Step-by-step algorithm for introducing summarized working time recording for employees of an organization - sample documents
Free legal consultation by phone: 8 In the organization, any actions aimed at changing the regime
Sample entry in the work book for internal part-time work
Article 283 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Documents submitted when applying for a part-time job (current version)
Any citizen has the right to work part-time, that is, to combine his main job with additional work. He
Is it necessary to keep an electrical safety training log - sample, accounting and registration rules
All activities carried out at the enterprise in the field of labor protection require documentation.
Payment to the supplier (advance payment) under the contract in U.E.
The Labor Code requires the employer to pay the wages employees deserve at least twice
Sample occupational safety training schedule - what it looks like, who is responsible for the preparation
Limited Liability Company "Vesna" Approved by Solovyov (A.P. Solovyov) January 11, 2021 Employee training plan for 2021
Employment contract with a labor protection specialist (filling sample)
Added to bookmarks: 0 See also: Job description of a labor protection engineer Employment contract
Terms of the contract in 2021 – Law Firm “Help Consulting”
Many enterprises in their practice are faced with a problem when they need to complete a certain amount of work,
Rules for driver training when applying for a job
Good afternoon, dear reader. If a person gets a job as a driver, then he must pass
Where and why is the lump sum system of remuneration used and how to correctly calculate the salaries of employees?
The remuneration system characterizes its unit of account and the method by which the amount of labor remuneration is calculated.
Checklist “Checking knowledge of labor protection requirements”
Occupational safety implies established regulatory measures aimed at ensuring safety and preserving life
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