How to inform an employee about dismissal?

How to explain to the manager?

There can be several reasons for leaving a job: moving to a new, previously prepared place, and dismissal from this position due to low wages, due to a not very good atmosphere in the team and other negative factors.

IMPORTANT! In any case, experts do not recommend leaving “badly” - conflicting, throwing “mud” at everyone and everything, demonstrating aggression and disrespect.

Judging by the reviews, you will regret it later. Humanity and decency must remain first in all circumstances.

Choosing a place and time for conversation

Choosing the right place and time to talk with the boss is already half the battle. And even if you are afraid of the director’s negative reaction, our recommendations will help you do everything in the best possible way.

  1. The best option for a serious conversation is the boss’s office. Moreover, the manager should hear your news of leaving first in the team, and not by chance during a conversation with colleagues.
  2. Choose a time when there will be no rush hour at work and no lunch break. It is necessary that the manager has the opportunity to listen to you and take all the necessary measures: sign an application, order your final salary, write a letter of recommendation.
  3. You should not run in during business negotiations or at the end of the working day, when everyone is tired and wants to go home quickly. Preferably morning time.
  4. Regardless of the level of your relationship with your boss, never call him at home, on weekends or holidays, to break the news of your departure. Keep your distance, be tactful.
  5. If you are already sure that you are leaving, then carefully read the employment contract at your old place of work. It indicates when such news must be reported. In some organizations, no less than 1 month or 2 weeks. It is important not to let the company down. Just don’t talk about your intentions six months in advance - after all, a lot can change in that time.
  6. In the case when you have an unfinished project, it is recommended to finish what you started, and only then go to the conversation.

What's the best way to tell your boss?

Even if you really want to share the news of leaving with your colleagues and talk about the new place, refrain. Show respect and deference - tell your boss first.

ADVICE! Start the conversation politely. Explain why you are leaving. If you are not satisfied with your salary or work schedule, then perhaps the director will reconsider these points and you will not have to resign. Feel free to explain all the reasons in an acceptable form.

Be natural and humane. Avoid barbs, criticism and negativity. On the contrary, thank in your own words for the experience gained while working in this place. Speak calmly, without emotions or complaints, so as not to heat up the situation.

If the conversation was successful, then you can ask the boss to write a testimonial. Also be sure to have an email address where new employers can contact you and find out information about you.

What not to do?

  • Leaving 1 day in advance without notifying anyone and without finishing things. Or face the fact that you want to quit today. You need to give your boss time to find a replacement for you and think about the situation.
  • Don't openly criticize the company.

    BY THE WAY! You shouldn’t say: “This is the worst place I’ve ever worked.” Such statements completely exclude the possibility of returning in the future.

  • It is better not to bring up the topic of poor personnel management. This sounds insulting, and relationships in a team depend equally on the consciousness and personal qualities of the leader and subordinates.
  • If there is a tense situation in the team, many are unhappy with the director, you should not speak on behalf of all employees. You were not authorized to say phrases like “nobody likes it here.” After all, only you quit, and the rest remain, and are able to speak out on this matter themselves.
  • There's no point in complaining that you're not moving up the career ladder, so you quit. Thus, you show a low level of professionalism and insolvency. This sounds quite sad and pathetic.
  • Before leaving, never insult your colleagues behind their backs or describe their negative qualities or character flaws. This is uncivilized. You leave and will no longer meet these people, and it’s too late to complain about the relationship, even if you had a conflict at work with colleagues.
  • Do not criticize work processes and those chosen - such statements can make you a hidden enemy for the company.

    ADVICE! Only constructive criticism in a gentle tone is allowed.

  • It is especially undesirable to admit that you were constantly bored at work. Admitting that you are unmotivated will not add respect to you in the eyes of your superiors. They definitely won’t try to persuade you to stay as a valuable employee.
  • Don't give unnecessary advice and recommendations at parting. Words about an “unpromising company” are the last things a director wants to hear.
  • You should not talk about your new job in an admiring tone. You haven’t worked there yet, perhaps you don’t know all the difficulties, and you will create negative thoughts and a nervous environment at your old job. Make you anxious and feel the management is not very pleasant.

Example of a conversation with the boss

Depending on the reason why you decided to quit, explain your wishes as tactfully and sensitively as possible. Here are some options on how to express your thoughts more gently.

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, competent leadership, patience and cooperation. However, at the moment I feel that I need to move forward. It's time to try yourself in a different position.

You won’t offend anyone with such a phrase, and the desire to improve and develop has never caused a negative reaction from anyone.

The new position will allow me and my family to take some financial rest and relaxation. I think that I will be able to resolve financial issues that are important to my life and that have been troubling my loved ones for a long time.

Such a tactful statement about higher wages will not make the bosses angry.

Unfortunately, this place of work is not suitable for a simple reason. You have to get up too early to get to your workplace on time. The new job is located much closer to home, leaving more time to spend with family.

This explanation is quite acceptable in any situation. Not everyone can travel 1-2 hours to the office.

I want to take a break (pause). I feel that I am tired not physically, but mentally. Professional burnout is an important issue. I don't want to be a useless employee with low productivity.

If the vacation did not help you recover, depression and apathy continue, then this explanation, honest and open, will earn respect from the boss. We are all human, and there are different periods.

How to approach tactfully and talk more softly?

In order to make the upcoming conversation with your boss as smooth as possible, you need to rely on the following tips:

  • Before announcing your resignation, it is necessary to complete, if possible, all urgent tasks and assignments.
  • You can start hinting to management about your intention to quit in advance. In this case, submitting a resignation letter of your own free will will not be an unexpected “surprise” for anyone.
  • In your place, you can nominate another specialist who meets all qualification requirements (if there is such a candidate for the position).
  • You should announce your resignation in advance. Moreover, it is recommended to do this not two weeks, as written in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but at least a month before dismissal. This will allow management to find another employee for the vacant position.

It is especially difficult to announce your resignation when the organization is already in a tense situation caused by a lack of necessary personnel. In this case, it is important to find the most compelling reason for dismissal.

For example, the boss is unlikely to consider the usual desire to take a break from work as a serious reason for terminating the employment relationship during a difficult period for the organization. On the contrary, it can only cause irritation in him. In this case, the following reasons for leaving will sound more significant:

  • the employee’s desire to leave for an organization with a higher salary due to a difficult financial situation;
  • the need for long-term care for a sick relative or small child;
  • moving to another city (country), etc.

If the company has an acute personnel problem and there is no one to work with, then the employee can wait a while to leave (if possible), waiting for better times.

When resigning at your own request, we advise you to do everything correctly, not only from the point of view of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but also in terms of relationships with management. We must try to leave peacefully and without conflicts. This will preserve your relationship with your superiors, which can serve you well in the future.

Director's reaction

It can be completely unpredictable - it all depends on how and when you presented the news of your dismissal. If you were correct, tactful, polite and calm, then your management will favorably accept your departure.

If you violate all limits of decency, the labor code and forget about subordination, then do not expect anything good. No manager will want to give positive feedback about your work, and may specifically respond extremely negatively in retaliation for disrespectful behavior. By the way, read the article about what to do if your boss yells and humiliates you.

BY THE WAY! In any case, try to leave gracefully. Nobody knows what the future holds for you. There are times when I had to return to my old job. Don't be rude, leave a good impression.

There are positions where it is possible to work in parallel in several companies. It is possible that you will receive an offer to sometimes take work home as a part-time job at your old place:

  • if you are considered an excellent specialist;
  • provided that such working relationships do not conflict with the ethics of the company.

Remember that the director is also a person, and your caustic criticism and barbs may offend him as a leader. If your city is small, then you will still have to intersect at work. Don't be surprised if he gets his revenge one day.

IMPORTANT! Remain a worthy and honest person. Decency and respect for others, a positive attitude has never harmed anyone.

When to apply?

  • This issue is discussed with the manager. According to the Labor Code - 14 days before leaving.
  • You can write a statement “At your own request” as soon as you find out that you are moving to a new place.
  • Be sure to leave time so that management has the opportunity to find a new employee.
  • A letter of recommendation is not always needed in a new place. In addition, the boss may have no time to write it. It is possible that your boss will ask you to write it yourself and then give it to him to sign.

    ADVICE! Draw up a letter of recommendation in a third person, check it, and let your boss review it before printing it.

  • Remember that the new manager may not read the letters, but call the former boss directly and ask all the details about you regarding professionalism and personal qualities.

Parting words to a colleague when leaving work

If changes in life are always for the better, Don’t regret anything, there will be happiness in the future. After all, you are a wonderful worker, you have nothing to be sad,

You will relax and you will be surprised by your work in a new place.

And we also wish you - don’t forget about us, We will remain friends, so you can visit us. We wish you happiness, it will be - so you know,

We will congratulate you on your new job soon!

Dear you are our colleague, we respect you very much. And today, as a team, we say goodbye with slight sadness. You were an example for us, a good friend and support, infecting us with optimism and enthusiasm every day. Your kind smile warmed us with warmth. You are leaving, guided by a guiding light. star. We wish you good luck, no matter how difficult your path may be.

Don't forget us. We won't forget you either!

Today you are leaving our team, To rush to new shores. You are leaving us alone to work,

And therefore, of course, we are sad!

We wish you unprecedented luck, To effectively and easily solve Fate, sometimes difficult tasks

And so that you can flourish in your new place!

You decided to leave us, well - good luck in everything. We will have to solve problems here without you. We will remember you as a whole team. Your site is tough, it is not for the lazy. Finally, we wish you happiness, If you can keep it, that’s We know for sure. If anything happens, grab it by the tail, hug it, and that’s it, Warm it on your chest, but look, don’t brag, It’s better to just share it, because it’s like that

If you start giving it to people, it will come back threefold.

Dismissal is not a problem, but a big change. Let your guiding star lead you through life boldly. There will be a new job, interesting, cool.

And with a huge salary, to relax in Hawaii.

The bosses will be kind and will appreciate what they deserve, and they will be more likely to promote you up the career ladder. In general, it’s like this: you shouldn’t be sad, you need to keep your nose up,

Soon we will noisily congratulate you on your new job.

You, colleague, can do anything, even the sea is knee-deep.

Today we will see you off on a good journey, We are the only ones to plow here now,

But don't forget us!

Come visit more often - for tea and just like that! We wish you to find

More new benefits!

It’s always a pity to part with, and especially with good people. You leave, but we stay. You leave not because it’s bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better.

May you meet only good people in life who will help, appreciate, and teach. Let your ambitions help you move forward, and let your bold dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires.

Good luck to you in all your endeavors.

Well, the time has come to raise the sails and set off on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but change is always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will definitely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of. The main thing is not to regret anything and only move forward, towards new horizons!

We wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your home, success in business. May your every day be fruitful, full of pleasant events. Meet and see him off with a grateful smile.

Live long in love and happiness!

Colleague! Let your dismissal become the starting point on the path to new dreams come true. We wish you unsurpassed success, true prosperity, and amazing benefits!

You're about to leave. We are sorry to let you go, but we have no right to keep you. May all the best things await you ahead. Know that we are always glad to see and hear you.

We will miss your knowledge and valuable advice, your wisdom and prudence. And yet, it is human nature to search, move forward, strive for the ideal.

May all barriers clear away and all doors open before you. We sincerely wish this for you.

It's very sad to part. We left behind many common working days, successful beginnings, and achievements. We will truly miss you. But we believe that everything will be great for you: a new interesting job, a good salary and career advancement. And we will always be glad to see you, success and good luck!

Dear colleague, we would like to find words for you that will be remembered for a long time. You deserve a sincere, warm attitude towards you for your conscientious, fruitful work. As we see you off, our team wishes you good, indestructible health, because health is the key to everything: happiness, love, prosperity. We wish you success in all your endeavors and Caucasian longevity!

Colleague! Today you are leaving our team. This means that unknown horizons await you and, perhaps, meeting new bosses and new colleagues. Let these changes be positive!

It's hard to break up with you. After all, today a mentor and friend, an experienced worker and just a good person is leaving the team. But your desire is the law, and no one can stop you from moving towards a better life. Know that we are always happy to see you. And the fact that you are leaving the team does not mean that you are leaving the lives of each of us. Good luck in your endeavors, success ahead. That’s it, and not otherwise -

In life, sometimes you have to make difficult, life-changing decisions, and changing jobs is one of them. It’s a shame to say goodbye, but we must hope and believe that all the best is ahead: new prospects, a friendly team, successes, discoveries. In other words - the beginning of a new interesting life. Let changes come into your life, Sometimes it’s not easy sometimes, But always be brave in life

And fate will smile again!

We sincerely wish you health and many years to come!

Colleague, congratulations on your dismissal! Having decided to take this step, do not regret what you have done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us. We are always looking forward to your visit!

Our close-knit team wishes you fine days, wonderful new prospects,

Good colleagues like us!

What should you do before leaving?

The main rule is to finish all started projects, reports and affairs. Don't leave any tails. After all, there is nothing worse than finishing or redoing someone else’s work.

In some cases, after announcing the dismissal, the director will give only a few days to complete matters. But there are large companies where you will have to work as expected for almost a month in order to hand over the workplace in perfect order.

Don’t forget to take personal belongings from your desk and shelves in your office and put your office furniture in order.

BY THE WAY! Do a little cleaning, don’t leave anything to remind you of you. A new employee must come to a completely updated place.

Congratulations on leaving work (colleague, woman, man)

This is what it means to comply with the rules of corporate ethics. If she had not written a letter then and left, offended, all this would not have happened, and justice would not have prevailed.


We sincerely wish you new professional achievements and hope for continued fruitful cooperation.


We (the entire team) wish you well-being, good health, prosperity and new successes, both in your professional activities and outside of it.


Kind words to the boss on dismissal In this case, two scenarios are possible; perhaps the boss is trying to find a formal reason for.


But pensioners also want to live normally - you still have everything ahead of you. On our miserable pensions one can only subsist, not live.

Farewell to colleagues

If everything is clear with management, then what words should you say to your colleagues when leaving work? How to properly say goodbye to them? Here are some useful tips.

  1. Gather the entire team with whom you have worked recently. Thank everyone from the bottom of your heart, make peace even with not very pleasant people.
  2. Take a minute and say at least a few good words to everyone. Praise for the help you once provided, for your kind attitude.
  3. Tea with cake and champagne is welcome. You will win people over this way and leave behind pleasant memories. After a good farewell, you can sometimes visit your colleagues in the future. If you are a decent person, you will always be welcome.

You can also prepare small gifts for the team. Read the article about memorable gifts for dismissal.

A word of gratitude to the manager when dismissing an employee in your own words

Official farewell letter If the farewell is official, its text should be drawn up in accordance with the rules of business etiquette.

Sometimes we search for answers to any question together, And in times of trouble we stand for each other. At once we all stand up like a mountain. We sincerely wish this for you. It's very sad to part.

I'm quitting tomorrow! Do you think: I'm worried? Not at all Happy, like a new nickel! Can you imagine freedom awaiting your colleague! And also laziness, sleep and TV!

I wish you to stay happily, remember me only with a smile, do not hold grudges or grudges.

I hope that later the people will understand that I was their kind boss after all, when someone else comes to replace me.

It’s such a pity to part with a person who became one of our own in the team, family. But now we wish you success and new achievements and perspectives!

Leaving work is a new step: Let it be as fate dictates. Let the door of fate be open for happiness, health and goodness!

Today we have to say goodbye to you, We have worked side by side for many years, I really want to ask you to stay, But life is writing a different story for you.

So may luck smile on you, health, happiness, new prospects, may your optimism remain with you, bring only positive things to people!

What a pity that you are leaving our well-coordinated and friendly team today. You constantly radiate joy, and give goodness and positivity to everyone!

We wish that your life turns out from bright, very colorful flowers, that everything you want happens, we want to wish you successful days!

There is no more interesting concern than leaving work entirely. There is only a white sheet ahead, It is so excitingly clean.

Don't forget about us, at least visit us sometimes. We wish you all the best. Change is a good sign.

How fate will go is a mystery. The anticipation is so sweet. We wish you luck in your upcoming adventure.

You employee is simply class! It's a pity we didn't keep you. May you always rush to a new job with eagerness.

So that there is inspiration and a large carriage of patience, a creative impulse everywhere and a close-knit team.

And the salary, clearly, is higher, so you can drive a new Porsche. So that the authorities fairly encourage and praise.

It was a pleasure working with you. It’s a pity that you decided to leave us. But everything has already been decided irrevocably. We would like to wish you: Good luck!

You have new goals, prospects, but may success await you ahead. Believe in yourself, be positive. Happiness, good luck on your new path.

You are a part of the team, It will be difficult without you, But as we say goodbye, we wish you a New path to easily follow Hundreds of bright achievements and great prospects. Let the new team be just as friendly!

We are always glad to see you, always remember this! I wish you happiness, warmth, luck, peace, light and goodness!

Everything ends someday, There is a new stage in life! Let luck be nearby and open the door to happiness.

Let everything work out as it should, Let the interest not fade away. Let success be your reward, And the path is woven from miracles!

What a pity that the time to part sometimes comes to everyone. What a pity that there is some reason: a person leaves work.

We were all very pleased to work in the same team. We wish you to keep good memories of this experience!

We will be glad to meet you In production, outside of work, May the strength of spirit be eternal, Horizons will be open!

Colleague, congratulations on your dismissal! Having decided to take this step, do not regret what you have done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us. We are always looking forward to your visit!

Our close-knit team wishes you fine days, wonderful new prospects, good colleagues like us!

Our dear Vasily Vasilyevich (insert the name of your leader whom you thank here)!

Dear Marianna Valentinovna (here indicate the name of your leader to whom the words are addressed)!

On behalf of the entire team we wish you happiness and prosperity, health, energy and new successes.

Dear Maria Ivanovna (insert the name of the leader to whom you express gratitude)!

We sincerely wish you new professional achievements and hope for continued fruitful cooperation.

Dear Ivan Petrovich Ivanov (here insert the name of the leader to whom words of gratitude are intended)!

We (the entire team) wish you well-being, good health, prosperity and new successes, both in your professional activities and outside of it.

Dear Ivan Lvovich (insert the name of the leader to whom words of gratitude are intended)!

Dear Ivan Ilyich (replace with the name of your leader to whom words of gratitude are addressed)!

Dear Maria Ivanovna (insert the name of the leader you are thanking here)!

Dear Ivan Stepanovich (insert the desired name of the leader here - female or male)!

We wish you and our entire team well-being, prosperity, fair winds in business and continued effective activities.

A person should be able to thank beautifully for kindness, for love, for services rendered. After all, it helps make our life positive.

Words of gratitude to a colleague upon dismissal It is better to show sincerity, but without excessive personalization and excessive emotionality. Letter outline

A letter of gratitude to another company, written for a retiring employee, is an important document for the resigning employee.

Advice: When you read the words of gratitude, do not overstep your personal space and do not allow yourself to informally address the director.

The name of the successor, his contact information The well-functioning mechanism of the corporation should work without failures or delays.

We wish you to live without troubles, And there is no reason to get sick, So that at one hundred and twenty and a half you look thirty years old.

One “thank you” is simply not enough, For the kindness that came from you. I wish that the sun shines on you. Giving your smile billions of times.

Today you are leaving our team to rush to new shores. You leave us alone to work, and therefore, of course, we are sad!

We wish you unprecedented luck, To effectively and easily solve Fate, sometimes difficult tasks, And to flourish in a new place!

Today we will see you off on a good journey, We are the only ones to plow here now, But don’t forget us!

Come visit more often for tea and just like that! We wish you to gain more new blessings!

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