How to write a vacation application
Some organizational structures adhere to a specific leave application form, in which the approval signature of the manager is placed after the main text, date and signature.
It is also in this form that it is customary to fill out an application for leave taken by an employee at his own expense. If an employee, in parallel with work, is studying in an educational institution of any category (university, secondary - vocational, primary-vocational, general education institutions) on a full-time, part-time, part-time or evening basis, in accordance with Article 175 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he has the right to take out an extraordinary study leave . To issue the appropriate order in this case, along with the application, the employee must provide a summons certificate from the educational institution.
The procedure for drawing up an application for unscheduled leave
The legislation does not impose specific requirements regarding the procedure for drawing up such statements and its content. Accordingly, the document can be drawn up in free form.
Most often, the application is written (or printed) on a white A-4 sheet.
General information about the recipient is written in the upper right corner. Thus, it is necessary to indicate the full name and position of the director, the name of the company, as well as who is the author of the application (full name and position of the subordinate).
In the center of the paper it is necessary to indicate the name of the document, in this case – “Application”.
What follows is the main text directly containing the request for leave. You should also indicate the type of vacation requested (at the expense of the employer or free of charge, due to a valid reason), its specific duration (first and last days), and also indicate the total number of calendar days during which the person will be on vacation.
At the end of the application there must be the date of its preparation and the signature of the originator.
In practice, the document in question looks like this:
To the Director of Weather Conditions LLC
Shkaruba Nikolai Dmitrievich
from a forecasting department employee
Cherepenko Miroslava Petrovna
Please provide me with regular paid leave from 03/01/2021. until 03/14/2021 for a period of 14 calendar days outside of the vacation schedule.
02/15/2021 Cherepenko M.P.
After the application has been drawn up and endorsed by the employee, the paper should be sent to the personnel department or directly to the manager, who must put his resolution on the document.
Application for leave at your own expense: sample, writing rules
The labor legislation of the Russian Federation does not regulate which visa should appear on an employee’s application for leave. Moreover, there are no specific requirements to put any visa on the application at all.
The employer’s consent to an employee’s departure on vacation of a certain duration within a specified period of time is expressed by issuing an appropriate administrative document (see the article “Order for vacation with subsequent dismissal”).
In practice, an employee usually needs to obtain a visa on his application from an authorized person (and often from several management officials, which, as we have already indicated, does not always comply with the requirements of the law).
A sample resolution for an application for leave can be of any content, the main thing is that the consent of the authorized person is clearly expressed. For example, the following visas can be put on a vacation application - I do not object, agreed, agree, approved, etc.
So, in some cases, an employee does not have to submit an application to receive leave (for example, when the leave is on schedule). In situations where the employer’s consent is required, there are no clear requirements that such consent must be expressed specifically through a resolution on the employee’s application.
In organizations, annual paid leave is provided to employees in accordance with the approved leave schedule.
When an employee plans to go on vacation, he must also write an application for annual paid leave according to the above rules. The 2021 model is no different from those that were in effect previously.
In a number of organizations, there is a practice when an employee going on regular scheduled leave does not write a statement. This approach is associated with certain risks of possible claims from inspection organizations, as well as such unpleasant moments for the employee as incorrect calculation of the amount of vacation pay and their untimely payment.
In accordance with Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is required to submit an application to the employer for annual basic paid leave no later than 2 weeks before the expected start date.
Study leave is provided by the employer to those employees who are studying at universities on a full-time, part-time or part-time (evening) basis or in institutions of secondary vocational education (technical school, college) on a full-time, part-time or part-time (evening) form of study, as well as in educational institutions of primary vocational education (college, training center) regardless of the form of education (Article 175 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and evening (shift) general education institutions (school, gymnasium) regardless of the form of education.
To the manager of CJSC "GlavSpetsMontazhStroy" Montazhnikov A.B. from the manager of the innovation development department Sidorov V.G.
In connection with my studies at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "All-Union State Construction University" in accordance with Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and on the basis of this application, I ask you to grant me study leave with preservation of the average salary for a period of 40 calendar days from 03/15/2019 .
Appendix: Help-call No. 1234 dated 03/01/2019.
To go on vacation you need to write an application. A sample application for maternity leave will help you write it correctly.
To the Manager of OJSC "Epsilon-Bank"
Alekseeva M.Yu.
from the credit department manager
Maklakova N.D.
In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to provide me with maternity leave of 70 calendar days before childbirth and 70 calendar days after childbirth from June 19, 2021 to December 05, 2021.
Appendix: Certificate of incapacity for work dated June 19, 2021 GZh No. 123456.
19.06.2019 | Signature (Maklakova) |
This question is relevant for both HR specialists and accountants. Currently, there are no corresponding explanations in this regard in regulatory documents. Consequently, the company has the right to develop its own application form and approve it by internal order or regulation. Please note that from the moment the local regulation comes into force, its implementation becomes mandatory for all company personnel.
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To draw up a document in accordance with all the rules, the employee should request a leave application form from the personnel officer or specialist responsible for record keeping. The sample for 2021 will certainly help the company’s employees write their request without errors or blots. If a HR specialist explains unclear points to the employee and gives the necessary hints in a timely manner, drawing up the document will take only a few minutes. If an employee goes on vacation in 2021, then he simply needs to insert the required dates into his application and change “2016” to 2021.
Any employee application must be endorsed by the head of the organization. This procedure is necessary because this document serves as the basis for issuing a vacation order. Do not forget that the interested employee should be familiarized with the order against signature. Also see “Sample vacation order”.
The original order is stored in the organization’s personnel documents, and a copy of it is transferred to the accounting service for the calculation and payment of the amount due to the employee. Properly completed vacation application forms are stored in accordance with the document flow rules in force at the enterprise. Usually they are placed in a separate folder.
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Who should I submit the document to? The document is submitted to a HR specialist or the immediate supervisor of the organization. The latter, in turn, puts a visa on the application. There are no specific deadlines for reviewing and signing the document; however, managers usually accommodate the employee halfway.
- A person responsible for implementing the decision is appointed.
- Instructions are given on exactly what needs to be done.
- The desired deadlines for completion are indicated.
- The date of the resolution and the signature of the manager are indicated.
Don’t forget to count the money for the employee’s vacation; to do this, you need to draw up a calculation note, more on that later.
If a replacement is not scheduled during the holiday, look for one yourself. When choosing, it is important that he is a professional in your field, a responsible and decent person. It is also important that your deputy is released calmly by his immediate supervisor.
If you have not found a replacement or there are several applicants, discuss them with the HR director. Replacing another employee is usually offered for additional pay, and rarely does anyone refuse such part-time work. Example. “Ivan Sergeevich, in agreement with the personnel department, I propose to you the candidacy of Maria Petrova, assistant commercial director.
A vacation application is one of the documents that serves as the basis for granting an employee days of rest. The document is drawn up directly by the employee who has expressed a desire to go on vacation, and is signed by the employee himself. After registration, the application is subject to approval by the employer.
The current legislation does not establish rules regarding the leave application form. In connection with this, the employer has the right to use its own form, developed taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities. Please note that the application form must contain the following mandatory details:
- information about the applicant (full name, position, place of work);
- information about the enterprise (full name);
- information about the manager or person who has the right to sign such documents on the basis of a power of attorney (position, full name);
- number of rest days, period;
- applicant's signature;
- date of document preparation.
To optimize document flow at an enterprise, it is recommended to draw up a unified application form and approve it by internal regulations (for example, the Vacation Regulations). Depending on the features of personnel records adopted in the organization, the application form may contain additional information:
- At large enterprises with a large staff of employees, it is advisable to supplement the application form with information about the employee’s personnel number.
- At enterprises with a complex organizational structure, the coordination of annual leave for employees is usually carried out not only by the manager, but also by line managers (head of department, department). In such cases, the application form is supplemented with information from the position and name of the immediate superior, who must approve the leave at the intermediate stage.
- If an employee whose work in a position requires continuity goes on vacation, then the application should indicate information about the replacement employee (full name, position).
When arranging leave for an employee, adhere to the following basic recommendations:
- The employee has the right to draw up an application both in printed form and write it by hand. Even if the company accepts a printed form of the form, you cannot refuse an employee to accept a document written by hand.
- The application for leave must be drawn up exclusively by the employee and signed by him personally. In case of violation of this rule, claims from regulatory authorities are possible.
- If, having drawn up a vacation schedule, you still did not request an application from the employee, then before granting the next vacation you are obliged to notify him by sending the appropriate document. Notification of the employee's upcoming vacation, provided according to the vacation schedule, is drawn up in free form. The employee is notified of the leave against signature.
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General information about applying for leave
In accordance with Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the order of release must be determined in advance in order to ensure a stable production process. In particular, the vacation schedule for 2021 should have been formed and approved in mid-December 2020. The document must also be signed by the manager, thereby certifying the sequence of subordinates going on vacation.
If a citizen plans to go on vacation according to the approved schedule, there is no need to submit additional papers. The employer, in turn, must notify him of this at least 2 weeks before the first day of the subordinate’s vacation.
Based on Art. 124, if the employee was warned less than two weeks before the start of his vacation, he has the right to request a postponement of the start of his vacation and this request must be granted. Otherwise, proceedings may follow, accompanied by the intervention of the labor inspectorate or even the court.
There is a nuance regarding the need to draw up a leave application to the general director of the company. Initially, even at the stage of opening a company and forming its constituent documents, it is strongly recommended to fix the procedure in this case in the Charter. Otherwise, the head of the organization has the right to independently determine the period of his rest. These dates are also indicated in the vacation schedule.
Like any other employee, directors must give two weeks' notice of leave. However, if in a standard situation the manager conveys this information to the employee, then in this case the information must be conveyed to the director by the employees of the personnel department.
In other circumstances, that is, when the subject expresses a desire to take a vacation outside of the schedule, he must draw up a corresponding application and receive written approval from the manager.
This rule also applies to persons who were employed by the company after the vacation schedule was approved (for example, in January).
Speaking about the deadline for filing such an application, it should be noted that it is not regulated by law. However, in Art. 136 of the Labor Code states that the company must provide the employee with vacation funds at least three days before the first day of rest. If this procedure is violated, the director may be subject to administrative liability. This makes it impossible to submit an application less than three days before the vacation.
Workers are strongly encouraged to apply at least two weeks before the start of their leave. This will avoid many controversial and conflict situations with management, and will also give the manager time to approve another employee as a temporary replacement.
The procedure for dividing vacation into parts, calculating payments
- An employee has the right to rest for a period of 28 calendar days annually. This indicator is a minimum; it can be increased in special cases provided for by law (for example, for workers in hazardous production).
- As an employer, you can also increase the amount of vacation time for employees. Additional leave can be established for all employees of the company or only for certain categories (for example, for drivers working on an irregular day schedule). Document the conditions for receiving additional leave in internal regulations.
- If an employee goes on vacation for 12 days, 2 of which are public holidays, then these days are not taken into account in the total rest period. In this case, days off during the vacation period are taken into account.
- An employee has the right to rest only after six months of continuous work. If the employee joined the service less than 6 months ago, then you have the right to refuse to provide him with leave. However, there are exceptions. You are obliged to satisfy the request of pregnant women for leave even if they have been working for the company for less than six months. A similar rule applies to minor employees and employees who have adopted children under 3 months of age.
- If an employee has been working for the company for more than a year, then he has the right to demand leave at any time during the year. That is, an employee can request leave for 2021 in the period from February 1 to February 28, and you are obliged to satisfy this request.
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In the reference publication “Office management and document management: A brief dictionary of modern terminology” (Mn.: BelNIIDAD, 2001), in addition to the above, two more definitions of a statement are given: “1) a document containing a request for something; 2) an official message on a particularly important issue.” The application for leave is thus related to the exercise of the employee’s rights to leave and contains a corresponding request.
A labor leave schedule approved in the established manner is a sufficient basis for issuing an administrative document on the granting of leave (leave note). In this case, the employee’s statement is not required, although it can be written depending on the procedure for registering leave established in the organization.
Visas on employee applications
7. Approval visas for those types of documents that without such visas would not have full legal force. For example, approval visas with the primary trade union body, taking into account the opinion of the representative body, agreement with a lawyer, with the chief accountant, etc. Documents requiring approval are determined by the requirements of current legislation, unified forms and internal local regulations of the organization itself, in particular, instructions for office work or regulations for departments, etc. (if available).
1. Author of the document (name of the organization, institution, enterprise, indicating departmental affiliation or legal form). An alternative is to print the document on letterhead. Some documents additionally indicate the city in which the document was issued.
Features of putting a resolution on a vacation application
On any application containing a request for an extraordinary vacation period, the head of the company must indicate his consent. It is assumed that the director puts his visa on the document itself.
The legislation does not regulate the content of the resolution under consideration. Practice shows that it should be short and indicate:
- the responsible entity for the execution of the decision made by the manager regarding the granting of extraordinary leave;
- the manager’s order on what actions should be taken upon approval of the request;
- the time frame within which the above decision must be implemented;
At the end, the date of affixing the resolution is indicated and the signature of the general director is affixed.
After this, the personnel department takes note and processing of the document, and the accounting department calculates the funds expected to be issued due to the employee’s leave.
How to write when rescheduling a vacation
There are many situations when an employee needs to be absent from work outside of the schedule. The most common include illness, possible maternity leave, and other personal circumstances. In such cases, the leave application form does not change, but in the content of the document it is important to indicate:
- rest period according to the approved schedule;
- new dates of postponed vacation;
- the basis for changing the date of leave and/or duration of rest.
It is advisable to attach a document justifying the need to postpone the rest period to the completed application. This could be a referral for hospitalization, a certificate from the antenatal clinic, an order to take annual paid leave at the main place of work (for part-time workers), etc. This will increase the employee’s chances of having his request satisfied.
Typically, vacations are agreed upon with management at the stage of drawing up a vacation schedule. However, in practice, it happens that employees have decided on future vacations, and the document was approved a long time ago, but the employee urgently needed vacation days not according to schedule. What to do in this case? After all, we are talking about rescheduling vacations. In this case, agreement with the employer is mandatory.
You must receive permission to reschedule your vacation in writing. To do this, you should write a corresponding statement to the head of the organization. The final decision on granting vacation outside the approved vacation schedule is made by the director of the company. Thus, agreement on leave with the manager (a letter or application addressed to him) is a prerequisite for granting unscheduled leave.
For more information, see “Two-week leave: sample application.”
In life, there are often situations when the transfer of annual paid leave can be done both at the request of the employee and the employer, while in some cases the consent of the other party to transfer the leave is not required.
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If the employee initiates the transfer of leave for the following reasons:
- Illness of an employee during vacation
- The employee performed government duties during vacation if labor legislation provides for release from work
- The employee was paid for vacation untimely (less than 3 days before it started)
- The employee was warned about the start time of his vacation less than 2 weeks in advance.
In these cases, the employer’s consent to postpone the vacation period is not required, but the new period is determined by the employer, taking into account the wishes of the employee.
If an employee requests to reschedule leave for personal reasons, the employer's consent is required.
In cases where granting leave to an employee may adversely affect the normal course of work of the organization, the employer has the right to postpone the employee’s leave only with his consent. Naturally, in this case, an application to postpone the vacation is not drawn up.
In other cases, the leave application form remains the same, but in the text of the application you must indicate:
- duration of vacation;
- new dates when the employee wants to go on vacation;
- the basis for changing the date of leave and (or) the duration of leave.
It is advisable to attach a document to the application justifying the need to change the date or duration of the vacation. Such a document may be a referral for hospitalization, a sick leave certificate, a certificate from a state organization if the employee performed government duties in cases where labor legislation provides for exemption from work at the place of main work, an order to go on annual paid leave at the main place of work ( for part-time workers), etc. This will increase the employee’s chances of having his request satisfied.
“Based on the provisions of Art. 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to change the start date of my vacation to August 14, 2021. Leave the duration of vacation unchanged: 14 calendar days.”
“Please change the start date of my leave to September 4, 2019 and the duration of leave to 28 calendar days for family reasons.”