How to correctly make an entry in the labor document “Working at the present time” see a sample

The entry “currently working” when certifying a copy of the work

If a person is temporarily unemployed, a copy of his work record book, which is with him at the time, can be certified by contacting a notary. He will easily arrange everything as it should. But if the owner of the work record is working somewhere, and his book is at that time in the personnel department, issuing it, even if a written application is submitted, is prohibited. You can only get a copy, where the entry “working to this day” is written. You can have it certified by your employer. The period for issuing a copy after the application should not exceed three days.

The entry “currently working” is not included in the work book . It is only present on a copy of the document. The copy is made in two ways: manually (write on a piece of paper or print on a computer) or using a photocopier - the more preferable option.

To begin, you need to make the following entries:

  • the copy is correct (you can limit yourself to the word “true”);
  • the position of the person who is responsible for work records (usually one of the personnel department employees);
  • signature of the person who certifies the book;
  • full transcript of the signed signature;
  • date of copy certification.

Next, you need to put the seal of the organization; the seal of the personnel department is enough. Then the sheets of the copy are numbered and stitched, after which they are separately certified with the seal of the enterprise.

And only at the end, when a copy of the work book is ready, the entry “currently working” is placed in a separate column, where the date of certification is also indicated. Here you need to write the position and decipher the signature.

Certification of work record book - currently working, sample

If a citizen is employed for the first time, it is registered by the employer - a person from the HR department or a manager. In order for an employee to obtain a work book, he must work in the organization for at least 5 days. If the work is the main one for him, and the registration is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then this book is opened for the employee. In order for photocopies of important documents to be considered valid, they must meet a number of requirements. This is relevant in a situation where an employee requests a reprint of a work book for a bank. If it is not made according to the rules, he will not be able to issue a banking product.

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The process of certification of a book in the absence of work

Cases may arise when the process of certifying a copy of a work record is necessary if a person does not work anywhere. Very often this need arises among pensioners. Moreover, the entry “still working at the present time” is naturally not included in the copy of the work book.

The first step is to make a photocopy of all original pages, after which you need to go to your last place of work and contact the accounting department. Either an accountant or a personnel officer will carry out the entire further certification procedure in accordance with current legislation. On the last page the reason why the person is not working now will be indicated. There are cases when the owner of the work record book does not have the opportunity to certify a copy of this document. Then he can turn to a notary for the procedure.

Duration of work for copies certified at work or by a notary

Russian legislation does not provide for a strict “expiration date” for a copy of a document. The certification rules are such that the duration of validity is chosen by the employer or the organization that requested this document. The enterprise can make any decision about how long after receiving a copy it can be used for its intended purpose. Whereas a bank, as an example, may request a document without leaving the cash desk.

If a copy of the work book, as an ideal example, was drawn up by a notary, then its validity is unlimited.

Rules for copying a work book

You need to correctly certify a copy of the work book as follows.

The original text is typed on a computer, scanned or copied using a copier. Absolutely all pages without exception that contain any entries are subject to duplication. This also applies to the first, that is, title page.

According to the rules, each duplicated page contains the phrase “Copy is correct,” as well as the seal of the last organization where the person worked. Otherwise, a notary's seal is sufficient. Thus, you don’t need to worry about how to correctly write “currently working” in your work book. The entire procedure with a notary usually takes no more than an hour.

How long does a copy last?

At the legislative level, it is not stated anywhere during what period it is possible to present a copy of the work record book certified by the employer or a notary. But credit institutions, Pension Funds and other organizations may have certain requirements. Typically, the “expiration date” of the document is no more than 30 days. When applying for large sums, they may require a copy prepared within 3–14 days.

Please note that if a new entry appears in the work book, then the copied copy made earlier is no longer considered valid. It needs to be redone.

Legal documents

  • Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Issuance of work-related documents and their copies
  • "GOST R 7.0.97-2016. National standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation"

Validity period of a certified copy of the work book

All documents have a certain validity period. Copies of work records are no exception. You need to remember the fact that a certified copy of the book is valid for a month after it is issued. After this, it loses its relevance.

In rare cases, banks refuse to issue a loan to their client for a very large amount, even if the certified copy has not expired, but more than a week has passed since its certification.

By the way, if a person decides to change jobs, the copy automatically loses its validity. Thus, already in a new place, a HR specialist must know how to write “currently working” in the work book. Also, a copy must be made and certified again if the employee quits.

Deadline for issuing a copy

From the moment of contacting the accounting department, human resources department or immediate supervisor, no more than three working days should pass before a copy of the work book with all records and seals is in the hands of the employee. These deadlines are determined by law.

In most cases, it is possible to issue a document before this deadline. It is also important to know what is the validity period for a copy to present it at the place of request.

A certified copy will be valid for exactly one month from the date of registration. It becomes completely invalid in some cases:

  • upon dismissal of an employee;
  • when changing positions.

If the bank demands from you not a copy of the book, but an extract, this means that it is necessary to certify only the sheets of the document that are of interest to the bank employee. Typically this is the last page.

Going on maternity leave or annual leave is not a reason for refusing to certify a copy. The procedure is no different from that described above.

If an employee of the HR department makes a copy for submission to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, all pages, including blank ones, should be certified.

Important point: the difference between an extract and a copy of the work record book

Sometimes confusion arises between two concepts: an extract and a copy of the work book.

An extract is a copy of only the first and necessary pages for the employee.

Therefore, it cannot act as a certified copy of the entire work record book, since it does not give a complete picture of the document.

True, the extract must also be drawn up in accordance with the law and properly certified, otherwise it will not have legal force.

It should be taken into account that the personnel officer has 3 working days . The HR department will issue you a certified copy of the book. Make sure that the copy contains all required details.

At the bottom of the page on each sheet there must be: Such a copy is valid for a month from the date of certification.

If an employee quits or additional entries appear in the work book, the document becomes invalid.

A certified copy of the work book is valid for a month . Hello, I once worked at a savings bank and earned a pension under a corporate program. Now, in order to receive it, they require a copy of the work book certified by the personnel authority of Sberbank, although now I work in another organization. Do they have the right to certify such a copy? Hello, when submitting documents to UTZN, they asked me for an extract from the work book, a copy of the entire work book, certified by seals.

How can I do it? You need to contact the HR department of your organization where you work.

Who has the right to certify labor documents?

The law provides for persons responsible for storage and having the right to certify copies of documents. As a rule, this is a HR specialist and the head of the organization.

When it comes to issuing a copy to the CEO himself, the director (or, in other words, the head of the organization), or, alternatively, one of the founders of the company, takes over. In small organizations, the enterprise accountant deals with all such issues, completely replaces the personnel officer and performs all his functions.

How can you reclassify an article?

An authorized person for maintaining and storing work books will make a certified copy in the prescribed manner and make an extract from the work book.

From the comments: I don’t work, I have a work book in my hands. Our middle child is disabled, my husband takes extra days off from work to care for a disabled child, he needs to be provided with a certified copy of my work record book at work. Who should assure her???

The work record book is certified by the employer or an authorized person for maintaining and storing work records. If you don’t work, then there is no one to reassure you about it.

The head or director of your enterprise, as well as the head of the personnel department, have the right to certify work records. In small enterprises, the chief accountant also has the right to provide certification.

Who is responsible for the document

In large organizations, the HR department is responsible for all documents related to hiring.
Specialists are required to keep all documents and present them upon request of the employee. They certify any document. In smaller companies, small LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, these responsibilities are taken on by the deputy director for human resources or an accountant. This is the same person who conducted the interview and completed the paperwork.

The work book itself is not issued to the employee (exceptions are if it was requested from the office of the Pension Fund and Social Security Funds, if the employee resigns). In other cases, an unscrupulous employee receiving his book in his hands may end up with him getting a job in another place under the labor code, which is prohibited by law. Only part-time work is permitted on a contractual basis.

If a citizen does not work anywhere, but has already accumulated experience, then the document is kept at his home. How to properly certify a copy of a work record book will be explained at the notary office.

How to certify a work book: sample

From the comments: I am certifying the work book for an employee who is currently on maternity leave. All entries in the work book are made on the basis of Orders. They hire me to work part-time. And they ask you to provide a copy of your employment record from your main place of work. Am I obligated to provide it to them or is it not necessary? Is it possible to get into the employer's records in a copy of the work book with the words correct, position, date?? If everything in it is written down to the last line.

The work record book is certified in the available places. Employers' records cannot be accessed. Most often, if there is no free space on the copy, you need to put part of the city in the lower right corner, and a continuation on the back.

A complete copy of the work record is not always required. It is often sufficient to provide information relating to individual periods included in the work experience. In this case, the surname and initials of the certifying person must be indicated.

The seal impression should be located directly on the signature and partially on the text, but not on the empty field of the form.

How to prepare a sample work book “Working at the present time”

First of all, it will be a convenient database for providing basic information. The operation is based on a user-friendly interface and quick search for the right employee. Opportunity for specialists of the Pension Fund and social services to obtain important information. During initial employment, a person is added to the database, and subsequent employers only make their own adjustments, adding a new position and changing the employee’s place of work. The application approval period is 3 days, and the copy processing period is one week. These periods are specified in special internal instructions. The issued copy is valid only for a month from the date when the employee himself signed it, so this point should be taken into account.

How to certify a copy of a work record book

In the specialist’s work book, the personnel officer enters the serial entry number and the date of admission to part-time work after the entry about the main position. The job information indicates the position and structural unit to which the employee is hired. It must be stated that this work is a combination for him. The basis for the entry is an order for admission to an additional position; the personnel officer writes its number and date.

The personnel officer of the main place of work makes an entry in the employee’s work book about his hiring for part-time work, the basis of which is one of the submitted documents. Moreover, the full name of the organization, the name of the position and the structural unit of the additional place of work are indicated. It is recommended that the employee keep the certificate on company letterhead about part-time work in the work book and present it when required.

How to correctly make entries in the work book about dismissal

A document such as a work book records all the information about where work activities were carried out throughout one’s life. This is a document that shows the total work experience. It indicates the dates the person was hired and records the dismissal.

Recently, the question of canceling such books has been very often raised due to employers registering workers in accordance with the terms of the TD. All data on tax deductions is transferred and recorded to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Today there are quite a lot of fake books and entries in them. However, despite this, this document is still in force, and there is no talk of canceling it yet.

The first labor books were published by the Soviet government in 1919. At that time, such a book replaced an identity card; all data on public works, labor activity, marriage, and military service were entered into it. In 1922, work books were abolished, and in 1938, the USSR government approved the decree “On the introduction of work books.” Such a document could be obtained at production. And such books remained unchanged until 1973 (the last changes occurred in 2003).

The Russian labor book was issued in 2004. On it, the Soviet coat of arms was changed to Russian, and the cover color was changed to gray. The number of pages was increased to 44. Anti-counterfeit measures were improved.

To whom is the work book issued?

Currently, an entry in the book is made for each employee who works at the enterprise for more than 5 days.

Until 2006, individual entrepreneurs in Russia could not make entries in their work books. Today, individual entrepreneurs are allowed to make notes on the same basis as organizations; this document must be maintained in accordance with all the rules. Responsibility for filling out the book falls on the employer, and it happens:

  • administrative;
  • disciplinary;
  • material.

A note in the work book is made for each employee who has worked at the enterprise for more than 5 days, and this is the main job. In addition, the employee is hired through TD. When concluding a civil contract (civil contract), a mark in the work book is not carried out.

When registering, you must provide a work record book, diploma, passport and other documents required for concluding a TD.

If a person is registered for the first time, the work book is provided by the employer. After payment from the place of work, the book is handed over to the person.

Regarding records of work under part-time conditions, they are made in the organization on the initiative of the employee himself. First, a record is made about the main work, and after it - about the additional work.

The work book is included in the list of required documents for concluding a TD, but it happens when the employee cannot present it (it is lost, damaged, etc.). Then you should contact your previous employer to obtain a copy of it. If this option is not acceptable, the employer issues a new employment document, according to the employee’s application, indicating the reason for not providing the previous one. The employer cannot, from the employee’s words, restore records of previous places of work, so the first entry in the new book will be the mark from the current place.

If you lose your book, you cannot cancel a new one. Each work record is recorded in a special accounting book and refers to a strict reporting document.

The employer does not bear penalties in the form of unaccounted length of service due to the presence of two books. Data on the transfer of taxes from previous places of work is in the database of the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. The second labor law does not annul the legitimacy of the first. If the following places of work ask about the presence of two books, you can provide a copy of the employee’s application for the issuance of a new one with the specified reason.

Rules for filling out a work book

Instructions for filling out a work book were drawn up in 2003 by the Ministry of Labor and its main criteria are (open):

  • The work book is filled with the following colors of paste: blue, black, purple.
  • Abbreviations are not allowed. For example: “article” to “st.” or “Labor Code” to “TK”.
  • Dates are marked with Arabic numbering.
  • Corrections or deletion of incorrect or invalid entries are not permitted. If necessary, “the entry under No. (indicate the corresponding number) is made to be considered invalid.”
  • At the time of conclusion of the TD, the employee is provided with a book, the title page of which has already been filled out. If the work form is being filled out for the first time, it must be completed within 7 days.

There are certain rules for filling out the title page of a document:

There are certain rules for filling out the title page of a document (open):

  • The full name is written without abbreviations, as indicated in the passport;
  • education data is entered based on diploma, certificate, etc.;
  • if the employee continues his studies, the mark is made according to the extract from the given institution (student card or grade book).

After filling out the title page, the employee signs his data, and the HR department that filled out the labor page indicates the date and puts the organization’s seal. All changes in the employee’s personal information are made with reference to a document (marriage certificate, passport, change of surname, etc.), indicating their corresponding number and date. The previous information is crossed out with one line and the new one is indicated. A link to the document according to which the changes were made is written on the reverse side of the title page, the employee’s signature and the institution’s seal are affixed. Records regarding education and professions are not corrected, but supplemented. There is no need to make references to documents on additional education.

When information about the fact of hiring is indicated, the name of the organization (in full or abbreviated form), position, number of the acceptance order and the date of registration are written.

The position, specialty, profession is indicated in the same way as stated in the employer’s staffing table. If benefits or restrictions are expected, entries are made as stated in qualified reference books. If an employee, while working at an enterprise, receives a rank or an additional profession, then this entry is made in the work book.

Filling out and receiving a work book upon dismissal

When an employee is dismissed, an entry is made in the employment record indicating the date, reason and document according to which the employee is dismissed. This could be an order, an act, an order. When dismissal from one place of work due to transfer to another place, a note of dismissal is made with a mandatory indication of the reason: the employee’s request or his consent. Here the next entry will indicate whether the employee is hired or transferred.

The book is issued to the employee on the day when the TD ceases to be valid. If an employee cannot receive a work permit, the employer is obliged to notify the employee of the need to come to the HR department to obtain the document. To send this document by mail, the employee's consent is required. This relieves the employer of responsibility for late issuance of the work book. Upon receiving the work book, the employee signs in the labor movement record book and in the personal card. Work books, inserts and their copies must be kept by the employer until they are required. Books that were not in demand are stored for 75 years.

Problems that may arise when filling out a work book upon dismissal are related to the correct formulation of the reason. Their peculiarity is that the requirements set out in the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of 2003 contradict the Labor Code.

It is necessary to consider in more detail using an example

So, the record of an employee leaving at his own request, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Labor, looks like this: “Dismissed at his own request, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.” But the note in the labor report about the reasons for the expiration of the TD is carried out exactly as required by the Labor Code or other federal law. In this case, the number, part and paragraph of the article are indicated. And in paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code the following wording is indicated: “Termination of trade unions on the initiative of the worker.” It turns out that the correct entry looks like this: “TD is terminated at the initiative of the employee, paragraph three, part one, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.” From the example it is clear that a completely different reason for leaving and a record of dismissal is obtained, and part of the article is also added.

Having studied the nuances of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the instructions of the Ministry of Labor, we can identify several formulations that are made when dismissing an employee. These options are considered acceptable, and the notice of dismissal will be correct and valid. So, the dismissal record is made as follows:

  • TD is terminated by agreement of the parties;
  • TD is terminated upon expiration;
  • TD is terminated if the employee refuses to continue working under TD, the terms of which have been changed;
  • TD was terminated based on circumstances beyond the control of the parties (due to the conviction of the employee).

Examples are given from the most popular dismissal records, and which one to make is decided directly by the employer.

How to properly certify a copy of a work record book

The work book is stored at the enterprise during the period of employment and is not handed out - this is a fact. If a person needs a loan, subsidy or paperwork that includes experience, a properly certified copy is needed. Based on my work experience, I can say that the certification procedure at our company is entrusted to either me or the company manager. Let's figure out how to properly ban a document so that you, future accountants, don't have your ears burning.

Very often situations arise when it is necessary to provide a work book. This could be a loan from a bank or various subsidies from the relevant authorities. But according to the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer does not have the right to issue the original work book to the employee until the latter is dismissed. Therefore, a copy or extract of the work record book is prepared for provision at the place of request.

  1. To obtain a copy or extract, you must submit an application addressed to the head of the enterprise, and, if there is a personnel department, to his head. This practice exists in large organizations with a large number of employees. For an employee of a small structure, it is enough to confine himself to a verbal message about the need to obtain a copy of the work book. According to clause 7 of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 dated April 16, 2003, the relevant official issues such a document no later than 3 days from the date of submission of the application.
  2. A complete copy of the work record is not always required. It is often sufficient to provide information relating to individual periods included in the work experience. Then the HR employee makes a copy only of the first page containing personal data and of the pages relating to the required period. It is not necessary to make copies using a photocopier. You can type identical text on your computer. This method is preferable if the entries in the book are made in illegible handwriting or it is impossible to make a high-quality photocopy.
  3. A copy of the work book will have legal force if it is properly certified. The inscription “Copy is correct” is applied to each page, which is confirmed by the signature of an authorized person and seal. In this case, the surname and initials of the certifying person must be indicated. A photocopy of the work book sheet with the last entry is marked with the phrase “Works to date” and is certified in the same way as other pages. The seal impression should be located directly on the signature and partially on the text, but not on the empty field of the form. Otherwise, the copy may be considered invalid.

A limited number of employees have the right to certify copies of work records. This is usually the head of the enterprise or the head of the personnel department. In small companies, if there is no HR department, the document can be certified by the chief accountant. If a copy of the work record book is required by a pensioner or a person who is not currently working, you can contact the personnel department at your last place of work, whose specialists are required to prepare the document in the proper way.

Only the last page of the copied work book can be certified. To do this, all prepared sheets must be sewn together, and the thread must be brought to the last sheet and glued with a small form on which the number of pages to be certified is indicated and the signature of an authorized person is affixed. The seal imprint should be located on the signature, partially on the form with information and on the last sheet of the work book to which it is affixed. You should be very careful when preparing a duplicate or extract from the work book, since an incorrectly certified copy may be considered invalid.

How to prepare a sample work book “Working at the present time”

If it is necessary to receive benefits, a pension or disability, a non-working person with a work permit in hand must make a photocopy of the pages and contact a notary for certification. The organization where the copy will be provided should clarify whether all pages are required or just the first and last. The reason for the clarification is that if you need to know completely all the stages of employment and dismissal, then all pages are needed, but if you just verify the status at a specific moment, then the first and last page is enough. The copy is made on only one side of the sheet, as evidenced by Decree PVS No. 9779-X. The notary must staple all the sheets, stitch them and put a stamp that the copy is correct, indicate his details and personal signature. This service is paid, so check its cost. The advantage of the electronic format will be the fact that the information will be available to company management and HR managers, banks and other organizations where copies of this document often have to be provided. The disadvantages are still being debated, but you should think about ways to backup data in case of DDOS attacks or server hacking. But we can definitely conclude that access and work with such a database will be much more convenient, and the human factor is eliminated.

21 Dec 2021 marketur 219

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Certification of a copy of the work record book

Providing a certified copy of your work record is a common condition for issuing a consumer loan.

There is a range of loan amounts when a copy of the work record is not required, and you can choose a loan program “using two documents.” However, better proof of employment usually leads to better lending terms—in terms of the loan amount and the interest paid on the loan.

Advice: don’t attribute experience to yourself if there is nowhere to attribute it

“New Labor” is still no matter what, different things happen. When the work book of the TK-III series describes expiring experience, it’s not even funny. Isn’t it easier in this case to do without labor at all?

Practice shows that very often the work record book is certified incorrectly by the employer. The reason is simple: it is believed that an accountant or personnel officer “know how to assure” themselves. But they often don’t know when checking. It is necessary to make copies of all pages of the work book that have entries.

It is desirable that the copy quality be good. Don't change the zoom on the photocopier. Do not print the scan.

On the copy of the work book, after the last entry, on the next line, an entry must be made containing (open):

  • record number;
  • text “currently in operation”;
  • date of certification of the copy of the work book;
  • position of certifier;
  • surname and initials of the certifier;
  • seal.
  • Below each page of the copy of the work book there must be a record: who certified (last name, initials); position of certifier (for example: chief accountant); when he assured; certifier's signature.

A common error is that the print does not capture the copy and is in a “blank” area on the page.

The seal must be placed so as to capture the copy.

Above is an example of the correct certification of a copy of a work record book to be provided as part of a set of documents for a loan.

Note that:

  • a certification inscription such as the one below must be on each page of the copy of the work book;
  • “live” seals and certification inscriptions are made on photocopies;
  • stamps capture photocopy.

How to properly certify a copy of a work record book to obtain a loan

Sometimes a bank, along with other documents, requires a certified copy of a work record book to approve a loan, apply for a loan or mortgage. When it is in a person’s arms, this does not cause any difficulties. But what should an employee do to obtain a certified copy of this book if the employer has it? If you have the book in your hands, you just need to contact a notary office to have its copy certified. For the notarization procedure, you need to prepare a passport or other document that confirms your identity. When there are no such documents, you can use a power of attorney.

When all the rules are met (the identity is established, the requirements imposed by law for certified documentation are met), the notary copies the work book and certifies it in accordance with the established sample. On average, this entire procedure takes half an hour.

If there is an employment relationship that is formalized in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the work book must be kept in the employing organization.

Therefore, to obtain a copy, you need to contact personnel officers or directly the manager.

You should write an application addressed to the director to receive a certified copy of the book for submitting it to the bank. It should be taken into account that the personnel officer has 3 working days to carry out the procedure.

The HR department will issue you a certified copy of the book. Make sure that the copy contains all required details. At the bottom of the page on each sheet there should be:

  • the phrase “Copy is correct”;
  • seal of the employing organization;
  • Full name, position and signature of the person authorized to certify a copy of the book;
  • date of certification.

The last page, in addition to the above entries, must contain the following:

  • entry “Currently working in the position...”;
  • Full name of the witness, his position, signature, date, seal.

This copy is valid for a month from the date of certification. If an employee quits or additional entries appear in the work book, the document becomes invalid.

In what cases will a copy of the book be invalid?

When applying for social benefits or issuing a loan from a bank, the party accepting documents from the applicant most often makes claims based on the condition of the copy of the work report. You need to immediately find out how to certify a copy of a work record book so that there are no unpleasant surprises:

  • all seals should cover part of the text, and not be located to the side;
  • there should be no extraneous signatures or notes in the document;
  • In order to correctly certify the received document, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the requested party (sometimes all pages are needed).

There are two forms for submitting a certified copy - a separate photocopy on a sheet or bound pages. In the second case, photocopies are folded like a regular book and hemmed with white thread. On the last sheet there is a stamp stating that the document is certified, the seal of the organization, the signature and transcript of the employee responsible for this.

Examples of entries in a work book

A work book is necessary in order to reflect in it data on any work activity of a person. An employee who works for the first time in his life receives a work book from the employer (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The rules and procedure for filling out these documents are described in the “Code of Rules on Conducting Labor.” This resolution also contains information regarding the production and printing of labor and relevant forms. In addition, the representative of the employing company is obliged to hand over all forms of the work book to the employees who are hired. This is all regulated by a state decree of the Russian government, which was adopted on April 16, 2004. resolution number 255. Below in the text this document will be called the Rules.

How to make all the entries correctly

It is impossible to fill out a work book without any rules. Free form filling is not allowed. At the moment, there is a special instruction, which was approved by a decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, founded on October 10, 2003. The number of this resolution is 69.

When directly applying for a job, a future company employee is required to hand over his work record book to an employee of the HR department. It is this specialist who will subsequently make entries in the body of this working document. As for those specialists who have started work for the first time in their lives, they are provided with employment by the company that hired them for the position. All entries in it will be made in accordance with the issued orders and resolutions made and adopted at the enterprise.

Attention! All entries are made in one color. They must be done carefully, without typos or blots. In the future, if the numbers of orders or work acceptance certificates do not match, the total work experience may be incorrectly calculated.

So, below we will talk about the various entries that are made in the labor report:

  • the entry in the work book is considered invalid - if an incorrect entry was made in the work book, for example, a typo was made in the name of the specialty of the future employee, then it will be necessary to provide the same number of the employment order, but the date of admission is changed for the next one this month. The paragraph on the name of the specialty indicates the new position.
  • entry in the work book about education sample - in accordance with the rules for filling out this information, information about education is indicated on the title page of the document (select the required line and indicate the form of education received). It should be taken into account that the profession and specialty of the future employee indicate exactly the one for which he is accepted.
  • a fixed-term employment contract, a record of it in the body of the employment contract - such an agreement is concluded in cases where the company’s management does not have the opportunity to conclude a long-term contract for the provision of services. Based on the resolution and rules, information about the fixed-term contract is entered into the body of the document. If it is impossible or impossible to determine the date of completion of the contract, then the data is not indicated at all.
  • renaming an organization entry in the work book - this entry is made if there is a typo or error in the name of the organization or its legal form. The correction is made by a specialist from the HR department in the same form as in case of an error in the name of the specialty. You can read the guide on how to stitch and certify documents here.
  • temporary transfer entry in the work book - entered into the body of the document in accordance with the decision made or a previously issued order.
  • an entry in the work book is hired - this entry is made in accordance with state standards. Indicate the number of the employment order, its date and the specialty for which the specialist is being hired.
  • sample award entry in the work book - this entry is entered in a specially designated column. It contains all the information about receipt of the award, the order number and its date of assignment.
  • A sample work book is still in use - this entry, like the entry for employment, requires accuracy and must be entered in the appropriate column at the hiring stage. In the future, additional orders are indicated below it. There is no need to enter additional data or redo the entry if the employee continues to properly fulfill his obligations.
  • renaming a position in a work book sample - in order to make changes to the record of the position of an employee hired for permanent or part-time work, you will need to indicate the number of the appointment order and the new date. If a technical error was made, the order remains the same, but the date is set on a specific day. A new entry is made in the position column.
  • part-time work entry in the work book - the resolution and rules state that if it is necessary to enter data on part-time work, they are entered as a separate item.

Sample receipt

If this document was provided to a company employee along with other copies of documentation continuously related to the work, then it is worth mentioning this in the body of the application.

If an employee died for any reason, and relatives needed to obtain all the necessary documents from his employer, then this process also has certain rules. Initially, the employee's representative is provided with a receipt. A receipt is issued only if you have a special visa. It is issued to an employee of an organization or enterprise in free form in the presence of a witness (individual). The relative will need to have a document confirming his identity. Otherwise, you won’t be able to get a work book from the HR department.

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