Maternity leave in 2021 - amount of payments during maternity leave
The happy moment of the arrival of a long-awaited baby in a family brings with it not only all-consuming joy,
Features of providing paid leave to seasonal workers
Workers hired to perform seasonal work (according to Article 293 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) have the same
When is it legal to tell your employer about your pregnancy?
The best time to notify an employer of pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most magical event in a woman’s life. After a storm of emotions several
Free legal consultation
If the vacation is postponed... The procedure for transferring vacation to another date and a sample application
Norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Annual leave under Article 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is mandatory for persons under 18
In what order should annual paid leave be provided and paid to employees? Which employees have the right to choose their vacation time? What to do if the employer does not provide
There are those among us who have not gone on vacation for years. Some - because of rude
What is the first category tariff rate in 2021?
Calculation of salary by minimum wage category and minimum wage category is a value established at the legislative level.
How will salaries be calculated in 2021? Changes in the methodology for calculating the minimum wage, amendments for remote workers
What's new in payroll in 2021 was provided for in 2021 Important
Can a salary be less than the living wage: the employer’s responsibility, where to complain
Can a salary be less than the subsistence minimum and what to do if the salary is underestimated
General information The concept of a living wage The living wage is usually understood as the amount of money per person
Foreign business trip: features of recording expenses
Expenses for a business trip abroad differ from expenses for business trips within Russia. How to do it right
deduction for unworked vacation days upon dismissal
Deduction for unworked vacation days upon dismissal: accounting entry, calculation of vacation pay
The relationship between employee and employer is a rather complex process. That is why it is regulated
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