Hiring a young specialist: not an easy task

The state and regions establish benefits for young professionals, which are intended to motivate and help citizens who have just graduated from various educational institutions find employment. The benefits are designed to help you find employment in companies of various levels. Benefits for young specialists, issuance rules, the status of a young specialist and the procedure for its provision - we will try to analyze all this and other aspects in detail in this article.

Payments to young professionals

Lifting nuances

The employer provides financial assistance, which varies depending on the type of assistance. The employer pays these funds in the first month after the contract was concluded with the employee. The employer also “wins” from this, since these funds are not subject to taxes.

However, it is worth taking into account that these payments may affect the obligations of the parties, namely the employee’s obligation to work in the organization for a certain period of time.

Important ! This can be for a period of three to five years.

As a rule, young specialists are paid allowances

If a specialist is employed by an organization other than where he lives, he must be provided with the following:

  • travel reimbursement;
  • reimbursement for travel to work for all family members of the employee;
  • daily allowance for the number of days on the road;
  • average salary for the same period of time.

Lifting benefits are provided once or are paid every year for three years. You need to find out about all the procedures for paying allowances from your superiors at the place of work.

Important information! Young professionals should receive compensation in the form of cash during the first month of employment. The amount of funds paid is affected by the position and place of work. The project is designed to motivate new specialists to work in their profession.

Young professionals should receive payments, the amount of which depends on their profession, position

If the employee wants to move, no compensation will be provided to him. According to the actions aimed at distribution, the specialist will go to the place where he lived permanently before studying at the university.

Who has the right to receive this status based on the laws of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

If we talk about our days, there is almost no regulation at the government level of the status of a young specialist. Benefits are also not federally regulated. All that is available in the legislation on this topic is information in Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that it is prohibited to determine the period for passing tests for employees who graduated from secondary specialized or higher educational institutions less than a year ago. There are no other concessions for young specialists under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the federal level, no benefits or payments are provided for young professionals

Also, the definition of “young specialist” is not in federal documents. Only based on the regulations of regional legislation can one somehow determine the criteria for obtaining this title:

  • age limits - up to thirty-five years (in some regions these limits may be limited to thirty years);
  • the citizen has any education that was received as a full-time education in educational organizations with state accreditation (in some regions they may also require training on a budget);
  • First employment in a public sector company after receiving higher education.

The procedures for providing benefits, one-time payments and other measures of social support for young employees are regulated by industry agreements of the relevant departments.

Important ! If we talk about non-governmental institutions, then support is provided based on the local documents of the organizations.

As a rule, payments and benefits for young professionals are established at the regional level

One way or another, after the young specialist gets a job, all the necessary information about the benefits he is entitled to will need to be found out from the organization’s collective agreement. Also, many enterprises have various procedures that relate to young professionals - the documents clearly define the terms and conditions of work for newly arrived employees who were recently students. In the same documents you can find out about the amount of payments, issuance procedures, etc.

Features of hiring graduates after university

The status of a young specialist and the specifics of hiring him are regulated primarily by the provisions of Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, this article assumes the impossibility of establishing a probationary period for employees who have just graduated from an educational institution within a year. The employer should take this into account when hiring such employees - dismissal due to unsatisfactory test results can be easily challenged by such employees in court.

It should be noted that previously the status of a young specialist provided other benefits and guarantees to employees during the USSR, but at the moment these guarantees in addition to the above are not provided.

In general, the main reason why employers have doubts about hiring graduates is their lack of practical experience. However, such a lack of experience in itself is not critical in most cases and for many specialties that need to fill a vacancy. The real reason most often becomes the inability or unwillingness of either the personnel department, or the employer or manager himself, to carefully select candidates, focusing on the extremely short work history of the potential applicant.

The lack of work history of a graduate, from the point of view of leading HR specialists, is a more positive factor than the presence of non-core work experience, which will be evidence of either late receipt of education or ignoring part of the education in favor of personal interests.

From a practical point of view, higher education in itself is also not uniquely useful. For many old-school HR specialists, it is simply considered a necessary requirement, while it provides very little actual skills necessary for work, especially in humanitarian fields.

Modern trends in personnel activities increasingly call for paying attention to the presence of work experience or personal qualities, rather than just documentary evidence of education. The exception is specialties or positions, the occupation of which without higher education is simply impossible according to legislative standards - in this case, there is a need to attract qualified workers who have all the necessary documents.

The procedure for hiring university graduates in most cases does not differ from hiring applicants who already have work experience. But promising enterprises and personnel trends demonstrate that in relation to such applicants it will be much more effective to develop a special personnel policy, the application of which will make it possible to find employees suitable for a particular business with high potential and performance.

What age restrictions are there for the “young specialist” status?

Age limits for young citizens who receive benefits are limited to thirty to thirty-five years. Everything is decided by the area where young people will work and receive wages. The status is valid for 3 years after the contract was concluded with the employee, and the status cannot be re-assigned.

In some cases, status can be extended up to six years:

  • while serving in the armed forces of the Russian Federation;
  • when studying in graduate school;
  • in case of being on maternity leave or child care leave.

The status of a young specialist is usually given for three years

Hiring a young specialist: not an easy task

The legislation provides that a graduate who has received a certificate of assignment to work is obliged to arrive at the place of work no later than the period specified in this certificate and work for this period. In turn, the employer is obliged to hire the graduate and provide the conditions specified in the certificate of assignment to work (clause 27 of the Regulations on Distribution*).


*Regulations on the procedure for distribution, redistribution, assignment to work, subsequent assignment to work of graduates who have received postgraduate, higher, secondary specialized or vocational education, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 22, 2011 No. 821 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on Distribution).

It also happens that a graduate does not arrive at work on time. In such a situation, the employer is obliged to notify the educational institution about this within a month (clause 30 of the Distribution Regulations).

Documents to be presented by a young specialist when applying for a job

The list of documents presented when applying for a job is established by Art. 26 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code):

– identity document; military registration documents (for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service);

– work book, with the exception of those entering work for the first time and part-time workers;

– a diploma or other document on education and professional training confirming the right to perform this work;

– assignment to work on account of reservation for certain categories of workers in accordance with the law;

– individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (for disabled people);

– declaration of income and property, insurance certificate, medical report on health status and other documents confirming other circumstances related to work, if their presentation is provided for by legislative acts.

But when hiring graduates of state educational institutions, within 2 years after receiving higher or secondary specialized education and 1 year after receiving vocational education, the employer must require a certificate of assignment to work or a certificate of self-employment (clause 32 of the Distribution Regulations) .

Taking into account the above, an applicant who is a young specialist, when applying for a job, in addition to the documents listed in Art. 26 of the Labor Code, must present a certificate of assignment to work or a certificate of self-employment.

IMPORTANT! Concluding an employment contract with a young specialist within 2 years after receiving a higher or secondary specialized education or 1 year after receiving a vocational education without complying with the condition that he present a certificate of assignment to work or a certificate of self-employment is the basis for holding the employer liable for Art. 23.15 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses).

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Employment of a young distribution specialist: which positions are vacant

Duration of the contract concluded with a young specialist

Situation 1

A contract is concluded with a young specialist who arrives at a distribution organization for the position of “specialist in foreign economic activity.”

How to correctly determine its validity period?

When determining the term of a contract with a young specialist, the terms of compulsory work for work established by clause 2 of Art. 84 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education (hereinafter referred to as the Code) or relevant agreements.

Thus, the duration of the contract with a young specialist in the situation under consideration is at least 2 years.

Conclusion of an open-ended employment contract with a young specialist

Situation 2

A young specialist applying for a job in a distribution organization refuses to enter into a contract.

Does the employer have the right to conclude an employment contract with him for an indefinite period?

An employer does not have the right to enter into a contract with a young specialist when hiring him without his consent. At the same time, the applicant’s disagreement to work under a contract cannot serve as a basis for refusing to hire him. The way out of this situation is to conclude an employment contract with a young specialist for an indefinite period. Please note that the employee does not have the right to terminate it at his own request before the end of the mandatory service period, since dismissal under Art. 40 of the Labor Code is not one of the acceptable grounds for termination of employment relations with young specialists listed in clause 33 of the Distribution Regulations.

Hiring a young specialist to replace a temporarily absent employee

Situation 3

The young specialist wished to find employment as an economist under the terms of a fixed-term employment contract while performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee. The main employee holding this position is on parental leave for up to 3 years.

Is this option acceptable?

There is no prohibition on concluding a fixed-term employment contract with a young specialist for the duration of the duties of a temporarily absent employee. But difficulties may arise in the future. If an agreement is concluded with a young specialist while the main employee is on parental leave for a child under 3 years of age, then the date of termination of the agreement will be the day preceding the day this employee goes to work (part three of Article 38 of the Labor Code). If the main employee leaves care leave early, the employer will need to provide the young specialist with another job that allows him to work out the mandatory period. Another place of work can be provided by transferring a young specialist to another position or introducing an additional staffing position into the organization’s staffing table for the position for which he was originally hired. If this is not possible, the employee will need to be given a written refusal so that he can apply to educational institutions for redistribution.

Measures taken to support young specialists, payments

At the moment, there are no measures taken at the entire country level to support young specialists. Today, all procedures for this status are implemented through regulations in the regions. Typically assistance is provided through the following guarantees:

  • one-time payments when applying for a job;
  • reimbursement of funds for travel expenses of citizens;
  • various subsidies and benefits for the purchase or construction of real estate. Sometimes corporate real estate is issued;
  • loan without interest for renovation;
  • full or partial reimbursement of funds for the maintenance of children in preschool institutions, and so on.

Important ! The priority areas in this area will be the following: education and healthcare.

At the regional level, young professionals can be provided with one-time payments, various subsidies, loans, etc.

If a citizen does not have a special education, this does not mean that he does not have this status when carrying out labor activities in these areas. For example, a teacher at a school who has not yet turned thirty-five years old and who has a diploma in any specialty that is not even related to teaching also has the right to apply for this status.

By the way! For teachers from the city of St. Petersburg, the age limit is lower - based on the legislation of the region, young specialists in this field are citizens who have not reached thirty years of age.

Similar age limits are established in the Saratov region.

It is worth knowing that all information about social support for young teachers in a particular region can be found in the branches of the Department of Education at the place of work.

Information about various benefits and payments for young professionals can be found in the branches of the Department of Education

In the healthcare field, the rules are even stricter: the state provides social payments and various concessions to young specialists - doctors, only if they move to rural areas. According to the law, healthcare workers will receive reimbursement if they meet the following requirements:

  • age up to thirty-five years;
  • working and living in rural areas;
  • The contract was concluded for a period of more than five years.

Who is considered a young specialist under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

The status of a young specialist and the provision of corresponding benefits at the federal level are practically not regulated today. The only legal act containing such a provision is Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which prohibits the employer from establishing probationary periods when hiring for citizens who graduated from secondary vocational and higher educational institutions less than a year ago. A young specialist has no other benefits under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Even the very concept of “young specialist” as such is not established either in the Labor Code or in any other federal law. Only based on the content of regional regulations can one identify the main criteria for obtaining this status:

  • age up to 35 years (although in some regions the age is limited to 30 years);
  • availability of primary (vocational school or lyceum), secondary vocational or higher education received through a full-time education system in an educational institution that has state accreditation (a number of regions establish training on a budgetary basis as an additional condition);
  • initial employment at a public sector enterprise after receiving a diploma.

The provision of benefits, one-time payments and other measures of social support for young professionals are established by industry agreements of the relevant departments. As for non-state structures, such support is provided on the basis of local regulations of specific enterprises.

In other words, in order to obtain reliable information about the benefits due, during employment or immediately after it, you need to familiarize yourself with the collective agreement of the enterprise. In addition, many organizations have provisions on the status of a young specialist - these documents clearly state the working conditions of yesterday's students, the mechanism for providing them with benefits, the number and amount of payments, etc.

Young specialist in the field of education. Relaxations and financial assistance.

Regions establish all procedures for payments and provision of benefits for young specialists from educational institutions at various levels. For example, in cities of federal significance - Moscow and St. Petersburg - the following procedures apply.


In addition to a one-time payment upon employment, new teachers have the right to receive a salary increase of 40% for the first three years of work. For employees with honors, this increase is higher - 50% percent.

Young professionals - teachers - can receive a salary increase in Moscow

In addition, in the city of Moscow, young professionals working in the educational sector receive another type of surcharge - a 15% rate, which compensates for half the cost of a travel ticket.

Important information ! The amount of increases and additional payments is taken into account without additional burden. For example, if an employee works at 1.5 times the rate, then he will receive all additional payments for one.

Employees receive additional payments only for one pay rate

Saint Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, young professionals working in schools do not receive bonuses, since they are not provided for by the region, but they have the right to receive one-time payments in the amount of:

  • six basic units - for employees who have a state diploma of study at a secondary or higher educational institution of vocational education;
  • eight basic units - for employees who have the above diploma, but with honors.

As of January 1, 2021, the size of one basic unit is 11,610 rubles.

In addition, young professionals in the northern capital who are under thirty years of age will be reimbursed 50% of the cost of travel on any type of passenger transport, except taxis.

In St. Petersburg, young professionals can count on one-time payments

Important ! One-time payments are provided to citizens who have written an application to the department of education or social security authority.

Until what age is the status of a young specialist valid?

The age limit for a young specialist to receive appropriate benefits is 30–35 years, depending on the region of employment. The status is valid for 3 years from the date of conclusion of the employment contract and is not re-assigned.

In some cases, the status of a young specialist can be extended up to 6 years:

  • when undergoing urgent military or alternative service;
  • full-time postgraduate studies (postgraduate studies);
  • while on maternity leave, as well as child care leave.

Support for young healthcare professionals

The law establishes compensation for young healthcare professionals who moved to rural areas. They are entitled to payments of a million rubles. The funds are paid within the framework of the Zemsky Doctor social program. To receive payment, you need to enter into an appropriate agreement with the authorities at the place of work.

These funds can only be obtained by doctors, i.e. specialists who have higher education in the field of medicine and work in their specialty. The main rule in order to receive a payment is that the young specialist works for five years in a rural area. If an employee decides to leave work early, he will have to return part of the funds.

Young specialists – doctors – can receive a million rubles under the “Zemsky Doctor” program

In addition to providing cash, the government should also provide housing for professionals by:

  • issuance of housing;
  • issuing land to citizens for real estate construction;
  • providing reimbursement of part of the funds for a loan or loan for the purchase of real estate.

Important information ! Vases of one million rubles have a special purpose and are not subject to tax. These funds are intended only to improve living conditions. For example, if part of the loan proceeds is paid by the state, these funds can be used to cover the remaining part. Funds are provided through the Zemsky Doctor program.

Funds received under the program have a specific purpose

Young specialist in education. Benefits and payments

As well as the status itself, payments and benefits to young specialists of state and municipal educational institutions are established at the regional level. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg it looks like this:


In addition to a one-time cash payment upon starting a job, young teachers - Muscovites in the first 3 years of work have the right to a salary supplement in the amount of 40% of the rate. For specialists who have received a diploma with honors, the premium is higher - 50%.

In addition, in Moscow, a young specialist in education receives another type of surcharge - 15% of the rate to compensate for half the cost of the ticket.

Important: the amount of allowances and additional payments is calculated without taking into account additional workload. That is, if a young teacher works at one and a half times, he will receive an additional payment for only one.

Saint Petersburg

For young school teachers in the northern capital, salary increases are not provided, but they have the right to receive one-time payments in the amount of:

  • 6 basic units - for specialists who have received a state diploma of higher and secondary vocational education;
  • 8 basic units - for specialists who have received a diploma of the same level with honors.

As of January 1, 2015, the size of one basic unit is 8,432 rubles.

In addition, during the first 3 years of work, teachers in St. Petersburg who have not reached 30 years of age must be reimbursed monthly for travel expenses by any type of passenger transport, with the exception of taxis, up to half the cost.

You can receive a one-time payment by submitting a corresponding application to the relevant department of education or social security authority of St. Petersburg.

To find out whether you need to pay personal income tax and VAT on a one-time allowance to a young specialist, read the material from ConsultantPlus. If you do not yet have access to the ConsultantPlus system, you can obtain it free of charge for 2 days.

Additional social protection for health workers in the regions of the Russian Federation

In many regions of the Russian Federation, authorities have established additional privileges for medical employees who are employed in rural areas. For example, in the Pskov region, nursing staff are also encouraged and given one-time payments.

Category of workersAmount to be paid
Doctors100,000 rubles.
Nurses, paramedics30,000 rubles.
Nurses, paramedics working in feldsher-midwife stations50,000 rubles.

In some regions, those young specialists who are employed as nursing staff are also encouraged

In Rostov, young doctors receive financial support even before they are awarded a diploma: additional payments and scholarships are awarded to students from the fourth to sixth year of the Rostov Medical University. Interns, in turn, have the right to receive payments in the amount of five thousand rubles every month - this is an addition to the salary. The year of study does not matter.

It is important to know that all the necessary information on the types of benefits and payments provided to medical workers in the regions of the Russian Federation, and the rules for receiving them, should be found in self-government bodies or health departments.

Important ! If there are no funds in the budget, then even this is not a reason for not issuing payments to health workers.

All information about the required benefits and payments for health workers can be found in the regional health department

Motivating tools

In the event that a health worker is sent to a rural area during assignment, he will be paid incentives for three years.

The amount of funds paid to health workers is regulated at the regional level, like other types of relief.

On average, the price of a motivational benefit is one million rubles.

The amount of funds provided to young specialists is determined by the regional government

This right is granted to citizens who are specialists in the field of science and healthcare and only if the conditions for assignment to employment in the appropriate place are met.

Important ! If a citizen refuses distribution, he will be denied support from the state.

Payments to teachers

Lifting equipment intended for specialists in the field of pedagogy ranges from twenty to one hundred thousand rubles. These funds will be paid if the teacher works in a state secondary school. The amounts paid are also regulated at the regional level. As one would expect, the most expensive entity is the city of Moscow, where citizens are paid funds in the amount of 100,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, this amount is equal to fifty thousand rubles.

Agricultural specialists

Separately, there are payments in the form of lifting funds for young specialists in the field of agriculture. In the Russian Federation there is and operates a program called “Young Specialist in Rural Affairs”. Thanks to the implementation of this program, the government wanted to immediately solve many problems related to attracting young professionals to work in rural areas and resolving the problems of young citizens related to housing.

There is a program “Young Specialist in Rural Areas”, which is designed to motivate young people to work in rural areas

There are several limitations to take into account:

  • the age of citizens should not exceed thirty-five years;
  • specialists must have higher education;
  • citizens should not own housing;
  • the conditions that young specialists have do not correspond to the optional standards established in the Russian Federation;
  • young professionals must live in rural areas or have the intention of moving to rural areas for permanent residence.

Important ! Young professionals who are ready to take part in this program can count on receiving considerable funds. However, it is worth knowing that the amounts vary and are regulated at the regional level.

As a rule, young specialists who will work in rural areas will be paid considerable amounts of money

The amount offered to a young specialist should be enough to buy real estate or make major home repairs.

For the fact that young specialists received these funds from the state, they must work in rural areas for at least five years in the specialization they studied at a higher educational institution. If a young specialist refuses to participate in the program at any stage, he will be subject to various types of penalties, including confiscation of property.

It is worth remembering that receiving allowances is not the same as slavery. Young specialists have the right to resign earlier than the deadline provided for by the program. Under such circumstances, the young specialist will need to return an amount that will be equal to what has already been spent.

When participating in the program, a young specialist must work for at least 5 years in rural areas

What rights and guarantees does a young specialist – labor inspector have?

The chief legal labor inspector of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Education and Science Workers, Larisa Manyuk, spoke about the rights and guarantees for young specialists when finding their first job.

“First of all, a young specialist has the right to his first permanent job, which is guaranteed by the state. There are also situations when a graduate of, for example, a pedagogical university comes through assignment, and is offered a half-time job or the position of an after-school teacher. In this case, he has the right to refuse and go for redistribution. If he cannot be reassigned, then he has the right to a certificate of self-employment. There are also situations when a young man himself makes mistakes when applying for a job: he does not meet the deadline agreed with the employer. In this case, he may be fired under the article"

, noted
Larisa Manyuk

According to her, young professionals often turn to the trade union organization with the question of what to do if you are forced to perform duties that are not specified in the employment contract. “In this case, the young man has every right to refuse. But if he agrees to do such work, then there must be a corresponding document for this - an order, in which he must sign and undergo training, if there is such a need."

, - noted the chief legal labor inspector.

As for financial support, in the education sector young specialists are provided with an allowance from the first day. “At the same time, it is obvious that the first salary will not be high, and this also needs to be explained to the young specialist. We need to accustom young people to the idea that in order to have a decent salary, they need to earn it. And we carry out such explanatory work with them

, said Larisa Manyuk.
What should young specialists do who come to work and do not receive the required payments?
They should immediately contact the union. Even if they were not provided with the necessary assistance on the spot, then there is a higher trade union structure where they will definitely be helped to understand the current situation .

Larisa Manyuk also focused on the housing issue. “If the employer’s application for a young specialist indicates that he will be provided with living quarters, and if this is also indicated in the certificate of assignment to work, then the young specialist has the right to demand that this condition be met,” the inspector explained. “At the same time, local departments of the education department, together with district trade union committees and executive committees that are interested in young people working in their region, are trying to solve the housing problem, provide departmental dormitories, and also, if possible, help with construction. All this, of course, provided that the young specialist is interested in staying and wants to settle down.”


According to BELTA

Employees of Russian Railways

Students of higher educational institutions who are preparing to become employees of Russian Railways will receive support from the state during placement.

This year such support includes:

  • Reimbursement for relocation;
  • reimbursement of funds spent on renting real estate in a new place of work;
  • one-time payments in the amount of one salary in the specialty;
  • daily allowance.

Students who plan to become Russian Railways employees also receive some support

Important ! There are no additional incentive payments at the state level. In the regions, there may be various programs that are implemented to support young professionals involved in the railway sector.

For example, in Penza a regional program is being implemented, where after a young specialist has worked for a year, he will be paid funds in the amount of two salaries. In this way, the region encourages young specialists and encourages them to work even harder.

Help for young healthcare professionals

Law No. 326-FZ establishes compensation payments in the amount of 1 million rubles for young doctors who moved to rural areas as part of the all-Russian social program “Zemsky Doctor”. To receive payment, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement with the local government authorities at the place of work.

Raise money is available only to doctors, that is, specialists who have a higher medical education and have gotten a job in their field. At the same time, the main condition for providing monetary compensation is a 5-year period of work for the young doctor in the village. In case of early dismissal, he will have to return part of the previously paid amount.

In addition to money, the state is obliged to provide such specialists with housing through:

  • provision of accommodation;
  • provision of land for housing construction;
  • or compensation of part of the loan or loan for the purchase of housing.

Important: a one-time payment of 1 million rubles is targeted and tax-free: the money should be spent exclusively on improving housing conditions. For example, when the state reimburses part of a loan for the purchase of housing, repayment of the remaining part is assumed from funds paid under the Zemstvo Doctor program.

Other relaxations

Based on the Labor Code of Russia, teachers may be provided with certain types of benefits:

  • The duration of vacation can reach from forty-two to fifty-six days. If a teacher works without rest, he has the right to take a leave of absence for up to a year;
  • the number of hours in working weeks is less than thirty-six;
  • Every month funds are allocated for the purchase of literature;
  • early retirement.

All teachers in the Russian Federation have certain privileges

For teachers who work in rural areas, there are also benefits:

  • they are paid increased salaries;
  • Teachers have concessions when paying for housing and communal services.

In rural areas there is a severe shortage of young specialists with high qualifications. However, young citizens do not want to work there due to the fact that in rural areas there is a very low salary, and there is often no housing there.

Important ! In view of the above factors, the government is implementing various measures to support young teachers who have taken up work in rural areas.

As a rule, there is a shortage of young specialists in rural areas due to low wages and lack of proper conditions, and the Government is working on this

Benefits also exist in the form of support for the purchase of housing and for loans, where part of the real estate is paid for from government funds. Moreover, the specialist will receive housing without queues if he moves.

Mortgage issues

Today it is quite difficult to buy your own home as a young professional. The state takes care of young personnel, but not to the extent that they do not need to worry about housing at all. Therefore, a good solution would be a mortgage on preferential terms, where part of the funds is provided from the state budget. This type of assistance is implemented both by the state and by enterprises that want to attract young specialists to work.

Often, enterprises that want to attract young professionals provide them with housing or help them purchase it

Important ! Today there are positive changes in the provision of mortgages, but the circumstances are such that not all organizations in the country have the ability to help young professionals in terms of repaying the mortgage component, and the state cannot yet fully address this issue.

Last changes

Recently, there have been a number of changes in terms of assistance to young professionals. Previously, there were various programs in the regions to provide housing for teachers, but today they have been cancelled.

Last year, the implementation of the Zemsky Doctor program was transferred to the Ministry of Health. This means that all money is now allocated from the budget. Also, starting in 2021, the “Zemstvo Teacher” program will be launched.

The Zemstvo Teacher program will be launched in 2021.

Mortgage programs were also transferred to the regions. Interest rates are constantly being revised.

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