The concept of full-time work when granting early retirement

  • July 4, 2019
  • Terms
  • Lazareva Valeria

The labor market allows each participant to get what he needs. In fact, it brings together employers and employees. Some need performers, others need those who are willing to pay for their work. In fact, it is as if labor is being purchased on the labor market. From this moment on, an employment relationship begins to operate between the employer and the employee, the terms of which are discussed individually. For example, some employers offer full-time work. This is an alternative to partial. We'll talk about both in this article.


Full-time employment is the performance by an employee of duties during the established working hours, which can be determined not only by law, but also by a collective or labor agreement.

While discussing this term, there are two other important concepts to discuss.

Primary employment - performing duties at the main place of work. Secondary involves part-time work. Full-time employment is actually the same as primary employment. It can be combined with other activities. However, an employee may be employed at an additional place of work for a short period of time.

What does the term mean for subjects?

Next, let's look at what full employment means for a specific person. Everything is simple here: for an employee, this term means participation in the labor process for the period provided for by law and the employment contract. Moreover, this period can be different: a month, a quarter, a year, three years, etc. Accordingly, for the work done, the employee must receive the salary established by law and the employment contract, which will satisfy his needs.

In general, everything seems simple, but you need to understand what exactly the term “participation in the labor process” means. It means the employee’s work at the enterprise, fulfilling the duties assumed, as well as receiving adequate wages for the work done. It is important to know that employment can be different:

  1. Complete and incomplete.
  2. Permanent and temporary.
  3. Conditional and partial.
  4. Shadow and secondary.
  5. Irregular and remote.

Every businessman who hires employees, as well as the employees themselves, must understand and know the difference between these types of employment. Its type must be specified in the employment contract and discussed during employment. from an employee to another type of employment, but only after approval and if there are sufficient reasons for this.


In fact, we discussed what full-time employment means for a specific, individual employee. However, it is worth noting the fact that this term is used in a broader sense and even on a state scale, while acquiring a slightly different meaning.

How to understand whether full employment in this case or not? So, on the scale of the entire state, this term will mean a situation in which absolutely the entire working population is involved in the economy, that is, there is absolutely no unemployment.

However, in practice such full employment is unattainable. At any given time, there is a certain number of unemployed citizens in the state. It may shrink or increase, but it never disappears completely.

Now you know what full employment is at work and throughout the state. If in the first case this is a really existing phenomenon, then the second option is practically unattainable in practice.

What does full employment mean for businesses?

Above, we have already figured out what full employment represents for the state and the macroeconomy. Now let's look at what this process means in business and microeconomics. It needs to be considered as a whole, without reference to an industry or any company. In microeconomics, this term implies that there are no vacancies in the field, and at the same time, enterprises operate at full capacity, attracting the maximum possible profit.

Unlike macroeconomics, in microeconomics full employment is quite acceptable. Moreover, it is often found in companies that have achieved peak performance through sound planning and sound management. At the same time, there may be unemployed people in a city, region or industry, but at a specific site all vacancies must be filled . If we look at the topic figuratively, then such enterprises can be imagined as islands that are located in a sea of ​​​​general unemployment. Moreover, unemployment can occur both among specialists in the field where enterprises operate, and in the labor force as a whole.

Full employment is unattainable due to objective reasons


So, you already know what full-time work means. However, there is an alternative concept, the name of which is part-time, or part-time, employment. What does it mean?

In this case, the employee also fulfills the duties assigned to him. However, he spends significantly less time on this than with full-time employment. As a rule, such workers work no more than twenty hours during the week.

Part-time or part-time employment can be voluntary or forced. In the first case, the employee himself seeks to reduce the number of working hours. In the second case, such a measure is considered forced, and its initiative comes from management. As a rule, the reason for this is the difficult economic situation of the enterprise, in which it is not possible to pay employees full salaries. For the latter, such a measure means a reduction in the level of wages and, accordingly, the standard of living.

Full-time or part-time classes

With the introduction of the Affordability Act (Obamacare), the definition of a full-time employee was established as an employee who spends an average of 30 hours or more per week at work.
The standard for full-time employment has generally been 40 hours per week in the past. However, many employers now view employees as full-time employees working fewer hours. i.e. more than 30 hours, 35 hours or 37 hours 5 hours. Because there are no laws governing full-time employment for compensation and benefits purposes, the organization determines how many hours per week are considered full-time employment.

Types of employment

If you take a closer look at the labor market, it turns out that in addition to full-time employment, specialists distinguish several other types. Let's take a quick look at the generally accepted classification.

  • General – involves the employment of the population in all types of jobs that are in demand in society. In fact, it includes absolutely all employees working in different fields of activity.
  • Part-time employment involves performing work activities for a period of time that is less than the established norm. In this case, payment is made in proportion to the number of hours during which the employee was engaged in performing his own duties.

  • Non-traditional employment involves temporary, seasonal or self-employment of a worker.
  • Unregulated. Such activities do not fall within the scope of official relations between the employee and the employer, that is, they are actually carried out without drawing up an agreement.

Full time in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

What does the concept of “full time” mean? In Art. 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the length of the working week is forty hours. Mathematically, you can calculate the number of working hours per day. To do this, divide 40 by 5 to get 8 hours. Certainly, this amount of time is worked by people who carry out their work functions at full time and on a five-day schedule.

The company can specify a certain number of hours and, if desired, what your work schedule will be. For example, your employee handbook may indicate 9:00 am to 6:00 pm or simply state 45 hours per week.

Supply on the labor market

Supply represents the total working-age population that is willing to exchange its own services for material rewards or other benefits. The offer depends on many factors, among which experts name the demographic situation, characteristics of work activity, the effectiveness of personnel training, as well as the established remuneration system. The type of employment plays an important role in this matter. Full-time means working for the entire shift. There is also a partial one, which can attract employees who are ready to devote several free hours a day to fulfilling their own duties.


Operating modes

Information about how many hours there are in a working week in Russia is necessary for objective calculation of remuneration for an employee. When making calculations, you should focus on the parameters of the production calendar. It takes into account days of absence from work during holidays and during the weekly rest period. The average number of working days in a month is 21 days. The indicator may be reduced if the current month includes holidays that are approved at the government level as weekends.

Supply and Demand Relationship

Another important term in the labor market is the relationship between supply and demand. The excess of one indicator over another creates some imbalance. For example, if the supply of workers exceeds the demand, not everyone can find a vacancy and unemployment appears. If, on the contrary, there are more vacancies than potential employees, there is a shortage of personnel.

In both cases, measures must be taken to correct the situation. For example, when there is unemployment, the state usually steps in. An employee who is left without work can contact the labor exchange to find the desired vacancy or receive benefits.

A shortage of personnel is, as a rule, a problem for an individual employer, who seeks to solve it using various methods. For example, some organizations attract young specialists and spend money on their further training. Some try to offer potential employees the most attractive working conditions.

Conditional and permanent employment

The term conditional employment means an option when an employee is hired for a position and an employment contract is concluded with him for a certain period or an employee is attracted under a contract agreement. It is also possible to hire through leasing (agreement with an agency) or on call. At the same time, the employee receives the payment due to him for the time worked, but the employment contract can be terminated at any time. In most cases of contingent employment, the employer is not responsible for his employee, especially if he is working through an agency.

If we talk about pure permanent employment, this term implies that the employee is hired for a long-term job. That is, in essence, the validity of his employment contract is not limited and he works as long as he fulfills his job duties and does not intend to retire. Of course, the parties can terminate the contract for one reason or another (for example, their own desire to quit or a reduction in staff), then these are more likely force majeure situations than ordinary ones.


Full employment implies the availability of a full package of benefits and social protection for the employee. At the same time, full-time employment can turn into part-time if the company is experiencing problems or financial difficulties.

An employee working under this scheme is the most protected. He receives a full salary without restrictions, he has the opportunity to train and move up the career ladder, he has the right to paid vacations, sick leave, etc. This work scheme is also beneficial for the employer. Firstly, he gets himself a motivated employee who will do everything to stay in the workplace. Secondly, staff turnover is reduced, that is, labor costs for their search and training are reduced.

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