Job responsibilities of a nurse

I. Job responsibilities of the head of the pathology department (morgue)

a common part

A pathologist with at least 5 years of experience as a pathologist is appointed to the position of head of the pathology department.

The head of the pathology department is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with current legislation.

The head of the pathology department reports directly to the chief physician of the base hospital and his deputy for medical affairs.

The head of the pathology department in his work is guided by the Regulations on the pathology department of the hospital, other official documents on the section of work performed, orders and instructions of higher authorities and officials, and these instructions.

The orders of the head of the pathology department are mandatory for all personnel of the pathology department.


Head of the pathology department:

1. Organizes and ensures the work of the pathology department, draws up a work plan for the department, carries out day-to-day management and control over the work of department employees, distributes responsibilities among its employees, and appoints persons responsible for carrying out production activities.

2. Consults doctors of the pathology department on all issues of the work carried out in it.

3. Provides consultation with highly qualified specialists for all biopsy and sectional cases that remain diagnostically unclear.

4. Reports to the chief physician of the hospital or his deputy for the medical unit on all cases of gross medical errors and defects in diagnosis and treatment that were identified during a pathological examination.

5. If a pathological examination reveals an infectious disease that was not diagnosed during life or is suspected:

- transmits a telephone message about this to the department of registration and registration of infectious diseases (ORUIB) by phone 188-60-01 or 188-53-83, in case of a diagnosis of tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases, the information is transmitted to the anti-tuberculosis or dermatovenerological dispensaries at the place of residence.

6. Ensures the timeliness, correctness of the preparation and issuance of medical death certificates, and, if necessary, the sending of repeated medical death certificates to the CSB authorities.

7. Selects cases of deaths to be analyzed at meetings of clinical and pathological conferences. Together with the deputy chief physician for medical affairs, he draws up the agenda of the conference, participates in its organization and conduct (consultation with the speaker; preview of all demonstrated anatomical and histological preparations, etc.).

8. Monitors the correctness of medical pathological documentation.

9. Conducts an annual analysis of the work of the pathology department and presents its materials to the chief physician of this medical institution.

10. Organizes and conducts conferences and discussions of pathological studies with pathologists of the department.

11. Consults doctors of the clinical departments of the hospital on the advisability of taking biopsies, especially urgent intraoperative ones.

12. Manages the work on compiling and constantly replenishing the collection of micropreparations, creating a museum of macropreparations and a photo library.

13. Participates together with the department’s pathologists in scientific and practical conferences of the hospital, meetings of the society of pathologists and other conferences.

14. Manages the advanced training of pathologists and laboratory histologists of the department. To this end:

— organizes and conducts periodic thematic classes, including on the study of biopsy material;

— supervises the development by pathologists and histologist laboratory assistants of new methods of pathological examination and the use of new equipment;

— periodically conducts demonstration autopsies with clinical and anatomical analysis of their results.

15. Ensures that the department is ready to perform autopsies on those who died from particularly dangerous infections.

16. Manages the economic work of the department, controls the timeliness of drawing up requests for the necessary materials, reagents, instruments, equipment, controls their consumption and use.

17. Monitors compliance with safety standards and regulations, fire safety, hospital internal regulations, sanitary and hygienic condition of the department, storage of toxic, flammable and expensive materials.

18. Raises the question of the need to transfer the corpse for forensic medical examination to the chief physician or his deputy for medical affairs and controls this transfer.

19. Submits the work and vacation schedules of department employees to the chief physician for approval.


The head of the pathology department has the right:

1. Take direct part in the work of the hospital administration in recruiting personnel to work in the pathology department.

2. Arrange personnel in the department and distribute responsibilities between them.

3. Give orders and instructions to department employees in accordance with the level of their competence and qualifications and monitor their implementation.

4. Make proposals to the hospital administration regarding rewards and penalties for department employees.

5. Recommend to the hospital administration a candidate for a pathologist during his absence (illness, vacation, business trip, advanced training courses, etc.).

6. Improve your qualifications through advanced training courses in the prescribed manner.

7. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.

8. Make decisions within your competence.

9. Take part in meetings held in the hospital, which discuss issues within his competence.

10. Make proposals to the hospital administration on improving the organization and working conditions of department staff.


The head of the pathology department is responsible for the timely and accurate fulfillment of the duties provided for in these instructions and the internal labor regulations of the hospital.


  • for organizing the work of the office;
  • for timely execution of medical prescriptions;
  • for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological regulations in the treatment room;
  • for providing the office with everything necessary for work during the day (or working day);
  • for proper disposal of medical waste;
  • for compliance with the rules for storing medical devices and drugs;
  • for the correct maintenance of office documentation;
  • for the proper performance of her duties by the nurse.

II. Job responsibilities of a pathologist in the pathology department (morgue)

a common part

A doctor with a specialty in general medicine or pediatrics with subsequent specialization in pathological anatomy is appointed to the position of pathologist. He is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital on the recommendation of the head of the pathology department in accordance with current legislation.

The pathologist reports directly to the head of the pathology department and works under his supervision.

In his work, the pathologist is guided by the Regulations on the pathology department of the hospital, official documents on the section of work performed, orders and instructions of higher authorities and officials, and these instructions.

The orders of the pathologist are mandatory for the middle and junior medical personnel of this pathological department.


1. Conducts autopsies of corpses and histological examination of sectional material.

2. When indicated, collects material for additional special studies: microbiological, virological, biochemical and others and ensures their timely delivery to the appropriate laboratory.

3. If necessary, performs an urgent histological examination of sectional material.

4. During the autopsy and after it, gives the necessary explanations to the clinicians present, and also clarifies and clarifies with them the clinical features of the course of the disease, the treatment being carried out and other issues.

5. Upon completion of the autopsy, on the same day, ensures the preparation of the descriptive part of the pathoanatomical autopsy report, and, if possible, a pathoanatomical diagnosis, a clinical-anatomical epicrisis, in which he compares the final clinical and pathoanatomical diagnoses, establishes their coincidence or discrepancy, and registers his point of view on the cause and category of clinical diagnostic error in all sections that make up the diagnosis, and also makes his judgment about the immediate cause of death of the patient. If it is impossible to establish a final pathoanatomical diagnosis directly at the dissecting table, he takes the necessary measures for its subsequent verification and, upon completion of the entire complex of studies, formulates and enters into the autopsy report the final pathoanatomical diagnosis, clinical and anatomical epicrisis, a conclusion on the immediate cause of death, the coincidence or discrepancy of the clinical and pathoanatomical diagnoses, cause and category of diagnostic error, timeliness of intravital diagnosis and adequacy of treatment. A copy of the pathological diagnosis with clinical and anatomical epicrisis is entered into the inpatient or outpatient card.

6. Reports to the head of the department on the results of the autopsy and the defects in diagnostic and therapeutic measures identified during the autopsy.

7. Fills out a medical death certificate (Form N 106/U), if necessary or upon request, conducts a conversation with relatives or loved ones of the deceased, while clarifying the characteristics of the disease or explaining to the relatives of the deceased the nature of the disease that led to death.

8. If necessary, requests and receives additional information about the deceased from the medical institution that monitored and treated this patient before his admission to the hospital or before the death occurred.

9. Together with the laboratory assistant, he cuts out sectional material, gives instructions to the laboratory assistant on the methods of its processing, staining techniques, and the number of histological preparations.

10. Monitors the timing and quality of the laboratory assistant’s performance of the assigned work, provides him with methodological assistance if necessary.

11. Performs microscopic examination of histological preparations, analyzes the results of additional studies (bacteriological, virological, biochemical and others) and makes appropriate entries in the protocol (card) of the pathological examination.

12. In the event of a change in the pathological diagnosis, after conducting the entire complex of necessary studies, the pathologist who performed this study makes an additional entry in the protocol of the pathological examination and in the patient’s medical record, indicating the final diagnosis. At the same time, a new medical death certificate is sent to the CSB authorities. If initially, before the true nature of the disease was clarified, a medical death certificate marked “preliminary” was issued, then a medical certificate marked “instead of preliminary” is issued and sent. If a certificate was originally issued with the indication “final”, then the certificate is re-issued and sent, where a handwritten note is made “instead of the final N __”. A new medical certificate must be sent to the CSB authorities no later than two weeks after the autopsy, if a forensic chemical study was not required to clarify the diagnosis, and no later than a month, if one was carried out.

13. The pathologist, together with the laboratory assistant, describes the macroscopic picture (directly from dictation or using a voice recorder and subsequent printing) of fragments of organs and tissues sent from clinical departments or attached medical institutions after removal of material for biopsy examination or after surgery.

Pieces are cut out from the sent material for subsequent histological examination, and the histologist laboratory assistant is given instructions on the method of fixing and placing the material, staining techniques, and the number of preparations.

14. The pathologist performs a microscopic examination of the biopsy and surgical material, the results of which and the diagnosis of the disease are entered into the form “Referral for pathohistological examination” (Form N 014/U).

15. If necessary, the pathologist who examines the biopsy and surgical material consults with more qualified doctors of the department and the head of the department. In these cases, the conclusion is signed by the head of the pathology department.

16. A pathologist participating in the preparation of a clinical-anatomical conference is obliged to study the relevant literature, prepare the necessary illustrative materials for demonstration (transparencies, micro- and macro-preparations), draw up a written text or plan for his report, and present the prepared materials to the head of the pathology department. If necessary, a preliminary discussion of the materials is carried out at a conference of doctors of this pathology department. During the conference, the speaker-pathologist makes a report on the results of the pathological examination and participates in its discussion.

17. The pathologist participates in production, educational and organizational-methodological activities carried out in the pathology department, carries out production orders of the head of the department, reports to him about all the shortcomings in the production work of the department, makes his proposals to improve the quality of the production process.

18. The pathologist selects and photographs macro- and micropreparations for the museum, compiles their annotations and maintains a file cabinet.


The pathologist has the right:

1. Give orders and instructions to the nursing staff of this department in accordance with the level of their competence and qualifications and monitor their implementation.

2. Improve your professional qualifications through advanced training courses in the prescribed manner.

3. Apply for assignment to the appropriate qualification category.

4. Make proposals to the head of the department about encouraging or imposing penalties on the middle and junior medical staff of the department.

5. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.

6. Make decisions within your competence.

7. Make proposals to the head of the department on improving the organization of the department’s work and their working conditions.


Bears responsibility for the clear and timely fulfillment of the duties provided for by these Regulations and the internal labor regulations of the department.

Complete training

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites students to take professional retraining courses in the field of “Emergency Nurse”.
The Academy's resources make it possible to remotely train thousands of specialists from all regions of Russia. Our training programs are compiled with the participation of leading experts in their field and are regularly updated, which allows our graduates to successfully implement themselves in the profession. The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) conducts regular enrollment in courses of additional professional education in the specialty “Emergency Medical Assistant”. We offer professional retraining and advanced training in a distance format according to an individually agreed schedule, a modern educational and methodological base and standard documents upon completion of training. Training in the “Emergency Medical Care” program at the Medical University of Innovation and Development (MUID) is a modern educational program for medical specialists that allows you to complete training in the shortest possible time and without interruption from work. The University's courses are delivered both part-time and distance learning and fully comply with both educational and professional standards in the field of additional vocational education (additional vocational education). The National Academy of Modern Technologies (NAST) implements additional education programs and invites specialists to undergo professional retraining in the field of emergency medical care. The Academy's training programs involve the use of distance technologies, which allows our students to receive education without interruption from their main activities in the most comfortable mode. The career guidance center for medical personnel of higher and middle management MEDICALEDU invites you to undergo professional training in the specialty “Ambulance and Emergency Care”. Timely receipt of additional professional education allows you to timely pass certification events and continuously improve in your profession. The training format for professional retraining courses is distance learning. Author of the article

Yurkin Alexey

Job responsibilities of a senior laboratory assistant in the pathology department (in the morgue)

a common part

A histologist laboratory assistant with at least 5 years of experience in this specialty is appointed to the position of senior laboratory assistant in the pathology department.

The senior laboratory assistant of the pathology department is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital upon the proposal of the head of the pathology department in accordance with current legislation.

The senior laboratory assistant of the pathology department reports directly to the head of the pathology department.

The orders of the senior laboratory assistant of the pathology department are mandatory for the middle and junior medical personnel of this department.

In his work, the senior laboratory assistant of the pathology department is guided by official documents on the section of work being performed, orders and instructions of higher authorities and officials, and these instructions.

The senior laboratory assistant of the pathology department is the financially responsible person.


Senior laboratory assistant of the pathology department:

1. Organizes the work of middle and junior medical staff of the department.

2. Plans daily, distributes work among department laboratory assistants in accordance with the volume of work and regular workload, controls the volume, quality and timeliness of work performed.

3. Provides conditions for the normal work of pathologists by maintaining workspaces in doctors’ offices, in section rooms and general order in the department. Monitors the availability of the necessary tools.

4. Makes timely requests for the necessary inventory, equipment, reagents and ensures their timely receipt from the pharmacy or warehouses.

5. Daily distributes ethyl alcohol for histological studies, prepares appropriate solutions, dyes, mixtures, issues it against signature to laboratory assistants, systematically monitors the correctness of its consumption, keeps a log of alcohol consumption in the pathology department.

6. Regularly and timely prepares time sheets and work schedules for department employees and monitors their implementation.

7. Performs the necessary registration of sick leaves for department employees.

8. Ensures the safety of property and medical equipment in the department and their timely repair.

9. Monitors compliance by department staff with internal regulations, fire safety rules, safety regulations, and maintains relevant documentation for these sections.

10. Monitors the availability and quality of protective equipment and disinfection in case of working with a particularly dangerous infection.

11. Keeps records of documentation and monitors the timeliness of responses to advisory pathological material received by this department.

12. Under the leadership of the head of the department, develops and monitors the implementation of a plan for advanced training of nursing and junior medical staff of the department, conducts practical training with nursing and junior medical staff.

13. Participates in the work of the hospital’s Council of Nurses and scientific and practical conferences for nursing staff.

14. Maintains the necessary accounting and reporting documentation of the department.

15. Systematically improves his professional qualifications.


The senior laboratory assistant of the pathology department has the right:

1. Make proposals to the head of the pathology department on the correct placement of nursing and junior medical personnel in accordance with production needs and taking into account qualifications, experience, and attitude to the duties performed.

2. Make proposals to the head of the department on rewards and penalties for the middle and junior medical staff of the department.

3. Give orders and instructions to the nursing staff of the department and monitor their implementation.

4. Obtain the information necessary to perform your job duties.

5. Make decisions within your competence.

6. Make proposals to the head of the department to improve and organize their working conditions.

7. Improve your professional qualifications through advanced training courses in the prescribed manner.


The senior laboratory assistant of the pathology department is responsible for the clear and timely fulfillment of the duties provided for by these Regulations and the internal regulations of the hospital, and is responsible for the property entrusted to her (him).

Requirements for a nurse

Working as a nurse is extremely challenging in every aspect. Firstly, the specialist performs not the most pleasant procedures. Secondly, the work is extremely difficult physically. Therefore, for such work they choose people who are not only strong and resilient, but also emotionally hardened.

To carry out this type of activity, it is not necessary to have a medical education, since a specialist will be taught everything necessary directly at the workplace. But at the same time, the orderly must learn quickly and be able to perceive a large amount of information.

Job responsibilities of orderlies of the pathology department (morgue)

a common part

A person who has completed a two-month internship in the pathology department is appointed to the position of orderly in the pathology department.

Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with current legislation.

Directly reports to the head of the pathology department, pathologist and senior laboratory assistant of the department.

In his work he is guided by the Regulations on the pathology department of the hospital, orders and instructions of higher officials and these Regulations.


1. Responsibilities of the day nurse of the pathology department:

— accepts into the pathology department the corpses of the deceased from the base and attached hospitals, the corpses of patients who died at home (in accordance with the current territorial distribution of hospitals and regions in Moscow);

- checks the documentation sent with the corpse (hospital accompanying sheet, ambulance accompanying sheet, order issued for transporting the corpse to the morgue by a clinic or cooperative), checks the correctness of the corpse's markings, makes additional markings on the thigh of the corpse with brilliant green indicating the last name, first name and patronymic, age of the deceased, place of his death, date of admission;

- in the presence of the person who delivered the corpse, checks the entry in the accompanying sheet about the clothes and valuables delivered with the corpse, including yellow metal teeth. If they match, he makes an appropriate note in the journal for registering the receipt and release of corpses. If these data do not coincide, together with the person who delivered the corpse, he draws up a new act on the presence of clothing and valuables, and endorses it together with the person who delivered the corpse. A new report on the presence of clothing and valuables is drawn up and attached to the accompanying documentation delivered with the corpse;

— ensures the safety of the corpse during its stay in the pathology department;

— carries out the necessary transportation of corpses within the pathology department, participates in the loading of unclaimed corpses and large biological blocks (postoperative material) into special transport that transports them for cremation or for use for educational and scientific purposes;

- prepares the room, utensils, clothing, instruments necessary for performing a pathological autopsy and taking material for microscopic examination, delivers the taken material to the appropriate laboratories by order of the pathologist;

- during the autopsy, he is in the sectional room and assists the doctor; upon request and under the guidance of the pathologist, he makes bone cuts and weighs organs;

- upon completion of the autopsy, he sews up all the incisions on the corpse, carries out its cleaning, delivers the corpse to the corpse storage facility for storage;

- before releasing the corpse to relatives or other authorized persons, checks the accuracy of the corpse’s markings, dresses the deceased, places him in a coffin and delivers him to the ritual hall for release to relatives or other interested parties;

- in a special journal for the receipt and release of corpses in the established form, registers the release of the body of the deceased, the valuables delivered with it, including yellow metal teeth;

- issues a medical death certificate to relatives or other responsible persons, registers in the register of receipt and release of corpses the date of issue of the certificate, surname, first name and patronymic and passport number of the person who received the death certificate;

- informs relatives or other interested parties about the presence of the deceased they are interested in in this pathology department, about the operating hours of the pathology department, the funeral services provided in it, both performed free of charge and for a fee;

— after completion of all autopsies, daily wet cleaning of the sectional room, pre-sectional rooms, mourning hall, corpse storage, and fixation rooms. After autopsy of the corpses of patients who died from infectious diseases, a set of anti-epidemic measures is carried out: disinfection of sectional, pre-sectional rooms, instruments, equipment;

- systematically monitors the serviceability of the tools and equipment of the sectional room, carries out the repair of tools;

- by order of the head of the department, prepares the documentation necessary for the burial of corpses at public expense or their transfer for educational and scientific purposes;

- by order of the head of the department or senior laboratory assistant, performs various auxiliary work: washing dirty dishes, flushing out microspecimens, carrying and installing heavy objects (for example, cylinders with carbon dioxide), plays the role of a courier and other official assignments.

2. Responsibilities of duty officers (night orderlies) of pathology departments:

- at the beginning of his shift, the orderly on duty of the pathology department receives it from the senior orderly of this department or from the day orderly assigned to duty on a given day, and at the end of his shift he turns over the shift to the senior orderly of the department, providing him with information about the number of corpses received in the department, and other events during his duty;

- during the period of duty, the orderly on duty of the pathology department receives corpses sent to the pathology department from all medical institutions attached to this pathology department, checks the compliance of the primary marking of the corpse with the documentation delivered with it, makes additional markings on the thigh of the corpse in accordance with the provisions of this instruction;

— carries out sanitary cleaning of the premises of the pathology departments assigned to him;

- provides information to relatives, loved ones of the deceased patient, employees of the medical institution attached to this pathology department, directly or by telephone, about the work regulations of the pathology department and about the presence of the corpse they are interested in in this pathology department;

- at the request of the management of this hospital, the head of the pathology department, the senior orderly of the department, the dispatcher of ambulance and emergency medical care, the duty officer of the Main Medical Directorate of Moscow, provides information on the availability and number of places in the morgue for placing corpses in them;

- on all issues that raise doubts among the orderly on duty, he consults with the senior orderly or the head of the pathology department;

— the orderly on duty of the pathology department is responsible for the safety of the premises and the property located in it during the period of his duty and, in this regard, has no right to leave the premises of the pathology department.


A nurse in the pathology department has the right to:

1. Improve your professional qualifications.

2. Make proposals to the management of the pathology department to improve the organization and working conditions.

3. Obtain information necessary to perform their duties.

What are the general provisions of the job description of a nurse?

No medical institution can do without such a simple but very necessary profession as a nurse.

These junior staff have a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders - from keeping treatment rooms and offices clean to caring for sick patients.

The management of a medical institution sets out a list of all professional functions, rights and responsibilities of a nurse in a special document called a job description. This important business act will be discussed further.

Job responsibilities of a nurse - job description

The functional management of a nurse is compiled individually for each medical organization, taking into account the specifics of its work. For example, the instructions of a junior medical worker at a regular clinic differ significantly in content from a similar document, but written for orderlies of a psychiatric hospital, and so on.

However, for all these acts, their structure is the same, which contains the following main points:

  • General information - this part contains basic requests to the employee, including requirements for his level of education and work experience;
  • Professional responsibilities - this part reveals all the responsibilities of junior medical staff in this particular institution;
  • Specialist rights – the section includes a list of the rights and privileges of an employee for a position;
  • Liability provisions - this paragraph contains information about what liability may arise in the event of staff failure to fulfill their job functions.

What are the general provisions of the job description of a nurse? The very first section of the document contains basic information about what tasks will be assigned to the junior employee.

In addition, this part also contains the following points:

  • Who hires an employee and who has the right to remove him from his duties;
  • Who does the nurse directly report to in this institution?
  • What rules and regulations should an employee follow when performing his work - daily routine rules, requirements for the operation of devices and equipment, and so on.

Functional responsibilities of a clinic nurse

The functions of junior level medical staff are described in detail in the second part of the business instructions. They depend on the focus and specialization of a particular medical organization.

For example, a nurse in a pharmacy performs the following functions:

  • Performs wet cleaning of the prescription area;
  • Prepares pharmacists' stations for work, providing them with clean utensils and necessary materials;
  • Helps carry packages when taking medications;
  • Performs other support duties.

If the manual is written for a junior medical officer at a hospital, then his responsibilities include other functions:

  • Cleaning wards and corridors;
  • Caring for bedridden patients;
  • Help for nurses;
  • Preparation of showers and baths;
  • Receiving food at catering units;
  • Washing used dishes;
  • Replacement of linen in hospital beds;
  • Assisting patients in moving to treatment rooms and other duties.

Rights of a clinic nurse

According to official documents, the nurse has the right:

  • Be aware of all innovations in the medical institution related to the scope of its activities;
  • Pass certification and improve your qualification level;
  • Receive correspondence medical education;
  • Participate in the social life of your team;
  • Insist on assistance in performing their functions, and so on.

What is the responsibility of a clinic nurse?

The job description of a clinic nurse has its own specific features.

In particular, her responsibilities include:

  • Compliance with etiquette standards;
  • Polite attitude towards visitors;
  • Carrying out oral and written instructions from management;
  • Monitoring the safety of inventory;
  • Compliance with the established dress code;
  • Daily cleaning of the entrusted area and other functions.

At the same time, the liability of a junior category medical worker working in an outpatient clinic may arise in the following cases:

  • Failure to comply with the instructions and regulations of the organization;
  • If there is a dishonest attitude towards one’s duties;
  • In case of violation of labor regulations and established work schedules;
  • If property is stolen or damaged;
  • When identifying violations during the performance of their functions.

Download the Junior Outpatient Worker's Guide

Job description of a nurse - sample 2018

In order to familiarize yourself with the job description of a junior medical worker and draw it up correctly, use a special sample for 2018. It will help to avoid mistakes when drawing up the appropriate prescription. It is worth remembering that each manager has the right to add some changes to the instructions and expand the responsibilities, rights and functions of the nurse.

If you have questions, consult a lawyer. You can ask your question in the form below, in the online consultant window at the bottom right of the screen, or call the numbers (24 hours a day, 7 days a week): ( 4 4.50 out of 5) Loading…


Functional responsibilities of a nurse in a medical institution

In hospitals there are a very large number of different personnel who differ in their functional responsibilities.

When a patient is hospitalized in a hospital, relatives and the patient himself may worry about how care will be provided and whether it will be fully provided.

To the question - who should care for bedridden patients in the hospital? The answer is always the same - nurses. They are available in any medical institution, and their main duty is the care and concern of a person.

General duties of a nurse

Since orderlies are personnel who have not undergone any specialized training, their work is limited to caring for bedridden patients, keeping the wards, corridors and offices of the department clean.

Such work does not require special skills and knowledge, and therefore does not require personnel training. When a bedridden patient is admitted to a hospital, the patient’s relatives may ask who should care for bedridden patients in a hospital according to the law.

The answer to this question will be the job responsibilities of a nurse, which are available in every department in any hospital.

In a medical institution, nurses are divided into:

At the same time, each has its own work that it must do. They are directly subordinate to the senior and chief nurses, as well as to the nurses on duty.

All hospitals differ in their own rules, as well as features of care. Generally, in departments with different disease specificities, patient care is very different from other departments. Each disease has its own characteristics and points that require special attention.

Therefore, in any department there are job descriptions that the nurse or any other personnel are required to follow.

In addition, when applying for a job, the employee is given general instructions, but when getting acquainted with the work in a particular department, the head nurse will introduce the employee to the main responsibilities that he will need to perform.

Job descriptions can be drawn up directly by the head nurse, but must be reviewed and approved by the hospital's chief nurse. Such instructions may include duties such as administering enemas or assisting the nurse in administering tube feedings to a severely bedridden patient. Therefore, depending on the specifics of the department, the responsibilities of employees differ.

Important!! If relatives or the patient himself notice that the cleaning lady, who has completely different responsibilities, is busy changing or feeding the patient, this is a gross violation. Should a cleaning lady wash a bedridden patient? No. And this is a reason to file a complaint with the head doctor of the hospital.

However, transferring and caring for bedridden patients remains the main responsibility of the nurse. If for some reason an employee cannot cope with her work or does not have time to complete it, the relatives of a bedridden patient can help her if they themselves express a desire.

A nurse has no right to force a patient’s family to help and must do her job independently. When the question arises about who should care for a bedridden patient, the answer is simple: the relatives themselves, as well as trained staff.

In most cases, each department has two nurses on duty per shift, who are able to perform their duties without the help of others.

Who are junior nurses

Hospitals have departments where ordinary ward nurses are prohibited from working, due to insufficient knowledge and skills to provide assistance and care to extremely seriously ill bedridden patients. Such departments are the resuscitation ward, intensive care unit, as well as the shock room and operating room.

In order to get a job in such departments, an employee must undergo a special training course, which includes mastering theory, practice and passing exams.

Junior nurses perform more complex, difficult work, they have more responsibilities compared to colleagues on simple departments and, accordingly, they bear more responsibility for their patients.

Is it the responsibility of a nurse to care for a patient in the hospital and change diapers? The answer is quite simple, since it is assistance in caring for oneself and managing natural needs that is the main responsibility of a nurse or nurse.

Who can care for the sick

Caring for bedridden patients falls on the shoulders of all medical personnel. But the point remains that the main care activities are carried out by the department’s nurses, and each has its own functional responsibilities.

Ward nurseCleaning womanBarmaid
  • Relaying;
  • Hygienic care;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Change of underwear, diapers;
  • Feeding;
  • Vessel feed, ducks;
  • Anti-decubitus measures;
  • Transporting the patient to various studies;
  • Processing of equipment that is being maintained.
  • Washing the floors in the ward;
  • Processing of equipment (vessels, ducks, oilcloths).
  • Food distribution;
  • Feeding;
  • Utensil processing;
  • Checking expiration dates on patient products.

Thus, it is obvious that only the nurse is involved in direct patient care and does not deal with distributing food or cleaning the ward.

Important!! If relatives notice that an employee is evading his duties or refusing to fulfill them without financial encouragement from relatives, then this is a gross violation. The family should contact the police to prevent such abuse from continuing.

The responsibilities of a nurse in a department with bedridden patients are to monitor the patient’s condition, ensure that all prescribed medications are taken, provide food for tube feeding, and assist the doctor with dressings. In addition, the nurse must inform the nurse about all dietary changes and possible studies for which the bedridden patient needs to be transported.

Why should a nurse not perform basic patient care activities?

It's all about controlling the spread of microorganisms. A nurse cannot simultaneously engage in clean work (which involves placing IVs, injections and dressings) and, for example, feeding a bedspread to a patient. With such manipulations, work clothes become contaminated, which increases the possibility of contaminating another patient with microorganisms or their spores.

To administer enemas or assist the doctor with “dirty dressings,” the nurse wears special aprons, which are subject to mandatory disinfection. Therefore, the duties of a nurse in a hospital with bedridden patients should not be performed by a nurse or with her help, except in emergency situations.


Many families are afraid for their relatives who have been hospitalized and are in a supine position. They often wonder whether the hospital is obliged to care for a bedridden patient? Of course, the anxiety is completely justified - the risk of complications in such patients is much higher than in others. They must be carefully cared for to prevent deterioration of the person’s condition.

When a patient is hospitalized in a medical institution, responsibility for the person’s condition and life falls on the shoulders of the staff. They are obliged to do everything possible so that the patient recovers and can go home to his family. Therefore, providing adequate care and treatment is the main task of any hospital.



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