What is an experience bonus?
Who can receive payment Bonuses for length of service vary in size, it all depends on factors
Is insurance coverage included during studies?
Is studying at a technical school included in the length of service for calculating a pension?
Is study included in the total length of service? According to current legislation, no. If training
A person working under an employment contract is guaranteed the working hours, weekends and holidays established by federal law, and paid annual leave:
Duration of weekly uninterrupted rest
The concept of weekly uninterrupted rest Regulated by Article 110 of the Labor Code, rest for workers every week
subaccounts 91 accounts Other income and expenses
Account 91. Accounting for other income and expenses. Postings
Account 91 in accounting A complete list of other income and expenses can be studied in
Help confirmation
Competent execution of an order for granting study leave - samples for downloading and important nuances
Conditions for granting This type of leave can be taken out at work by those who (under Articles 173,
An example of the designation of maternity leave to care for a child in a working time sheet
Indication of parental leave in the time sheet, including in case of early return to work
How to mark vacation on a time sheet All employee rest days (including vacation) are reflected
The duration of continuous work at the computer should not be
Source: Magazine “Remuneration: Accounting and Taxation” Currently, the computer has become part of
Samples of an order on leaving parental leave for a child up to 1.5 and 3 years old on a full and part-time basis
By law, an employee has the right to leave maternity leave with a child at any time. If vacation
How to get vacation at your own expense?
In today’s article we will tell you how to determine the duration of paid leave for a municipal employee. Let's look briefly at
Sample occupational safety training schedule - responsible person
Types of labor safety briefings: frequency of briefings, timing, sample briefing for 2021, procedure
Who is responsible for preparation Occupational safety and health is an important part of any
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