Article 305 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Work and rest modes

The driver's work has its schedule limitations. According to Russian legislation, driving and transportation over long distances must comply with a number of rules.

To monitor the actions of drivers and provide assistance along the way when transporting passengers or transporting goods, the law requires that the vehicle be equipped with a monitoring device. It disciplines and reminds of the necessary stop. The device will help you plan your working day and set your daily travel allowance.

To activate its memory and find out from it how much longer you can drive, you need to insert a plastic card containing a microchip with information about the owner. offers its services both to drivers and to entrepreneurs who own the vehicle. Connecting the two devices will allow both parties involved to stay up to date.

Both access points will have information about compliance with the driver’s work and rest rules and violations of the tachograph work norms.

Driver work and rest time according to law

The legislation requires compliance with the following rules:

  • A working day should be no more than 9 hours. Twice a week you can overwork for another hour, but no more.
  • You can drive continuously for 4.5 hours, then you need to rest for 45 minutes. Then the time of non-stop movement is reduced to two hours.
  • A full lunch break is provided - from half an hour to two.
  • During a working week, you can be on the road no more than 56 hours.

But there are exceptions when you can drive for half a day a day:

  • If intercity or international transportation requires urgent delivery of passengers or cargo, there is no opportunity for a full stop and rest.
  • If this is a person driving a shuttle bus.
  • If the driver is an employee of government agencies: a hospital, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a post office, an educational institution.

Healthy lifestyle: optimal motor mode for different groups

The physiological characteristics of men and women differ significantly. They may also differ between young, mature and elderly people. Therefore, when creating your own ideal regime, these factors must be taken into account.

Sample routine for men

If we talk about the daily routine for the stronger sex, then first of all we should talk about physical activity. Men need more of them, they should be more intense. This cannot be done without strength training, as well as regular walking and running. This will help you maintain your physical fitness, develop strength and endurance.

A healthy young man should wake up around six or seven in the morning. This is the best time to warm up. In the morning this also means breakfast. Moreover, you need to remember that it should be approximately 30-35% of the caloric content and nutritional value of the entire diet for the day. A walk of at least twenty minutes after breakfast is good. Therefore, the route to work fits into this scheme perfectly. If the walk is not very far, it is better to do it on foot. Alternatively, you can give up public transport or a personal car and switch to a bicycle. You should definitely include quality cardio training in your schedule. They must be performed at least three times a week. Ideally, a healthy young man should eat 5-6 times a day

However, it is important that the bulk of the food is consumed no later than 16-17 hours of the day. The optimal time for sleep is 22-23 hours. It is better not to go to bed later than this time so as not to disrupt your biorhythms.

Before going to bed, it is not recommended to read the news or watch TV, which can cause emotional imbalance. It's better to go get some fresh air or take a walk. It’s stupid to put sex on your schedule, but there are recommendations on this matter. It is better to move it to the morning and pre-dinner hours. During this period, the body is best prepared for it.

Optimal daily routine for women

The physiology of a woman is fundamentally different from that of a man. It is more focused on fertilization, gestation, and then the birth of offspring. That’s why the daily routine for girls is somewhat different than for guys.

When planning, it is necessary to take into account the monthly natural cycles of the female body. They directly affect hormonal levels, as well as tone. When creating your own schedule, it makes sense to make allowances for different periods.

  • For a girl, as for a man, the right degree of physical activity is important. It is optimal to choose more cardio, as well as stretching training, with a minimum amount of strength exercises. Various meditative and breathing practices and yoga are well suited.
  • Getting up early and going to bed before dark is the main principle that a girl should follow. The rise should ideally occur at six, maximum, at seven o'clock.
  • The female body needs eight to nine hours of good sleep.
  • It is optimal to include three full meals in your schedule, and also do not forget 2-3 snacks.
  • Gymnastics or fitness should be present in a woman’s life at least three times a week. Class time is 30-40 minutes. At the same time, every day, without exception, it doesn’t hurt to spend 20 minutes warming up and stretching.

You need to devote quite a lot of time to sleep, but over the years it should not increase, but decrease. So, if at forty you slept for eight hours, then by fifty, this time can be reduced by exactly sixty minutes.

Daily routine and age

Young children grow and develop very quickly, and their metabolism literally goes through the roof. All body systems work like a clock, and cells renew themselves at an amazing speed. Therefore, a growing body requires more rest and sleep, which is why daytime naps are encouraged for children.

At the same time, it is precisely at this time that the very habits that we often follow throughout our lives are formed. Therefore, it is advisable to teach your baby to wake up at seven and go to bed no later than nine in the evening. We must also not forget about walks and physical activity. They must be on the schedule.

However, with age, these processes are seriously inhibited. Therefore, in adulthood and old age, we need much more energy and strength in order to constantly wage an irreconcilable “war” against aging. A correct, well-thought-out daily routine should take into account these body characteristics.

After forty, medicine advises spending more time on physical exercise and rest. The need for food at this time decreases significantly, so it wouldn’t hurt to significantly reduce portions. It is better to leave the number of meals the same as before.

Work and rest schedule for two drivers: work using a tachograph

For long-distance travel, two employees are often assigned. To work in a team, you need a device with the ability to use two cards at a time. While driving, it is considered that both drivers are working, so you cannot set the meter position to the “Rest” column.

While one is in the “Driving” position, the other should mark other activities. Only being in a car with the engine turned off is considered a break.

When changing, you need to swap the cassettes. The total shift is 30 hours, of which 21 hours are for work and 9 are for stopping. The difficulty is that you still can’t spend more than 18 on the road (9 for each), and the remaining 3 are the stipulated time for loading, repairs and other duties.

Complete list of documents required to issue a card

Daily routine: why is it needed, what is it

A well-designed daily schedule is a way to control your actions during the day. This way you can plan time for rest, study, work and household chores. A proper daily routine is also considered one of the components of a healthy lifestyle, thanks to which you can keep your physical and psychological condition in a healthy tone.

A daily routine for a week or even a month in advance is considered a certain sequence of actions that must be followed. This is a special technique that allows us to optimize our activities. It is important to note that you should not strictly adhere to the drawn up schedule, since strict rules can only be a burden.

How much rest should a driver have according to the tachograph?

Each driver must use the following stops:

  • Daily lunch break – from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  • The day off between shifts should be twice as long as the time worked.
  • The required weekly rest is two days.
  • There are also exceptions for intercity transport: they reduce non-working hours to 9 hours.

Every driver needs to know the working and rest conditions between shifts; here is a sample work schedule, summarized in a table:

Taking care of yourself and loved ones

Adults, when making a plan for themselves, sometimes pass it on to their children. Many people try to make their child’s schedule as tight as possible so that he doesn’t waste time. But children are not adults and their routine should be different.

To raise a child correctly, you need to teach him the correct structuring of time. Use yourself as an example to explain important points.

When organizing your child's schedule, make it so that he has free hours. This is the peculiarity of children's time. After attending school and clubs, he should receive a share of rest. After class, at least 2 hours must pass before doing homework. Get your child used to doing homework, but don't take up his free time.

The correct daily routine for a schoolchild:

  1. Climb.
  2. School.
  3. Mugs.
  4. Rest.
  5. Homework.
  6. Rest.
  7. Housework.

With the right plan, you can raise a responsible and disciplined child. Knowledge about the value of time gained in childhood is imprinted throughout life.

What kind of digital cards does Tachokart produce?

Each sample includes the following features:

  • contains personal information about the owner;
  • records speed and distance traveled;
  • marks the time and duration of stops.

Prices for tachograph cards can be found here.

You can purchase one of three varieties:

  • Without means of protecting cryptographic information (CIPF). It has a basic configuration and is suitable for small companies that do not transport over long distances, and therefore are not required to equip each vehicle with a technical device. This card is needed by owners who want to control the progress of the trip and have a legal basis in case of road accidents.
  • With the CIPF system provided for by the requirement of Order of the Ministry of Transport No. 36 - the law on the work and rest time of drivers according to the tachograph. The chip built into the device is responsible for encrypting and decrypting data and does not allow the information stored on it to be changed or deleted. The required personal key will be produced within two weeks. In addition to the basic configuration, such a card provides reliable data protection and makes it possible to carry out transportation throughout Russia.
  • For European devices - AETR. According to regulations from 1978, all employees performing international flights must work with devices that record the driver’s work and rest schedule. They require special cards, include all the features of previous versions and give the owner the right to travel between countries.

How to create a daily routine

To create your own schedule, it is recommended to use the advice of time management experts:

  1. Write down your daily routine on paper using a diary. Keeping everything in mind will be difficult and completely ineffective. When recording tasks, it is best to classify them by time, crossing out those already completed so that the results of the day are clear.
  2. Maintain your priorities. It is necessary to clearly indicate what must be completed on this particular day, and what, if necessary, can be postponed to the next.
  3. Plan the most difficult tasks for the morning and first half of the day. While the body is rested and full of strength, it will complete all tasks much faster and more productively.
  4. Follow the regime, but do not become a slave to it. If necessary, change things around, take into account your time and condition, as well as the needs and desires of loved ones. But everything is within reasonable limits and as an exception, otherwise there will be no point in creating a schedule.

An example of a good daily routine could be:

  • 7:00 – rise, morning procedures;
  • 7:30 – jogging;
  • 8:00 – breakfast;
  • 8:30 – work (you can specify specific tasks);
  • 12:00 – lunch break;
  • 14:00 – walk (meeting with friends or other pleasant events, but preferably on the street);
  • 16:00 – afternoon snack;
  • 17:00 – sports training;
  • 19:00 – dinner;
  • 19:30 – communication with family;
  • 21:30 – getting ready for bed;
  • 22:00 – lights out.

Of course, such a routine is not suitable for every working person. It can be modified to suit your lifestyle, needs and habits.

What benefits does the cardholder have?

  • The legitimate right to transport passengers and cargo over long distances.
  • It is possible to comply with the time schedule and follow the route according to the schedule.
  • It can warn when the tank is empty and remind you to refill fuel on time.
  • In the event of an accident or other controversial situations, the driver can offer information from the device, which will serve as an evidence base.
  • Trains driver self-discipline. If the device is not installed, the driver and owner may be fined for overtime on the tachograph in the amount of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

Place an order for a tachograph card.

Daily routine of a successful person

To become more active and productive, it is recommended to create a daily routine and stick to it. It’s interesting that there are no generally accepted rules for drawing it up; it’s important to focus on your own goals. At the same time, you can and should look at how successful people manage their time and, based on their advice, write your daily routine for a successful person. What should be taken into account is discussed in the article.

Daily routine of great people

If you analyze the daily routines of famous politicians, writers, and film actors, you will be able to see a lot in common in them. So, these people are disciplined. They knew and know well what they want to achieve in life, and devote most of their time to achieving their goals.

Bruce Lee

To make every day successful, the martial artist, film actor and director trained a lot. He woke up early in the morning, did a warm-up, then ran, had breakfast, read books (and even while reading, he trained his arms alternately by moving a chair) or played with the children. After lunch he had his main training scheduled. Moreover, in order to stay in shape, Bruce Lee kept a diary, writing down exercises for different muscle groups that required working out. This is how the man kept himself in shape all the time.

Another mandatory part of his daily regimen is meditation. This is a mental exercise that teaches you to deeply relax or concentrate, depending on the situation. It is believed that meditation fills a person with energy, thereby increasing his inner strength.

Important! When creating your daily routine for a successful person, plan meditation for the morning, for example, immediately after waking up. This will ensure clarity of thoughts and vigor until the evening.

Benjamin Franklin

The politician, scientist and writer, whose image is imprinted on the $100 bill, highly respected order and hard work. I based my daily routine on them, according to which:

  • woke up at 05:00;
  • planned your day to be as productive as possible;
  • worked for about 8 hours;
  • analyzed how his day went in the evening, noted what useful things he managed to do and what he could not achieve, so that in the morning he could come up with a new plan of action.

It should also be noted the qualities and life principles of B. Franklin, which he followed in order to achieve perfection. Namely: determination, avoidance of empty talk, calmness in all situations, etc.

Winston Churchill

It was following the daily routine, according to the man, that allowed him to become successful and as productive as possible. But it is known that the Prime Minister was involved not only in government affairs, but also wrote books, receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature, and also painted, creating more than 500 canvases. And in order to keep up with everything, he woke up around 07:30 in the morning, after which he spent another 2 hours in bed - reading, eating breakfast while reclining, and giving instructions to the secretaries. Then he worked until lunch, and after that he preferred to nap during the day. This habit allowed him to spend the evening with his family until late at night, and then, if necessary, work until 3-4 in the morning.

Timothy Ferris

The investor, speaker, and bestselling author of time management advocates flexible daily routines. The main thing, while adhering to it, is to think through the list of tasks in the evening, guided by the Pareto principle (the 80/20 rule, according to which 20% of efforts give 80% of results, and vice versa). The Pareto principle allows you to select tasks that can be delegated, thereby reducing routine and freeing up time for business development.

Planning your daily routine

Planning is an effective tool for achieving goals. If used correctly, you can significantly increase your own productivity. To do this you need to define:

  • my starting point - what I have now, what my strengths and weaknesses are;
  • end point - what you want to achieve;
  • action plan to achieve goals.

When planning, you should cover all areas of life, that is, include time in your daily routine not only for work, but also for training, development, relaxation, and self-care. This will minimize the risk of burnout and make your life rich and interesting.

What to do when you don't have time to plan

People may complain about the lack of time to plan, but in reality, in order to successfully create a daily schedule and stick to it, a person sometimes only needs 5 minutes. During this time, he can determine the range of important tasks, and unimportant ones can be postponed or delegated. Another thing is that many people do not plan their day, and there are two main reasons for this.

  • Planning seems boring, tedious, unnecessary work.

To see that this is not the case, imagine the process of building a house. Before starting to build, they create a project - a plan with the exact number of floors, rooms, the required area for which the foundation is laid, an estimate of resource costs is formed, etc.

  • The plans are difficult to implement.

This happens when one’s own strengths are overestimated and a person plans more than he can manage, or when he does not take into account routine tasks (for example, checking mail, calling clients) or stages of completing important tasks. So, a meeting with a client also involves preparing a presentation, etc.

Finally, plans may be disrupted due to unforeseen situations. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict them, but you can set aside time for force majeure.

The basis of time management is setting goals

The secret to a successful day also lies in following the principles of time management. This is the art of organizing one's time, the tools of which help a person to be more effective.

Within the framework of time management, there are several processes, the main of which is goal setting. Goals determine the direction of your work and help you use your most important resource—time—more effectively. But they need to be set correctly, and for this it is necessary to use technologies for setting goals and priorities. One of the most popular is SMART. According to it, the goal should be:

  • Specific - specific, that is, it is important to clearly define the result. For example, when thinking about a goal, write not just “increase profits,” but “earn such and such an amount,” “achieve sales growth,” etc.;
  • Measurable - measurable, each goal must have criteria by which the result can be measured, and it is best in numbers, for example, “increase sales by 2 times”;
  • Achievable - achievable: you should not set the goal of “winning the Olympic Games within a month” to a person who has never played sports; the other extreme is to prescribe easily achievable goals that can be achieved in any case; this deprives the feeling of excitement and the strength necessary to implement the plan ;
  • Relevant - significant: a person must benefit from achieving this goal, otherwise he will not have the desire to make efforts to obtain the result;
  • Time bound - limited in time, that is, you need to clearly determine during what period you plan to earn this or that amount, increase sales volume by 2 times, etc., if this is not done, the implementation of the goal may be postponed for an unlimited time.

It is also important to distinguish between goals and objectives. The latter represent specific steps towards the desired result. Both goals and objectives must be written down. This will allow you to concentrate on important matters, rather than keeping a plan of action in your head, all the time worrying that you have forgotten something.

10 rules for organizing the daily routine of successful people

In order to keep up with everything and not feel like a squirrel in a wheel, you should follow simple recommendations.

  • Wake up at the same time every day. Self-discipline helps the body get used to a clear routine and use sleep time more effectively for rest and recuperation. And this is the key to good memory, concentration, and speed of decision-making. On the other hand, getting up at strictly defined hours allows you to do more things during the day, since in this case you will have more time to work than if you woke up 2-3 hours later.
  • Don't check your email or pick up your phone before breakfast. Firstly, you can get carried away and lose precious time, and secondly, you can earn yourself stress and headaches in the morning, but they do not contribute to increased productivity. At the same time, thinking about good things gives a boost of energy. Interestingly, having a quiet morning, focusing on your priorities and goals is something that almost all successful people do every day. According to them, this does not allow them to stray from their intended path.
  • Prepare clothes in the evening so as not to waste time choosing and ironing them in the morning. By the way, in order not to devote too much time to preparing their wardrobe, successful entrepreneurs often deliberately choose simple and comfortable things for every day: jeans, turtlenecks, T-shirts (Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg).
  • In the evening, choose a place for breakfast. This is rather advice for those who do not like to eat at home, but prefer to have breakfast in a cafe. Needless to say, if you don’t think through this moment, you can remain hungry or get stuck in a traffic jam while heading to one of your favorite establishments.
  • Prefer light breakfasts. Breakfast should give energy, but not take away the body’s strength to digest food, for example, if “heavy” dishes are chosen. The best options for hearty light breakfasts, according to nutritionists: oatmeal, fruit, whole grain bread, eggs, tea, coffee, juice, etc.
  • Move a lot. Walking or light exercise with simple exercises gets the blood flowing, causing the brain to wake up faster, and also reduces anxiety. Interestingly, when planning their day, successful people often schedule time for running. In their opinion, it calms you down, helps you sort out your thoughts, so that you can weigh everything and make the right decision.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. We get what we focus on. If you think about problems all the time, their number only increases, and if you think about solutions, new options come by themselves.
  • Use the Pomodoro method to get more done. According to him, you need to make a list of tasks, ranking them by priority. And then turn on the timer for 25 minutes and get to work. When the time is up, take a break for 5-10 minutes and set the timer again. Every 4 cycles you can rest for 15–20 minutes. Another option is to work for half an hour, then take breaks of 10 minutes.
  • Alternate intense work with rest. For example, the daily routine of many successful people included time for a nap or for a run during the day.
  • Summarize the day. Celebrating your victories is just as important as setting goals, and some coaches recommend doing this in writing so that later, when you feel sad, you can re-read your notes and recharge your batteries. It is also important to analyze failures in order to understand why this happened and to prevent them in the future.

Daily routine for working from home

For freelancers, as well as for those who work remotely temporarily or permanently, maintaining a daily routine is very important, otherwise tasks will be postponed and accumulated. You can create a regime yourself, inspired by how the day of successful people goes. But time management experts recommend:

  • Wake up earlier. The optimal time is from 06:00 to 08:00. While others are sleeping, you can do light exercises, have breakfast, drink a cup of coffee in silence on the balcony, breathing fresh air, and write down a plan for the day.
  • Plan important tasks for the first half of the day. There is an opinion that before 12:00 the brain works most actively, which means that a person is most productive at this time, however, provided that he has had enough sleep and is not distracted by family members.
  • Have lunch between 13:00 and 13:30 with family or alone in your room. After lunch, it is advisable to set aside another 40–50 minutes for something that relaxes and provides a boost of energy. This could be a walk, reading a book, jogging, a hobby, etc.
  • Continue work from 14:00 to 18:00. At the end of the working day, take stock and thank yourself for your successes.
  • It is advisable to have dinner between 18:00 and 19:00. It is believed that at this time a maximum of enzymes are produced to digest dishes.

After dinner, it is better to rest, since the brain will no longer be able to engage in analytical activities, and work will not be as productive as in the morning.

It is advisable to go to bed between 21:00 and 22:00, having previously put away gadgets at least an hour before bedtime (their bright light reduces the production of melanin, which affects the quality of sleep - then it is difficult to fall asleep or the sleep is shallow, and the person wakes up several times per night).

Jack Dorsey: "8 hours for every company"

Finally, when creating your daily routine, you can use the experience of Jack Dorsey, a successful entrepreneur and one of the founders of Twitter. True, for this you need to be extremely disciplined. In an interview, J. Dorsey stated that he works 16 hours a day, devoting 8 hours to each of the companies (Twitter and Square). Interestingly, clear planning of work helps a man manage everything. He noted that Monday is management day, Tuesday is product day, Wednesday is marketing day, etc.


Daily routine is very important for a person who wants to succeed in business and in life. The main thing is to create a routine taking into account the recommendations of already successful people. They advise including in the regime not only a to-do list for the day, but also a planning stage in order to have time to do important work, a stage of analyzing your day in order to praise yourself for your successes and work on mistakes. If desired, you can add additional stages - meditations, affirmations for a successful day, etc.

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You can leave a request on our website or request a free call. We will contact you and tell you in detail about the stages of obtaining a card. Good luck on your journey!

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Why is it good to have a routine?

A daily routine is useful for children and adults, since at certain times of the day the body has its own needs and level of activity. If you take these factors into account, the day will be as productive as possible, and all actions performed will be the most effective.

The benefit of following a daily routine is to obtain the following results:

  • improving the quality of sleep, ensuring proper rest;
  • strengthening immunity, improving health;
  • stabilization of emotional and mental state, strengthening of the nervous system;
  • sufficient physical activity;
  • complete digestion and absorption of food, prevention of excess weight gain;
  • improving the functioning of all internal organs and systems;
  • rational use of working time to complete planned tasks;
  • having more free time.

A properly designed daily routine should take into account the individual characteristics of a person. However, it does not have to be clearly scheduled by the hour. Specific times are usually specified only for basic physiological functions - sleeping and eating, as well as for those events and actions that must be performed by agreement with other people. In all other respects, it is quite acceptable to have a time interval so that the schedule does not strain with its obligatory and predetermined nature.

An important advantage of a daily routine is that the body develops a habit of repeated actions. This will allow the internal physiological clock to adjust at a certain time for work, rest, eating, playing sports, etc. In this case, even not very pleasant, but obligatory actions will not cause internal resistance. A systematically and reasonably loaded body and psyche will not experience excessive stress, chronic fatigue or emotional burnout. Even the most difficult and eventful day will pass comfortably if all events are planned in advance.

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