How to certify copies of work records according to the new rules

A work book is a special document that is created for each employee in order to enter basic information about the length of service and reasons for dismissal. It must be carried out by an employee of the HR department or a person replacing him.

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Often, a work book is presented to various organizations, for example, to banks, where the entry “currently working” is required. We'll tell you how to make such a recording.

A certified copy of the work record with the wording “currently working”

This entry is made by the employer when preparing a copy of the document. If a person does not work, it naturally cannot be entered, and the copy itself is certified in accordance with the legislation on notaries by a notary.

In the original or duplicate, the entry “currently working” is also never included . After copies of the pages of the work book are made and certified, it is entered by the HR department employee on the last page indicating the date of entry. This is exactly how and only this way it can be written.

How to certify a work book that is still working - sample:

If the work book is in hand

If you have a work book in your hands, this means that you do not work anywhere and, moreover, you do not have the opportunity to contact the personnel department to obtain a photocopy.

But don’t despair, there is always a way out, and first of all it consists in getting a photocopy from a notary.

Certification by a notary

Since you already have the work book in your hands, feel free to go to the notary’s office, not forgetting to take your passport with you. At the notary's office you will be asked to fill out an application on a special form to certify the photocopy. After reviewing the application, the notary decides to refuse your request or, conversely, to agree.

If the decision is made in your favor, provide the notary with your labor document. He himself will make photocopies of it and put a stamp on it. He will also state on the photocopy that the copies are correct and sign and date it.

Remember that photocopies of work documents made by a notary are valid for the same time as copies made by the HR department.

Thus, you have become acquainted with two legal ways to obtain certified photocopies. By providing them to the bank, no one will have any doubt that you are truly a law-abiding citizen. The main thing is not to forget about the validity period of the photocopy.

Rules for certifying a copy of a work record book by an employer

Before certification, copies of the pages must be made. In principle, this can be done by hand, but today everyone uses copying equipment. However, a two-sided copy is not acceptable and the information must be contained on only one side of the sheet.

The procedure is being carried out in accordance with Decree PVS No. 9779-X, as amended. 2003 and the Unified Rules approved by the 65th Post. Gosstandart.

The accuracy of each sheet is certified by the signature of an authorized employee and the seal of the organization (1st paragraph of the Decree). From paragraph 3.26 of the Rules it follows that on each page the official’s inscription “True” and his personal signature with a transcript and indication of position and number are affixed, for example: “True. Senior Inspector of the Human Resources Department N. T. Ivanova. Date of".

2nd paragraph 3.26 art. The Rules indicate that a copy can be certified by any seal at the discretion of the organization. Although this is not a mandatory requirement, copies are usually certified by a seal. This, in particular, is required by banks when applying for loans.

See an example of how to properly certify a copy of a work book - sample:

What did GOST R 7.0.97-2016 change?

Let's turn to GOST R 7.0.97-2016. The main difference is that the specifics of the assurance will depend on the purpose. There are two of them: for internal circulation or for third-party organizations.

Let's consider the first option. The instructions on how to certify a work book according to the new rules for internal circulation have not changed. The copy still contains:

  • "right";
  • specialist data;
  • date of.

If a scanned copy is needed for a third-party organization, the new rules for certifying a copy of a work book are distinguished by the presence of an additional phrase indicating the location where the original document is stored. For example, the phrase sounds like this: “The original is stored in the personnel department of MUDO DYUSSH Allure.” If we were not talking about a work book, then according to the rules it would be necessary to indicate the number of the file in which the original copy is stored.


Do not forget to affix the seal of the organization, which confirms the authenticity of the official’s signature (clause 5.24 of GOST R 7.0.97-2016).

Since since 2015, joint-stock companies and LLCs are not required to have a seal, it is not necessary to put one on a scanned copy. If there is a seal, then certain requirements are imposed on its location (according to the new GOST):

  • it is necessary to certify only with the seal of the organization;
  • it should not overlap the signature of the certifying person;
  • should not capture the signature of the certifier;
  • can enter the job title if there is not enough space;
  • must be placed in a specially designated place marked MP - “Print Place” (clause 5.24 of GOST R 7.0.97-2016).

Step-by-step instructions for the employer: how to apply?

A copy is issued at the request of the employee by the employer within three days (Article 62 of the Labor Code). The employer has no right to demand remuneration for this and wonder why a copy was needed. The right of a citizen to access his personal data is provided for in Article 89. TK, for his violation of Art. 90. Liability is provided for officials, including criminal liability.

The procedure for certification and making a copy is as follows:

  • The employee draws up a written appeal to the employer, which looks like this: addressed to the head of the organization (the full name of the company, position and full name of the head are indicated);
  • the full name and position of the employee are indicated;
  • the appeal is called the “Application”;
  • the content part includes a request to issue a copy of the work book with reference to Art. 62. Labor Code (in this case, the employee is not obliged to indicate the reason, and the employer has no right to be interested in it, but if the employee wants to indicate that “a copy is needed to provide to the bank,” no one can stop him);
  • The application is signed by the employee personally, indicating the date of drawing up the application.
  • The manager, having reviewed the application no later than 3 days, issues an order for issuance and appoints a responsible employee (for example, an inspector of the human resources department).
  • An authorized person makes free photocopies of all pages of the work book .
    In this case, you can use any copying equipment, but duplicates must be legible; any streaks, erasures or corrections are unacceptable. Banks especially like to find fault with the quality of documents, and even a small complaint can be a reason to refuse a loan.
  • The sheets are certified in accordance with the requirements of the unified Rules of the State Standard and Decree PVS 9779-X. Any seal or stamp for identification can be used at the discretion of the head of the organization; this is not regulated by law. For example, the seal of an organization or HR department, the stamp of an office, etc. Read more about the seal here.
  • On the last page of the copy, the entry “Working to this day” is made. After it (under it) the signature of the employee drawing up the document is affixed. The unified rules of Gosstandart reveal the content of the “Signature” attribute in paragraph 3.22: the name of the person’s position, personal signature, transcript of the signature (initials, surname), for example: “The copy is correct. Senior Inspector of the Human Resources Department R.D. Sidorova. Number. Signature" . The requirements for the “Date” detail are contained in paragraph 3.11: it is written in Arabic numerals in the sequence day-month-year, separated by dots.
  • The sheets are numbered, stapled and the made copy is given to the employee.
  • A copy of the work book certified by the employer - sample:

    How to make a recording and its sample

    So, this entry can only be made if the citizen actually works officially. In this case, it is necessary to make a copy of the document, because the employer will not be able to issue a work book.

    The copy is made in any of two ways:

    • manually;
    • through a copy machine.

    The second method is much preferable. Progress today has reached even the outback, so manual copying is almost never used.

    In order for the HR department to certify the copy and make the appropriate entry, you will first need to make high-quality copies of all pages of the employee’s work book.

    Each page is manually marked with “Copy is correct”, sometimes these two words are replaced by one – “Correct”. This entry can be affixed in the form of a stamp, which is not prohibited by law.

    The position of the employee responsible for copying and certification, full last name, middle name and signature are also included. There must also be a stamp there. At the bottom, enter the date that corresponds to the day of certification.

    An important detail: if the organization has an internal HR department seal, it is enough to put it on each sheet.

    As soon as the signatures and seals of the organization in which the employee works are affixed to each sheet, all pages are stitched together in order. This procedure is mandatory, because the book itself is also sewn in a certain order.

    There is no need to make copies or certify pages that do not contain information. The title page must be certified.

    Having stitched the sheets, they are checked and numbered. Now you can certify the entire stack. To do this, a stamp is placed in the place where the document was stitched, a signature and date are placed.

    And only now can you make the entry “working at the present time.” It is entered only in a copy by hand and does not fit into the original work book. It is advisable to indicate in what position.

    The entry is made into the following empty line as follows:

    • a serial number is given;
    • Date of entry;
    • below indicates the position, surname and initials of the responsible employee;
    • signed and sealed.

    All words and signature must be legible. Blots, corrections, or complete concealment of the signature under the seal are not allowed. The name of the document on the basis of which the entry is made does not fit into the corresponding column. You need to leave an empty space here.

    Below is a sample entry “currently working” in a work book so that an employee without the proper experience can quickly navigate the method of document certification.

    Copy validity period

    It is not defined by law and depends on the purpose for which the copy is intended. Different organizations may set their own deadlines. In practice, a copy is required for submission to a bank, migration service, social security authorities, court, etc.

    In the case of issuing a loan to a citizen, the bank’s goal is to ensure his solvency and the “expiration date” can be reduced even to 2 weeks, but, as a rule, it is one month. There is no time limit for submission to court.

    If the deadline is missed, to “update” the copy it will be sufficient to simply certify it by an authorized person of the employer, indicating the new date and affixing the organization’s seal. Or, the employee can always request the production of an entirely new copy. It is the employer’s responsibility to issue the document free of charge and there are no restrictions here.

    Who should certify a work book if a person does not work?

    You can make a copy in almost any currently available way. To do this, you can use a copy machine, scanner and print a duplicate on a printer. If for some reason this cannot be done, then the pages of the work book are retyped on a typewriter. The pages are copied onto A4 sheets and numbered.

    All text must be clearly printed and easy to read. The copied document should be checked for errors and inaccuracies. They certify it in two ways.

    When using the first option, each page is numbered, the inscription “Copy is correct” is made, certified with the stamp of the organization and the signature of the person acting as a personnel officer. As a resolution, the last page must contain the signature “currently working” and indicate the position. The document is confirmed by the signature of the person who issued the copy.

    In addition, a copy of the work record book can be certified in its entirety. To do this, all sheets are numbered and stitched with white thread.

    On the last page there is an inscription

    “Stitched, numbered, sealed with N sheets”


    Then they indicate that “the copy is correct”, the performer puts his signature and seals all records.

    Forms are available on the website page.

    When certifying a copy of a document, a specialist must take into account the following design features:

    • It is worth making a copy in the same size as the size of a real, real book. Don't zoom in.
    • The extract also indicates the applicant's job. It is enough to write “Currently working/currently in position...”.
    • All details must be indicated, stamped and signed.
    • If you have made a scan, it is not recommended to print the picture, as the size may change.
    • Make copies of all pages of the document. Perhaps you currently hold the position of an ordinary worker, but previously worked in management/administrative positions. This may affect the provision of credit.

    Please note that this statement is valid for only 1 month.

    Having made a certified copy and submitted documents to the banking organization, a week later Zankov quit. The corresponding entry was made in the work book and the document was handed out.

    At the appointed time, Zankov was scheduled for a consultation with a bank employee. Having arrived at the bank, Zankov provided original documents for reconciliation. It turned out that the certified extract of the work record book was now invalid.

    The citizen needed to seek the services of a notary to re-certify the document.

    Who certifies a copy of the work book and based on what rules?

    Situations often occur when a person, when contacting certain authorities, may be required to provide a copy of a work document that has been certified.

    For this reason, it is important to know where and how the employee’s main identification card is certified.

    Why do you need a copy of the work record? According to current legislation, if a citizen works at a specific production complex, the employer does not have the right to issue him the original book (the basis for storing work books is fixed in Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In such circumstances, the hirer should be aware that receiving a copy will not be sufficient.

    The photocopy must be certified, otherwise the data will not have legal status. First of all, the hirer will need to fill out an application in order to receive an official copy of the document. The hirer must provide it within three days completely free of charge.

    Not everyone has the right to certify a copy.

    In fact, the conclusion of legal status takes place at the citizen’s place of work, right in the personnel department of the company directly by the person who holds the documentation (that is, an employee of the department or the employer himself). The certification procedure is carried out without the need for a written application on the part of the hirer . Submitting a request orally will be sufficient.

    However, in large enterprises such a statement may be required.

    The employee who resolves these issues must, within a three-day period, issue to the applicant a duplicate of the book, certified by the personal signature of the head of the enterprise, as well as the official company seal.

    Absent these attributes, the copy will not establish legal status. The following three entities typically do not have HR departments with them:

    1. small companies;
    2. private entrepreneurs;
    3. individual entrepreneurs.

    In this regard, a duplicate of the data can be made either by an accountant or by the head of the enterprise himself. Certification of the copy takes place in a certain order. can be created using a scanner or copier.

    You can record documentary information by printing it using a computer - this option is quite labor-intensive, but quite optimal.

    may have records that may be difficult to understand if provided as a printout. Such a copy, even if it is given official status, may be rejected by the organization that requested it.

    Any personnel officer should have information about how copied data is certified.

    It is necessary that each individual sheet with records have a duplicate. The 1st page, which contains information regarding personal information about the hirer, should also be copied.

    Each photocopied page must contain:

    • A phrase stating the correctness of the duplicated information;
    • Signature of the person responsible;
    • Company seal.

    The signature must have a transcript next to it. The sheet on which the final entry is located must contain a phrase certifying that the person will continue to engage in work activities. It is certified in the same way as the other sheets.

    Another method of certification. There is also another method that allows you to certify a duplicate of an employee’s data. You can certify a copy once, using the last sheet. This version of the certification process provides that each of the copied sheets of the document must have a number and be laced.

    With this method of certifying duplicate information, each page of the original book is copied onto each A4 sheet. You must also remember that a correctly certified photocopy must have a seal that is located on the copy.

    A photocopy will not become official if the seal itself is located on the surface of the margin under the copied page.

    What should an unemployed person do? Often, a certified duplicate may be required from a citizen who is not engaged in labor activity due to various circumstances, for example, from a person who is retired. How can a document be certified under such circumstances?

    This is not difficult to do. First of all, each individual page from the original book is copied.

    After this, you need to go to the place where the person last worked.

    A specialist or an accountant of the personnel department will carry out the procedure entirely in full accordance with the official rules. However, on the final page the reason why the citizen is not engaged in labor activity will be recorded.

    If it is not possible to certify a copy where the person last worked, then this can be done in notarial form. The instructions below describe the process of certifying documentary information:

    • Every page of the book that contains any entries is copied. The list of copied data also includes the title page;
    • Correct certification of a duplicate document is based on careful compliance with all the rules specified in the legislative act. In order for everything to be done correctly, the copied page must contain a phrase certifying the correctness of the entered data. The following should also be recorded there:
    • A duplicate can be made either by scanning or by making a photocopy. You can also create data by typing it on the keyboard;
    1. signature provided by the specialist who was responsible for the procedure;
    2. signature of the person providing the copy.
    3. company seal;

    Features of certification for a bank

    One of the most common cases where a copy is needed is to provide it to a credit institution. Banks motivate their demands by the need to confirm a citizen’s solvency. Typically, they require this information before granting a loan.

    What matters to the bank is the borrower’s career path, continuity of length of service, positions in which he worked and is working, facts of work in certain organizations and employment at the present (as of the date of loan issuance) moment.

    bank employees will learn all this information . At the same time, it is drawn up according to general rules; no special entries, such as “made for submission to a credit institution”, are made in it.

    The only thing that can distinguish this copy from others is its expiration date for the bank. Banks set these deadlines themselves, including very short ones (a week).

    It is useless to argue with them; they are not obliged to explain their requirements, as well as the reasons for refusing a loan.

    In addition to a copy of the work record, they may require an extract from the work record book and a copy of the employment contract. This is legal, and the employer is obliged to provide all documents within the same time frame - up to three days (62nd and 89th articles of the Labor Code, 7th article of the Rules).

    Sample of a certified copy of a work book for a bank - sample:

    general information

    How to properly make a copy of a work book for a bank? Getting a copy of your work record book will not be difficult if you listen to some of our advice, and also learn a number of rules that will help you quickly implement your plans.

    Of course, the question of obtaining a photocopy depends on where exactly the labor office is located. As a rule, the location of work can be determined depending on whether you perform a labor function somewhere or not.

    So, if you are officially employed, then the work book, along with some other documents, will be stored in the employer’s organization or in the personnel department.

    If you do not work, then, accordingly, the work book is in your hands. Thus, depending on the position of the document, the methods of making photocopies also change.

    You can read about certification of a work book for other reasons here.

    How and why do you need to certify the last page?

    A copy of the Labor Code is intended to certify the employee’s work activity to third parties. At the same time, continuous work experience may be important for social security authorities, solvency due to work in a certain organization, etc. may be important for a bank.

    A copy certified in accordance with all the rules, with a correctly entered entry on the last page about work and “currently”, allows the employee to exercise his rights arising from the fact of employment: receive a loan, certain benefits, education in the chosen specialty, a foreign passport, certify the facts in court, etc. Receiving a copy of the work book within the prescribed period is the legal right of the employee . Responsible persons of organizations of various forms of ownership should not forget that for its violation there is liability, up to administrative or criminal.

    Even if for some reason the employee is late to provide a copy and it is “outdated,” it is the employer’s responsibility to issue a new one free of charge and within three days.

    Why is a copy of the TC required?

    Sometimes employees ask HR specialists to give them a work book to present it at the place of request. For example, a sample certification of a copy of a work record book 2021 may be required to be submitted to an organization dealing with social security issues or to a bank to obtain a loan.

    A frequent condition for processing any paperwork is confirmation of regular income. But since the original is issued only in exceptional cases, a sample copy of the work book, certified by the employer 2021, is more often used for this purpose.

    It is necessary to certify and hand over a copy to the employee within three working days from the receipt of his request (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In order to correctly draw up the document, it is necessary to take into account the new rules for certifying a copy of the work book from 07/01/2018, which we will discuss later.

    Do I need a work book to obtain a foreign passport?

    Many citizens of the Russian Federation, not without reason, believe that it is impossible to obtain a foreign passport without such a document. Indeed, when filling out an application, reliable data on work activities is required. Since 2015, federal law has changed the list of documents to be submitted when drawing up an application. The work book was excluded from the list. It doesn’t matter whether you apply for a passport valid for 5 years or for a biometric document.

    Changes in the Federal Migration Service are due to the fact that until 2015, the only way to check work experience was through these books. But now the migration service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carries out checks of the applicant’s activities through databases.

    The chief accountant may be responsible for maintaining work books

    The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for liability for violation of the established procedure for maintaining, recording, storing and issuing work books. Persons responsible for maintaining and issuing work books, in case of violation of the relevant rules, may be brought to administrative or even criminal liability. Let's look at these issues in more detail in our article. Let us note that the main regulatory documents in relation to the topic we are considering are: – Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation); – Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation); – Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation); – Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003. In a small organization, can the director himself keep work books? Yes, this can be done by the head of the organization himself. The director will issue an order to assume responsibility and authority for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books. An order for the director to assume responsibility for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books. Sample What is the validity period of the order appointing someone responsible for working with work books? Such a period is not defined by law. Therefore, in the order that appoints the person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books, the employer can also determine the period during which the employee will be responsible for this area. The employer may assign the employee to perform these duties for an indefinite period, or may limit this period to a certain period.

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    The entry made is also certified by a seal on each page. The stamp is placed, capturing the text, not in a blank area of ​​the sheet, which makes it impossible to add any unreliable text. Any seal can be affixed: HR department, office, etc. – this is not a fundamental question. On the last sheet of the copy the following entry is placed: “Working to the present time. Head of OK Petrova M.S. Signature. Date of". It is very important to make such a record, since it is it that indicates that the employee is currently working in this organization. The date is also stamped on each page.

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