;
  • The memo sent by the employee is the basis for the development of the corresponding Regulations, which fixes the need to change the timing of the business trip and indicates a new date for the person’s return;
  • The direct employer of the posted worker or other responsible employee is obliged to agree on all the nuances of extending the business trip with representatives of the receiving party;
  • The organization that sent the person on the trip issues an Order to change the timing of the trip. The employee must familiarize himself with a copy of this order under his personal signature;
  • Based on the Order, the accounting department recalculates the advance previously provided to the person. As soon as possible, the employee must be transferred an additional amount of funds for business expenses during a protracted trip.

If your travel dates have changed

Sometimes employers have to recall employees from a business trip or, conversely, extend its duration. How to do this correctly, read the article.

The procedure for sending employees on business trips is established in the Regulations on the specifics of sending employees on business trips, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on Business Travel), and guarantees for seconded employees are in Chapter 24 of the Labor Code.

Business trip - a trip by an employee by order of the employer for a certain period of time to carry out an official assignment outside the place of permanent work (Part 1 of Article 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

None of these documents establishes either the procedure for recalling an employee from a business trip or the procedure for extending a business trip.

Let's remember what documents an employer draws up when sending an employee on a business trip.

What documents are required for a business trip?

When deciding to send an employee on a business trip, the employer:

  • draws up an official assignment, which indicates the purpose of the business trip (clause 6 of the Regulations on Business Travel). To do this, he can use form No. T-10a or a form developed independently and approved by the head of the organization (information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012);

An organization has the right to develop its own forms of primary accounting documents

From January 1, 2013, commercial organizations can use in their work forms of primary accounting documents developed by them independently (letter of Rostrud dated February 14, 2013 No. PG/1487-6-1).

Primary accounting documents must be approved by the head of the organization upon the recommendation of the official responsible for accounting.

Each primary accounting document must contain all the mandatory details established by Part 2 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”.

Unified forms No. T-10a, T-9 and T-10 were approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1

  • order (instruction) to send an employee on a business trip in form No. T-9 or an independently developed form;
  • travel certificate in form No. T-10 or an independently developed form, confirming the length of the employee’s stay on a business trip indicating the date of arrival at the point(s) of destination and the date of departure from it (from them) (clause 7 of the Regulations on business trips);
  • issues the employee an accountable cash advance for travel expenses, including daily allowances.

The duration of the business trip is determined by the employer, taking into account the volume, complexity and other features of the official assignment (clause 4 of the Business Travel Regulations).

Upon returning from a business trip, the employee must, within three working days (clause 26 of the Business Travel Regulations):

The unified form No. AO-1 was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01.08.2001 No. 55

  • submit to the employer an advance report in form No. AO-1 on the amounts spent in connection with the business trip or in an independently developed form (clause 4.4 of the Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the Bank of Russia on October 12, 2011 No. 373-P);
  • make a final settlement on the cash advance for travel expenses issued to him before leaving on a business trip.

To the advance report, the employee must attach a travel certificate, documents on the rental of living quarters, actual travel expenses and other expenses associated with the business trip (clause 26 of the Business Travel Regulations).

The report on the work performed is drawn up according to the unified form No. T-10a, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1, or according to a form independently developed by the organization

In addition to the advance payment, he also needs to submit a written report on the work performed on a business trip, agreed upon with the head of his structural unit (clause 26 of the Business Travel Regulations).

Documentation of changes in business trip duration

Regulations on business trips.

The procedure for recalling a business trip or extending its duration may be established in the regulations on business trips adopted by the organization. In it, in particular, it may be determined that, if necessary, the decision to recall an employee from a business trip (extension of the initially established period) is made by the general director in agreement with the immediate supervisor of the posted employee and an authorized representative of the receiving party. The decision is formalized by order of the head of the organization.

In this case, payment for travel expenses is made for the duration of the actual stay on the business trip.

If the duration of a business trip changes, there is no need to make changes to the official assignment, order or travel certificate, but additional documents will have to be completed.

Leader's order.

Since the duration of the business trip is indicated in the order sending the employee on a business trip, it is logical that the decision to recall from a business trip or extend its period will also be formalized by the order. Experts from the Russian Ministry of Finance also agree with this (letter dated 04/01/2009 No. 03-04-06-01/74).

Instead of an order to change the duration of a business trip - a resolution

In practice, it often happens that the accounting department recalculates travel expenses on the basis of a travel certificate with a resolution of the head of the organization, for example this:

— “I allow you to count the duration of the business trip as 10 days (instead of 12). April 23, 2013 P.P. Gloucester" - in case of recall from a business trip;

— “The duration of the business trip will be extended by four days. April 25, 2013 P.P. Gloucester" - in case of business trip extension.

An order to recall from a business trip or extend its duration will help to justify the additional expenses incurred and recognize them in full in tax accounting.

Review from a business trip

An employer can recall an employee from a business trip in several cases, for example:

  • in connection with the early completion of an official assignment by an employee;
  • if during the employee’s journey to the place of business trip there is no longer a need to perform a job assignment;
  • it is impossible to complete an official task due to reasons beyond the employee’s control.

We will show you with an example what documents are used to document an employee’s recall from a business trip.

Example 1

Employee of OJSC Pastoral, leading legal consultant I.I. Pastushkov was sent on a business trip to Astrea LLC in Vladivostok to carry out preparatory work for concluding a contract. According to the order, the duration of the business trip will be 10 working days - from April 15 to April 26, 2013. On April 19, he informed the head of his structural unit that he would complete his official assignment ahead of schedule on April 22.

What documents need to be completed to recall an employee from a business trip?


To recall an employee from a business trip, you need a corresponding order from the head of the organization.

There is no unified form for such an order, so it is drawn up in any form based on a memo from the head of the structural unit where the posted worker works

Having received a memo from the head of a structural unit about recalling an employee from a business trip (a sample is given on p. 98), the head of the organization will put on it:

- your o;

- signature.

Sample 1. Sample memo

After this, the HR department will prepare an order to recall the employee from the business trip.

If there is an order from the head of the organization, the head of the structural unit in which the posted worker works must inform the employee about the recall from the business trip.

The employee will be familiarized with the order against signature upon returning from a business trip.

And the employee will set out the reasons why he returned earlier in the report on the work performed using the unified form No. T-10a or a form independently developed by the organization and approved by its manager.

Unified forms No. T-12 and T-13 were approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1

Report card.

If an employee returns from a business trip early, one of the “working” codes will be entered in the time sheet from the day he returns to work, depending on his work schedule, for example, the letter code I or the digital code 01 (duration of work during the day).

Advance recalculation.

Based on the order to recall from a business trip, the accounting department will recalculate the amount of the cash advance for travel expenses issued to the employee before leaving on a business trip.
Sample 2. Sample order

The employee can return the unspent balance to the organization’s cash desk, or this amount will be withheld from his salary (Part 2 of Article 137 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When paying wages, you can withhold no more than 20% of the accrued amount (Part 1 of Article 138 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Extension of business trip period

For what reasons may a business trip extension be necessary? A business trip can be extended, for example, due to production needs, when:

  • the receiving party is interested in this;
  • the employer entrusts the posted employee with an additional amount of work;
  • - the employee does not have time to complete a business trip, including for reasons beyond his control.

An extension is also possible due to employee illness, as well as due to transport problems (for example, a train or plane is late, lack of tickets, etc.).

Example 2

Let’s use the condition of example 1, only now, on the eve of the end of the business trip on April 25, I.I. Pastushkov informed the head of his structural unit that he needed four more days to complete his official assignment.

What documents need to be completed to extend a business trip?


As in the case of recall from a business trip, to extend the period of a business trip, an order from the head of the organization is needed. It is drawn up on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit where the posted employee works. For a sample memo, see p. 101.

Having received a memo from the head of the structural unit, the head of the organization makes a decision and puts on it:

- your o;

- signature.

Next, the HR department will prepare an order to extend the business trip. A sample order is presented below.

The head of the structural unit in which he works will inform the employee about the extension of the business trip.

The employee will be able to review the order upon returning from a business trip. In the report on the work performed using the unified form No. T-10a or a form independently developed by the organization, he will indicate the reasons why he was delayed on a business trip.

Sample 3. Sample memo

Time sheet.

If an employee is delayed on a business trip, these days will be marked on the timesheet with the letter code K or the number 06 without indicating the hours worked.

Employees are involved in work on weekends and non-working holidays with their written consent (Part 2 of Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

If an employee on a business trip was involved in work on a day off for him at his main place of work, such a day must be additionally reflected in the timesheet with the letter code РВ or digital code 03: К/РВ or 06/03. It is necessary to indicate the number of hours worked only if the employer gave him instructions about the duration of work on a day off. Such clarifications were given by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Labor in a recently published letter No. 14-2-291 dated February 14, 2013.

Payment to the employee.

Upon returning from a business trip, a settlement will be made with the employee, namely:

  • daily allowances have been paid in full (clauses 11, 17 and 19 of the Business Travel Regulations);
  • documented expenses for renting residential premises were reimbursed in the amount determined by the collective agreement or local regulations (clauses 14 and 21 of the Business Travel Regulations);
  • average earnings were paid for all days of work according to the schedule established by the sending organization, as well as for days on the road, including during a forced stopover (clause 9 of the Business Travel Regulations).

Sample 4. Sample order

ON THE. Yamanova

— scientific editor of the magazine “Salary”

Drawing up an Order to extend a business trip

Drawing up an administrative document is a mandatory procedure when extending an employee’s business trip. Due to the fact that a unified form for filling out the document has not been developed, employers or HR specialists must independently draw up an Order template, which will subsequently be used within the organization.

The draft order must be submitted to the employer for review and signing, after which the document becomes legally significant. In addition to the signature of the manager, the Order must also contain the autograph of the seconded employee; for this, one copy of the paper is sent to the person by fax, e-mail or postal mail.

The concept of “business trip” and its terms.

A business trip is a stay of an enterprise employee on official business in another locality with the performance of duties provided for in job descriptions.

The maximum duration of a business trip is not established by law; it all depends on what the manager decides.

According to Art. 13.1 the period of a business trip is counted from the day of departure of the employee to the day of arrival from it (paragraph 2, clause 4 of the “Regulations ..." and RF PP No. 749 of October 13, 2008).

The time is set by the employer and depends on the scope of tasks to be completed.

But a business trip cannot be indefinite according to Art. 166TC RF.

Is the employee’s consent required to extend the business trip period?

Going on a business trip at the direction of the employer is the responsibility of the employee. In case of an unreasonable refusal, the person may be subject to disciplinary liability. Accordingly, the publication of an administrative document for the assignment of an employee may occur without prior consent obtained from him.

Despite this, the legislator has determined a list of workers who, due to certain life circumstances, are allowed to independently decide whether to go on a business trip or remain to fulfill work obligations on the employer’s territory. To second such persons, the employer must obtain their personal consent, stated in writing. The extension of a business trip is carried out in a similar way if the employee nevertheless decides to go on a business trip. Such persons include:

  • Employees who returned from maternity leave before the child was three years old;
  • Persons raising children under 5 years of age alone (single parents);
  • Employees who are guardians or parents of a minor with a disability;
  • An employee who is dependent on a sick relative.

Sending the above-mentioned employees on business trips, or extending business trips without their written consent, is a violation of the law and the rights of these citizens.
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How to apply?

To increase the period, mandatory documents must be completed.
The first thing to do is to provide a documented basis for the extension.

After this, the employer issues an order and transfers travel allowances for the days of extension.

It is not always possible for an employee to provide a documentary basis for an extension, since the reasons are different.

If, for example, the employee was unable to complete a task, the employer is provided with a memo.

If the period is increased due to illness, the supporting document is a certificate of incapacity for work.

Without the employee's consent

When the extension of a business trip is the employer’s initiative, the employee’s consent is not necessary. He is obliged to submit to the will of the leader.

If the employee does not have valid reasons for refusing to renew, he may be subject to penalties.

This could be a reprimand, in rare cases even dismissal.

Employees for whom an increase in the duration of a business trip cannot be carried out at the initiative of the employer:

  • woman with a child under 3 years old;
  • a parent raising a child under 5 years of age alone;
  • legal representatives of disabled children;
  • employees caring for a sick family member.

Listed employees may be required to travel with their consent, so prior to extending a listed employee's official travel, their consent must first be obtained.

The following procedure is recommended for registration:

  • The employee submits a memo addressed to the manager with a request to extend the trip. This requires a clear reason. If the extension of the trip is the employer’s initiative, he sends the employee a corresponding notice.
  • The next step is to draw up an order. It is sent to the employee for review.
  • An additional payment is made for an extended business trip.

Sample memo

The law does not establish a special form for the memo.
However, since it is attached to the order, the form is official in nature and contains the following mandatory items:

  • whose name is written in;
  • from whom is it written?
  • document's name;
  • the text contains a description of the reasons for extending the business trip, as well as the number of days by which the trip needs to be extended;
  • position, signature and transcript;
  • date of writing the note.

Errors, typos and misprints are not allowed. The document can be written by hand or printed on a computer. Usually a white sheet of A-4 format is used.

The memo must include the manager's no-objection visa.

After agreement with management, the document is transferred to the personnel department for issuing an order.

Example of an order

The law does not provide for a special form of order to extend a business trip. However, the document must comply with all office work rules. It is printed on a white sheet of A-4 paper.

The order must contain the following mandatory points:

  • Company name;
  • Title of the document;
  • what the document is about;
  • date and publication number;
  • in connection with which the order was issued;
  • order to extend the business trip;
  • order to the responsible person to execute the order;
  • position, full name, director's transcript;
  • visa, familiarization with the employee’s order.

If the employee refuses to familiarize himself with the order, a refusal report is drawn up.

registration of an order to extend a business trip - link.

This is what the sample looks like:

Errors and clerical errors are not allowed; they will invalidate the document.

Often, internal orders are issued on company letterhead, so the company name is not written down manually.

After the order is signed by the manager, a copy is sent to the accounting department. The original (together with the memo) is stored along with all administrative documentation.

Normative base

The procedure for extending a business trip should be indicated in the business travel regulations adopted by the company.

This document states that the need to increase the period of a business trip is determined by the director of the organization in agreement with the administration of the receiving party.

Otherwise, business trips in 2021 are regulated by the following main legislative documents:

  • Articles 24 and 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • RF PP No. 749;
  • Art. 5.27 part 1 of the Administrative Code.


After an employee returns from an extended business trip, the employer is obliged to make a settlement with him.

Within its framework, the following payments must be made:

  1. Full daily allowance - it is paid for each day spent on a business trip. The following days are taken into account: days on a business trip, including added ones, non-working days - weekends and holidays, travel time, days of forced stop.
  2. Expenses associated with renting accommodation, transportation, and food.
  3. Average earnings for days of work and travel time (including forced stops).

In order for payments to be made in full, the employee must provide the employer with transport tickets, certificates, hotel bills and other receipts.

Here is an example of calculating payment for a posted employee:

A.P. Ivanov was sent on a business trip from July 27 to August 9 (14 days). While performing work duties on a business trip, the employee fell ill and was in the hospital from August 4 to August 6. After this, he was given a sick leave certificate.

Due to illness, A.P. Ivanov was forced to return from a business trip not on August 9, but on August 12, that is, with a delay of 3 days.

A sample business trip letter can be used when drawing up a document. How is a business trip noted on the timesheet? Information here.

How is salary calculated on a business trip? Details in this article.

It was decided not to include sick days in the employee’s business trip. A.P. Ivanov provided the employer with a certificate of incapacity for work, as well as checks and invoices confirming business trip expenses.

As a result, the company transferred payment to the employee for:

  • sick pay for August 4-6;
  • daily allowances for the business trip period from July 27 to August 12;
  • compensation for accommodation, excluding days from August 4 to 6.

Possible reasons for increasing the period

There are many reasons for extending a business trip.

They are conventionally divided into several groups:

  • According to production needs. Occurs when the manager gives an additional amount of work or the employee does not have time to complete the task in a timely manner.
  • For personal reasons. Employees have the right to submit an application to the manager with a request to stay for a short time (up to 2-3 days). The request is granted if the last day of the business trip is followed by a weekend or holiday.
  • Transport problems. Sometimes a business trip extension is due to a flight delay or unavailability of tickets. The day of arrival is the date of actual arrival of the employee at the appointed place.
  • Disease. If an employee becomes unable to work while carrying out assignments, he must go to a local medical facility. The business trip is extended. Upon returning to the place of permanent work, a certificate of incapacity for work is presented to the personnel department.
  • Force Majeure. Delay is possible due to circumstances beyond the employee’s control. For example, flood, fire, traffic accident, etc.

How do I pay for a hotel on a business trip? Information is in our article. What package of documents do employers require when hiring? Find out here.


All reasons why the duration of a business trip may be extended are conditionally divided into:

  • initiated by the management of the organization;
  • based on documents provided by the employee;
  • related to transport problems;
  • related to force majeure.

Extension of a business trip is carried out for the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect assessment of the amount of work that an employee is required to perform during a business trip.
  2. Appearance of a new task.
  3. A request from the company to which the employee was sent to perform work.
  4. An employee’s illness that prevented him from completing a task during a business trip.
  5. Incompetence of an employee, due to which he was unable to complete the assigned task on time.
  6. An employee's problems with purchasing return tickets to return from a business trip.
  7. Lack of technical base.

Unforeseen increase in the volume of work beyond the control of the parties.

There may be other reasons.

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