How to draw up minutes of a labor collective meeting

Information for the document

The preparation of the minutes of the meeting of the labor collective is carried out on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely section 2, part 2, Social partnership in the sphere of labor of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Features of document preparation

  1. Completed sample protocol
  2. Contents of the protocol
  3. Protocol Features

Contents of the protocol

The minutes of a meeting of the labor collective is a procedural document and must contain the following data:

  • Date, time and place of its compilation.
  • The topic for which a meeting of the organization’s employees was convened to discuss.
  • Information about the chairman of the meeting and the secretary who keeps its minutes, as well as the procedure for their election, that is, the number of people who voted “for” and “against” their election.
  • Information about the total number of persons present, and the total number of employees of the organization, to determine the possibility of holding a meeting.
  • The decision made by voting, as well as the number of votes voted “for” and “against” its adoption.
  • Signatures of the secretary, recorder and chairman of the meeting.

If several topics are discussed at a meeting, each of them and the vote on its consideration are indicated separately.

A proposal to start collective negotiations can be sent to the employer in advance by a representative of a trade union organization - Art. 37 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Important! When resolving collective labor disputes, copies of the demands of trade union organizations can also be sent to the state body responsible for resolving collective labor disputes - Art. 399 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 384 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, at the initiative of workers, commissions for the settlement of labor disputes can be created. Such commissions can consider individual labor disputes within the powers of these divisions.

The commission has its own seal, and organizational and technical support for its activities is provided by the employer. The commission elects from among its members a chairman, deputy chairman and secretary of the commission - Art. 384 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Protocol Features

The actions of the parties to a collective labor dispute, agreements and decisions made in connection with the consideration and resolution of this dispute are documented in protocols by representatives of the parties to the collective labor dispute, conciliation bodies or the body leading the strike - Art. 418 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A general meeting of employees can be recognized as legal only if more than 50% of the total number of employees of the enterprise are present, or if there are at least 30% of delegates elected by the employees of the enterprise - Art. 399 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of workers in social partnership are: trade unions and their associations, other trade union organizations provided for by the charters of all-Russian, interregional trade unions, or other representatives elected by workers in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - Art. 29 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The interests of workers are represented by the primary trade union organization, or by representatives elected by the workers themselves. In addition, if the issues under consideration relate to the conclusion, resolution and amendment of a collective agreement, as well as monitoring their implementation, the interests of workers can be represented by a trade union, its territorial organization or an association of a territorial organization of trade unions - Art. 29 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of an organization who evade participation in conciliation procedures, including those who refuse to provide premises for holding a general meeting of employees of the enterprise, may be subject to disciplinary and administrative liability - Art. 416 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Design rules

The minutes of the staff meeting are also subject to the rules of registration. The law does not provide for a single type of registration, but since it is an official document, it is important to have certain information. Be sure to indicate:

  • name of the organization, date and location;
  • serial number;
  • questions and topics put forward for discussion;
  • election of the chairman and secretary (or other person keeping the minutes), their data, voting results;
  • the total number of workers in the team and those present;
  • voting results on each issue and decisions made;
  • signatures of the chairman and secretary.

MINUTES No. ___ of the general meeting of employees ____________

city ​​___________ “____” __________ 20___
Payroll: _____ people.

Staff: ______ people, including:

External part-time workers: _____ people.

Present: ____ people.


Ivanov I.I.: to conduct the meeting it is necessary to elect a chairman and secretary of the meeting. I propose to elect O.V. Petrov as chairman of the meeting and A.S. Smirnova as secretary.


“For” — ____, “against” — ______, “abstaining” — ____.


O.V. Petrov was elected chairman of the meeting.

A. Smirnova was elected secretary of the meeting . WITH .


  1. Election of delegates to the Labor Conference of Mir LLC on __.__.20__ to elect a representative body to conduct collective bargaining on behalf of all employees, develop a draft collective agreement, prepare and hold a conference of the labor collective to conclude a collective agreement for 20__ - 20__. G.
  2. Election of delegates to the Conference of the labor collective of Mir LLC on __.__.20__. on the adoption of the Collective Agreement for the year 20__-20__;

Chairman of the meeting O.V. Petrov put the issue of approving the meeting agenda to a vote.


“For” — ____, “against” — ______, “abstaining” — ____.

The meeting agenda has been approved.

The agenda included:

On the first question:

We listened to I.I. Ivanov, who reported that “___”_______ 20__ in LLC “Mir” there will be a Conference of the labor collective of LLC “Mir” to elect a representative body for conducting collective bargaining on behalf of all employees, developing a draft collective agreement, preparing and holding a conference of the labor collective to conclude a collective agreement for 20__ - 20__, for which it is necessary to elect delegates in accordance with the norm of representation approved by _____________ “__”______20__. Thus, from ______________ it is necessary to elect _______ delegates. It was proposed to hold an open vote.

The following _____ candidates for delegates to the Conference are proposed:

1. Kuznetsov M.V. – head of department (proposal by O.V. Petrov);

2. Malov I.G. – deputy head of the department (proposal by Zemtsova N.A.);

3. Stepanova I.N. – engineer (proposal by L.P. Cherkasova);

4. Razin A.A. – specialist (suggestion from Bobrov M.V.)

No other proposals were received.


1. Kuznetsov M.V. – for — ___ people, against — ___, abstaining — ___;

2. Malov I.G. – for — ___ people, against — ___, abstaining — ___;

3. Stepanova I.N. – for — ___ people, against — ___, abstaining — ___;

4. Razin A.A. – for — ___ people, against — ___, abstaining — ___;

We decided: To delegate to the Conference of the labor collective of Mir LLC on __.__.20__ - ___ people: Kuznetsova M.V., Malova I.G., Stepanova I.N., Razina A.A.

On the second question:

We listened to I.I. Ivanov, who reported that “__” _____ 20__ in LLC “Mir” there will be a Conference of the labor collective of LLC “Mir” on the adoption of a Collective Agreement for the year 20__-20__, for which it is necessary to elect delegates according to the norm of representation , approved by ___________________ “__” ________ 20__ Thus, from ______________ it is necessary to select _______ delegates. It was proposed to hold an open vote.

The following _____ candidates for delegates to the Conference are proposed:

1. Kuznetsov M.V. – head of department (proposal by O.V. Petrov);

2. Malov I.G. – deputy head of the department (proposal by Zemtsova N.A.);

3. Stepanova I.N. – engineer (proposal by L.P. Cherkasova);

4. Razin A.A. – specialist (suggestion from Bobrov M.V.)

No other proposals were received.


1. Kuznetsov M.V. – for — ___ people, against — ___, abstaining — ___;

2. Malov I.G. – for — ___ people, against — ___, abstaining — ___;

3. Stepanova I.N. – for — ___ people, against — ___, abstaining — ___;

4. Razin A.A. – for — ___ people, against — ___, abstaining — ___;

We decided: To delegate to the Conference of the labor collective of Mir LLC on __.__.20__ - ___ people: Kuznetsova M.V., Malova I.G., Stepanova I.N., Razina A.A.

Due to the consideration of all issues on the agenda, the meeting is declared closed.

Chairman of the meeting O.V. Petrov

Secretary of the meeting A.S. Smirnova

Download the document “Sample minutes of a meeting of the labor collective”

Existing drafting rules

The minutes of the general meeting of the collective of workers do not have a standard template presented for use, therefore they are drawn up in a free format, or according to a specific template prepared by the organization and adopted in its accounting documentation.
At the same time, some information is subject to mandatory indication:

  • name of the institution;
  • padding number;
  • number of employees on staff and outside the staff;
  • the number of people who attended the meeting;
  • information about the chairman and secretary.

The protocol can be extremely detailed, or very laconic, reflecting only the main conclusions of the meeting - no regulation is provided.

If necessary, auxiliary papers can be added to the minutes that are directly related to the tasks that were resolved at the meeting - information about them should be indicated in the text of the minutes.

How, by whom and where it is filled out

The minutes are completed during the meeting.
In rare situations, in order not to be interrupted from the discussion, it is conducted through audio or video recording, after which a document is drawn up. The secretary of the meeting organizes and records the minutes. It reflects the results of the meeting on A4 paper. Before starting to take minutes, the secretary is required to carry out preparatory actions, which include:

  • find out the list of issues that will be considered at the upcoming meeting and draw up the rules of the meeting;
  • notify the team about the meeting;
  • set the order of studying tasks;
  • inform all persons attending the meeting about the agenda;
  • prepare a registration sheet to record information about the attendance of participants;
  • distribute abstracts of speeches and other important materials among those who came;
  • reproduce documentation related to the meeting and distribute it to those interested.

In addition to the secretary and the presiding officer, the protocol must be certified by all participants. To simplify this procedure, a registration sheet is used before the start of the meeting. When entering the meeting hall, everyone who comes will fill out their last name, first name and signature on this paper. The registration paper then acts as an annex to the protocol.

After drawing up the protocol, all participants, as well as interested citizens, should be familiarized with it by:

  1. Sending a photocopy of the document. In this situation, the secretary prepares photocopies of the protocol and sends them to all persons via mail, electronic messages, or presents the paper in person.
  2. Posting excerpts from the protocol on the institution’s information board. An excerpt is a portion of an original document that all participants should read. It includes the attributes of the minutes of the meeting, the introductory section, one of the tasks, the order of its consideration and the approved decision. In order for the abstract to have legal force, it is supported by the signature of the executive secretary.

Content and structure

The document must contain:

  1. At the top, in the middle - the full name of the organization, then the form of the document and its details (without their indication the protocol has no legal force) in accordance with the accounting.
  2. Below is the date the protocol was completed and the city in which the organization operates.
  3. Composition of the meeting: the number of the total number of employees of the institution is recorded, and the number of those who came is established.
  4. Information about the secretary and the chairman (position and full name).
  5. Below is the task that is on the agenda. If the voting method was used, then the sections “for”, “against”, “abstained” must be filled in and the decision is approved based on the percentage of votes.
  6. At the end - the signatures of the secretary and the presiding officer.

The basic part of the protocol consists of sections. Each section corresponds to a task on the agenda.

The structure of the section includes the following components:

  • 1 link from the word “Listen:..”. It contains the name of the speaker and often the title of the report itself. The report must be attached to the protocol. But the contents of the report can also be reflected in the protocol;
  • 2nd link from the word “Spoken by:..”. This paragraph indicates the names of those persons who asked questions on the topic or took an active part in the discussion. In addition, the content of questions and reports is expressed;
  • the final part with the words “We decided:..”. It reflects the approved decision. The number of those who voted positively, negatively, or abstained is indicated.

In addition, you must attach a list of persons who abstained from casting their vote.
Solving one problem may include more than one section. In such a situation, they will be ranked in order of decreasing importance. The dissenting opinion of a particular person is recorded in the protocol after the statement of the decision with which it is associated.

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Protocol structure and plan

The minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective includes an introductory and main part . A constituent element of the protocol may also be the dissenting opinion of an individual participant.

In contrast to this opinion, the mandatory details of the protocol are parts of the document, without which it has no legal force.

Required details

Mandatory details of any minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective are :

  • full name of the organization;
  • type of document (in our case this is a protocol );
  • date of the meeting ( if the meeting took place over several days, the start and end dates are indicated with a dash );
  • registration number;
  • place of compilation;
  • title to the text ( document details that briefly outline its content );
  • signatures of the secretary and chairman of the meeting.

Introductory part

The elements of the introductory part of the protocol are:

  • Full name of the secretary and chairman;
  • Full name of meeting participants. Provided that their number is more than 15 people, only their number is recorded , and a complete list of participants indicating their last names and initials is attached to the protocol. In addition, the total number of employees of the organization is noted ;
  • Full name of invited persons , if any, along with position and place of work;
  • Agenda. Agenda items are arranged in order of decreasing importance . In addition to the questions, it is necessary to note the speakers for each of them .

Full information about each employee is in the employment contract. How to keep a journal for registering employment contracts, sample - see the link.

Main part and extract

The main part of the protocol consists of sections . The content of each section must correspond to the issues on the agenda ( the first section is devoted to the first issue on the agenda, etc. ). The section plan includes the following elements:

  • the first structural element begins with the word “Listen:...”. It indicates the name of the speaker and, as a rule, the title of the report . itself is attached to the protocol . However, the text of the report can be directly placed in this part of the protocol;
  • the second element is introduced with the word “Spoken by:...” . The names of persons who asked questions to the speaker or otherwise participated in the discussion on the issue are reflected here. In addition, the essence of these questions and speeches is formulated ;
  • the last part is introduced with the word “We decided:...”. It sets out the decision made. Below it is indicated the number of those who voted “for”, “against”, as well as those who abstained from voting .

In addition, a list of persons who did not take part in the vote must be attached. A decision on one issue may consist of more than one paragraph.

In this case, they are placed depending on the decrease in significance . The dissenting opinion of an individual participant is noted in the minutes after the decision to which it relates.

Many issues are resolved by the organization's accounting policies. Read about what it is in this article.

Extract from the protocol.

Comments on the document “Sample minutes of a meeting of the labor collective”

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01/28/2015 at 15:52:13

thank you, just what I needed

Personal message | Reply 0

Tatyana Vladimirovna

Status: Client

09.23.2015 at 17:51:01

Competently and clearly. Thank you

Reply 0



09/30/2015 at 12:21:17

Thank you! You helped me out!!!

Reply 0

MIKOLA 12/17/2015 at 20:15:00


Reply 0

Olga 01/19/2016 at 13:49:10

thank you, useful document

Reply 0

Inna 02/03/2016 at 22:57:43

Thank you very much, everything is accessible and understandable, I’m completely ready for the meeting, thanks to you.

Reply 0

Galina 02/04/2016 at 10:09:02

Thank you for the required document form!

Reply 0

Irina 02/08/2016 at 13:13:25

thank you, useful document

Reply 0



02/10/2016 at 13:58:58

Thank you very much!

Reply 0

Catherine 05/10/2016 at 20:02:01

great, thank you very much, just what I needed

Reply 0

Irina 06/14/2016 at 14:09:41

Thank you very much, you helped me out.

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Mariyash 06/15/2016 at 07:10:44

Thank you ! helped a lot

Reply 0

Tatiana 10/26/2016 at 05:55:15

Thank you, the protocol you compiled was very useful

Reply 0



03/19/2017 at 17:18:48

Thank you for the required document form

Reply 0

Elena 04/14/2017 at 04:23:02

Thanks, that's what I need

Reply 0


Churaev Mikhail

12/05/2017 at 21:46:15

The best I've found on the Internet!

Reply 0

nucha 12/21/2017 at 20:13:42

I wanted to ask how many people subscribe to the protocol?

At a meeting of the organization, for example, applications are received, financial assistance, etc.

Reply 0



01/16/2018 at 11:25:42

thank you, your work was very helpful

Reply 0



03/29/2019 at 15:52:20

1. Analysis of the work of preschool educational institutions for the 1st half of the 2018-2019 academic year. How to write a protocol on this topic

Reply 0



04/02/2019 at 09:09:52

Thank you. They helped a lot.

Reply 0

OLGA 10/16/2019 at 07:04:28

5 + Thank you for the required document form!

Reply 0


Vdovichenko Yulia Yurievna

12/10/2019 at 14:43:52

Nice, useful document, thanks!

Reply 0



12/23/2019 at 10:08:23

Thanks a lot. helped out.

Reply 0



01/10/2020 at 06:17:29

Useful without unnecessary information))

Reply 0



01/15/2020 at 18:56:08

Thank you! A very useful document.

Reply 0

Dolgoruk Lyubov Ivanovna 02/25/2020 at 03:09:38

thanks for the material.

Reply 0



03/26/2020 at 14:05:03

Thank you, a necessary thing!

Reply 0



05/23/2020 at 22:52:26

Thank you, we hope that in this form it will be useful.

Reply 0



06/22/2020 at 06:29:21 reply to Tatyana Vladimirovna

Everything is clear and competent, thank you very much for your help!

Reply 0

Elena 08/18/2020 at 22:40:06

Thank you, you helped me a lot

Reply 0



09.23.2020 at 22:27:18

Thank you, the procedure for completing the protocol is clear.

Reply 0



09.11.2020 at 07:34:36

Useful, great!!! Well done!

Reply 0

olga 02/07/2021 at 05:46:01

Universal sample

Reply 0


Mamaeva Ekaterina

02/28/2021 at 12:03:52

The sample was very useful

Reply 0

Preschool educational institution No. 12, Arzgir village 03/02/2021 at 12:00:46

Thanks for the material!

Reply 0



05/17/2021 at 15:03:36

Very detailed and convenient template. Competently composed. Thank you!

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Drawing up a protocol

During the meeting , the secretary makes a complete and detailed record of the discussions , after which he is obliged to draw up a protocol as soon as possible and submit it to the chairman for review and approval.

In addition to the secretary and chairman, the protocol must be signed by all participants.

To make this process easier, you can prepare a “sign-in sheet” of sorts before the meeting.

Each participant, upon entering the meeting room (or leaving it), will enter his surname, initials and signature into this document . Such a registration sheet is subsequently attached to the protocol .

When preparing the protocol, you may need a work record book; you can view a sample and download it here.

It is important to note that the protocol is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead in A4 format, in which each page is numbered. The document must be bound and stored throughout the organization’s activities.

Familiarization with the protocol of interested parties

After signing the protocol, it is necessary to familiarize all employees of the organization, as well as other interested parties . Such familiarization can be carried out in two forms:

  1. Sending a copy of the protocol. In this case, the secretary makes copies of the protocol and sends it to all interested parties by post, fax, e-mail, or delivers the protocol in person .
  2. Placing an extract from the protocol on the organization’s information stand. An extract from the protocol is a copy of a fragment of the text of the original document related to the issue with which interested parties need to be familiarized.

The essential elements of the extract are the mandatory details of the minutes of the meeting, the introductory part, one of the issues on the agenda, the process of its discussion and the decision made. To give the extract legal significance, the signature of the secretary of the meeting is sufficient.

Minutes of the trade union meeting.

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Procedural issues

Before carrying out, decide how many people are needed at the meeting and during voting to make a decision of the labor collective. This issue is not defined by law. Thus, the answer is the following: either the amount specified in local acts, or the majority.

You should also select a secretary for the event in advance. Such a decision is reflected in the local regulations of the organization or in the protocol itself, or the responsible employee is determined in advance for a number of collective gatherings for the current year, for example. Usually they choose an employee with experience working with documents: a HR specialist, an accountant, etc., who know how to formalize a meeting of the workforce correctly and how to store the document. Storage is necessary to confirm the legality of decisions made and the powers of representatives.

The protocol is drawn up either according to the norms of local acts, or in accordance with general provisions on document flow in such a way that the essence of the document and the decisions made are clear from it.

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