Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Sanitary services and medical support for workers

Article 223 of the Labor Code is devoted to the parameters of sanitary, household and medical provision for the needs of employees.
It is emphasized that the obligation to provide this security rests with the employer. Labor Code of the Russian Federation
dated December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ

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Key Aspects

Sanitary, medical and preventive services for workers include, for example, finishing and maintaining premises in a satisfactory sanitary condition:

  • office (workshop, warehouse) where the employee carries out his labor or official duties;
  • ​set aside for eating;
  • ​intended for hygiene procedures;
  • ​showers and equipped with washbasins;
  • ​dressing rooms, locker rooms.

Each room, depending on its purpose, has its own requirements for decoration and content, as well as size.

A common requirement is to finish the surfaces of the room with materials from which various contaminants can be easily removed. The treated surfaces should not suffer from the use of disinfectants and cleaning agents.

The walls and floors of bathrooms, showers and washbasins should be finished with ceramic tiles: they are easy to clean, do not accumulate harmful substances and, if properly treated, do not create an environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

To maintain normal sanitary conditions in office, household, warehouse and industrial premises, it is necessary to carry out periodic wet cleaning with the treatment of surfaces with which personnel come into contact with disinfectants.

All rooms must be equipped with a proper ventilation system to avoid air stagnation and the spread of bacteria.

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What else does employee security include?

  1. Providing personnel with drinking water in individual or collective containers. In practice, in order to provide staff with clean drinking water, offices and production areas are equipped with coolers. When working at high ambient temperatures, in “hot” shops, or in an open area in the summer, people should have free access to salted water. This is due to the need to restore the water-salt balance disturbed by intense sweating.
  2. Issuance of personal protective equipment (PPE). Any production process is associated with the need to protect the worker from environmental influences, mechanical damage, and contamination. The employer is obliged to provide the employee with protective clothing of his size, regardless of its purpose (protective or signal). The standards for issuing and the list of issued protective clothing depend on the nature of the work, are regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards and safety requirements and are approved by the internal act of the organization. This also applies to other personal protective equipment.
  3. Washing employer-issued workwear and cleaning other personal protective equipment. Cleaning, including chemical cleaning, is carried out by the employer at his own expense. An employee does not have the right to take PPE outside the territory of the enterprise (organization) at the end of the work shift. This is related to two aspects at once, which include sanitary and household services for workers - arrangement of dressing rooms and organization of laundry, and, if necessary, dry cleaning.
  4. Distribution of cleaning agents and disinfectants to employees engaged in work associated with contamination. Pollution, which is inevitably associated with the performance of a number of works, is classified into unstable and persistent. To wash off the former, such as dust and household dirt, soap is provided. Removing persistent contaminants, for example, fuels and lubricants, machine oil, requires the use of cleaning pastes. If work duties are carried out under conditions of biologically harmful factors, personnel are provided with disinfection means. For example, the danger of infection with brucellosis at the site of primary processing of raw materials in fur production implies the inclusion of medical alcohol in the list of products issued to workers. Working with medications and chemical compounds involves issuing a protective and moisturizing hand cream.
  5. Dispensing milk or equivalent dairy products in hazardous work. In order to prevent occupational diseases among personnel engaged in hazardous work, enterprises distribute milk, kefir or cottage cheese. This procedure involves ensuring sanitary conditions for the storage and distribution of dairy products. A refrigerator is required, and the person directly dispensing milk, even in original containers, must have a health certificate. To avoid difficulties, enterprises often replace milk at the request of employees with payment of monetary compensation equivalent to the cost of the product.

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Providing staff with therapeutic and preventive nutrition

In conditions of increased risk of occurrence and development of occupational diseases, the employer is responsible for providing staff with therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

Conditions when working with radioactive substances, ionizing radiation, as well as in metallurgical, electrical and chemical enterprises are particularly harmful. Each type of production has its own preventive diet. It is either provided as a hot breakfast or included in lunch.

Such sanitary provision for workers implies the organization at the enterprise not of a room for eating, but of a full-fledged dining room where food is prepared.

The hygienic requirement for the maintenance of a catering unit includes the procedure for storing food and the normal sanitary condition of food preparation areas. Treatment of work surfaces in such rooms with disinfectant solutions is mandatory.

Eating areas and utensils must be kept clean. Do not allow food residues to dry to the surface of the table or plates.

After washing dishes using detergents, they should be rinsed in running water twice and then doused with boiling water.

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The system of social services for workers in organizations, along with healthcare, public catering, trade, consumer services, and cultural services premises, includes sanitary facilities (dressing rooms, showers, washrooms, restrooms and women’s personal hygiene facilities).

The design of these premises must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.09.04-87 “Administrative and domestic buildings”.

Compared to other sanitary premises, dressing rooms occupy the largest area (about 40...50 percent of the total area of ​​sanitary premises), therefore the issues of rational planning and improving their performance are important. Dressing rooms are designed for storing street clothes (coats, hats, shoes), home clothes (suits, dresses, underwear) and work clothes, usually maintaining self-service conditions.

Dressing rooms, showers, washrooms and other rooms used during shift changes should be combined into wardrobe blocks.

These blocks should combine groups of production processes with similar requirements for the organization of clothing storage: separate dressing rooms for home (and street) clothes should not be blocked with common dressing rooms for storing special and home clothes, since in this case the difference in hygienic requirements for storing clothes is perceived by workers as inequality, inconvenience, which causes a spontaneous transition to storing all clothes in a common dressing room, which contributes to the transfer of particularly dirty and dangerous industrial pollution to home clothes.

It is permissible to combine different types of dressing rooms for industries with a small number of personnel, since designing dressing units with a payroll of less than 50 people is not economically feasible.

Dressing rooms in production must be separate for special groups of production processes: those causing pollution with substances of the 3rd and 4th hazard classes of the body and workwear, removed using special detergents (group 1c); occurring during excess sensible heat or unfavorable meteorological conditions, associated with exposure to moisture causing wet clothing (2c), at air temperatures up to 10 ° C, including work in the open air (2d); causing pollution with substances of hazard classes 1 and 2, as well as substances with a persistent odor (36). As an exception, it may be allowed to unite workers of groups 1b and 36, as well as 2v and 2d groups of production processes, in one dressing room, provided that their total number does not exceed 50 people.

When choosing the size of a wardrobe unit, one should proceed from both the possibility of combining workers from different groups of production processes in one unit, and from the operating conditions of the wardrobes. It is recommended that the capacity of a wardrobe block be no more than 60 places and blocks with a capacity of at least 100 people.

There are three ways to organize the storage of special and home clothing:

alternate in one cabinet compartment;

in different cabinet compartments in the same room;

in different rooms.

Storing workwear alternately in one closet is advisable only for production processes that cause minor contamination, provided that they cannot be transferred through the inner surface of the closet onto household clothes - group 1a (processes causing contamination with substances of classes 3 and 4 danger of hands only).

Storage of home and special clothing in different dressing rooms is provided for production processes with particularly strong and dangerous contaminants to prevent their possible transfer to home clothes during the changing process.

The following types of equipment are provided for storing clothes: lockable (closed) cabinets, open cabinets and hangers.

Hangers should be provided for separate storage of street clothes, and closets should be provided for joint storage with home clothes.

Household clothes should generally be stored in locked compartments in closets.

Both locked and open cabinet compartments can be used to store special clothing.

For the convenience of carrying out routine repairs of wardrobe units, it is recommended to design at least two shower rooms in one wardrobe unit.

The main type of shower cabins are open shower cabins. In order to increase ease of use, cabins in women's showers are recommended to be equipped with devices with flexible hoses or with inclined installation of nozzles above the floor level no higher than 1.6 m.

Closed showers are more comfortable, but have a lower capacity, as they are also used for drying the body. The use of closed shower cabins in industries with particularly strong or dangerous pollution is not recommended (groups 1c, 2b - processes occurring with excess sensible radiant heat). It is recommended to design closed shower cabins separately from the room with open cabins.

It is not recommended to use shower cabins with a through passage, except in cases specifically stipulated in the technological specifications or departmental standards. Shower cabins with a through passage require more space, are inconvenient to use and do not have hygienic advantages over open shower cabins.

When calculating the number of shower nets, it should be borne in mind that the estimated number of 3, 5 and 7 people per shower net assumes the use of a shower by each employee (with different washing durations). When assigning one net to 15 or 25 people, it is assumed that the shower will be used as a general hygiene procedure or for cleaning from accidental contamination by only some workers. Therefore, when designing showers for 7, 5 or 3 people per shower screen, they must be placed in a wardrobe block, taking into account the shortest convenient connections with clothing storage areas.

The doors of shower and pre-shower rooms must be self-closing to prevent water vapor from penetrating into the dressing rooms.

It is recommended to place washrooms in separate rooms adjacent to the showers. If the number of washbasins is no more than 4, it is allowed to place the washbasins in a specially designated area of ​​the dressing rooms, adjacent to the showers. It is recommended to separate the washbasin areas on the sides with partitions 1 m high. The floors under the washbasins at a distance of 0.9 m from the wall and 0.45 m from the axis of the outermost washbasin should be lined with ceramic tiles and have drains.

Lavatories in multi-storey household premises must be on each floor. If the number of employees on two adjacent floors is 30 people or less, restrooms should be located on one of the floors with the largest number. If the number of employees on three floors is less than 10 people, one restroom is allowed on three floors. A common restroom for men and women may be provided if the number of workers per shift is no more than 15 people. It is recommended to equip latrines with floor-mounted bowls. When equipping restrooms in workshops with toilets, in order to avoid their breakage, it is recommended to provide foot supports at the level of the top of the toilet.

Tray urinals are not recommended for use as they do not meet hygienic and aesthetic requirements.

Restrooms should be equipped with hooks, waste baskets and paper holders.

Premises for personal hygiene of women are intended for carrying out hygiene procedures. They include: dressing rooms, individual treatment cabins, equipped with hygienic showers with individual cold and hot water mixers, with foot start; changing areas equipped with benches with hooks above each place and a washbasin. Rooms for personal hygiene of women should be equipped with: a bidet with hot and cold water mixers, a washbasin with a cold and hot water mixer, a garbage tank, hooks for clothes and linen, a bench measuring 30x40 cm.

The cabins are tiled with ceramic tiles. A stand is installed above the pallets.

Standards for area of ​​premises per person, unit of equipment, estimated number of workers served per unit of equipment in sanitary premises should be taken as follows:

Area of ​​premises per person, m2: Wardrobes for street clothes, dispensing work clothes, rooms for heating or cooling ..……………………………………………………..0,1
Storerooms for storing clothes: with the usual composition of workwear………………………………………………………….…… expanded composition of workwear……………………………………………………….. … bulky workwear ………………..………………………………….……0,04 0,06 0,08
Premises of a centralized warehouse for workwear and personal protective equipment: for storage…………………….…………………………………………….. issuance, including fitting and fitting booths… …..……………………..0,07 0,02
Premises for duty personnel with space for cleaning equipment, smoking rooms next to restrooms or recreation areas…….…………………..0,02
Places for cleaning shoes, shaving, drying hair……….…………………………0,01
Rooms for drying, dusting or neutralizing workwear...0,15
Facilities for washing workwear, including helmets and safety footwear..….………0,3
Area of ​​premises per unit of equipment, m2:
Pre-showers with shower cabins open and with a through passage.....0,7
Tambours for restrooms with cabins……………..…………………………………..0,4

The distance from workplaces in industrial buildings to restrooms, smoking rooms, rooms for heating or cooling, half-showers, drinking water supply devices should be no more than 75 m, and from workplaces on the enterprise site - no more than 150 m.


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