Payroll calculation using piece-rate method
When and how piecework-progressive wages are applied - payroll calculation, pros and cons of the form
Basic concepts of piece-rate progressive payment According to the piece-rate system, wage calculations are carried out per quantity
break of contract
When concluding a civil labor contract, who is responsible for labor protection - an individual or an organization?
What is GPC? This agreement is considered a legal transaction; it can also terminate certain rights,
An example of filling out a TC title page
Correcting an error on the title page of the work book made by the previous employer
General rules for recording in work books Work books must be filled out according to the rules established by the resolution
Occupational safety and health in schools and preschool educational institutions Packages of instructions, orders, regulations
What is working time? The Basic State Law establishes the right of citizens to work, as well as
printing on paper
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How to draw up a notice of change in the terms of an employment contract - sample for downloading
In what cases will it be necessary to draw up an additional agreement? Quite often, existing agreements between the parties lose their
A civil contract with an individual: how to conclude it in 2018,
GPC agreement with an individual for the provision of services - sample 2021
The difference between a GPC agreement and a standard employment contract Companies and individual entrepreneurs may be attracted to
Case N45-AD17-7. On bringing to justice under Part 1 of Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violation of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms.
Mass layoffs and part-time work On the basis of mutual agreement between the labor parties
How to prepare a log of unscheduled briefing on labor protection - sample for downloading
The obligation to conduct labor safety briefings is established at the legislative level. The main reason for unscheduled
What does this mean - irregular working hours according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?
Modern market relations, the desire of the employer to most effectively organize his business, minimize costs and get
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