How to quit while on vacation without working off

Vacation registration

Registration of dismissal before vacation takes place according to the standard procedure, excluding the moment of two-week work.

All documents are completed within two weeks from the date of acceptance of the application.

Payments must also be calculated within a given time period. One of the most important moments for an employee in the scheme is writing an application, since the granting of leave may depend on it.

An application for dismissal may be submitted separately from an application for leave. It should contain information about the reasons for the decision to leave. In this case, the text of the document should be as short as possible.

Don't forget about the date of dismissal. It should be chosen based on the fact that the employer must be notified two weeks before the expected day of departure.

In general, there is no exact wording for how to write a resignation letter correctly. However, many try to stick to one form of document.

In the case when the document is provided before the next vacation, the employee can reduce his or her working time. But this requires serious reasons, which will most likely require documentary evidence.


The order can be issued immediately the next day after the employee submits the application.

It is worth remembering that the employee can withdraw the submitted document before the vacation begins.

Therefore, it is best to issue the document a day or two before the employee’s expected vacation, so that he can become familiar with its contents and all necessary operations can be carried out before the day of dismissal.

Recording in labor

The entry made in the work book does not depend on the availability of vacation. Its content is regulated depending on the reasons for care.

Therefore, the document indicates “dismissal at the initiative of the employee,” corresponding to the third paragraph of part one of Article No. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The content of the entry should not disclose specific grounds; it should completely repeat the wording used in the order.

In addition to the reasons for dismissal, the work book must contain:

  • date of dismissal;
  • signature of the person making the entry;
  • a round seal certifying the authenticity of the recording.

The employee receives his documents, including the book, on the day of dismissal. He needs to familiarize himself with the entry made, and if he agrees, he must sign its contents.

To avoid processing you can use:

  • main leave;
  • leave without pay (wages).

If paid annual leave is less than two weeks, then you will have to take leave without pay.

But to take a vacation at your own expense, you need good reasons. List of reasons mentioned in the labor code:

  • disability (Article 128);
  • participation in the Great Patriotic War (Article 128);
  • studying, passing exams (part-time, part-time, full-time education) (Articles 173, 174);

It is important to note that the employer may refuse legal leave if it was not recorded in these numbers in the leave schedule.

An application for leave along with dismissal is drawn up according to the template of a regular application.

At the top (in the header of the document) the position of the manager (to whom the application is addressed), the name of the company, surname (in the dative case) and initials of the manager are indicated, then we write our position, full name (in the genitive case).

After that the word “Statement” is written.

Below is the application itself with a request for annual paid leave or leave at your own expense, indicating the period, duration and reason for subsequent dismissal. The day of dismissal is considered the last day of vacation. At the bottom of the application is the applicant’s signature, transcript and number.

Sample application for “leave followed by dismissal.”

Gene. Director of JSC "Umka"

Grinko G.N.

From an assistant accountant

Smirnov Oleg Valerievich


Please provide me with annual paid leave from 06/01/2015 to 06/14/2015, lasting 14 calendar days, followed by voluntary dismissal.

05/29/2015 Smirnov

In an application for leave without pay followed by dismissal, you must indicate the reason for the need for leave:

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I ask you to grant me leave without pay from 06/01/2015 to 06/14/2015, lasting 14 calendar days, due to caring for my seriously ill mother, with subsequent dismissal at my own request.

The application is drawn up either in printed form or written by hand by the employee on A4 sheet. Based on it, two orders of the manager are issued. The first order is about leave, the second is about dismissal.

To take leave at your own expense for a valid reason, you must attach a supporting document.

Recently, at many enterprises, the program has already considered when it is necessary to issue a dismissal order and issue documents to the employee in order to avoid consequences for the company. For now, simply log into the site and use the calculation calculator to determine when you need to write an application in order to receive a calculation on a specific day. In the same way, you can calculate how many days of vacation you are entitled to if you work a certain period.

It is quite possible to combine several vacations. The design here will have 2 options:

  1. Written before going on vacation. Then all documents, calculations and orders are prepared even before this and are issued on the last working day before the vacation period. In fact, this terminates the employment relationship, although the official date of dismissal is the last day of vacation.
  2. The application is written directly during the vacation period. It can be transmitted in a convenient way. Labor documents, orders and calculations are being prepared for the end of the vacation. The next day after this, the person must be given all this. It is also possible to come on the last day of vacation to collect documents.

What payments are due?

If dismissed before a vacation, the employee can receive all the payments due to him.

If the employee does not show up for work before the appointed date of dismissal, he will be able to receive his money the day after submitting the appropriate written application.

As with any other dismissals, the employee after leave can receive his wages, as well as compensation for days not taken off, if any remain.

In addition, he must be given additional payments if they are provided for in a local act or employment contract from the organization.

As with any other vacation, when resting before dismissal in 2019, the employee has the full right to receive vacation pay. In addition to them, the employee must immediately receive his salary.

If the vacation received is considered to be provided as an advance, the amount of vacation pay is reduced by no more than 20% of the average monthly salary.

Read how it's done

dismissal of a disabled person at his own request


Is it possible to withdraw a resignation letter? Information here.

What are the consequences for an employer of non-payment of severance pay? Details in this article.

Payment of funds, in accordance with Part 9 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, must be made three days before the start of the vacation.

If the dismissal is made during vacation, and the date of the last day of the two-week period coincides with a working day, then the employee can request additional leave. If the employer agrees to provide it, the employee receives only vacation pay.

If vacation was not granted, and the employee has unused days, then he is entitled to additional monetary compensation.

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