Length of leave for teachers
For junior teachers in a general developmental preschool educational institution, how many days is the duration of vacation? | Kazan
08/11/2019 0 4738 4 min. The Labor Code provides all working citizens with a guarantee of paid rest
Accounting for bank expenses: postings, VAT accounting, example, reflection
Bank commission: grounds for its accrual The basis for accruing commissions are support agreements
Allowed vacation
How is an employee paid for vacation if he has not worked for 11 months?
When is leave due for a newly employed person? According to the Labor Code, a person has the right to request leave through
Accounting for the sale of services
Concept and types of services Services are a type of activity that does not have material expression, the results of which
Internal part-time work and business trips: employee benefits
Every employer has the right to send his subordinates on compulsory business trips, if
Taking time off in advance subject to working hours
06/24/2019 0 700 5 min. Currently, the term “time off” is excluded from labor legislation
How to write a vacation application - structure and requirements
December 15, 2021 Statements The director is the main executive body of a company or enterprise. He is chosen
Non-payment of compensation upon dismissal
Compensation for unused vacation, arrears of wages: collection
The relationship between employer and subordinate is regulated by the provisions of labor legislation, which clearly defines the rules and
count 08 08
Account 08 in accounting: investments in non-current assets. Postings
Composition of non-current assets Property rights of this group include fixed assets and intangible assets,
Form T-12
Which form of report card to choose? From the available forms, employers have the right to use unified forms approved by the Resolution
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