Correcting an error on the title page of the work book made by the previous employer

General rules for recording in work books

Work books must be filled out according to the rules established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 and instructions approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 69 of October 10, 2003. The general rules are:

  1. It is unacceptable to make any corrections on the title page . If an error is made, you cannot make changes to the entry. Such a work record form is considered damaged and must be destroyed.
  2. Dates should be indicated in digital format , for example, 03/01/2019. The use of a verbal-numeric format is not an entirely correct way of filling out, but in practice employers are not punished for this.
  3. The recording must be made carefully , using a ballpoint, fountain or gel pen.
  4. You cannot indicate any abbreviations in your work book . For example, you cannot write “pr.” instead of “order” and so on.
  5. All entries in the TC must be numbered within the appropriate section .

The question arises: is it necessary to number the records made in connection with the renaming of the employer? There is a slight contradiction here: instruction No. 69 requires that such records not be numbered, but regulation No. 225 states that all records must be numbered. In legal practice, in this case, the rule from the normative act that has greater legal force is applied. In this case, this is resolution No. 225 . That is, it turns out that numbering records about the renaming of an employer is still more correct. The same applies to records of general experience when issuing a duplicate work book . However, again, in practice, we will allow both the option with numbering of the disputed records and without it. Inspection authorities do not impose any sanctions for this.

Personnel officers are often interested in another question - can an organization put a stamp with its name in the work book instead of writing it by hand? If we proceed strictly from the requirements of regulations, then the use of stamps is not entirely correct. But in practice this is allowed , that is, the Pension Fund accepts such work books from employees without any questions. An important point - if you use a stamp, then place it carefully and strictly within the designated column and line .

Correcting an error on the title page of the work book made by the previous employer

When accepting a new employee’s work book for your storage, you must check the previously made entries. If errors are found, then we must try to correct them, regardless of what years they were made.

It is necessary to correct entries in work books not only to count this period into the length of service when calculating sick leave, but also to ensure that the employee does not have difficulties when applying for a pension. In addition, at present there is no clarity on the mechanism for refusing work records and they may have to be submitted to the Pension Fund for verification. Therefore, it is better to check the workers’ work records now and resolve problematic issues.

Let's start with the fact that if erroneous entries are discovered in the work book, it is necessary to notify the employee and the relevant employer. The error can be corrected either at the old place of work where it was made, or at a new place on the basis of an official document from the employer who made the mistake. At the request of the employee, he must be provided with the necessary assistance in eliminating errors (clause 27 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work record forms and providing them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, hereinafter referred to as the Rules). Let's look at the actions of the person responsible for maintaining work records using examples. This article is devoted to errors on the title page of the work book.

Often there is an error in the spelling of the last name, first name, patronymic or date of birth, which leads to a discrepancy between this information and the data in the passport or birth certificate. For example, on the title page of the work book, instead of “Natalia,” it is written “Natalia.” The title page was completed on March 5, 2000, and the error was discovered on June 7, 2021, during a company audit of employment records. What should you do if the error was discovered after quite a long time and the employee changed several jobs?

There are several ways to fix the error, depending on:

  • whether the organization that first issued the work book is currently continuing its economic activities;
  • does the employee currently have the opportunity to come or visit that company to make corrections in the work book;
  • whether there were any changes in that organization (renaming, reorganization, etc.).

Let's consider the possible options.

Filling out the title page

If you are the first employer of a hired employee, you must issue a work book for him “from scratch.” This will also have to be done if the new employee has lost the Labor Code and has no desire to restore it from the former employer.

The title page states:

  1. Full name and date of birth. Indicated in full accordance with the document proving his identity. A mistake of even one letter or number will create big problems for the employee in the future. It is possible that he will subsequently have to go to court to recognize the fact that the work book really belongs to him.
  2. Employee education. It must be indicated strictly on the basis of educational documents. It is important to note that in 2015 the classification of education changed. For example, now there is no such type as secondary vocational or higher vocational education. For employees with higher education, you can indicate which level they graduated from, that is, register the education as “higher master’s degree” or “higher bachelor’s degree.” But the wording “higher” is also acceptable.
  3. Profession, specialty of the employee. This information must also be provided from the education document. It happens that an employee received education in the field of training, that is, a specialty, profession or qualification was not assigned to him. In this case, this line can be left empty.
  4. Employee signature.
  5. Date of completion. The TC form requires recording this date in a verbal-digital format, although the instructions say otherwise. In practice, this does not cause problems, so both options are acceptable.
  6. Signature of the person responsible for maintaining the technical documentation. The form states that the signature must be legible, so often instead of a signature, responsible employees write their last name. This is a wrong practice, although it is very common. The surname of the HR employee may be indicated - this is not a violation, but a personal signature must also be included.
  7. If the employer uses a seal , then it must be placed on the title page of the work book.

Important! Since previously the use of seals was mandatory for everyone, old-style work books must have seals. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to draw conclusions that a Labor Code without a seal is invalid.

There is an opinion about the invalidity of the Labor Code without a seal, and its source is the Pension Fund. Pension Fund bodies have often previously refused to accept pensioners’ books without stamps, but the courts always support citizens in such disputes . Judges say workers do not have to bear responsibility for their employers' mistakes.

If your last name has changed

Above we talked about the fact that it is impossible to make corrections on the title page of the work book. But if an employee has changed some personal information , for example, his last name, then such information must be reflected in the Labor Code. The rules for making changes are as follows (using the example of a surname):

  • the old surname is crossed out;
  • the new surname is indicated next to it;
  • on the inside cover of the work book there is an entry indicating that the surname has been changed, as well as the document on the basis of which this happened;
  • immediately the responsible employee (HR inspector) puts his signature with the transcript, as well as the seal of the employer or the HR department.

It often happens that there is no space left on the line to indicate a new last name. What to do in this case? The rules do not regulate this issue. But practitioners recommend indicating the new surname in the free space above or below the line with the surname crossed out. However, it happens that this space is not enough. For example, a person uses my last name several times or it is very long. In this case, experts advise sewing an insert into the work book . Typically, inserts are sewn in when the pages to indicate a citizen’s work activity run out. But this can be done if there is no space on the title page.

At the top of the title page, a note is made about the issue of the insert, indicating its series and number, and the insert itself is taken into account in the work book movement book.

Title page design

The first title page contains information about the identity of the owner of the book:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic - in the form in which they are written in the citizen’s passport: this means that if “Natalia Valerievna” is written in the passport, then it is necessary to write that way on the title page, and not “Natalia Valerievna”;
  2. Date of Birth;
  3. Information about education and acquired specialty;
  4. Date of registration;
  5. Employee signature;
  6. The signature of an authorized representative of the employer in whose organization the citizen began his activities and received a book, if there is no authorized person - the head of the personnel department, then it is signed by the general director of the enterprise;
  7. All specified information is sealed with the employer’s seal, and the seal of the organization’s HR department is also valid.

Employment Record

When hiring, the procedure for filling out a work book is as follows:

  1. Column 3 indicates the name of the employer in accordance with the constituent documents - full and abbreviated, if provided. Often HR officers indicate only an abbreviated name, for example, Romashka LLC, but this is incorrect.
  2. In column 1, in a line below the name of the employer, enter the serial number of the entry.
  3. In column 2, on the same line, the date of hiring is written down - it is taken from the hiring order.
  4. In column 3 on the same line an appointment is made. Here the rules are:
      the department (structural unit) of the employer is indicated if it is specified in the employment contract;
  5. A record is made of the position, profession, indicating qualifications.
  6. No other records are made when hiring. For example, there is no need to indicate that the employee is hired under a fixed-term contract or that he had no work experience before being hired.

  7. In column 4 in the same line a reference is made to the order on the basis of which the employee was hired. The entry should look like this: “Order dated (date) No. (number).” It is acceptable to swap the date and number in order to save space, but this is already a deviation from strictly following the rules.

The employment record is not certified by a seal.

What is a work book?

The main document of every officially working person is a work book. It contains information about the citizen’s qualifications, his change of employer and the positions held by the employee. There is also information about employee rewards and punishments. It is from the data indicated here that it is possible to restore, if necessary, the total length of service.

Now at the legislative level there is talk about the need to abolish this document as a relic of the Soviet past, they say, in the era of digital technology it is inappropriate to use archaic media. However, books were used not only in our state: they were also in many European and other countries. And the transition to a unified system for storing data on a citizen’s employment is, of course, a good thing, but on the scale of our country and the total working-age population it is very ambitious and time-consuming. Therefore, for now we continue to use the usual media of information about activities, and in order not to create confusion, we will try to do it correctly.

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