Help for employment

What certificate may be required when applying for a job?

Usually a certificate 086у is required, but exceptions are possible.

In addition, you may need:

  • conclusion from a narcologist and psychiatrist;
  • certificate of suitability 302n;
  • employee health passport;
  • certificate for public service;
  • certificate 989n for secret work about the absence of mental disorders;
  • certificate 027у about treatment;
  • document 002 and 003 for issuing weapons;
  • driving certificate 003;
  • certificate 405 for working at height.

Which categories of applicants require a medical certificate?

Labor legislation (Article 69 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) imposes additional requirements on certain categories of workers in terms of undergoing a mandatory preliminary examination before concluding an employment contract.
An employer has no right to enter into a contractual relationship with a person who does not have medical clearance for a specific type of work. Employees who do not present a medical certificate when hired in cases where this is provided by law will be legally denied employment.

The categories of applicants for whom a medical examination certificate is mandatory when applying for a job include:

  • minors, regardless of the vacancy (Article 69 of the Labor Code);
  • applicants for positions with harmful and dangerous working conditions (Article 213 of the Labor Code);
  • drivers of vehicles (Articles 213, 328 of the Labor Code);
  • applying for vacancies, work in which may have an impact on the health of the population: in the food industry, water supply, education of children, etc. (Article 213 of the Labor Code);
  • rotation workers and persons working in the Far North (Articles 298, 324 of the Labor Code);
  • athletes (Article 348.3 of the Labor Code);
  • pilots (Article 87 of the Merchant Shipping Code and Article 41 of the Inland Water Transport Code);
  • employees for whom the employer has stipulated the need to provide health certificates when hiring in the local regulations of the organization;
  • employees of any law enforcement agencies, for example the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, military personnel employed under a contract.

What doctors will you need to see?

The list depends on the profession. There are also doctors that all employees undergo.

Required specialists:

  • neurologist (checks general condition and reflexes);
  • ophthalmologist (checks vision);
  • ENT (checks hearing and condition of the nasopharynx);
  • surgeon (assesses the functioning of the limbs).

Each doctor must decide whether a worker is fit for a particular type of activity. After this, the doctor puts a stamp and signature.

Sometimes it is important for employers that the candidate undergoes a dermatologist, narcologist, psychiatrist or some other doctor. The final verdict is made by a therapist or a commission of specialists.

The issued certificate will be stored in the clinic’s document archive.

How to obtain a health certificate?

Procedure for obtaining a health certificate

Actions when preparing a document on professional suitability:

  1. Collect documents and sign up for the commission.
  2. Pass all necessary tests.
  3. Be examined by the doctors stated on the certificate form.
  4. Obtain an opinion from a therapist or occupational pathologist about your state of health.
  5. Contact the head physician for the latest signature and seal.

Standard list of specialists required to visit when receiving a health certificate:

  • therapist – studies test results and makes a preliminary conclusion;
  • psychiatrist – may prohibit night work if there are psychiatric diseases;
  • gynecologist (women) – determines the presence of cancer of the female organs;
  • ophthalmologist – shows the patient’s level of vision;
  • surgeon – most often detect limb defects;
  • dermatologist - may prohibit working in positions that require compliance with strict sanitary requirements if the patient has sexually transmitted and infectious diseases;
  • narcologist - easy to pass if you are not registered with a specialist;
  • otolaryngologist – examines hearing and speech, detects the presence of cancer;
  • neuropathologist - studies the blood circulation of the brain, coordination, and the presence of neuropathies.

Where can I get a medical certificate?

The document is issued in public and private medical institutions. The cost of a certificate at the clinic is 1,000 rubles. This is perhaps the only plus in favor of government agencies.

In a private establishment, polite treatment, a visiting time convenient for the patient, and the absence of long queues are guaranteed.

However, a private clinic may not have a license to examine people applying for a job. That is, a certificate can be issued, but it will be invalid.

The funds spent can only be reimbursed in court. It is important to choose well-known clinics that have already proven their integrity.

Where and how to get certificate 086у in Moscow

There are many clinics and private medical centers in Moscow. On the Internet you can find a hospital near your home or work.

Commercial clinics sometimes offer to issue a certificate online. You just need to describe your state of health. But it's quite risky.

It is often difficult to judge anything based on the patient’s feelings. Only a personal inspection guarantees complete confidence in the certificate. It may turn out that the applicant is simply not able to perform the proposed job. And problems identified in the early stages are easier and cheaper to treat.

There are also scammers who operate without a license. And in the Russian Federation, forgery of documents is a criminal offense.

A fine of up to 80,000 rubles is provided. They may be sent to correctional labor or arrested for up to six months.

Administrative and criminal liability for falsifying certificate 086u

Those who did and those who paid will be punished. Violators of the law are subject to a number of punishments under the Criminal Code (Article 327) and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Article 19.23). In case of violation of the law, the following measures may be taken against them:

  • fines;
  • correctional labor for up to 2 years;
  • compulsory work for 20 days;
  • imprisonment for up to six months.

You should not risk your freedom and material well-being, but rather find out how to get a certificate 086u at the clinic. The registration service will answer all your questions by phone or via feedback.

For which enterprises is a certificate required?

Not all categories of workers are required to undergo a medical examination.

The legislation specifies 2 groups of people for whom obtaining a certificate is mandatory:

  • Workers under 18 years of age. It is important to monitor their health status. Otherwise, an occupational disease may develop at an early age. If a teenager initially has health problems, it is better to refuse his services;
  • Workers who have difficult, dangerous and harmful working conditions.

An unhealthy person can infect others.

Therefore, a health certificate is required from:

  • food and trade workers;
  • workers in the water supply sector;
  • medical personnel;
  • employees of educational institutions.

The certificate must be obtained upon applying for work in Russia and periodically confirmed. Employees under 21 years of age are checked annually.

A medical examination allows you to identify new problems and diagnose occupational diseases. Medical examinations are carried out during working hours. It is not considered an absence and does not affect wages.

What is a health certificate when applying for a job?

Health certificate when applying for a job: what is it?

To work, a certificate in form 086/U must be presented. This is a conclusion given by medical specialists to confirm the performance of an applicant for a vacant position.

For each individual employee, certain examinations are carried out to identify the possibility of working in a given area. In particular, it is important to indicate that the state of health cannot affect the performance of work duties, and the desired position will not harm the life and health of the candidate.

A certificate in form 086/U is received by both people who plan to get a job and those entering training. Some specialties require re-passing the commission and obtaining a certificate. This applies, for example, to workers in the education sector.

In non-governmental institutions, the employer declares the need to undergo an examination, but government agencies definitely require the provision of a health certificate. The main reason for undergoing a medical examination is to identify diseases that may interfere with work activity.

What should be indicated in a medical certificate for work

To obtain a certificate, it is important to already have opinions from a narcologist and a psychiatrist. You must have your Russian citizen’s passport and test results with you.

Certificate 086u includes the following data:

  • document number and date of its execution;
  • personal information: full name, gender, age, date of birth, place of residence;
  • history of past illnesses;
  • details of the medical institution issuing the certificate;
  • information about previous vaccinations;
  • the position for which the patient is applying, place of work;
  • if working conditions are dangerous, there must be a detailed description;
  • conclusions of all doctors examined;
  • examination results, fluorogram and cardiogram;
  • therapist's conclusion.

Well, at the end the therapist signs and seals it.

you can on our website.

For a sample form of completing the certificate, see the link.

What you need to know about medical documents

The main thing is that organizations and medical institutions themselves use only documents approved by the authorized body. Only such certificates can be amended. This is especially important for record keeping.

In some especially severe cases, the certificates are accompanied by the conclusion of a special medical commission. Such a body is created in every medical institution, regardless of its organizational and legal form. Without this, it is impossible to improve the system on the basis of which medical care is provided.

Commissions are created by the head of the medical institution. It consists of a chairman along with one or two deputies, members of the commission and a secretary. Commissions can only be headed by employees with higher medical education. The secretary of the organization determines the employee who can perform his functions in the commission.

The decision of the commission is drawn up only in the form of a protocol, separately from the certificate. After which the information is entered into the primary medical documents. The commission holds meetings, which can be scheduled or unscheduled.

The head of the medical institution is responsible for the work of the commission and for everything related to its activities.

The commission’s conclusion is on the certificates if it is really difficult to determine a person’s suitability for performing a particular job. Uniform forms of referrals from employers and certificates themselves have not yet been established at the legislative level. The main thing is to pay attention to whether the document is filled out correctly. Doctors also write their conclusions on the back of the certificate; they must also be read carefully.


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Disadvantages of medical certificate 086

The form has significant drawbacks. For example, this is insufficient information content, short validity period, high probability of fraud.

It does not list hazardous factors affecting health. Therefore, it is difficult to confirm the impact of working conditions on the employee.

The maximum validity period of the certificate is 2 years. This is extremely inconvenient. You need to see doctors again regularly. Not many people can afford a private clinic, so you have to endure the stress of a few days in a public hospital.

Often, after a few months, the medical examination procedure needs to be repeated. It is also inconvenient that this must be done immediately. It is illegal to work without this document.

Many people buy the document. Unscrupulous persons sell counterfeits; the certificate is easy to copy. It is difficult to recognize the original.

How long is a medical certificate valid?

The validity period of the certificate is from 6 months to a year

This document retains legal force for at least six months. There is another medical certificate - in form 001-ГС\у. It remains valid for a whole year.

Sometimes human resources departments simply do not take into account exactly how long the certificate is valid. Until the document expires, the patient can undergo the disease, more than one operation in the surgical department. In this case, only cancellation of the certificate is possible, even if the validity period has not yet expired.

Human resources departments may require a re-examination if a certificate was issued to one organization and presented to the management of another. This is also one of the situations where the expiration date doesn't matter. After all, every company has its own requirements for employees.

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