The Best Job Interview Tests

You found a good vacancy, submitted your resume and received an invitation to an interview. Many people are ready to communicate with an employer. But taking psychological tests when applying for a job causes anxiety even among the most experienced professionals. What can a candidate expect and how should he respond?

Prescribing tests

This form of testing allows you to quickly examine the qualities of many candidates and compare them with each other. A pre-employment test achieves several goals:

  • exclude the influence of personal sympathies or negative attitudes of the recruiter;
  • weed out candidates who are definitely not suitable for the job;
  • select people who are most suitable for specific tasks based on their psychological make-up.

In some cases, such tasks are required. For example, a test for admission to the civil service is designed to study a citizen’s level of knowledge about current legislation.

Detected parameters

Employee testing allows you to:

  • obtain information about the level of knowledge in a specific area;
  • get an idea of ​​intellectual development;
  • draw up a psychological portrait of the candidate;
  • determine whether a person has leadership qualities;
  • find out motivation and life priorities;
  • find out whether a person is able to quickly make adequate decisions in non-standard situations.

Pros and cons of the technique

The main advantage of testing is obtaining an objective assessment of a person’s knowledge, his personal qualities, and his ability to solve practical problems with a limited amount of time. Based on the test results, the HR specialist operates not with subjective impressions, but with numerical indicators, which makes it possible to compare different candidates.

There are several negative aspects when using this selection method:

  1. The scope of use is limited. It is advisable to use interview tests when hiring an employee with a clear list of competencies. Such positions are typical for large organizations where responsibilities are divided between departments. In small companies, formal selection is more likely to hurt.
  2. Results may be distorted. Many tasks used for testing when applying for a job are available on the Internet.
  3. Difficulty of interpretation. The manager wants to get a universal answer to the question of whether a person is worth hiring. For the personnel officer, positive results will be an absolute advantage of the candidate, and negative results will be grounds for refusal.

Situational cases

Situational tests are short business scenarios that determine the working style and evaluate the solution to specific problems.

in a work environment. With their help, applicants' competencies, communication skills, motivation, and preferred problem-solving style are assessed.

Situational cases evaluate a person’s behavior in situations that he will encounter in the position for which he is applying: from communication with colleagues or superiors to handling objections and prioritizing tasks.

Example of a Situation Test:

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How testing is carried out

The person is invited to the next stage of the interview, given a questionnaire, a sheet with tasks, and the rules for working with the test are explained. The candidate for the position answers the questions immediately and then submits the job. The HR specialist monitors the progress of the test.

If space permits, computer technology is used. For testing, a special program is used where tasks are loaded. The applicant selects answer options and enters them into the computer. The result is saved in the program.

Cases and exercises e-tray and in-tray

Case analysis exercises are an element of assessment, a comprehensive assessment of applicants. Most often used in management positions, after an initial interview with a recruiter. The exercises are standardized psychometric assessments that simulate a work environment and tell the employer about overall ability to manage tasks.

, respond to problems, reconcile conflicting demands and analyze priorities.

Case example:

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The exercise is based on a fictitious business scenario in which candidates are given a job title. Sometimes similar events are used in group interviews.

Categories of tests for employment

Research is divided according to the subject of study. Tests can be aimed at studying a person’s personality and his way of thinking.

Other assignments are designed to teach job skills. For example, a test for knowledge of Excel functions will allow you to avoid a situation where a person is already registered as an employee, but needs to undergo additional training.

Psychological personal

The purpose of the tasks under consideration is to test a person’s motivation and study his behavior style.
When hiring senior or middle managers, the Professional Personality Questionnaire is used. The results will indicate the candidate’s behavior pattern, his style of working with subordinates, and will allow you to understand whether such a boss is worth hiring for the team. To work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person must pass such a test. It is necessary to exclude persons prone to suicide, depressive disorders, and highly susceptible to the influence of other people. The psychologist’s job is also to prevent people with corruption motivations from entering the workforce.

The most popular test is Ketell's 16 personality factors. A person is asked more than 180 questions, and the answer is chosen from 3 options. Based on the research, we can draw a conclusion about the personality of the candidate. For example, you can identify a person with inflated self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, too trusting, etc.

Psychological tests during hiring allow us to weed out people who will not be able to get along in a team. Mutual understanding in the team, the atmosphere among employees is as important as the amount of remuneration.

What HR tests are used for employment?

Recruiting practice uses assignments from international and Russian consulting companies

  • Talent Q;
  • SHL;
  • On Target;
  • Kenexa;
  • Saville
  • ECOPSY consulting.

HR tests for primary selection include the following tasks:

  • numerical, logical, verbal;
  • situational;
  • to understand mechanics;
  • psychological.

The success of testing depends on the number of solved training problems. The more similar examples the candidate solves, the faster he will navigate the condition. Preparation is especially important for situational and psychological questionnaires.


Numerical, verbal or logical hr tests

Most often, when applying for a job, candidates are faced with verbal and numerical tasks. Sometimes abstract thinking tasks are added to them. The selection and format of testing depends on the employer, recruiter and developer.

Numerical tests assess skills in working with numbers, charts, tables and graphs. Analysis skills are assessed - that is, how quickly a person navigates the situation and finds solution tactics. Basically, candidates will have to calculate percentages, shares, and make proportions. You won’t be able to guess the answer – Talent Q, for example, has up to 10 answer options.

Numerical test:

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Verbal tasks assess the ability to work with texts and make logical conclusions. The task contains text and several statements. Examples of texts of hr tests when applying for a job are difficult to understand. They have a lot of names, numbers, and are usually on scientific, medical or economic topics. In the allotted time, the applicant will have to read the passage and select the appropriate statement from the answer options.

Verbal test:

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Abstract logical tasks – assess skills in working with abstract information and searching for patterns. The task is presented as a sequence of figures that change according to a certain logic. The applicant will have to continue this sequence by selecting the appropriate figure from the answer options.

Logic test:

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Situational hr tests

The task consists of role-playing business games in written form. The situation related to the workflow is described here, and options for action are given. Depending on the format of the question, you will either have to choose the appropriate action or evaluate them according to the degree of impact on the situation.

Situational test:

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Competencies that determine situational tasks:

  • communication skills;
  • teamwork;
  • customer focus;
  • creativity;
  • analytical thinking;
  • determination;
  • planning.


HR Mechanical Understanding Test

Mechanical understanding testing is similar to IQ assessments and logic problems. This assesses understanding of basic physical principles, or how the world around us “works”. Typically, the test is used to evaluate engineers and technical employees.

Mechanical Understanding Test:

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Psychological hr tests

SMIL is a Russian-language analogue of the MMPI psychodiagnostic questionnaire. Designed to assess the mental state of the candidate. Reveals personal qualities and is useful in the selection of security forces, private security officers, and security services. For example, SMIL is used as a job test by the FSB.


The SMIL questionnaire differs from intelligence tasks in that there are no correct answers. Its purpose is to determine a person's personality profile and inclinations, work style, values ​​and motivation.

To show only those qualities that the employer needs, the candidate will have to study the principle of personality questionnaires and understand which statements are considered positive and which are negative. Examples of hr tests when applying for a job are suitable for this .

Psychological test:

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Preparing for testing

The main problem of a person is time and the inability to concentrate. Before the test you need to rest and collect yourself.

You cannot prepare for a specific verbal or numerical test. There are many options for tasks, and there is no point in memorizing the correct answers to each one.

Aptitude testing is entirely dependent on the skills and experience of the individual. Before the interview, it is advisable to study specialized forums where the problems of people in a particular profession are discussed. The tasks will most likely concern typical and non-standard situations.

Video on the topic

Watch a video about why tests are needed and whether you should be afraid of tests.

At the stage of the first acquaintance with the employer, the behavior of the applicant, his appearance, speech, as well as the compliance of the data specified in the application form are of great importance. Read our articles on how to successfully pass an interview, what questions you can ask an employer and what you shouldn’t ask, how to tell about yourself, and also find out:

  • How can an applicant without experience pass an interview?
  • Have you successfully passed the selection?
  • How to avoid common mistakes?

How to pass successfully

The main method of preparation is training. You should go to interviews, take tests and be interested in the results. This is especially true for the verbal ability test. The more often a candidate solves problems, the better he will do.

It is worth looking for typical tests with answers used in job applications and studying them. Only a few companies present their own objectives during the interview. These are large organizations or international corporations where there is a need for many employees at a specific level.

The search for options on how to undergo a psychologist is typical for those wishing to work in the police. Tests in the law enforcement agencies are multi-stage in nature, and it is difficult to prepare for them with a 100% guarantee.

As a conclusion

When implemented, administered and assessed correctly, pre-employment testing can be a huge help in the hiring process. You can start by looking at the different types of tests and finding out which ones are relevant to the jobs you're hiring for. Using advanced testing methods to recruit employees will ensure that you get the best results and, ultimately, the best candidates for your business.


Test results

Each test has a key. The specialist will compare the test subject’s indicators with the table and draw a conclusion.

The big problem is the interpretation of the results. When applying for a job, verbal tests will show not so much mental abilities as a person’s readiness to solve logical problems at a certain moment. It is not worthwhile, for example, to check the abilities of the chief accountant in this way. It is better to test the candidate’s knowledge on core issues.

Also, psychological tests when applying for a job must be deciphered by a specialist with specialized education. If you entrust this to a personnel officer, the result may be interpreted incorrectly.

Some duties require perseverance and attention, rather than significant intellectual ability. Therefore, there is no need to test every employee upon hiring.

Abstract-logical or spatial thinking

Logical tasks are designed to assess the candidate’s ability to work with abstract information

, as well as spatial thinking. They are used to measure the innate ability to remember and manipulate shapes, identifying patterns in which the sequence of shapes or their order changes.

Reasoning tests are nonverbal, standardized psychometric assessments that measure the ability to mentally manipulate shapes or objects without physically touching them.

Operations with abstract figures provide insight into employees' logical thinking abilities that are not tied to linguistic or mathematical skills and knowledge. This test is commonly used to screen applicants for positions that require initiative and problem solving.

In addition, logical testing is important for assessing the general level of mental development, decision-making speed and potential of a person.

Logic test example:

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Creative and language testing

Language tests check the applicant's level of grammar

Language tests determine the level of grammatical preparation of a job applicant, including the presentation of speech and writing styles of tests are also taken into account here.

In any enterprise, employees with creative inclinations have a special and unique value, and this is not surprising; it is not boring at all with such people. Especially if they are managers, then this quality will come in handy for them.

Creative tests are divided into:

  1. The ability to think creatively, and what skills from this thinking are available.
  2. Originality of thinking.
  3. Be able to properly unite and organize the work of the team as a whole.
  4. Performing entrepreneurial tasks.
  5. Mental and creative potential.
  6. What is the level of intellectual development and erudition.

Testing for emotional stability

This testing is carried out to determine a person’s resistance to stress, that is, the ability to restrain himself and correctly understand the development of events. The speed of the course of nervous processes, concentration and memory - everything will be revealed after the test.

Questions are classified based on the following data:

  1. What character traits does a person have?
  2. What is the reaction to all possible accidents and unforeseen situations that have a negative connotation.
  3. The ability to automatically switch from one to another.
  4. Determination of the degree of resistance to stress.
  5. Does a person have talent and how are creative abilities manifested?

Stress resistance is an important criterion when solving production problems, since many unpleasant situations arise in the process.

What is the point of testing?

A third of the information about a new employee can be learned through testing.

In addition to testing, there are other options by which you can find out about a person: a preliminary interview, a resume and recommendations from management from the organizational structures where he previously worked. Almost 30% of information about a new employee is determined based on passing the test.

The objectives of this event are:

  1. Determination of an objective indicator, independent of the mood of management and the manifestation of sympathy for the new person.
  2. You can find the most suitable candidate for a vacancy among those who have the same information from the application form.
  3. Selecting employees so that they can work productively and collaboratively as a team.
  4. We identify and then weed out candidates who do not meet the requirements, so that they will not benefit production in the future.
  5. If the number of applicants is large, then with the help of testing there is a chance of making the right choice.

If the purpose of testing is clear to everyone, then good results can be achieved. In many companies, testing is carried out to check the qualities of a leader, what is the determination and business spirit, and also whether a person knows how to make decisions.

Management does not always show interest in the personal data of the applicant; often, on the contrary, it is important to know what qualities the employee possesses.

About indicators

Based on the tests, the following data is determined:

  1. Leader qualities.
  2. Can a person control other people?
  3. Ability to adapt to all possible changes.
  4. Is a person easy to control?
  5. Communication skills.
  6. Ability to work in a team.
  7. Performing routine tasks.
  8. Perception of a large flow of information.
  9. Resistance to depression.
  10. What is a person’s attitude towards drugs and alcohol-containing substances?
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