Why an employee may need a copy of a work record book


The book is an important document, therefore its storage is strictly regulated by Labor Law. According to it, when a person is registered for a job, he hands over his book to the employer. And it must be kept during the entire period of employment with him. It is issued on the employee’s last day of work. If necessary, the employee is provided with a certified copy of the book to confirm his experience or employment.

The only exception to the rules is the need to provide it to Social Security. In this case, the employer is obliged to issue the original document against signature. But the employee is obliged to return it no later than 3 days after the Social Security book is returned to him.

All other organizations, regardless of their state or commercial direction, do not have the right to demand the original book if the person is officially employed.

Basic situations when it is required

Most often, a copy of the book is required in the following situations:

  1. When sending a request to a credit institution for a loan or loan. With the help of this document, bank employees make sure that a person has an official job in a certain position and has been working for a certain amount of time.
  2. When writing a resume and looking for a new job . It is not always easy to remember the names of all organizations where a person was previously employed. And it is even more difficult to decide on the dates of hiring and dismissal. In order to correctly compose a resume, as well as confirm to a potential manager your length of service and work experience, providing a copy of the book will be an excellent option during an interview. In most cases, the original book is required, but if you are not ready to quit and then just look for a job, this document can easily be replaced with a copy.
  3. To restore a duplicate book . If the book is lost or damaged, it must be restored. However, to make entries in a duplicate, confirmation of each entry will be required. In order not to request such information from each employer, you can confirm it with a copy of your book.
  4. For submission to the Pension Fund . When applying for various types of benefits and pensions, you will definitely be required to provide a copy of this document.
  5. For registration of various benefits and benefits in social security. In some cases, you will need to prove that you are employed and earning an income to receive certain benefits.
  6. During legal proceedings. For example, when a family union is dissolved, the spouse sometimes has to confirm that she is employed and will be able to provide a good life for the child. In the same way, the father must confirm his place of work and the income he receives in order for him to be assigned alimony payments in favor of the child.
  7. To obtain a visa to enter another country. The copy will indicate that you have a permanent income and are also tied to this country with work.

You can learn about some of these cases in more detail from the video presented.

Almost all credit institutions require their borrowers to provide proof of employment and income received. It is possible to obtain a loan without providing this information, but the conditions in this case will be extremely unfavorable for the borrower. Based on the information in the copy of the book, the bank receives the following information about the potential client:

  1. Main source of income . The company a person works for sometimes matters a lot. If he is a civil servant, an employee of a reliable bank or other large organization, this fact gives more confidence that the person will not be laid off without reason. And employment in small companies indicates a high chance of an employee being laid off.
  2. Amount of income . Depending on the specified position, bank employees can determine the potential amount of a person’s income, focusing on the average statistical data in this region. For example, bank employees will not believe that a cleaning lady will earn 50,000 rubles in a small town. And having seen a leadership position, they may assume that an income of 50,000 rubles is quite an objective amount for such a town.
  3. Employee length of service . Typically, many banks require that a person work in a new company for 3-6 months, and only after that they are ready to issue a loan. This is due to the fact that the first 3 months may be probationary. And in this case, termination of the employment agreement is carried out in a simplified manner. Also, not all employees can cope with the obligations assigned to them. And in this case, the person finds himself in a situation of risk of non-repayment of the loan. In another case, when a person has been working for a company for several years, the risks of his dismissal are much lower. Or at least, he will be able to find a job in advance before he leaves, which will provide him with a stable income.
  4. If payments are late, the bank knows the person’s place of work, so it will not be difficult for him to collect the due funds from his salary through writ proceedings .

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Therefore, if you are planning to go to the bank to apply for a loan or credit, you will definitely need to order a copy of the book. Its production time should not exceed 3 days, so take care of it in advance.

For Pension Fund

Currently, a person’s entire length of service is reflected in the Pension Fund’s electronic database. Every employed employee has a SNILS. This is a number that allows him to be identified in the general database of the working population. This database now stores all information about employers, terms of work, length of service and payments made. In the future, based on this information, pension payments are calculated.

Obtaining a visa

Russian citizens cannot enter all countries of the world without restrictions. And the conditions for obtaining a visa in each country may be different. For example, to apply for Schengen it is mandatory to present documents confirming your employment. If a person does not work anywhere and does not have his own business, which he can document, it is almost impossible to obtain a visa to the EU countries.

The host country must ensure that you are kept under obligations in their home country and that you are not detained illegally abroad.

Previously, a copy of the book was required when obtaining a foreign passport. But now there is no need for it. If, when registering for a foreigner, you are required to present a copy, know that this is illegal.

Why do you need to present the original work book?

The pension fund is the third and most important organization, which in most cases requires a copy of the work record. It is needed to officially confirm the insurance period, despite the fact that now it can be calculated by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation based on the number of insurance payments made. Copy of the work book To be sure how long the copy will be valid in a particular organization, this information should be clarified with the employees involved in accepting documents. Almost always, when applying to a new employer, it is necessary to provide information about previous places of employment. Previously held positions by applicants serve as confirmation of the presence of certain experience required in a particular case.

But according to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, after concluding an employment contract, the original work book must be kept in the personnel department. If the owner himself has lost this document, then all responsibilities for solving the problem are assigned to him: he will have to visit all the organizations in which he worked previously to put notes on previous places of work. The list of why a certified copy of a work book is needed is quite extensive: when contacting a particular organization, this document may be required, and if it is not provided, employees have the right to refuse the service.

Important! If the owner of the work book is employed, then it must be kept in the personnel department, whose employees do not have the right to hand it over before the actual dismissal: only the issuance of a certified copy is possible. Where do I need a copy of the work record? Most often, banks require you to provide a certified copy of your employment record. Previously held positions by applicants serve as confirmation of the presence of certain experience required in a particular case.

But according to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, after concluding an employment contract, the original work book must be kept in the personnel department. Providing the original work book This need is associated with the desire to obtain the following information:

An extract of all places of work for the last 10 years is allowed in case of employment in a state or municipal organization. These requirements are imposed by many institutions involved in issuing foreign passports. Although in fact they are illegal, the legislation directly prohibits in this particular case from requiring such documents from an officially employed citizen of the Russian Federation. It is needed to officially confirm the insurance period, despite the fact that now it can be calculated by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation based on the number of insurance payments made.

Previously, the concept of “continuous work experience” existed, but it has now been abolished, so calculating the amount of a pension will not be difficult even if there were long periods of time between dismissals and subsequent employment. Clause 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2002 No. 555 established that the work book is the main document confirming periods of work. If for some reason the owner cannot provide it when applying for a pension, then instead you can use employment contracts with employers, extracts from orders, certificates, salary slips and other supporting materials. To obtain a copy of the work record book, you must submit a corresponding written application to the HR department. You must provide a reason why you need it, but your employer may not refuse to provide you with a copy, even if there is no good reason why the request was made.

Organizations where a copy of the work book is most often provided. Most often, information from the work book is used to obtain bank loans, so it is recommended to indicate exactly this reason. To obtain a foreign passport, a copy of this document is no longer required according to the new rules. If you want to get an additional job, then it would be prudent to remain silent about it in order to avoid misunderstandings. Enterprises and organizations are ready to provide their employees with copies of the work report even without specifying the reason. If the owner himself has lost this document, then all responsibilities for solving the problem are assigned to him : he will have to visit all the organizations in which he worked previously to put notes on previous places of work.

The list of why a certified copy of a work book is needed is quite extensive: when contacting a particular organization, this document may be required, and if it is not provided, employees have the right to refuse the service. Important! If the owner of the work book is employed, then it must be kept in the personnel department, whose employees do not have the right to hand it over before the actual dismissal: only the issuance of a certified copy is possible.

Where do I need a copy of the work record? Most often, banks require you to provide a certified copy of your employment record.

Copy requirements

Remember that you cannot make a copy of your book yourself, as it must be properly certified. The registration procedure will be as follows:

  1. Copies of all completed pages must be made.
  2. It is necessary to have a stamp or signature that the copy is correct, indicating the date of the position and the signature of the certifier.
  3. It is important to have a signature stating that the employee is still working.
  4. Since July of this year, it is mandatory to have a signature stating where the original book is kept.

There must also be a seal of the company whose employee certified this document. If the organization does not have a seal, the signature “Believe without a seal” must be written.

Every employer is required to know these filling rules. However, in practice, errors and inaccuracies are often made. To avoid them, each employee must also know the procedure for certifying a copy.

Frequent cases

Let us say right away that labor may not always be needed. But in many cases this paper is still required. In fact, the Labor Code is the second most important document for a person after his passport. Its loss leads to negative consequences, and it is quite difficult to restore all the records in it, especially if its owner has changed several jobs.

Making a photocopy of your work permit in advance is hardly a wise decision, because such paper has a limited shelf life.

Here are the situations when they most often ask to see such a copy:

  • Applying for a visa to visit another country.
  • Obtaining a passport.
  • Providing information to the Pension Fund about the place of work and total length of service.
  • When you need to restore your employment.
  • When creating your resume and presenting it to the employer.
  • To obtain cash loans from credit institutions.

In all these cases, a copy of the work permit is required and cannot be done without it.

Most often, with such a document, a person goes to a banking institution to obtain loans. And the bank needs information about its new borrower such as length of service, the company where he works, salary level and availability of official employment. Based on such information, the bank decides whether to issue money to its client or refuse it.

Organizations for the social protection of citizens also often ask for labor when a citizen comes to them to receive benefits. They ask for such a document in court. In general, there are quite a lot of cases when they take a copy of the TC, and it is impossible to list them all. We have noted only the most popular ones.

Why do you need a work book for a foreign passport?

The work book must indicate the periods of your activity over the past 10 years. For example, if you are applying for a foreign passport in 2021, then all your jobs and positions since 2006 must be recorded in your work book. Provided that you do not yet have 10 years of work experience, you will have to fill in the empty fields with places of study, service, etc. (in some cases you even have to write about which school you were enrolled in).

Copy of work book

By providing your work or a copy of it, you will thereby give the government a guarantee that you have a job and will be able to support yourself abroad. If you don’t have a permanent job, then you will have to prove your “financial independence” with the help of bank statements, accounts, and so on. Also, labor is a kind of guarantee that you will most likely return to your homeland , since here you have a permanent and, possibly, highly paid job.

In some cases, an empty work book may be a reason for refusal (especially if you are planning to travel to a country where you could potentially migrate, to the USA, for example). However, it is worth remembering that not much depends on labor in the process of obtaining a foreign passport.

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Photocopy requirements

You can have it certified either at a notary office or at your job in the HR department. Most often the document is provided by the employer. A certified copy is issued to the employee by the accountant of the company where he works, after submitting a written application. After 3 working days, the document should be ready (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If you do not need the entire book, but a specific page, you can print and certify that particular page. The printing should be clear so that every word is easy to read. The pages are marked with the signature “Copy is correct” and the company’s seal is affixed to them. The pages are numbered, but this is an optional procedure. The responsible person, next to the mark that the copy can be trusted, puts his personal signature and deciphers it. It is also necessary to indicate the date when such paper was created.

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Procedure for issuing a copy

The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of labor interactions requires that the employer keep the work record and provide the employee with a copy of the work record if necessary.

An employee can receive a work book in his hands only in two cases:

  • When severing relations with the company.
  • At the request of the Pension Fund for mandatory social security.

The system of laws of the Russian Federation does not provide for other reasons to issue a work book. And if the employer gives the book to the employee, he will break the law, for which he may be punished by the supervisory structure in the field of labor organization.

Therefore, if necessary, they issue a copy of the work book for a bank or any other organization, and leave the original at the enterprise.

If the need arises, the employer is obliged to issue a copy of the work book both for the bank and for other needs upon a written application from the employee.

Here are the conditions for providing a copy:

  • registration is carried out without charging a fee to the employee;
  • a copy must be made and issued to the employee no later than 3 working days ;
  • if where a copy of the work book is needed, certification is required, the copy must have the signature of a personnel officer or other official, as well as the seal of the organization.

A copy can be provided both in electronic form (scans of sheets) and in the form of paper photocopies. Moreover, they copy every page of the book and existing inserts, including blank sheets.

If a citizen is not currently working, he can make a copy himself and bring it along with the original to the organization that requires a copy of the work book. There, the copy is certified by an employee of this organization, stamped, and the original is returned to the owner.

Where can they ask for a work book?

I can’t even imagine how our secretary will run to the Pension Fund and arrange pensions for employees... the main thing is what a mess will start for the employees. This is true everywhere: a personnel officer is most often either a secretary, or a lawyer, or an accountant. This is a flaw in the law: that the Labor Code is not issued. Even if the technical certificate is issued according to the act, if it is lost, the personnel officer will be to blame, because he did not have the right to issue it. No act will save. “Human Resources and Personnel Management of the Enterprise”, 2006, N 9. A COPY IS NOT A BASIS FOR ISSUING A DUPLICATE EMPLOYMENT BOOK! The basis document must have legal force!

Good afternoon! Help, please. books : rules for issuing a book, problematic and controversial situations In addition, the legislator has added to the list of cases when the employer is not responsible for the delay in issuing a work permit, namely: 1) in cases where the last day of work does not coincide with the day of registration of termination of employment relations upon dismissal of an employee on grounds , provided for by subparagraph “a of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 or paragraph 4 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; In some cases (if required by law or internal local acts of the organization), it is necessary to copy blank sheets of the work book, certify the copy of the work book with the signature of an official the organization that issued it, as well as the seal. When a citizen does not work, the work book must be in his hands.

If at the same time there is a need to provide a certified copy of the work book somewhere, you can have it certified by a notary.

  • 1. 2009 07:27 #18 Message from Eco5 We need a copy of the work record book. You need to look at the exact dates when and where you started working and finished. I remember roughly. But we need exact dates. You can ask the HR department for a copy. But there I need to say why I need it. What are the options? It seems that when they take out loans, they need a copy of the work report. I just never took out loans. That's why I'm asking. Your HR department doesn’t want to do anything, that’s why they say so. By writing an application asking for a work book, you have the right not to indicate the reason.
  • Consulate or embassy of the country where the visit is planned: to obtain a visa.
  • FMS - to obtain or replace a foreign passport.
  • The head of the organization in which employment is proposed.
  • Banks: when applying for a loan or mortgage.

Why do you need to present the Original Work Book?

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Where a copy is needed

It is definitely impossible to answer the question why a copy of the work record is needed. Here are a few moments when this document will certainly be requested:

  • during interviews during new employment attempts;
  • in banking structures when making decisions on lending;
  • when applying for a visa to travel to another country or a foreign passport;
  • when trying to apply for a benefit or subsidy in the structures of social security authorities.

In practice, the question most often arises about the rules for preparing a copy of a work record book for a loan. There is no single rule here, so banks, credit and microfinance organizations request a sample copy of a work book for this purpose with different requirements for it.

The copy is usually made on only one side of the sheet, but you can place 2 spreads on the sheet at once. The main thing is that the size of each spread is at least 100% of the original.

If the last entry is placed at the bottom of the spread, then you need to copy the next (empty) spread. This way, the commission for analyzing the documents will be freed from suspicions that there are other entries in the book that have not been presented for study.

The last page is certified with the HR officer’s signature and seal twice:

  • for the first time, a note is made in blue ink on the copy that the employee is currently working;
  • the second time – the page as a whole (same as the previous ones).

Interest of Federal Services

But officials from various departments also began to use it for their assessments according to their own criteria. For some reason, the recently disbanded Federal Migration Service required a copy of the book to obtain a foreign passport. The service was liquidated, a copy of the employment record is no longer necessary, and foreign passports are issued to everyone. The next department that requests a copy of the Labor Code is the Pension Fund. Seems logical. A book, activities in the field of creation, length of service, calculation of a pension. The “but” is that officials of this fund have access to the original work book, which is provided to them by a citizen before retirement age. But they also ask for a copy. Another place where people might be interested in labor records is the Federal Tax Service. When submitting applications for social contributions, a copy of the work record book is requested. Employees of the consular departments of the Embassies of some countries, for example, Japan, are not lagging behind in their desire to inquire about the work activities of a Russian citizen. The package of documents required to submit a visa to their country also includes a photocopy of the work permit. Must be certified.

Work book and its copies

According to labor legislation, the work book is kept by the employer. It is issued to the employee only in two cases: upon termination of the employment contract and upon requesting it to the appropriate funds for compulsory social insurance or security (Articles 62 and 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

A work book is a strict accounting document, the maintenance of which is scrupulously regulated by law.

Therefore, all other cases of issuing it to an employee not provided for by law are a violation for which the employer can be punished by supervisory and control authorities in the labor sphere.

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In a situation where a citizen needs to provide information about his work activity somewhere, a copy of the work book will help out.

The employee has the right to apply for its issuance to the employer by submitting a written application to this effect, and he is obliged to issue a duly certified copy free of charge within three days from the date of application (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

This copy is often a simple photocopy or scanned image (in electronic form) of each sheet of the work book, including the insert (if any).

In some cases (if required by law or internal local acts of the organization), it is necessary to copy blank pages of the work book, certify the copy of the work book with the signature of the official of the organization that issued it, as well as with a seal.

When a citizen does not work, the work book must be in his hands. If at the same time there is a need to provide a certified copy of the work book somewhere, you can have it certified by a notary. But usually in this case it is certified by the organization for which the copy is required (upon presentation of the original).

For what documents do you need an original work book?

A work book is the main document confirming the fact of a citizen’s employment. It is required not only for calculating the insurance period and subsequent receipt of a pension, but also for many other operations, because it contains all the important information about the activity:

  • Periods of work in various organizations.
  • Reasons for dismissal.
  • Positions held by the owner of the document.

It is worth noting that the copy of the employment document itself is valid only if it is certified by the head or employee of the HR department. If it does not have the necessary signatures and seals, then the organizations that may require it will not accept it. Why do you need a copy of the work book:

  • To obtain a loan or mortgage.

If the owner himself has lost this document, then all responsibilities for solving the problem are assigned to him: he will have to visit all the organizations in which he worked previously to put notes on previous places of work.

The list of why a certified copy of a work book is needed is quite extensive: when contacting a particular organization, this document may be required, and if it is not provided, employees have the right to refuse the service.

Important! If the owner of the work book is employed, then it must be kept in the personnel department, whose employees do not have the right to hand it over before the actual dismissal: only the issuance of a certified copy is possible.

Where do I need a copy of the work record? Most often, banks require you to provide a certified copy of your employment record.

A copy of the work book: what is it for, how to certify it, validity period, sample


Most often, a copy of the document in question is required in the following cases:

  • when applying for a credit loan of any type from a banking institution;
  • to restore a lost work book - if you have a certified copy, this procedure will take a minimum amount of time;
  • for writing a resume;
  • for a pension fund;
  • to obtain a passport;
  • for other purposes – their list is quite extensive.

Almost always, when applying to a new employer, it is necessary to provide information about previous places of employment. Previously held positions by applicants serve as confirmation of the presence of certain experience required in a particular case.

But according to the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, after concluding an employment contract, the original work book must be kept in the personnel department.

A copy of the work book: what is required and the nuances of registration

Why do you need a copy of a work book for a bank? Most often, a work book is required first of all when applying to a bank for a loan. Usually, the presence of this document is strictly required. Its absence may result in refusal to provide the service. This document is required by the bank for the following purposes:

  • establishing the main source of income of the client who applied;
  • determination of solvency - how high the probability of repayment of the loan will be if it is issued;
  • if for some reason the client decides not to return the funds borrowed from the bank - in order to carry out the collection operation at the client’s place of work.

Also, the work book is one of the confirmations of the veracity of all data provided to the bank. But first of all, this document is necessary to determine solvency.

Why do you need a copy of the work record?

Why is the last page certified? An important stage in the formation of a correct copy of a book is the competent design of the last page. This is due to the fact that it contains a lot of important information.


This includes information about where the citizen currently works. The person's full name is indicated here, as well as the date of certification and the company seal.

This page must contain the phrase “Copy is correct.” A sample copy of the work book can be viewed below.

The correctness of the certification determines whether a citizen will be able to use the documentation to receive various government services, draw up important documents, or obtain a loan. If there are violations, acceptance may be refused.

Issuance of a work book to an employee who continues to work

Lenders require a document made before directly applying for a loan, as they want to be sure that the copy contains truly up-to-date information. Peculiarities of contacting a notary If a person needs a copy of a work record book, and at the same time he is unemployed, then he will have to seek the services of a notary.

To do this, it is important to provide the specialist with a passport, original work book and other documents if necessary. Certification of such a document is considered a simple and quick process, but you will have to pay the notary a fairly significant amount of money for the services.

A correctly certified document is valid indefinitely, and therefore loses legal force only after any changes are made to the original.

Issuance of the original work book in the hands of the employee for registration of a pension

How to certify a copy of a work record book? For this, the following nuances are taken into account:

  • Initially, all pages of the original must be photographed, for which standard copying equipment is used, but the presence of unreadable text is not allowed;
  • It is not allowed to make copies on two sides of one sheet;
  • The accuracy of the information contained on each page is confirmed by the seal and signature of the manager or responsible person;
  • there are no requirements for the form of the seal, so any company stamp or office seal can be used;
  • the document is issued free of charge, so the employer does not have the right to demand that the employee pay any remuneration;
  • documentation is created solely on the basis of a written application previously received from the employee.

It is very important to know how to certify a copy of a work record book.

Where is a copy of the work record required?

The situation is similar with persons whose work books contain records of dismissal on the so-called guilty grounds provided for in Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for systematic violations of labor discipline, absenteeism, showing up at work while drunk, committing theft at the place of work, etc.).

Such clients are often denied a loan, and the reasons may not be explained. How to obtain a copy of a work book for a bank? Each bank has its own rules regarding the documents presented. Preliminary study of them will allow the client to minimize the risk of non-issuance of a loan.

Therefore, the future borrower first of all needs to know what requirements the chosen bank has for a copy of the work record book. They can be found at the bank’s office or on its website on the Internet.

What are the requirements? In order for the copy to have legal force and be accepted by various government authorities, the management of the company where the citizen works must understand the rules for the execution and certification of this document. Therefore, the following requirements are taken into account:

  • It will not be possible to do it yourself, since the original is in the personnel department, so it is the employees of this department who are involved in this process;
  • to obtain a document, you need to correctly write an application for a copy of the work book, drawn up in the name of the head of the company, and it will certainly indicate the reason for preparing the paper;
  • for it to be valid, it must be endorsed by the head of the enterprise.

If a copy is simply made, it will not have legal force, and therefore the documentation will be refused acceptance.

Therefore, all other cases of issuing it to an employee not provided for by law are a violation for which the employer can be punished by supervisory and control authorities in the labor sphere. In a situation where a citizen needs to provide information about his work activity somewhere, a copy of the work book will help out.

The employee has the right to apply for its issuance to the employer by submitting a written application to this effect, and he is obliged to issue a duly certified copy free of charge within three days from the date of application (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This copy is often a simple photocopy or scanned image (in electronic form) of each sheet of the work book, including the insert (if any).

If the submitted documents confirm that the employee was transferred to another permanent job in the same organization (with the same employer), then a corresponding entry is also made about this.

Then, in column 2 the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is indicated, and in column 3 - the reason (ground) for dismissal, if the document submitted by the employee contains such data.

In the event that the documents do not fully contain the above information about work in the past, only the information available in the documents is entered into the duplicate work book.

Column 4 indicates the name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the corresponding entries in the duplicate were made. The original documents confirming work experience, after making copies of them and duly certified by the employer or personnel service, are returned to their owner.

Source: https://advokat-na-donu.ru/dlya-oformleniya-kakih-dokumentov-nuzhen-original-trudovoj-knizhki/

Where is a copy of the work record required?

The situations in which a citizen may be required to present a copy of his work record are varied.

The most common among them are:

  • concluding a loan agreement with a bank;
  • interview when looking for a new job;
  • obtaining a passport or visa to enter a foreign country;
  • registration of subsidies and benefits with social welfare authorities, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the first situation, since this is where the most questions arise.

Organizations where a copy of the work record is most often provided

To summarize, it is worth highlighting several organizations that have the right to demand a certified photocopy of the work book:

  • Consulate or embassy of the country where the visit is planned: to obtain a visa.
  • FMS - to obtain or replace a foreign passport.
  • The head of the organization in which employment is proposed.
  • Banks: when applying for a loan or mortgage.

To obtain a copy of the book, you must do the following:

  • Write an application addressed to the director or head of the human resources department with a request to issue a certified photocopy.
  • Provide the application to the responsible person.
  • Receive a copy within three days of submitting your request for extradition.

The validity period of the employment copy is one month, but it can be extended if the document is certified by a notary office: in this case, it will be valid until new information regarding employment is added to the book itself. If changes have been made to the original (the employee quit, transferred to another department, etc.), then the photocopy is considered invalid.

To make a copy of the work book, the HR department employee needs to photocopy all of its pages with records, and blots or any distortion of information are considered unacceptable. After making a photocopy, the following data is entered on each page:

  • "Copy is right".
  • The surname and initials of the certifier, as well as his position.
  • Certification date.
  • Signature of the certifier.

After the last entry, the copy must also indicate that the employee is currently employed, as well as the entry number itself, the date of certification, the position and surname of the certifier. All this is confirmed by the seal of the organization.

Of great importance is the fact that the seals must be original, i.e. they must be affixed to already made copies of the pages, otherwise the document will be considered invalid.

The features of certifying a copy of a work record book are important not only for employees of human resources departments, but also for every employed citizen, because if the certifier makes a mistake, everything can be quickly corrected: this will save time and nerves.

Knowing where a photocopy of the employment record is required, you can draw up and collect a package of documents in advance: this will help avoid wasting time, because if any organization does not have enough official confirmation of employment, its employees will have the right to refuse the service.

A copy of the work book for the bank

When concluding a loan agreement for a large amount (in particular a mortgage loan), almost all banks, among the necessary documents, require the client to provide a copy of his work record book.

In addition to confirming the veracity of the information provided by the future borrower, the bank needs this to:

  • establishing the degree of solvency of the proposed client;
  • determining his main stable source of income;
  • insurance for possible recovery of the loan amount at the borrower’s place of work in the event of non-repayment.

The bank's credit commission makes a decision on issuing a loan based on an analysis of the probability of debt repayment. A significant role in this is played by information about the client’s persistence in labor relations, the source of which is his work record.

Thus, persons who change their place of work too often (who have recently had many entries about employment and dismissal in their work book) cannot always be recognized as reliable clients.

The situation is similar with persons whose work books contain records of dismissal on the so-called guilty grounds provided for in Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for systematic violations of labor discipline, absenteeism, showing up at work while drunk, committing theft at the place of work, etc.).

Such clients are often denied a loan, and the reasons may not be explained.

Which organizations require the original work book?

AdvocateMasterRegistered: 04/13/2006 Messages: 2890From: Moscow Added: 5:36, Fri Nov 16, 2007 Message title: I think the employer CAN, but is not obligated to issue a work book against signature.

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To obtain a copy of the work record book, you must submit a corresponding written application to the HR department.

You must provide a reason why you need it, but your employer may not refuse to provide you with a copy, even if there is no good reason why the request was made.

Organizations where a copy of the work book is most often provided. Most often, information from the work book is used to obtain bank loans, so it is recommended to indicate exactly this reason.

To obtain a foreign passport, a copy of this document is no longer required according to the new rules. If you want to get an additional job, then it would be prudent to remain silent about it in order to avoid misunderstandings. Enterprises and organizations are ready to provide their employees with copies of the work report even without specifying the reason.

Legal forum

Copies of work-related documents must be properly certified and provided to the employee free of charge. Actually. this is all. No reasons or goals need to be specified. Moreover, the employer has no right to refuse to provide copies of documents.

#2 IP/Host: 77.108.87. Re: Issuing a copy of a work record book. Do I need to indicate the purpose of the provision? We usually, just in case, ask where the copy is needed. For example, a person asks for a pension fund, but the Pension Fund requires certification only in a certain form (1 page.

= 1 page) #3 IP/Host: 92.255.198. Registration date: 08/24/2010 Messages: 382 Re: Issuing a copy of the work book. Do I need to indicate the purpose of the provision? It seems that the PF requires the original work report and certifies copies itself. #4 IP/Host: 77.108.87.

Re: Issuing a copy of a work record book.

In what cases is an original work book required?

But a copy of the work document has legal force only if it is correctly certified. Certification of a copy of any document involves putting a certain note on it, the signature of the responsible person and a seal. But it requires proper formatting.

An incorrectly affixed seal or improper entry turns the copy into an ordinary piece of paper that has no legal force. What is the role of the document? A correctly certified copy of the work book is practically an analogue of the original document.

It can be presented at the request of any body, authority or organization.

Where do they require a copy of the work book?


Important The situation is similar with persons whose work books contain records of dismissal on the so-called guilty grounds provided for in Art.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for systematic violations of labor discipline, absenteeism, appearing at work while drunk, committing theft at the place of work, etc.). Sample certified entry.

Many organizations require an indication of actual employment in the certification record.

What might you need a copy of your work record for? You can get work only upon dismissal. A copy of the work record book is required for submission to various authorities at the place of request. It may be needed in any situation where confirmation of work experience is required when preparing any documents.

Even for official employment, the original is required, and a copy of the book is not needed, but its presence can have a positive effect on subsequent approval for the position.

  • Legal forum
  • Providing the original work book
  • Why do you need a copy of the work permit?
  • Where is a copy of the work record required?
  • We hand over the original work book
  • Is it possible to hand over a work book to an employee?

Legal forum There is no need to doubt whether a work book is needed to apply for a loan: providing a copy of it to the bank when applying for a loan greatly increases the likelihood of an approving decision, because it is first of all important for any credit institution to make sure of the solvency of its clients. The second most popular organization where you need a copy of your work record is the Federal Migration Service.


Do I need to indicate the purpose of the provision? Our employees always asked for copies (and the original too) and asked that the copies be certified like this: 1 sheet of paper is photocopied on 1 A4 sheet at the top, below in the white field “Copy is correct, signature, seal, date.”

Then, as far as I know (from long-time experience working in social security), in the Pension Fund the xeroxed part is cut off and filed in the pensioner’s file, and the part with stamps is thrown away. Thus, the employer confirms the correctness of the copy and the PF does not particularly check it. #5 IP/Host: 217.26.27. Registration date: 11.03.

2011Messages: 5 Re: Issuing a copy of the work record book.

Do I need to indicate the purpose of the provision? The employee is not required to explain the reason and purpose of receiving a copy of the Labor Code. #6 IP/Host: 194.186.178. Re: Issuing a copy of a work record book.

The most common among them are:

  • concluding a loan agreement with a bank;
  • interview when looking for a new job;
  • obtaining a passport or visa to enter a foreign country;
  • registration of subsidies and benefits with social welfare authorities, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the first situation, since this is where the most questions arise. A copy of the work book for the bank When concluding a loan agreement for a large amount (in particular a mortgage loan), almost all banks, among the necessary documents, require the client to provide a copy of his work book.

Source: https://1privilege.ru/v-kakie-organizatsii-trebuyut-original-trudovoj-knizhki/

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