How to make money as a 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 year old girl or boy - 50 real ideas and directions

Home / Labor Law / Employment / Hiring


Published: June 29, 2016

Reading time: 7 min



The desire to work and earn money in fourteen-year-old children is worthy of praise. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

After all, according to the law, an employer can conclude an employment contract with a teenager provided that the child is already 16 years old.

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    According to the Labor Code in the Russian Federation, it is allowed to officially find a job on one’s own initiative from the age of 16. If the desire to earn extra money for pocket money or for a specific purpose arose earlier, the child will need the consent of a parent or official guardian. However, children under 12 years of age will find it difficult to obtain formal employment, even with consent. Until the age of 14, a child can only work in cinematography, concert activities or the circus

    A child aged 14 years and older can work in places where labor:

    • not mentally and physically difficult;
    • interaction with dangerous mechanisms and conditions is excluded;
    • no night shifts;
    • not associated with toxic drugs, alcohol, nicotine, narcotics and other harmful substances;
    • excludes participation in the gambling business, and also does not apply to establishments such as cabaret and club;
    • does not provide for a rotation method.

    The employment of a teenager must be formalized. The applicant will need to bring a number of documents:

    • statement;
    • written consent of parents or guardian;
    • medical examination according to the employer’s model and if it is paid, then at the expense of the employer;
    • passport, and if you don’t have one yet, then a birth certificate;
    • SNILS.

    The employer issues a work record book for the teenager and issues an order for employment. However, he does not have the right to hire a child for a probationary period or to work without official payment.

    Earning money on the Internet

    One of the most popular types of income nowadays. Without leaving home, you can earn the same amount as adults, build a career, and even open your own business without investing a penny.

    We have already talked in detail about how a teenager can make money on the Internet: there are links to the best sites where there is no deception.

    Here are the main options:

    1. Work as a copywriter (rewriter). Writing articles will require a high level of literacy, perseverance and desire to constantly engage in this activity.
    2. Maintain your blog on topics that are relevant and important to the public.
    3. Write comments.
    4. Stream.
    5. Like, repost, solve captcha.
    6. You can participate in paid surveys.
    7. Open your channel on YouTube.
    8. Watch movies and listen to music for a fee.
    9. Open your own online store, be a distributor in large trading companies.
    10. Deal with websites, promotion, design, etc.

    On the Internet, it doesn’t matter how old you are. The main thing is hard work, dedication and a desire to constantly learn and be interested in new technologies.

    Allowed schedule

    Children and teenagers in Russia work according to a specific schedule, which is established by legislation for each age:

    Age, in yearsAmount of working time per week, in hours

    If the child continues education, the amount of working time is reduced:

    Age, in yearsAmount of working time per week while simultaneously studying, in hours

    Daily work is also regulated in hours:

    Age, in yearsAmount of working time per day, in hours

    If the child continues to study, then he has the right to work even fewer hours per day:

    Age, in yearsAmount of working time per day with simultaneous training, in hours

    If the employment takes place officially, then the hourly standards will be strictly observed by the employer. But with unofficial work, the child will control his own workload, or the parent should deal with this issue. It is very rare that an employer tracks how many hours a teenager works, although he cannot always do this, especially if the work is remote.

    How to make money for a 16-year-old teenager - 5 ideas

    How to make money at 16 years old? This is the age at which a person thinks like an adult and quickly learns complex things. Many teenagers at the age of 16 do not want to sit on their parents’ necks, and this commands respect. Such guys become responsible, sociable early and usually manage to build a career before the age of 30.

    In addition to the ideas listed above, you can make money in the following ways.

    Learn to make simple web designs

    Designer is a profession that needs to be studied, skills developed, and improved skills. But why not start now with simple options? In my opinion, this is the best time.

    For example, there are website builders (Tilda, Wix), where you don’t need to deal with layout, but you can create a beautiful, full-fledged website. This is a good “field” for practice and developing a portfolio.

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