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Published: 07/20/2016

Reading time: 9 min



Flexible and flexible schedules, as well as shift work, give many workers the opportunity to achieve self-realization and earn money from two jobs at once, combining or alternating them.

This method allows you to be involved in different areas, earn more income and use the available time profitably. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail the employment of two jobs from the point of view of current legislation, as well as providing answers to some frequently asked questions.

  • Legislative regulation
  • Types of work Internal
  • External
  • Cases when part-time work is prohibited
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
      One work book
  • According to two work books
  • Full time
  • Legislative regulation

    Current labor legislation allows an employee to be officially employed in two jobs at once.

    In this case, it is first registered at the first workplace, which is considered for

    him the main one. Working for a second employer is already considered part-time work.

    Distribution into main and additional places of work can also occur on the basis of the amount of working time spent on work activities.

    The work on which the employee needs to spend the most time will be considered the main one.

    The possibility of part-time work is established by Art. 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which also distinguishes its two forms: external and internal. General regulation of such work is carried out by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in particular Chapter 44.

    It contains:

    • general rules regarding part-time work;
    • a list of documents required to be provided by the applicant;
    • possible length of the working day;
    • payment features;
    • leave rules;
    • guarantees and compensation for part-time workers;
    • additional conditions for dismissal.

    A note about what type of activity the employee’s job function relates to - primary or part-time - must be made in the employment contract with him.

    Moreover, concluding part-time employment contracts is allowed with an unlimited number of employers (according to Article 282).

    Types of jobs

    In the labor practice of the Russian Federation, it is customary to distinguish between two main types of part-time work:


    In this case, the employee performs two different job functions, but within the same enterprise.
    According to the two employment contracts he has concluded, the employer is the same legal entity and individual. This option is the simplest to design and convenient for both parties, since in fact the employee has one workplace for two types of activities. There are also no difficulties with the work book, since the place of its storage is the same in both cases. Another advantage is that there is no need to submit two sets of documents - the employer himself can make copies of the originals in the quantity he needs.


    With this option, the employee enters into employment contracts with different employers. His workplace will be different for each type of activity. This procedure is more complex and requires separate documentation during employment. There may also be certain difficulties when receiving payments (for example, for sick leave or vacation).

    Current legislation allows both of these forms of part-time work, so the right of choice remains only with the employee.

    Take care of yourself

    Before you embark on this difficult path of a permanent worker, it is worth remembering the main rule: replenishing your own strength is one of your most important priorities. If you forget to have lunch (or sleep), then soon the productive worker you were just beginning your heroic journey will be nothing but a shadow. What will happen in this case? Right. There will be no one to work. And at the next turn of fate, one may well expect long trips to the doctors in attempts to cure diseases that have worsened and re-emerged due to the hellish schedule. Therefore, timely fulfillment of your own physiological needs should be no less important for you than getting from the office to the client’s apartment at eight in the evening in metropolitan traffic jams. Even if such a need is jogging, you should not regard it as a whim. The stronger you are physiologically, the more successfully you will cope with the tasks.

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    Cases when part-time work is prohibited

    In general cases, legislation allows for the simultaneous employment of workers in several workplaces at once. However, this is prohibited for certain categories of citizens.

    In particular, these include:

    1. Minors. They can only work in one place, and then with the right to receive certain benefits.
    2. Workers whose activities involve heavy production. The nature of their work requires a certain amount of time and effort to restore health, so second employment is not allowed.
    3. Workers employed in harmful or dangerous working conditions. This is especially true for situations where the second activity will also be carried out in similar conditions.
    4. Some other categories of employees. In particular, in Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the regulation of the activities of individual employees can be carried out, in addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, by other regulations. The ban on part-time work may be contained in these documents.

    For example, part-time work is prohibited for:

    • civil servants;
    • police officers;
    • prosecutors;
    • individual cultural workers;
    • judges;
    • some medical and pharmaceutical workers;
    • employees of foreign intelligence agencies;
    • deputies;
    • teaching staff (certain categories);
    • employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    In some cases, part-time work is allowed, but under certain conditions.

    For example:

    • the head of the company can be a part-time worker at another enterprise only if there is permission to do so from the owner;
    • Athletes or coaches must also obtain permission for a second employment from their management.

    In addition, an important condition for registering a part-time job is that the employee has time free from his main job to carry out work functions at another workplace.

    Therefore, the work schedules of two different employers should not coincide.

    Find out from us whether it is possible to apply for sick leave retroactively. If you need information on voluntary dismissal, then our material will be very useful to you. You can read about the consequences of violating the sick leave regime here.

    Learn to say no

    Without this precious skill, combining two or more jobs will be extremely difficult. Think for yourself: now your employment will increase significantly. But you won't have an extra pair of arms or legs. And you cannot be in two points of space at the same time, no matter how much you might want to. Still, even performing such a superhuman task as simultaneous work in several places must fit within the framework of a person’s physical capabilities. Therefore, only your schedule should be a guide in the sea of ​​​​things - and not a Saturday party or Aunt Avdotya’s request to babysit your niece. This is the only way to maintain balance and precious time.

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    And here the following problem arises: what will you have to give up in order to be able to continue working at this pace? This could be a Saturday party, or attending a second cousin’s birthday party, or refusing to perform extra work duties for which the boss is not going to pay you. Remember: by saying “no” to what is currently stopping you, you are saying “yes” to your goals, for the sake of which you are now doing the impossible.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Before starting a second job, many employees are concerned about some questions. In particular, is this officially permissible under the following conditions:

    One work book

    This situation is rather standard, since part-time work, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is carried out without providing the new employer with a work book. The list of required documents includes only a passport and education document; additional papers may be required only under special conditions.

    In some cases, the employer may need to confirm the employee's length of service or whether he or she has the required work experience. To do this, you can provide a correctly certified copy of the work book from the main place.

    According to two work books

    This issue is already more controversial and less legal than employment with one book. Although the law does not directly prohibit having two documents, an employee must be prepared for certain negative consequences:

    • possible problems with the tax authorities;
    • the risk of being accused of fraud and receiving a fine;
    • problems when registering a pension and calculating the insurance period;
    • negative reaction of employers (or one of them).

    Although the law does not oblige an employee to notify the main employer of a second job, it is better to do so. The employee must report the presence of a main job at the enterprise where part-time functions are performed.

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