Explanatory note about health status

Explanatory note about absence from work

Absenteeism is a softer definition of the word “truancy”, a serious disciplinary violation. Even a single admission can initiate the dismissal of the guilty employee. But sometimes the reasons for absenteeism may well be considered valid by the employer. The punishment may be reduced or not imposed at all.

  • addressee (manager) and addressee (guilty) - in the upper right corner;
  • the title of the document is in the middle;
  • the text of the explanation must be concise and not exceed one handwritten page;
  • indication of the date of absence;
  • the most formal style of formulating reasons;
  • If possible, indicate supporting documents in the application.

Sample letter of explanation for absence from work on weekends

In large enterprises where a large number of people work, it is difficult to control the process verbally. Therefore, when working with a team, special internal documentation is used. This includes all kinds of internal memos.

The absence of an employed citizen from the workplace for 4 hours for an unexcused reason is considered absenteeism. If an offense of this nature is detected, the employer conducts an investigation, during which each party to the employment relationship must complete the necessary paperwork.

Sample letter of explanation for absence from work on weekends

We must not forget that it is precisely such a document that is the basis for making conclusions and the amount of punishment. Such a sample is of an informational nature and cannot act as a mandatory guideline when drawing up such a document. To the director of Alphabet LLC, P. Petrov.

  1. He was locked at home by his wife and could not get out due to the lack of a key;
  2. Flooded neighbors and took measures to eliminate the consequences;
  3. Delivered a cat's birth;
  4. My husband did not let me go to work due to an attack of jealousy.
  5. Witnessed the accident and gave relevant evidence to the inspector;
  6. Was involved in a fight, as a result of which he ended up in police custody;
  7. I missed the only bus and walked to work;
  8. I attended a rally in support of Putin;

Explanatory note for absence from work on your day off

Good afternoon. Unfortunately, the command is right, since: UVS RF AF PART ONE MILITARY SERVICEMEN AND THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THEM Chapter 1. RIGHTS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF MILITARY SERVANTS General provisions... If necessary, a serviceman, by order of the commander (chief), is obliged to begin performing the duties of military service at any time.

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If within 2 days from the moment the employer contacts the violator, the latter does not explain the reasons for the absence, the manager draws up a special report on absence from work . It reflects the fact that the employee refused to draw up an explanatory document.

Is it possible to be fired for absenteeism?

The current legislation establishes that the manager has the right to apply disciplinary measures to an employee who has committed a violation of labor duties - reprimand, reprimand, dismissal. The decision on the type of punishment is made by the boss solely based on the specifics of the circumstances. In practice, if the violation was committed for the first time, then instead of dismissal, a more lenient sanction is applied.

The law defines situations when dismissal from office can occur immediately, without warning or reprimand. This also happens in the event of a one-time gross violation of duties by an employee. This also includes absenteeism without a good reason. That is, in case of absence from work for more than four hours, the manager has every right to dismiss the person without applying other measures of influence to him.

Sample of writing an explanatory note on the issue of absenteeism on a day off

Correction: if the absence lasted exactly 4 hours, without a single extra minute, this is not absenteeism; if an employee does not have a personal workplace, but was on the territory of the enterprise, this is also not absenteeism; in the case where a subordinate, for objective reasons, was unable to report his absence on time, then such circumstances can be considered valid.

The conflict of the law lies in the fact that it does not indicate what grounds for absence are considered valid. As a result, conflicts between a boss and an employee arise quite often, and each uses his own argument.

How to write correctly

The explanation is written by hand, in a free format. The presentation must be in business form. The structure of the document contains the following details:

  • the first line in the upper right corner must indicate the name of the enterprise, its organizational and legal form, then the last name, first name, patronymic of the manager to whom an explanation is given;
  • in the middle of the sheet the name is written - an explanatory note about absence from work;
  • followed by an explanation of the reasons for non-appearance, they are written in free form;
  • At the bottom is the date the document was written with the signature of the originator;
  • if there are good reasons for failure to appear, they are indicated in the text of the explanatory note; documents are attached to the note.

Rules for drawing up an explanatory note:

  1. The presentation style should be businesslike, concise, but at the same time as clear as possible.
  2. All details must be met in the document, in particular, the correct name of the enterprise or company must be indicated in the header;
  3. The title of the document must be in the middle of the sheet; a prerequisite is its correct indication.
  4. The document must have an originating number and registration date.
  5. The document must bear the signature of the originator and position in the organization.

Unexcused reasons:

  1. The person is absent from work for more than 4 hours in a row.
  2. The management of the enterprise was not notified that the employee would not be at work.
  3. The fact of absenteeism was recorded and documented.

IMPORTANT: If the absence lasted 3 hours 59 minutes, this is not absenteeism; if the employee was on the territory of the enterprise, but he does not have a workplace, this is also not absenteeism.

If a person was unable to inform the employer that he would not come to work for good reasons, this is not considered absenteeism.

Valid reasons:

  • sick leave;
  • fulfillment of duties given by the state;
  • donation;
  • arrest;
  • detention;
  • unfavorable climatic conditions;
  • problems with transport accessibility;
  • summons to court;
  • wages are delayed for more than two weeks.

After drawing up an explanation, the document is registered in the management office. You can give the document to the manager himself or to the secretariat. The employee is required to provide an explanation for failure to show up for work within 2 days (workers).

Sample design and content of an explanatory letter for absenteeism at work

For some reason the person did not show up for work. What is an explanatory note for absenteeism at work, a sample design, and what significance is attached to this document? The reasons for absenteeism can be different - from force majeure events to banal binge drinking.

Valid reasons for absence include those related to the health of the employee or his relatives. A sudden sharp deterioration in health, hospitalization of you or your spouse, mother or father will explain both the absence from work and the cell phone with all the work numbers forgotten at home in the chaos.

Explanatory note about absence from work sample

  • the date the document was drawn up and its entry number when registered with the secretary. If the manager does not have a secretary and does not record incoming documentation, then there is no need to enter a number;
  • the title is the basis. In this case, “absenteeism from work”;
  • document text. Here the offending employee succinctly describes the reasons why he did not come to work on the specified day. If there is a document confirming his words, he should indicate this in this part of the note;
  • then he puts his signature and deciphers it.

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An explanatory note is an official document in which an employee explains to his management the reasons for a particular disciplinary offense. The employer does not have the right to impose a disciplinary sanction on the employee who has obeyed, without requiring and receiving an explanatory note from him.

Deadline for submitting an explanatory note

It is immediately necessary to clarify an important fact: strict standards for providing explanatory notes are enshrined only in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

. The employee only has 2 days to provide the note before they may face disciplinary action.

As for universities, the deadlines for providing explanatory notes are set by the administration. A student, as a rule, has no clear deadline, but it must be reasonable. Most often, you are required to provide an explanation for missing classes the next day, but there may be delays of up to 2-3 days.


Sample of writing an explanatory note on the issue of absenteeism on a day off

Place the name of the document under the header. Below write the number and date of the note. After this, in the text of the document, it is necessary to clearly state the essence and reasons for the disciplinary violation. If you have a document confirming the reason for your absence, for example, a certificate from a doctor, it must be attached to the note without fail.

Any person, even the most punctual, can be late for work or miss work, often due to circumstances that are beyond his control. Although there are also individuals who, through their own fault, skip work, and then write ridiculous explanatory notes, the plot of which can be taken as the basis for some kind of comedy. From a legal point of view, an explanatory note about absenteeism is an official document in which the person explaining it tells senior management the reason that prompted him not to show up at the workplace. Absenteeism is a fact of violation of labor discipline, which cannot be left without punishment.

Rules for drawing up a document

There is no set pattern for writing this type of note. The Labor Code states that it is drawn up in free form, by hand, and must be in a business style. Let's look at how to write an explanatory note for absenteeism.

General shape and structure

Any document must be drawn up according to certain rules. The explanatory note must contain the following structural elements:

  1. The name of the organization, position and name of the manager to whom the application is being submitted is in the upper right corner.
  2. The title of the document is an explanatory note for work for absenteeism.
  3. The reasons for absence are stated in free form. If there are valid reasons, supported by documents, then a link to them should be given in this section. The materials themselves are attached to the application.
  4. At the end there is a signature and date.

It is important to know! The validity of the reason for absence will be determined by the company management, since there is no approved list in labor legislation. Please note that confirmed sick leave, vacation or business trip are not absenteeism.

Mandatory information

Despite the fact that there is no approved sample document, certain rules for drawing up the form have been formed over the years. Recommendations on what to write in an explanatory note about absenteeism include:

  • adhere to a business style;
  • do not include emotional overtones of events, present facts and circumstances dryly;
  • write a header and put a signature at the bottom - this gives the document legal force.

If an employee was absent from the workplace, but was on the territory of the enterprise, then this cannot be classified as a pass. When clarifying what to write in the explanatory note for absenteeism in such a situation, we note that you need to refer to evidence of coming to work.

Reasons for absence

The reasons for non-appearance may or may not be valid. It is recommended to write truthful information, since providing deliberately false information will aggravate the situation. In practice, only those that are documented are considered to be taken into account. For example, if a person’s health has sharply deteriorated and he is admitted to the hospital, the medical institution issues him a corresponding certificate.

Other valid grounds include:

  • performing government tasks, for example, working on an election commission;
  • donation – given two days off;
  • arrest by internal affairs bodies or appearance in court;
  • natural disasters or traffic congestion caused by circumstances beyond human control;
  • wages are delayed by more than two weeks.

In the latter case, the employee must notify the company management in writing of the refusal to leave due to non-compliance with the terms of the employment contract. Noting how to write an explanatory note at work for absenteeism in such a situation, let’s say that it is necessary to refer to the previously submitted document.

How to write an explanatory note for not going to work on a day off

Article 142 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation In case of delay in payment of wages for a period of more than 15 days, the employee has the right, by notifying the employer in writing, to suspend work for the entire period until the delayed amount is paid. Suspension of work is not allowed: An employee who was absent from the workplace during his working hours during the period of suspension of work is obliged to return to work no later than the next working day after receiving written notification from the employer of readiness to pay the delayed wages on the day the employee returns to work.

Hello, our company is delaying wages, while the management is demanding too much, going beyond the limits. If I write a letter of absence from work, can I be fired for this? Maybe there are some nuances? And secondly, what evidence is needed to prove and receive money not according to the contract when paying wages through the court, such as interest and bonuses? Or can a first-class specialist do this?

Refusal to give explanations

Recognition of the fact of absenteeism in the explanatory note is important, since it is on the basis of the employee’s admission that a penalty is imposed on him. But what if an explanatory note about absenteeism was not drawn up by the employee after the corresponding request was sent to him?

Of course, this does not mean that he cannot be punished. In this case, it will be necessary to draw up an act of refusal to give explanations, which must be certified by the drafter and at least two witnesses. The report is drawn up in the absence of explanations within two working days after the request or immediately after the employee’s categorical refusal to give them. After drawing up this act, a disciplinary sanction may be imposed on the employee.

How to write an explanatory note for work

The most precarious starting position is for those who missed work time for family reasons. Since the employee managed to leave without permission, then the explanatory note for work should contain the most convincing reasons.

  • In Article 193, as a mandatory stage before applying or refusing a disciplinary sanction for misconduct (absenteeism, tardiness, damage to property, official misunderstanding);
  • In Article 229.2, as one of the evidence, when conducting an investigation into cases of injury or other misfortune in the workplace;
  • In Article 247, as a basis for establishing the degree of guilt in causing material or non-material damage to an enterprise.

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Example of an explanatory note about absence from work

This procedure for assessing the reasons for absenteeism usually causes a lot of disputes between the employer and the employee. It is worth knowing that writing an explanatory note is not the employee’s responsibility, however, without his explanation, failure to appear will be classified as such without appeal.

And the main question remains: how to write an explanatory note for absenteeism at work so as not to be fired? To avoid dismissal, the employee should pay special attention to the column with the reasons for absence. You should not write overly emotional sentences, but instead use arguments that will help you defend him in the future.

How to write an explanatory letter at work about absenteeism

In some situations, an employee may not wait for the start of the procedure for issuing, for example, a disciplinary sanction or an investigation into the reasons that caused damage to the organization, but independently provide an explanation of the action taken, documenting this in a memo addressed to management.

Russian labor legislation allows for the possibility of missing a work shift for a valid reason. However, the law does not provide precise instructions as to which circumstances can be considered valid and which entail dismissal.

How to write a note to school about a child's absence

  1. You will need an A4 sheet or notebook sheet. It is better to prefer the first option.
  2. Visually divide the sheet into two parts. At the top right, write the full name of the person (teacher, director) to whom this explanatory note is addressed, the full name of the educational institution (school), city.
  3. Next, indicate the author of the note (full name of the parent or other accompanying person), address, and contact information. Full name should be indicated in the genitive case.
  4. Then you should step back a few centimeters from the previous entries.
  5. In the middle of the page, write “Explanatory Note” in capital letters.
  6. Next, the parent or other person drawing up the explanatory note describes the reason why the child did not attend the educational institution on a given day.
  7. Indicate the exact date (day) or period of time during which the child was absent from classes at the educational institution. This part should only take a couple of lines.
  8. At the bottom of the page on the left, after the main text, you should indicate the date the explanatory note was written, and on the right, put your signature and write its transcript.

A note from parents is an official document that allows a student to be excused from attending classes for a specified period of time. Since the explanatory note is a real document, it requires special formatting and is provided under certain circumstances.

21 Dec 2021 marketur 435

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Sample of writing an explanatory note on the issue of absenteeism on a day off

If the employee does not show up to his workplace, the employer can try to find out the reason for the absence. If the reason is not clear or it is unjustified, then it is necessary to record the fact of the employee’s absenteeism. To do this, an absence from work report is drawn up; a sample of such a report can be downloaded here.

23 Aug 2021. No matter what the personnel officers say, no one is immune from absenteeism, not even the most notorious workaholic. Indeed. Urgently write an explanatory note. Bye for now. example of an explanatory note.

When to write an explanatory note

In case of absence from the workplace for more than 4 hours, an employee of the enterprise is obliged to write an explanatory note. This is a written explanation of what happened to him, the reasons for the action. Labor legislation clearly distinguishes between two types of reasons, which are divided into valid and disrespectful. Depending on which of the reasons is reflected in the document written by the employee, the algorithm for the employer’s subsequent actions depends.


  • registration of sick leave due to the illness of the employee himself, children, or to care for disabled family members;
  • funeral;
  • participation in court hearings and operational activities;
  • liquidation of an emergency at the employee’s place of residence;
  • elimination of emergency consequences;
  • Accidents on city highways.

Valid reasons must be documented. In particular, the documents may be:

  • sick leave;
  • certificate from a medical institution;
  • agenda;
  • traffic police certificate;
  • document from the housing department.

If the head of the company was warned in advance that the employee would not come to work, this cannot be considered absenteeism.

Unexcused reasons: failure to provide supporting documents of absence from work for more than 4 hours.

The explanation given by the employee in writing serves as an official document, redirected from the employee to the personnel department. In this document, the employee explains his actions. If the employee has documents that could justify him, they should definitely be attached to the note. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides only a clear distinction between valid and disrespectful reasons. But no understanding is given of what can be considered valid reasons and what cannot be considered. It follows from this that only the employer will evaluate the totality of reasons. Thus, it turns out that his assessment will be subjective, which cannot but cause concern if the personal relationship between these two people is quite strained.

It is not the employee's responsibility to write this note. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a mandatory rule regarding the writing of an explanation. But failure to draw up this document in practice is regarded as an admission by the employee of his guilt.

Explanatory note about truancy

  • document header - the name of the organization, position, surname and initials of the person to whom the explanatory note is addressed (as a rule, it is written in the name of the head of the organization or structural unit);
  • name of the document - title “Explanatory Note” (written without quotation marks);
  • date and number of the outgoing document;
  • title to the text;
  • explanatory text - first the fact itself is stated, then the reason for the employee’s absence from the workplace;
  • signature – position, signature, surname and initials of the employee who committed this disciplinary offense.

An explanatory note about absenteeism is an official note in which an employee sets out the reasons and circumstances of absence from the workplace for the entire working day or a significant part of it.

The need for explanatory

Missing one workday or even four hours in a row during a shift is classified as absenteeism. The fact is that the absence of an employee at the workplace can seriously slow down the production process, and therefore the company will suffer losses. The employee is obliged to either notify management in advance of his absence and obtain permission, or submit an explanatory note after the fact.

The imperfection of the legislation is due to the fact that the regulations do not contain a list of valid reasons. It only indicates the grounds when absence cannot be qualified as truancy, provided there is documentary evidence, for example, a certificate from a medical institution or an order for extraordinary or paid leave.

An explanatory note for absenteeism is a document that allows the employer to decide on the application of sanctions. They can be expressed in the form of a warning, reprimand, reprimand and even dismissal. A report is requested if the fact that an employee is absent from the workplace has been established. Failure to appear is recorded by management on the basis of a special act in which the signatures of the team are placed. In accordance with the law, there are several important aspects related to the explanatory note:

  1. The document can only be requested within a month after the offense.
  2. The truancy report must be signed by at least two people.

Refusal to provide an explanatory note is acceptable, but does not play in the employee’s favor, since submitting a document is an opportunity to prove the absence is justified.

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