Supervisor responsibilities. Responsibilities of the supervisor and sales representatives

[organizational and legal form, name of organization, enterprise] I approve

[position, signature, full name of the manager or other official authorized to approve the job description]

[day month Year]


Job description of supervisor [name of organization, enterprise]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations.

General provisions

1.1. The supervisor belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. The supervisor is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of [position name].

1.3. A person who has a higher professional education in the specialty [enter the required one] and work experience in the specialty of at least [value] years is accepted for the position of supervisor.

1.4. During the absence of the supervisor, his official duties are performed by [position].

1.5. The supervisor must know:

— labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

— fundamentals of a market economy, entrepreneurship and doing business;

— structure and staff of the enterprise, profile, specialization and prospects for its development;

— basic technological processes of the enterprise;

— personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise;

— fundamentals of general and special psychology, sociology and labor psychology;

— methods for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of subordinate employees;

— quality and time standards for each type of work;

— methods for solving organizational, managerial and personnel problems;

— methods of information processing using modern technical means of communication and communications, computers;

— ethics of business communication;

— internal labor regulations;

— rules of sanitary and personal hygiene;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

1.6. In his activities, the supervisor is guided by:

— laws and other regulatory legal acts;

— the charter of the organization;

— labor regulations;

— orders, instructions and other instructions from the head of the organization;

- this job description.

What is a promotion

Often in supermarkets, beautiful girls-promoters offer us to try a piece of cake or give us useful and not so useful gifts, stand near the shelf with shampoos and persistently offer to try one of those presented, or simply give us a leaflet with some advertising information.

In this situation, we become participants in the promotion: we ask, try, eat or drink. In order for the promotion to be successful, the supervisor of the promoters must work. In this case, he is no longer a middle manager, but an ordinary working unit subordinate to the advertising project manager.

Job responsibilities

The supervisor is assigned the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Bringing to the attention of subordinate employees the tasks assigned to them.

2.2. Checking the readiness of employees to solve assigned tasks.

2.3. Distribution of work areas between workers.

2.4. Adjusting the work of personnel, assigning workers to perform certain work in the event of unplanned or non-standard situations, or in case of failures in the general work procedure.

2.5. Organization of interchangeability of workers if necessary.

2.6. Determining priorities and sequencing of work tasks.

2.7. Organization of observation and control over compliance with the work schedule, placement of personnel in accordance with the staffing table, implementation of specific volumes of work, established work quality standards.

2.8. Checking the provision of workers with material, technical, information resources necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to workers, taking measures to prevent downtime, accidents, and temporary work stoppages.

2.9. Taking measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations in the team entrusted to him.

2.10. Assessing the quality of work of each employee, the rational use of working time, as well as determining the possibility of assigning additional responsibilities to the employee.

2.11. Assessing the loyalty and balance of employees, determining the degree of trust in employees.

2.12. Being present when workers communicate with clients and visitors (analysis of the conversation, attitude towards clients and visitors), monitoring the professional behavior of workers, pointing out mistakes made by workers and warning them about the need to eliminate them.

2.13. Giving employees the necessary instructions to perform work that is mandatory for them.

2.14. Giving employees “random” control tasks to train their readiness to perform various tasks.

2.15. Taking measures to suspend work, replacing workers in the event of cases that could lead to adverse consequences for the enterprise, preventing workers from work who are in a state leading to the same consequences (drunken state, illness, etc.), immediately reporting these cases to a superior official.

2.16. Determining the possibility and methods of applying the system of rewards and penalties adopted at the enterprise.

2.17. Conducting conversations with employees, finding out the reasons for unsatisfactory work and, together with employees, identifying options for resolving corporate and personal issues.

2.18. Organization of training courses and personal mentoring (patronage) for lagging workers when the latter are unable to independently cope with the tasks assigned to them, and in case of unsatisfactory training results, sending proposals to the management of the enterprise to dismiss workers for incompatibility with the position held (the work performed).

2.19. Determining criteria for requirements for job candidates and participating in the selection of applicants.

2.20. Introducing hired employees to the team, providing them with the information necessary for orientation in the team, familiarizing them with working conditions and the basic principles of the enterprise’s personnel policy.

2.21. Ensuring the relationship of the team subordinate to him with other departments of the enterprise.

2.22. Drawing up reports on the readiness of each specific employee to perform certain tasks, and on the results achieved by employees.

2.23. Preparation of reports on the quality of work performed by subordinate employees, on the fulfillment of the scope of tasks, on the reasons that led to the failure to implement plans and the persons responsible for this, presenting them to a superior manager.

2.24. [Other job responsibilities].

What is the importance of a supervisor’s work for a company?

The key to effective operation in highly competitive markets is constant monitoring of business processes and identification of advanced sales trends. Direct communication with store sellers and customers is carried out by “field” employees, such as sales representatives and supervisors. They are the ones who reveal the true state of affairs in matters of supply and demand, the activity of competing companies, and so on.

If a trade organization interacts with retailers through full-time supervisors, it receives the following benefits:

  • marketing campaigns carried out at optimal costs. Materials are used wisely to attract an audience, and therefore increase sales. Tastings, distribution of branded souvenirs and free product samples to customers, and other events to stimulate sales are also regularly organized;
  • Sales volumes of goods are growing steadily. Profits are maximized by identifying priority retail outlets and focusing on the most profitable product categories;
  • Fast feedback from clients, sellers and other important market representatives. Subsequently, the collected information will allow us to improve service and products, optimize supply volumes;
  • New markets for products are captured thanks to supervisors studying the controlled territory and identifying the most promising places for sale.

In conclusion, we note that it is the professionalism of the supervisor and the level of his motivation that determines the success of sales in the company. That is why specialists with excellent knowledge of sales and marketing techniques and experience in managing and organizing team work are selected for this vacancy.

The supervisor is responsible for training employees, setting tasks, building routes between retail outlets, and monitoring the work of employees. All this can only be accomplished with intensive work in “field” conditions, that is, directly at retail outlets. The supervisor also plans to motivate staff - with the right tactics, excellent sales are ensured, ideas are constantly proposed and applied to improve business processes.

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The supervisor has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.3. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.

3.4. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.5. Receive information about the activities of the organization necessary to perform functional responsibilities from all departments directly or through the immediate supervisor.

3.6. Interact with other departments of the organization on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.7. Submit proposals to management to improve your work and the work of the organization.

3.8. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management concerning its activities and the activities of its subordinate employees.

3.9. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.10. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.11. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.

3.12. To other rights provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.


He works with sales representatives who visit certain retail chains. He no longer needs to constantly contact his subordinates, but control, of course, is present. The functional responsibilities of a network supervisor are to negotiate with decision makers in these networks. Since in such stores all the goods that can be on the shelves are clearly listed, supervisors carry out rotation, that is, changing positions on the lists. All this must be carefully agreed upon and is often paid for by the company in which the supervisor works.

Often, a networker also has the responsibilities of a merchandiser supervisor, but this is done by a separate person if the company contains a large number of “merch.”

Carrying out a promotion

Promoters who have passed the casting learn the promotional text that they will speak during work. The responsibilities of the promoter supervisor are to ensure that information literally pours out of their mouths. Before the start of the promotion, the supervisor negotiates with the retail outlets where the promotion is planned, and brings equipment there (for example, tables for tasting or stands for distributing samples). By this time, the entire form should already be in hand.

Typically the promotion lasts about four hours. An hour before it starts, the supervisor is already at work - delivering material to points: leaflets, products for tasting, gifts that are given for the purchase of certain goods, etc. Next, the supervisor’s task is to ensure the uninterrupted work of the promoters, deliver running out of materials, and make a photo report.

At the end of the promotion, all products and uniforms are collected from retail outlets, and a report is filled out. This is the end of the work of the promoter supervisor. This scenario will repeat itself with the start of the next campaign.

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