Is it necessary to add a regional coefficient to vacation pay - accounting rules using the example of the Ural region for 2021
Is the regional coefficient calculated for vacation pay? Let's try to figure everything out in order. For
Instructions: how to mark study leave on your time sheet
How long should I keep the timesheet? - Five years, starting January 1 of the year following
Is the day of arrival from a work trip considered a working day? | Irkutsk
The amount of daily allowance is set by the organization. A business trip is a business trip of an employee outside the place of permanent work.
Should compensation be paid for vacation? | Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
Conditions for providing preferential leave in the Far North. Payment of reduced fares for northerners
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2020 N 553 “On the procedure and amount of payments for travel expenses associated with business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation, to military personnel, with
What applies to business travel expenses Most of the employee’s duties must be performed directly on
Regular leave upon layoff: compensation, pregnancy, training
Is it possible to obtain permission for another vacation at the time of staff reduction?
» Personnel » Dismissal The legislation of the Russian Federation does not impose any restrictions on employees who
Example of writing an application
The procedure for providing additional paid leave
Author of the article: Lina Smirnova Last modified: January 2021 3502 All citizens working officially,
Registration of business trips for employees of budgetary organizations engaged in income-generating activities
Reasons for a director’s business trip The purposes of a business trip for the head of an organization may be the following: meetings with
Procedure if you have not signed a leave application
Labor disputes due to non-provision of leave are an increasingly common occurrence today. They arise by
How to calculate vacation pay after maternity leave?
Why do deputy directors have different vacation periods of 28 and 56 days? How does educational work differ from resource work?
How to calculate vacation pay after maternity leave? School principal since August 15
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