Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the personnel motivation system

What is personnel assessment

Personnel assessment is a series of techniques that allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of company employees and suitability for the position. At the same time, both personal and professional qualities of employees, the ability of staff to overcome non-standard situations, productivity, and suitability for the position are assessed.

Assessing the qualifications and efficiency of personnel makes it possible to identify which employees are suitable for their positions, and which ones have outgrown it or, on the contrary, do not benefit the company. A number of tests help to identify the weaknesses and strengths of an enterprise’s human assets.

Personnel performance testing helps:

  • correctly calculate the level of competence of the organization’s employees;
  • make a personnel reshuffle by eliminating or promoting distinguished employees to new positions;
  • identify and make a competent selection of missing personnel;
  • motivate staff to improve productivity;
  • bring the company to a new organizational level.

Companies are advised to periodically review the employee's business qualifications. This is done by specially hired people or personnel assessment managers from their own HR department.

The subjects and objects of assessment are identified. The first ones draw up criteria for evaluating effectiveness and carry it out. They are divided into formal (providing official information), informal (supplementing information). Objects are people who are being evaluated.

Personnel assessment and its difference from certification

"Financial Newspaper" Expo
No. 2 March-April 2009
In conditions of instability, personnel assessment takes on a special meaning. During the crisis and minimization of personnel costs, social packages and wages are reduced, massive layoffs of workers occur, each employee is considered as a unit for investing financial capital. In order to properly allocate investments, it is important to have a clear understanding of the capabilities of each representative of the company. In times of crisis, retaining the most effective employees becomes especially important for the company.

Any organization has certain financial, information, and technological resources. At the present stage of development of business technologies, most managers have reached an understanding that human resources are key. Companies compete on the level of professional development of their employees—their knowledge, skills, and abilities. To use this type of capital wisely, it is necessary to correctly determine what it is. Personnel assessment allows us to identify and reveal the potential of each employee and direct this potential towards the implementation of the company’s strategic goals.

Types of personnel assessment

Assessment is carried out in one way or another at every stage of work with personnel. An unscheduled assessment is carried out when management is forced to resort to this procedure, for example, when hiring a new employee, during a test for a new employee, when identifying any problems in interactions between departments or reorganizing the company, or when an employee requests a salary increase or transfer to a new position. etc. In this case, the initiative comes from the employee’s immediate supervisor. A planned personnel assessment is usually carried out on the initiative of the general director, as it allows one to analyze the state of affairs within the company and helps in building a strategy for further development.

Accordingly, the goals of personnel assessment will be different. In the case of a planned assessment, this may include drawing up individual career plans, creating a training and professional development system, creating a personnel reserve, revising the incentive system, developing an action plan for internal PR and HR brand development, validating recruitment techniques, making changes to the organizational structure of the enterprise and introduction of new positions into the staffing table. Forced assessment is carried out to make a decision on a specific issue, and its results are more operational than strategic in nature.

Based on the purposes of personnel assessment, an assessment procedure is developed. There are several types of assessment procedures. Firstly, this is a direct personnel assessment, which is used to assess the employee, his individual qualities and professional knowledge, skills and abilities. The second type is an assessment of performance effectiveness, which is essentially a summing up of the employee’s work over a certain period of time. And finally, the third type of evaluation procedure - job evaluation involves assessing the importance of a certain position for the company with a subsequent assessment of its value.

Ignorance of the differences between these assessment procedures, which differ both in purpose and in methods of implementation, gives rise to one of the common mistakes in personnel assessment - mixing them within the same procedure.

Typical mistakes when conducting personnel assessments

One of the common mistakes in personnel assessment is the discrepancy between real goals and stated ones or, on the contrary, the coincidence of methods for solving several goals, which generates distrust of personnel in the assessment procedure and results. For example, quite often the purpose of personnel assessment is to determine the training needs of personnel, and as a result, mass reductions and layoffs are often carried out. Employees are able to understand that in this case the same tools are used as when assessing an employee’s suitability for the position he occupies (questionnaires aimed at identifying professional knowledge, skills and abilities, specially designed “cases”, competency interviews, ability tests), changes in his material remuneration, assessment of the employee’s potential for promotion to the personnel reserve. This situation causes a natural reaction of rejection, the person becomes withdrawn, and his answers are no longer sufficiently reliable. There is no longer any need to talk about receiving feedback.

One possible way out of this situation is to assess the employee’s training needs by his immediate supervisor. But in order to determine within the framework of an employee’s current activities what and how he needs to be taught, the professional competence of the manager himself, his possession of personnel assessment skills, as well as the ability to provide and receive feedback in a timely manner become especially important.

Another way to overcome difficulties arising from staff distrust of assessment is to provide a transparent, unified system of assessment, training and, preferably, incentives. In this case, it becomes not just important, but necessary to draw up a clear list of competencies, trainings, courses, certificates required to occupy a certain position; ensuring and transmitting variability in the development of a specialist depending on the abilities and interests identified during the assessment of his potential. A clear incentive system, consistent with evaluation and training, will help employees understand why training is needed and how the results of training will affect them personally. These measures will help increase employee confidence not only in personnel assessment, but also in the company’s management as a whole.

One of the possible mistakes during personnel assessment is the lack of a competency model corresponding to the position of the employee being assessed. Without such a model, there is no clear idea of ​​what needs to be assessed and by what criteria. This leads to unnecessary expenditure of resources (both human and material), since the value of the results of such an assessment is practically zero.

It is not always correct to use some techniques that were originally used in clinical psychology when assessing personnel. They can be used as an auxiliary tool to determine a person’s condition at the time of the assessment, but it is hardly possible to take their results into account as the main ones and make management decisions based on them, since these results are not sufficiently correlated with the competencies necessary to engage in any activity. or positions, and may be questioned both by the employee himself and by the judicial authorities.

It is necessary that the assessment procedure be accompanied by qualified specialists. This will avoid a number of mistakes:

  • the so-called edge effect is associated with the fact that only the last period of work (week, day) remains in the manager’s memory, the remaining periods thus fall out of the assessment;
  • Observer bias, which causes personality traits to supersede results. Thus, an introverted, uncharming person may be underestimated, while a sociable employee who has established good relationships in the team will receive overestimates;
  • the impact on the observer of stereotypes regarding gender, age, marital status, etc.;
  • “excellent student effect,” when an employee objectively deserves a bad rating, but the interviewer, under the influence of the employee’s authority, overestimates his rating;
  • error of central tendency associated with fear of extreme judgments: the observer strives to give an average assessment to the observed behavior;
  • “contrast effect” - the tendency of an observer to identify traits in an employee that are opposite to their own;
  • “similarity effect” - the tendency of an observer to identify traits in an employee that are similar to their own;
  • “gala effect” - one factor influences others, as a result of which the generalized impression of the observer leads to a rough perception of behavior, ignoring subtle differences;
  • “condescension effect” - the tendency of the observer to always give a positive assessment of what is happening;
  • “grouping” - occurs in situations where the observer is not inclined to differentiate assessments in the group, although, for example, in a department that achieved poor results, not all employees necessarily performed poorly.

Difference between assessment and certification

A typical mistake in approaches to personnel assessment is the lack of understanding of the differences between the assessment itself and personnel certification, although the differences between these two procedures are quite significant. First of all, the regulatory frameworks do not coincide: assessment is regulated by local regulations of the enterprise, and certification is regulated by federal regulations and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An important factor is that, from a legal point of view, an employee’s salary cannot be reduced, he cannot be demoted or fired based on the results obtained during a personnel assessment; this can only happen based on the results of certification. Otherwise, if an employee who is dissatisfied with management decisions made based on the results of personnel assessment goes to court, the enterprise will inevitably have problems.

However, it should be noted that the goals of personnel assessment are much broader than the goals of certification. Certification is aimed solely at identifying a specialist’s suitability for the position held, and only the employee’s professional knowledge, skills and abilities are taken into account (without taking into account personal characteristics, which nevertheless also affect work efficiency) and only at the current moment, i.e. There is no assessment of the employee’s abilities and potential.

Personnel assessment reveals not only the employee’s suitability for the position he occupies, but is also aimed at assessing the employee’s potential, planning his career growth, receiving feedback, etc.

Thus, the differences between personnel assessment and certification are quite significant, and therefore, it is necessary to be more careful in the use of terms. For personnel assessment carried out in a company, one has only to use the term “certification”, and the procedure acquires a different meaning, a different legal status, as well as decisions made on the basis of its results. These terms should be used taking into account the fact that there is a possibility of legal proceedings with an employee who disagrees with decisions made on the basis of the results of personnel assessment or certification.

Plan for the development and implementation of the assessment procedure

Errors in personnel assessment lead to distortion of the results obtained and, as a consequence, to the adoption of inadequate management decisions. To avoid this, careful consideration must be given to the design and implementation of the assessment procedure.

First of all, it is necessary for the company's management to make a decision on conducting the assessment procedure. To understand the feasibility of conducting an assessment, it is necessary to determine for what purpose it will be carried out and how it will affect the motivation of employees; it is advisable to conduct a preliminary survey of staff. It is necessary to analyze the various valuation methods and, based on this, decide on the valuation method to be used.

Then a decision is made on the composition and creation of a personnel assessment working group, which develops a detailed action plan for the creation and implementation of an assessment system.

There are several stages in creating an assessment system. First, a competency system is created for each position. Secondly, it is necessary to clarify the company’s organizational structure, line reporting, business planning system and key performance indicators. It is important to correlate personnel assessment with the system of compensation and benefits, training and development, career planning for employees, etc. It is also necessary to clarify and revise job descriptions and individual key performance indicators, which should be correlated with corporate performance indicators.

After the General Director approves the results of the working group’s activities, the following documents must be prepared:

  • regulations on personnel assessment at the enterprise (must contain the purpose of the assessment, a detailed description of the procedure and schedule, as well as decisions that will be made based on the assessment);
  • assessment forms;
  • instructions for the manager and employees (must contain a detailed description of all stages of the assessment, recommendations for filling out assessment forms and conducting an assessment interview).

It is advisable to organize information support for the assessment procedure within the company. In addition, it is required to conduct training seminars for managers on personnel assessment (the schedule of seminars must be drawn up and agreed upon in advance). During the seminars, the wishes of managers are necessarily recorded, and adjustments are made based on them.

After this, the actual personnel assessment is carried out. At this stage, consulting support for managers and employees from HR is very important. After collecting, processing and analyzing the data obtained, you can directly approach management decisions based on the results of personnel assessment. These include:

  • promotion of an employee;
  • employee salary increase;
  • ensuring employee training;
  • adding a new position to the company structure;
  • changing the system of motivation and incentives for personnel;
  • revision of the training system;
  • making changes to the organizational structure.

After a year, it is necessary to collect comments from employees and managers regarding the effectiveness of the personnel assessment and adjust this system based on the analysis of the data obtained.

By following this plan for conducting a personnel assessment procedure, you can, if not completely avoid errors during the assessment, then at least partially minimize them.

In what cases is personnel assessment needed?

Russian companies usually do competency assessments not regularly, but only when necessary. Confirmation of personnel qualifications is done in the following cases:

  • with staff turnover in the company;
  • reduced labor productivity;
  • dissatisfaction of workers with salaries, work schedules, working conditions;
  • inefficiency of enterprise management;
  • managing an organization without relying on statistical and analytical indicators;
  • change of management, rules, goals of the enterprise.

Many companies conduct not only an assessment of the usefulness of ordinary employees, but also an assessment of the company's managers.

Payment calculation example

A clear example of the use of a point system is the remuneration of health workers. Doctors and other medical staff, in addition to their regular salaries, receive additional material resources for night shifts, overtime, and overtime. In the budgetary sphere, there are certain specifics in calculating the volume of payments.

To accurately determine an employee’s salary, it is necessary to calculate:

  1. The number of points scored by an employee for a specific period of time. The calculation is made using a special table.
  2. The total number of points for the entire company or institution.
  3. How much will be allocated to workers' salaries?
  4. Individual payment amount for each employee.

Thus, clinic No. 5 in Omsk scored a total of 150 points. The salary fund is limited to 150,000. Nurse Smirnova scored 10 points. Nurse's salary=10/150×150000=10 thousand rubles.

Personnel assessment tasks

Job evaluation is a complex process that requires the use of a number of techniques. Often during such inspections it is necessary to take employees away from the work process to conduct tests.

When assessing the performance of personnel, the manager has a number of tasks:

  1. Competent selection of new personnel that meets the company's requirements. Identifying suitable candidates for open positions. Determining the effectiveness of the personnel selection method. Identifying vacancies that require hiring new employees. Creating a list of criteria for the work of the HR department.
  2. Organization of trainings and education. Checking the effectiveness of the existing training system. Selection of new trainings. Identifying employees who need training.
  3. Valuation of personnel assets. Unbiased measurement of employee performance in perspective and retrospect. Formation of a personnel reserve.
  4. Reducing recruitment costs. Reduced number of interviews. Reducing the work of headhanders. Increasing the speed of personnel selection. Identification of vacancies that should be on the company's staff. Determining the list of necessary incoming specialists (working not on staff, but for hire to perform certain work).
  5. Workflow analysis. Identification of company performance indicators, strengths and weaknesses. Introduction of new labor standards. Improving working conditions. Increasing discipline in the company.
  6. Creating lists of criteria for making decisions in any situation. Carrying out personnel changes, introducing a system of fines and rewards.

Analysis is useful not only for management, but also for employees. Helps assess the possibility of career advancement for specific employees in the future. Qualification tests help select methods for obtaining the necessary qualities and skills of personnel and adjust wages.

Regular testing helps to establish communication between superiors and subordinates, provoke healthy competition, and eliminate misunderstandings in the team.

Personnel assessment methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches

Methods for assessing personnel qualifications are divided into qualitative and quantitative. There are combined options.


Qualitative job assessment is a deep methodology for studying the qualifications of personnel. What matters here is not specific numbers, but an impartial look and a deep dive into the reasons for certain actions of employees.

Qualitative methodology involves studying, analyzing and describing personnel. Includes methods such as:

  1. Checking the completion of tasks. The performance of each employee is reviewed. It is assessed whether the employee copes with the assigned tasks.
  2. Matrix technique. The characteristics of a particular employee are compared with the model of an ideal employee for the position held.
  3. Arbitrary characteristics. An opinion about an employee is formed against the backdrop of outstanding achievements and failures.
  4. 360 degrees. To compile the assessment, management, colleagues, and the employee himself are involved.
  5. Group discussion. Management, experts, and the employee being assessed discuss the characteristics together, making an overall assessment.


In the classification of personnel assessment methods, a quantitative approach is distinguished. This is a more general method. Numbers matter most here. That is, experts calculate the speed, quality and efficiency of completing assigned tasks.

The following quantitative methods exist:

  1. Score based on points. An employee is given points for each completed task within a certain period of time (month or year). The results are calculated.
  2. Rating (rank) method. They make a rating of personnel based on their achievements over a certain period of time (year, quarter, month).
  3. Free scoring. The employee is given points not only for achievements, but also for professional qualities. The results obtained are summarized.

In Russia, the quantitative approach is most popular.


The combined technique combines qualitative and quantitative methods. This position assessment is considered the most accurate:

  1. Sum of marks. The employee's points are summed up for his professional and personal qualities, loyalty to the company, speed and number of tasks completed. The obtained result is compared with the ideal.
  2. Grouping of personnel. Employees are divided into two groups. The first is where the strongest workers are, and the second is where the weakest are. People who will be promoted are selected from a strong group. They decide who to fire from a weak group.


Modern personnel competency assessment allows us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the team and understand how correctly human resources are used. Based on the results, decisions are made on the advisability of training and staff rotation.

Classification of modern methods of personnel assessment:

  1. Certification. Conduct exams on a regular basis (once a year, month, quarter, several years), assessing the knowledge and skills of staff. Sometimes the evaluation is influenced by the employee’s work performance. Top managers, personnel who have been with the company for less than a year, and pregnant women do not undergo certification.
  2. Assessment center. This is a multi-stage, multi-day way of assessing personnel. It requires defining assessment goals, developing a scenario, selecting exercises, developing business games, group discussions, and interviews. Each employee participating in the assessment center is given a verdict (with feedback). An integration session is also held for each participant.
  3. Business games. This is a good way to test and improve a worker’s skills by simulating complex and common situations that arise during the work process.
  4. Key performance indicators. A combination of quantitative and qualitative, managerial and expert, individual and group assessment models is used. This technique allows you to obtain the most complete picture of personnel qualifications.

Question 1: What do we want to achieve?

The answer to this question, it would seem, lies on the surface: to achieve the company's goals, assessing their achievement by key personnel performance indicators. However, for the KPI system to be effective, the indicators by which results are assessed and staff motivation is built must be related to the company’s goals. Often, KPI motivation is developed for executive personnel and middle managers and is in no way tied to the goals that exist at the top level of management, and these goals themselves are not clear enough. Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done when implementing KPIs is to identify and describe, according to SMART criteria, the goals that the enterprise sets for itself. Typically, top-level goals are related to finances, production results, market position: profit, production volume, market share, etc. Determining these goals is the responsibility of the company's top officials.

Stages of assessment

The assessment of positions and the suitability of employees and candidates for them includes several stages. Having gone through all of them, you can form an effective team of highly qualified specialists.


Recruitment involves identifying the most suitable applicants for positions and eliminating those who do not meet the company's requirements. At this stage, personnel are collected that can become part of an ideal work team.

A preliminary assessment of competencies is carried out based on data from previous jobs, education certificates, diplomas, and resumes. Sometimes outside experts are invited to evaluate narrow specialists.

Next, business and personal qualities are assessed. To do this, they conduct an interview and ask you to pass a series of tests. Interviews can be conducted in the office, over the phone or online.

To successfully complete the first stage you need:

  1. Verify the authenticity of the information provided by the candidate. Use experts or send requests to educational institutions that provide certificates. This point also includes testing the knowledge that was declared by the candidate.
  2. Checking the reliability and loyalty of the future employee. They find out the person’s life position, his motivation, and the reason for dismissal from previous jobs.
  3. Clarification of negative moments from the past. They make an inquiry about the criminal record of the future employee, problems at previous places of work, and reputation.

Adaptation of new employees

During the adaptation period, it is important to constantly monitor new personnel, ensure that they are able to join the team and feel comfortable in the workplace. Also, the task of management and top employees is to help selected candidates understand the specifics and subtleties of working in a given company. This will reduce the outflow of newcomers and increase the chances of long-term fruitful cooperation.

At the same time, it is necessary to weed out unsuitable adapters. To identify such employees, regular tests, interviews with management, and surveys of senior colleagues, managers, and clients are carried out.

Personnel Management

When new employees have already joined the team and are actively performing their job responsibilities, job evaluation remains relevant. It allows you to timely identify and eliminate emerging discontent and communication problems, determine the reasons for non-compliance with standards and correct them.

At this stage, qualitative and quantitative methods are used: personnel assessment managers conduct interviews, surveys and group discussions, looking at the speed and quality of solving assigned tasks.

The task of personnel management is to increase team efficiency and reduce the turnover of new personnel. To increase the loyalty of valuable employees, a system of motivations, bonuses, salary increases, and career advancement are being developed. Weak personnel are considered as temporary employees.


Layoffs will become a profitable decision for business only if there is an impartial expert assessment of personnel at risk. Competent work with staff will allow you to:

  • increase team efficiency, speed, quality of work processes;
  • establish feedback with dismissed personnel;
  • minimize the dissatisfaction of dismissed employees, reducing the likelihood of damage to the company’s reputation.

Rules for working with personnel assessment results

When working with the results of the selection, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  1. Confidentiality. Score sheets should not be freely available to the entire team. Information about personal and professional qualities, weaknesses and strengths of employees, positive and negative reviews can cause a deterioration in the atmosphere in the team. Data should be available to a narrow circle of people, which includes experts, personnel officers, and managers.
  2. Feedback. The results of the work performed should be announced and discussed with the employees being evaluated. This will improve efficiency, work comfort, and correct errors.
  3. Disclosure (to the company team) of the results of the quantitative assessment. Information on compliance with standards must be freely available. The competitive moment will help improve staff performance and increase the loyalty of the best employees of the month.

How to implement a personnel evaluation system

If the personnel assessment system does not lead to improvements in personnel policies, work processes, or increased work efficiency, then it will not only be useless, but also harmful. After all, appraisal procedures are stressful for every employee.

It is important to set your goals correctly. For some companies, stable operation and implementation of the plan are important, for others - maximum optimization and breakthrough victories. Criteria and ideal models are compiled for each area individually, taking into account the personal experience of managers.

How to present the evaluation system to the team

Evaluation activities are always accompanied by criticism, fears, sabotage and uncertainty about the objectivity of the situation. Despite this, checking the qualifications of personnel usually leads to a sharp increase in performance indicators.

To mitigate the negative consequences, it is important to present the procedure correctly:

  1. Conversation between management and employees. It is important to voice to the staff the goals, stages of the evaluation process, and possible prospects for personnel who have shown their best side.
  2. Written notification. Letters are sent to employees’ email or corporate chat with a detailed description of the assessment process, debunking fears, and an algorithm of actions.

Consolidation stage

After the stage of implementation of the personnel assessment system, the stage of its consolidation follows. Company managers are already accustomed to the terminology, results and evaluation methods. Some managers perceive evaluation as an additional tool of influence on subordinates and colleagues, and try to use it for internal political struggle. Others shift their management functions to personnel assessment. Insufficient sales? Let's rate the sellers. Has the delivery of project documentation been delayed? Let's evaluate the developers, etc. Here you need to stop in time and look - are you not going against your goals? If this is the case, then you should adjust your direction and stop attempts at such manipulation.

Passing this stage requires solving the following tasks:

  • Analysis of the first projects.

    Further refinement and adjustment taking into account the wishes of internal customers.

  • Establishing the rules of the game.

    It is necessary to determine who can initiate an assessment, for what purposes and in what form, etc.

  • Defining the role of internal employees

    : involving managers in assessment, forming an institute of their own appraisers.

  • Refinement of tasks

    , not resolved at the previous stage.

The first personnel assessment can be considered a testing of the system. It can be done in a pilot group. During the assessment, the main task of the HR department is to provide consulting support to employees from managers.

The methods at this stage will not differ much from the previous stage. However, at this moment it is necessary to involve internal appraisers (heads of departments), they must gain experience in conducting assessments under the guidance of personnel officers and competent specialists.

What are the criteria for assessing employee performance?

The classification of methods for assessing managers and personnel identifies the following criteria:

  1. Competency assessment. They check the skills and knowledge of the employee. They look at how quickly and efficiently the subject copes with the task. They test knowledge using tests and exams.
  2. Personal qualities. Find out the presence of personal qualities that are useful in the position held. First of all, they pay attention to conflict tolerance, sociability, responsibility, initiative, a tendency to rebel, stress resistance, and entrepreneurship.
  3. Numerical assessment of work results. They find out whether the employee copes with the standards by counting the amount of work completed. In this case, force majeure and the quality of the work performed are taken into account. The goals set must be objective and understandable.
  4. Loyalty. This is an additional criterion that is not always taken into account. It's about the employee's relationship with the company. The more loyal an employee is, the less likely he is to change companies, do his job poorly and skip work, give away production secrets, or in any other way put the company in a difficult position.
  5. Requirements with special specificity. We are talking about a special approach to the requirements for each position.

The concept of a point system for calculating salaries

With a non-tariff calculation procedure, the contribution of employees to the overall activity is assessed. One of the varieties of the non-tariff system is the point method of calculating payment.

The point order also assumes a direct dependence of a worker’s salary on his participation in general activities. The main unit for determining the volume of participation is the point. Points are assigned to workers for meeting a number of criteria. According to Art. 132 of the Labor Code for differentiation, it is allowed to use the following criteria:

  • employee qualifications;
  • complexity of the work;
  • amount of labor;
  • quality of work.

The worker's qualifications are assessed based on work experience and professional knowledge obtained as a result of special education.

It is more difficult to assess the amount of work performed, its complexity and the quality of the employee’s work using general indicators. It is advisable for the employer to independently establish such criteria, and it would be more useful to use not one, but a group of criteria.

For example, in general terms, the amount of labor of a teacher can be assessed by the total number of hours worked in the accounting period, and that of a seamstress by the number of items produced.

The quality of work must also be assessed in conjunction with the activities of the organization. For example, the quality of a seamstress’s work can be assessed by the absence or minimal amount of defects. The work of an office employee - based on positive feedback from clients, including those related to compliance with the rules of polite treatment of them (see letter of the Ministry of Labor “On establishing the obligation for employees to treat clients politely...” dated September 16, 2016 No. 14-2/B-888).

Similarly, criteria are established for assessing the complexity of work.

Methods for assessing personnel effectiveness

To obtain high-quality results and increase efficiency, teams use several evaluation methods. Among them:

  1. Certification. A commission assembled from mid-level employees, as well as personnel assessment managers (the commission usually consists of 5–11 people), checks the personal and professional data of the employee in his presence (if the employee is absent for an unexcused reason, the certification is carried out without him). The commission makes a decision on the fate of the personnel.
  2. Testing. Employees are given tests that allow them to test professional knowledge, skills, psychotype, intelligence, and motivation.
  3. Conducting interviews. A conversation is held with a person according to the script - question and answer.
  4. Expert opinions. Compilation by a group of experts of a list of qualities of an ideal and actual employee for each position.
  5. Business games. They assemble a small team of employees, in which each member receives a corresponding role. Complex or common situations for the company are simulated, from which the parties must come out with maximum benefit. This technique allows you to evaluate not only a person’s professional qualities, but also his ability to work in a small team.

A qualitative assessment of personnel will increase the efficiency of the company, increase profits, create a favorable atmosphere in the team, and reduce staff turnover. Such events will be an impetus for working towards results.

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When and who needs to conduct an independent assessment of employee qualifications?

Since July 2021, the mechanism for independent qualification assessment has been fully operational. Employers should now use it to validate workers' competencies against occupational standards. However, state and municipal institutions are only partially subject to these standards. In what cases should employees be sent for qualification assessment, and when not?

As you know, on July 1 of this year, the transition period ended, allowing employers to use other procedures for assessing the qualifications of employees and applicants than those provided for by Law No. 238-FZ (Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 238-FZ “On Independent Assessment of Qualifications”) (this is indicated in its article 11). The main way to confirm an employee’s competencies was to send him to a qualification assessment center (QAC) to pass a professional exam there. That is, assessment procedures must now be carried out not by employers themselves, but by specially created centers with trained experts on staff - due to this, independence in confirming the professional level of an employee is achieved.

is no longer the employers themselves who must carry out assessment procedures , but the CSC.

But, despite the emergence of a unified procedure for conducting an independent assessment of qualifications, the employer’s obligation to check all its employees in this way is not provided for by labor legislation. By virtue of Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer independently decides on the need to assess qualifications, based on the specifics of its own activities. The Ministry of Labor has repeatedly reminded about the voluntary nature of the procedure for employers and employees (See, for example, Information from the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 04/21/2017 “Answers to frequently asked questions on the implementation of the Federal Law of 07/03/2016 No. 238-FZ “On Independent Qualification Assessment” and the official website “Onlineinspection.rf”, section “Questions and Answers”, question dated 05/20/2019).

The qualification assessment procedure is directly related to the introduction of professional standards - the competencies of employees are checked for compliance with their provisions. Institutions have legal opportunities to send personnel to the CSC, because by 01/01/2020 they need to complete the implementation of plans for the implementation of professional standards (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/27/2016 No. 584). Among other things, plans must contain a list of local regulations and other documents of institutions (including on issues of certification, certification and other forms of assessing the qualifications of workers), which are adjusted taking into account the provisions of professional standards.

Some institutions took advantage of this opportunity and included in their plans, for example, such a personnel decision as sending employees to the CSC to confirm their qualifications meet the requirements of professional standards. Although practice shows that many still did not mention the new assessment method in their plans for introducing professional standards.

Some groups of workers for whom professional standards have been introduced should not be sent by the institution to the CSC.

There is a reason for such actions: some groups of workers for whom professional standards have been introduced should not be sent by the institution to the CSC. According to Part 3 of Art. 1 of Law No. 238-FZ, qualifications must be confirmed in a different manner if the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines the specifics of labor regulation for a particular category of workers (in particular, those related to harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions). In these cases, the procedure for assessing qualifications is established by other federal laws and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the Labor Code separately regulates the labor of the following categories of specialists who are part of the staff of many state and municipal institutions:

  • teaching staff (chapter 52);
  • scientists, heads of scientific organizations, their deputies (chapter 52.1);
  • athletes and coaches (chapter 54.1);
  • medical workers (Article 350);
  • creative workers of the media, theaters, concerts and other theatrical and entertainment organizations (Article 351).

This means that when assessing the competencies of these employees, other legislative and regulatory acts are applied. In particular, the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2014 No. 276, of March 30, 2015 No. 293, and of May 27, 2015 No. 538. And medical workers are assessed on the basis of Federal Law No. 323-FZ dated November 21, 2011 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” and Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 No. 240n. These specialists are certified, as a rule, every five years.

Thus, there is no need to send all employees without exception to an independent qualification assessment. Moreover, it is completely impossible to do this in relation to a number of categories of personnel. But when there is still a legal basis for sending an employee to the CSC (the employee’s position does not fall under the exceptions provided for in Part 3 of Article 1 of Law No. 238-FZ), the institution has the right to independently decide whether it needs to resort to assessment procedures. And if so, then the only mechanism that the institution can use will be an independent assessment of qualifications for compliance with the provisions of professional standards or qualification requirements established by federal laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation (clause 3 of Article 2 of Law No. 238-FZ).

Even if there are legal possibilities for sending workers to a CSC, in practice it is not always possible to take advantage of them. The independent assessment mechanism may not work for specific categories of specialists - qualifications may not yet be approved, and CSCs focused on the industry required by the institution and examination centers operating in cooperation with them have not been created.

Up-to-date information about approved qualifications, addresses of CSCs and other examination sites is posted in the Register of information on independent qualification assessments maintained by the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications ( According to the register as of 08/01/2019, not a single qualification has been developed in the fields of education, healthcare and culture, not a single CSC has been opened (after all, other assessment procedures are used in these areas). Qualifications for lawyers are not approved either. In turn, in the field of social protection and employment, 10 qualifications have been approved, and from 32 to 44 examination sites have been created (depending on the specific qualification).

Office (administrative, managerial, support) personnel can also be sent to a professional exam - an administrative secretary, a manager's secretary, a clerk, a human resources specialist, a labor protection specialist... But, for example, a tour guide, the head of a physical education and sports organization can undergo an independent assessment qualifications will not be able to yet: the relevant qualifications have been approved, but the CSCs are not open.

For clarity, we summarize these examples in tabular form.

Head of a physical culture and sports organization, association (qualification level 7) CSCs are not working
Trainer for general physical and special training (qualification level 5) CSCs are not working
Tour guide (qualification level 6) CSCs are not working
Head of catering service (qualification level 5) CSCs are not working
Specialist in the provision of services in the field of employment (qualification level 6) There are 44 examination sites
Chief accountant of a public sector organization (qualification level 6), accountant of a public sector organization (qualification level 5) There are 25 examination sites
Secretary-administrator (qualification level 3) There are 31 examination sites
Occupational Safety and Health Specialist (qualification level 6) There are 32 examination sites
Cook (qualification level 4) There are 7 examination sites

As you can see, examination sites do not operate in all regions and not for all qualifications (even if the latter are approved). Most of the sites have been opened in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and regions of Siberia. Therefore, if an institution intends to test the competencies of its employees through an independent qualification assessment, it will first have to find “profile” examination centers and take into account their territorial accessibility.

Preparation on the part of the employer for being sent to a professional exam and the employee passing it consists of several stages. Let's list them.

  1. By virtue of Art. 196 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when sending for an exam, the institution must obtain the employee’s written consent to undergo the assessment procedure. For this purpose, it is advisable to develop a form for notification of referral for an independent assessment of qualifications, which includes a line indicating the employee’s agreement with the employer’s decision.
  2. The same article states that an employee must be sent to the examination center in the manner determined by the collective or labor contract or agreements. That is, the referral procedure itself should be prescribed in the internal documents of the institution (this is also indicated in plans for the implementation of professional standards, if they provide for this assessment mechanism).
  3. The institution will need to conclude an agreement with the CSC on the provision of paid services and pay for these services (clauses 5, 6 of Rules No. 1204 (Rules for the qualification assessment center to conduct an independent assessment of qualifications in the form of a professional exam, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2016 No. 1204)) . The fact that the assessment is carried out at the expense of the employer (if he initiates it) is also indicated in Part 2 of Art. 4 of Law No. 238-FZ.
  4. The institution must provide the employee with the guarantees established by labor legislation - to maintain the average earnings for the period of passing the independent assessment, and when sent to an exam in another locality, to pay travel expenses.
  5. The employee submits to the CSC a written application (form approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2016 No. 706n), a copy of the passport or other identification document, as well as other documents necessary to pass the professional exam. You can submit a set of documents in person, through a legal representative or online.
  6. The CSC agrees on the date, place and time of the professional exam with the employee and employer (clause 9 of Rules No. 1204).
  7. On the appointed date, the employee is allowed to take the exam on the basis of an identification document (clause 10 of Rules No. 1204).

According to clauses 2 and 11 of Rules No. 1204, the exam uses assessment tools approved by the relevant council for professional qualifications - a set of tasks and assessment criteria. In many cases, information about assessment tools can also be found on the website (a separate section is dedicated to them).

The exam is considered successfully passed if the employee achieves a result that meets the assessment criteria determined by the assessment tools (clause 14 of Rules No. 1204). In this case, the CSC will send a set of employee documents and exam materials to the “profile” council for professional qualifications, and the council will check the information received and recognize the assessment results (clauses 15, 16 of Rules No. 1204). Then the CSC will issue the employee a certificate of qualification (the form is approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2016 No. 725n) - 30 days are allotted for this after passing the exam (clause 17 of Rules No. 1204).

The validity period of the certificate is set by the Council for Professional Qualifications depending on the pace of development of a particular profession (this information is also available on the website Thus, for the qualification “Accountant of a public sector organization” the certificate will be valid for three years, and for the qualifications “Tour guide” and “Specialist in ensuring and protecting the rights of minors” - for five years.

If the verification procedures are completed with an unsatisfactory result, the CSC will issue a conclusion on passing the exam, including recommendations for the employee (the form is approved by the above-mentioned order of the Ministry of Labor). At the same time, the employer does not have the right to terminate the employment contract with an employee who has not received a certificate of qualifications - the Ministry of Labor has also repeatedly stated this (see, for example, Information dated April 21, 2017).

The employer will be informed about the results of the exam, provided that the agreement concluded between him and the CSC provides for this. As stated in paragraph 18 of Rules No. 1204, the CSC sends the employer an electronic copy of the document issued to the employee (certificate of qualifications or conclusion of passing the exam).

By virtue of clause 2 of Requirements No. 759n (Requirements for qualification assessment centers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2016 No. 759n). educational institutions cannot be given the powers of a CSC. But they (primarily institutions of secondary vocational education) can become examination centers on the basis of which an independent assessment of qualifications is carried out.

Another form of participation is an independent assessment of the qualifications of college graduates. Pilot projects have already been implemented in a number of regions (this is described on the website The essence of the projects is that the final certification of students completing secondary vocational education programs is combined with a professional exam. In the second case, the examiners are CSC experts - representatives of employers, and assessment tools approved by the Council for Professional Qualifications are used for testing.

Graduates who successfully pass the professional exam receive two documents: a diploma of secondary vocational education and a certificate of qualification. It is expected that the combination of two procedures will allow graduates to become more competitive in the labor market, and vocational education institutions will receive new incentives to improve educational programs.

As we can see, in this procedure, vocational education institutions act not as employers, but as providers of educational services. Through independent assessment of qualifications, they can receive feedback from potential employers of their graduates and better take into account the needs of the labor market when training students. True, the conditions for the participation of vocational education institutions in pilot projects are determined at a higher level: now such agreements are concluded between the regional sectoral government body, the National Agency for the Development of Qualifications and the Council for Professional Qualifications in the relevant field.

But it is also possible to become an examination platform for the CSC, where it will send applicants intending to pass a professional exam. To do this, you need to contact the CSC itself.

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